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  • @torenkneedler9478
    @torenkneedler9478Күн бұрын

    I love how she slaps him and he is shocked. 😂

  • @freedom4mealways
    @freedom4mealwaysКүн бұрын

    I watched this movie! I believe it was Zoe who killed Ana and not the reverse. However only she and her mother know that. Everyone else thinks that Zoe died by suicide when both Zoe and Alexia know that Zoe killed Ana due to the fact that Ana cheated with Zoe's true love Scott. After Zoe killed Ana, she started to act as Ana and everyone believed she was Ana except her mother. Alexia never wanted twins in any event so she accepted Ana's death. Alexia also had zero tolerance for infidelity so she did not condemn Zoe's killing of Ana. It must be not that while Alexia knows that Zoe killed Ana and is now acting as Ana, Zoe does not know that Alexia knows this. Zoe still thinks that Alexia believes her to be Ana and that she still thinks that Alexia believes that Zoe killed herself. Why would Ana being wearing Zoey's black dress when she approached the stabbed body of her sister? Also how did Zoe have access to Ana's white dress, the dress that the stabbed to death twin was wearing? Nothing really makes sense unless Ana was the twin who was stabbed and Zoe was the one who did the stabbing. Moreover when a person is stabbed, self-inflicted or inflicted by others, that person dies quickly. Yet all are supposed to believe that Zoe stabbed herself in Ana's residence, then Ana unwittingly enters the residence, and finally Zoe dies as Ana is grieving her. This is totally nonsensical. The preceding is the only thing that makes sense. Zoe demonstrated that she would kill or frame anyone who committed infidelity. Her mother also felt this strongly when it came to infidelity. This would also explain why Zoe first started to talk to Zoe. It was because Zoe was indeed just talking to herself as she could not stand being forced to act as Ana. The preceding would more importantly explain why Zoe started to act as Zoe simply because she was Zoe. In the movie, Alexia revealed to Rebecca that Ana was David's favorite. When Zoe, acting as Ana, killed David, she told him that he should not have played favorites. This could only mean that she was indeed not Ana but Zoe. Before she made that revelation, she also revealed that David traumatized Zoe when she witnessed his activities with one of his mistresses and that traumatized Zoe. Zoe was really referring to herself as Ana would not have killed her own father because of the pain that another person, even her own twin, had experienced. Nick, before Zoe killed David, finally revealed that he now believed Ana was indeed Zoe. That is why he said to Zoe acting as Ana "Don't you get it? I cheated with you!" That is an acknowledgement that he knows that she is not Ana but Zoe. If he really believed that woman was Ana and not Zoe, he would have not said that. He now realized that the woman he cheated with and the woman he was planning to marry was indeed Zoe. Nick admits to cheating on the woman he thought was good and wholesome Ana as he admits to cheating with conniving and manipulative Zoe. Because he viewed that woman to be conniving and manipulative, he told that woman he cheated with her instead of on her because he now believes her to be Zoe due to he fact he feels that woman was indeed conniving and manipulative. Nick at that time told Alexia that the woman she called Zoey was Ana. Alexia replied she was Ana to him but Zoe to her. She further replied that woman was either identity she wanted to be. He then knew that woman could be only Zoe. He realized that Ana would only appear as Zoe to test his fidelity and that Ana would never have given him an ultimatum in his car to choose between Zoe and her. He became aware at the time Alexia called that woman Zoe that Zoe wanted to flush herself as Zoe when she gave him that ultimatum. As he looked back on it, he realized that obviously changed after he thought Ana had died but before he found out that one of the twins had died three years ago. As he continued to look back on this, he also deduced that during that same period he knew that Zoe would only act as Ana only when it was convenient for her to appear as such. He knew Zoe wanted him to cover her long enough for her to have the opportunity to finally appears as her genuine self, Zoe. It must be noted that when Zoe blackmailed Nick to choose between her and Ana, he was totally silent. His silence was admission that he at that time did not want his fiance Ana but instead he wanted Zoe. He only changed his mind after Ana broke up with him over a telephone call. When Nick saw Zoe acting as Ana when she made those pancakes, he knew one twin could easily impersonate the other without anyone really knowing except perhaps their mother. That is why he later told David that one of the twins killed the other. He told that it was also possible that his fiance Ana killed Zoe, acted as Zoe to get him to dispose of the body of Zoe, and then appeared as herself when she made those pancakes. When he heard Alexia call that woman Zoe, he knew that woman was Zoe because he believed it would have been impossible for an identical twin to fool the mother for three years. That is why he said to that woman that he cheated with her and not on her. He cheated on the the good and wholesome woman to cheat with the conniving woman. That woman he was talking to was the latter only. In the end, Zoe acting as Ana finally confessed to Alexia that Ana had an affair with Zoe's true love and that caused Zoe to kill herself. Alexia just goes along with it and she even tells Zoe acting as Ana that she would tell this to Zoe. Alexia is revealing that she too wants to believe that her dead daughter is alive.

