Nanas Cauldron

Nanas Cauldron

This is my second channel for readings for those times I am called to just pick up a deck and read, for collectives and occasional pick a cards. I really look forward to taking this journey with you and exploring the light and shadow that is so beautiful within us all. Readings will be when Im called to do them on whatever topics come through. I hope you enjoy. 💖

Nana 🐝

For those interested I do have a pick a card channel @tarottoucheshearts where I have love and other readings 🧡

⭐️ Disclaimer *All Readings are for entertainment purposes only.. .never make important life decisions based on any tarot reading. Readings can never take the place of professional advice.

Virgo Tarot Reading Today

Virgo Tarot Reading Today

Tarot Reading for Pisces

Tarot Reading for Pisces


  • @cerealboxlabels
    @cerealboxlabelsСағат бұрын

    Pile 3..i just signed up for a painting course. I wanted to do some intuitive painting. Thank u for e messages

  • @YogaNidra_808
    @YogaNidra_80823 сағат бұрын

    Your readings are so spot on. I love watching you dive into what first seems vague and then hit a profound truth. Thank you for sharing your gifts!

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron19 сағат бұрын

    Hi YogaNidra , I appreciate you being here and your beautiful comment . Spirit is truly amazing in the way it brings messages to us 🙏💕

  • @eternalbean9866
    @eternalbean98662 күн бұрын

    I love you, lady! Thank you!!

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    Love to you too sweet soul and thank you so much for your support 💖💖

  • @Intuitive.Inspiration
    @Intuitive.Inspiration2 күн бұрын

    Pile 2❤ I have goosebumps thank you for putting words to what I’ve felt and for helping me feel understood❤ wow! I love tarot and oracle for this exact reason.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    Thank you it’s so lovely to connect with you here. I also love when tarot and oracle give that sense of connection and even goosebumps 💖🐝

  • @quietname
    @quietname2 күн бұрын

    Nana 🐝 Well there it is, in pile 3. The space between. Especially marked when you said, “there’s been a little bit of a gap between you and pile 2.” Yes, this is my pile. Yes, so so helpful. Yes, I know what this creation is. And I am absolutely stunned. Let me convey my understanding by starting with the dream I had last night. I was at a large mall with 2 friends from my distant past. Friends I’ve lost contact with because of life changing directions. We were meeting for coffee at a mall coffee shop that looked like a Starbucks. The mall was very busy. We stood in a long line. When we reached the counter the three of all ordered the same thing. Then we moved away and waited for the order. I noticed a large window behind us and walked over to it. It was a glorious view of the sea. With a skyline in the distance, including a large bridge. Closer to me was a sea vessel that looked like a submarine but I knew it was a spacecraft of some sort. Not an earthcraft. I took my phone out to video it. I realized I had the phone on portrait and I wanted to make a KZread video out of this sight and turned it 45 degrees to landscape. I kept my focus on this sight until it grew dark outside and the vessel withdrew fully underwater. I was thrilled to have captured the moment. That’s when I noticed I didn’t hit the record button. There was no video in my photos of the scene. I turned away from the windows, headed to Starbucks, utterly disheartened (4 of cups). Then I noticed the mall was closed and my friends had left (4 of cups). The baristas were still working, finishing up the final orders and cleaning. I walked to the counter to get my drink and treat. Only they didn’t have it. And they didn’t believe me I ordered it. They wanted proof, asking for my receipt. Which I didn’t have. They were snarky. Because what their true agenda was to be done with the day. And unless I was willing to go through hoops, I would be denied. I saw the woman who took the order. She was memorable because she had long red hair. I approached, “do you remember me,” She smiled warmly, “of course, because you had a triple order.” (Since me and my friends all ordered the same.) I felt a glimmer of hope. But it was fleeting because her coworker, the one who’d given me a hard time, was telepathically communicating to her, and I saw in an instant the redhead shifted her energy towards me. And I knew there was no hope here. They also called security ready to up the pressure if i continued to press for my order. It felt so deeply unjust and familiar and I knew there was nothing I could do (apathy and 4 of cups) I see this dream connected to pile 3’s message. Especially as you pulled the Melusina card. I love that you shared how you work with your cards. That you discover them initially without external influence, including the creator’s. It’s a similar approach to you sharing your creation (this channel and its content) by including the statement “take what resonates.” We are here to influence each other, that is what mutualism is about. The sharing of gifts, providing nutrients through connectedness. Yet there is also agency needed in the passing of nutrients. Which is precisely what you demonstrate with your card relationship process. It’s how we can inspire creation between one another. By accessing your own meaning, you fill in the symbolism. Like putting flesh on a bone. To exemplify this further, when I dove into this Melusina card meaning, I discovered it represents the mermaid, the nymph, the siren. These mythical beings that span two worlds, the sea and air. They are lusted after by seamen (note the double entendre moving through this card…seamen and nymphs). Pirates are warned to not fall for the siren’s song for fear the captain will loose his crew to this energy because he needs them to conquer foreign lands to pillage the treasures. I recognize there is a narrative running through the collective to re-wild. To allow the animal body audacious freedom to express. We observe nature as raw and chaotic. And we become inspired by this observation. Biomimicry emerged from the awareness nature holds intelligence we had not recognized through our perception of reality. The same perception that thinks wild is chaotic and raw. That perception is ethnocentric. What biomimicry has discovered is nature is actually quite disciplined and orderly. And nature does have proving within its system. So what then is wilding truly about? It is about curiosity. It’s about observing with the desire to open the mind. It’s about the between. And the keepers of this space, is Melusima. A well known neuro-psychiatrist, Dan Siegel, shared an experience he had falling off a horse and being drug a distance before he was discovered, unconscious with a traumatic brain injury. This happened while he was in medical school. Not the best time to harm the brain. Yet, the injury set him on a new trajectory. Because of the brain injury he needed to use bottom up processing. This is not something we experience post childhood. Things an adult would not question, like a dog, became an entirely new thing to his brain. While other parts of his brain were still fully intact and knowing he should know it is a dog. What he experienced is what Buddhism calls a beginner mind. That is what I consider as wild. The willingness to explore with wonder. Like a child, while fully aware you are not a child and will have preconceived notions of what things are. Which is where relationships come it. To help us identify our tamed mind that could be blocking expansion. How I see all of this connected to my dream which is connected to this reading is about that interesting interaction between the “real world” as demonstrated by Starbucks, my friends and my camera. And the unseen world as demonstrated by the spacecraft and me. That I knew in this liminal space for this sighting to hold validity I needed proof. Proof either with a receipt or with a video. Neither of which I had and became very defeated by this reality. We have made an attribution error between proof and acceptance and between wild and chaos. Which is absolutely understandable because it’s really frustrating to experience injustice like I did in my dream and not feel compelled to rally the troops and make some noise. But sadly, that tactic has been tried for eons and all that does is change the hands of the powers that be. Thank you so so much nana 🐝 for conveying this message. It absolutely gave me clarity on an extension of some guidance that came in yesterday. There is a tarot reader I follow who I deeply cherish. She has just started her channel and I came upon her about the same time I discovered you. This was her reading yesterday And your reading filled it in like adding flesh to the bones ❤️

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    Hello there so I read your first comment a little earlier and was reflecting on it thinking I will start my day and respond with my morning coffee and then I see this pop up . Yes yes and yes p3 is exactly what came to me yesterday as I was watching your most recent video but I