  • @freedom4mealways
    @freedom4mealwaysКүн бұрын

    I watched this movie! I believe it was Zoe who killed Ana and not the reverse. However only she and her mother know that. Everyone else thinks that Zoe died by suicide when both Zoe and Alexia know that Zoe killed Ana due to the fact that Ana cheated with Zoe's true love Scott. After Zoe killed Ana, she started to act as Ana and everyone believed she was Ana except her mother. Alexia never wanted twins in any event so she accepted Ana's death. Alexia also had zero tolerance for infidelity so she did not condemn Zoe's killing of Ana. It must be not that while Alexia knows that Zoe killed Ana and is now acting as Ana, Zoe does not know that Alexia knows this. Zoe still thinks that Alexia believes her to be Ana and that she still thinks that Alexia believes that Zoe killed herself. Why would Ana being wearing Zoey's black dress when she approached the stabbed body of her sister? Also how did Zoe have access to Ana's white dress, the dress that the stabbed to death twin was wearing? Nothing really makes sense unless Ana was the twin who was stabbed and Zoe was the one who did the stabbing. Moreover when a person is stabbed, self-inflicted or inflicted by others, that person dies quickly. Yet all are supposed to believe that Zoe stabbed herself in Ana's residence, then Ana unwittingly enters the residence, and finally Zoe dies as Ana is grieving her. This is totally nonsensical. The preceding is the only thing that makes sense. Zoe demonstrated that she would kill or frame anyone who committed infidelity. Her mother also felt this strongly when it came to infidelity. This would also explain why Zoe first started to talk to Zoe. It was because Zoe was indeed just talking to herself as she could not stand being forced to act as Ana. The preceding would more importantly explain why Zoe started to act as Zoe simply because she was Zoe. In the movie, Alexia revealed to Rebecca that Ana was David's favorite. When Zoe, acting as Ana, killed David, she told him that he should not have played favorites. This could only mean that she was indeed not Ana but Zoe. Before she made that revelation, she also revealed that David traumatized Zoe when she witnessed his activities with one of his mistresses and that traumatized Zoe. Zoe was really referring to herself as Ana would not have killed her own father because of the pain that another person, even her own twin, had experienced. Nick, before Zoe killed David, finally revealed that he now believed Ana was indeed Zoe. That is why he said to Zoe acting as Ana "Don't you get it? I cheated with you!" That is an acknowledgement that he knows that she is not Ana but Zoe. If he really believed that woman was Ana and not Zoe, he would have not said that. He now realized that the woman he cheated with and the woman he was planning to marry was indeed Zoe. Nick admits to cheating on the woman he thought was good and wholesome Ana as he admits to cheating with conniving and manipulative Zoe. Because he viewed that woman to be conniving and manipulative, he told that woman he cheated with her instead of on her because he now believes her to be Zoe due to he fact he feels that woman was indeed conniving and manipulative. Nick at that time told Alexia that the woman she called Zoey was Ana. Alexia replied she was Ana to him but Zoe to her. She further replied that woman was either identity she wanted to be. He then knew that woman could be only Zoe. He realized that Ana would only appear as Zoe to test his fidelity and that Ana would never have given him an ultimatum in his car to choose between Zoe and her. He became aware at the time Alexia called that woman Zoe that Zoe wanted to flush herself as Zoe when she gave him that ultimatum. As he looked back on it, he realized that obviously changed after he thought Ana had died but before he found out that one of the twins had died three years ago. As he continued to look back on this, he also deduced that during that same period he knew that Zoe would only act as Ana only when it was convenient for her to appear as such. He knew Zoe wanted him to cover her long enough for her to have the opportunity to finally appears as her genuine self, Zoe. It must be noted that when Zoe blackmailed Nick to choose between her and Ana, he was totally silent. His silence was admission that he at that time did not want his fiance Ana but instead he wanted Zoe. He only changed his mind after Ana broke up with him over a telephone call. When Nick saw Zoe acting as Ana when she made those pancakes, he knew one twin could easily impersonate the other without anyone really knowing except perhaps their mother. That is why he later told David that one of the twins killed the other. He told that it was also possible that his fiance Ana killed Zoe, acted as Zoe to get him to dispose of the body of Zoe, and then appeared as herself when she made those pancakes. When he heard Alexia call that woman Zoe, he knew that woman was Zoe because he believed it would have been impossible for an identical twin to fool the mother for three years. That is why he said to that woman that he cheated with her and not on her. He cheated on the the good and wholesome woman to cheat with the conniving woman. That woman he was talking to was the latter only. In the end, Zoe acting as Ana finally confessed to Alexia that Ana had an affair with Zoe's true love and that caused Zoe to kill herself. Alexia just goes along with it and she even tells Zoe acting as Ana that she would tell this to Zoe. Alexia is revealing that she too wants to believe that her dead daughter is alive.

  • @adibenzion
    @adibenzionКүн бұрын

    they’re so in love

  • @muhammadazlan4220
    @muhammadazlan4220Күн бұрын


  • @yaronkl
    @yaronklКүн бұрын

    I really enjoyed watching it. Love Catherine ❤

  • @_robustus_
    @_robustus_Күн бұрын

    This looks cheap and thrown together.

  • @arianastachoski9920
    @arianastachoski9920Күн бұрын

    Not the comments ruining the whole plot of the movie

  • @DJR1187
    @DJR1187Күн бұрын

    lol why are you making a shitter version of an already existing trailer? Some people are nuts.

  • @dc-scorpio4577
    @dc-scorpio4577Күн бұрын

    Note:Before taking group picture dont give camera to axiety😂

  • @KellyV-uv6mh
    @KellyV-uv6mhКүн бұрын

    Great movie!

  • @bubblesbunnyful
    @bubblesbunnyfulКүн бұрын

    Great movie!!

  • @PopperKing-pn9hz
    @PopperKing-pn9hzКүн бұрын

    Nah leave him bro i know it’s a joke but bro definitely star stucked

  • @user-oc2ju7ee5n
    @user-oc2ju7ee5nКүн бұрын

    ❤❤❤❤❤ This movie 🍿🎥 must see brought me to tears & I thought I was tuff 😎😂

  • @jonathanmendoza2319
    @jonathanmendoza2319Күн бұрын

    Make Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes 2 In 2025 Film With Young George Taylor Apperence And Meeting With Mae

  • @Demonetization_Symbol
    @Demonetization_SymbolКүн бұрын

    I like this

  • @khankake9576
    @khankake9576Күн бұрын

    Beverly Hills Cop 4 looks better

  • @aidenohair9361
    @aidenohair9361Күн бұрын

    Im going toake this bucket drizzle

  • @seanlauer9222
    @seanlauer9222Күн бұрын

    🥲 It’s so DAMN Beautiful

  • @LarryD
    @LarryDКүн бұрын

    OMG. If this is real… PLEASE TAKE MY MONEY NOW!

  • @giyuutomioka6974
    @giyuutomioka6974Күн бұрын

    Just imagine if you keep this thing in your room and you go to sleep and wake up and nearly have a heart attack from seeing the wolverine popcorn bucket at the foot of your bed.

  • @danielstrange9794
    @danielstrange9794Күн бұрын

    That's arguably worse than the Sandworm design.

  • @user-dv4fi7hm8e
    @user-dv4fi7hm8eКүн бұрын

    I think thats apart of the joke

  • @geegeestrawn2517
    @geegeestrawn2517Күн бұрын

    Omg i can't wait ❤❤❤

  • @Ab3ja
    @Ab3jaКүн бұрын


  • @jasonbuckley7623
    @jasonbuckley7623Күн бұрын

    Lol I’m good on this I don’t wanna be fisting wolverines face

  • @VenCorbin
    @VenCorbinКүн бұрын

    i gotta get me this popcorn bucket. lol

  • @iosonoxkrxmovxi
    @iosonoxkrxmovxiКүн бұрын


  • @PhukTrump2024
    @PhukTrump2024Күн бұрын


  • @kyliesitcheron8522
    @kyliesitcheron8522Күн бұрын

    Oh no my god 😂🤣

  • @valengdper
    @valengdperКүн бұрын


  • @immortalkiller7831
    @immortalkiller7831Күн бұрын

    One of the rare sequal trilogie that are as good as the original

  • @user-pw1xm9er4z
    @user-pw1xm9er4zКүн бұрын

    Lubię jak Amerykanie się mną zajmują pozdrawiam shepherd

  • @JoseChavez-ct1db
    @JoseChavez-ct1dbКүн бұрын

    I'm sure they tried to give the real life Mike and Dave lines to say in the movie, but they couldn't pull it off so they just had to go with give cousin Terri a weird look after the Terry sandwich comment.

  • @markerspace9852
    @markerspace98522 күн бұрын

    who could resist Nicole kidman

  • @jitsapprentice4034
    @jitsapprentice40342 күн бұрын

    What an absolute crap movie, geez you lefties can’t even make a movie anymore.

  • @GolDFish-if1ov
    @GolDFish-if1ov2 күн бұрын

    Incredibles 3 please 🙏

  • @xXTPXxOfficial
    @xXTPXxOfficial2 күн бұрын

    Its moanas daughter

  • @chasehedges6775
    @chasehedges67752 күн бұрын

    Dude is a fantastic actor I’m currently watching him in The American and he’s just wonderful in it

  • @Cool_Paper
    @Cool_Paper2 күн бұрын

    Dang : 0

  • @FairyCoreEliana
    @FairyCoreEliana2 күн бұрын


  • @serkancolak1611
    @serkancolak16112 күн бұрын


  • @filmmajor-qx3ys
    @filmmajor-qx3ys2 күн бұрын

    I would be very interested in hearing other interpretations of the last shot in Garcia’s Last Days in the Desert. I have my own idea but whatever Garcia’s meaning, I feel that it is going to be missed by most viewers.

  • @Joker-et2je
    @Joker-et2je2 күн бұрын

    So Hollywood now with this Woman 👩🏻 Power/Feminism movement Every movie 🎥 like that now‼️

  • @user-ff1ry9is4s
    @user-ff1ry9is4s2 күн бұрын


  • @wonderscall6486
    @wonderscall64862 күн бұрын

    That does not even look like Moana

  • @lol_me8127
    @lol_me81272 күн бұрын

    Her face looks messed up

  • @harperschaller6696
    @harperschaller66962 күн бұрын

    Why dose she look like that 🗿

  • @GageS-qc3tp
    @GageS-qc3tp2 күн бұрын

    Why does that sound like the Netflix thing?

  • @8-bitbass
    @8-bitbass2 күн бұрын

  • @RefugioVillegasIII
    @RefugioVillegasIII2 күн бұрын

    I'll go to see this in theaters. Now Keanu Reeves and Liam Neeson should do a film together. That'll be awesome.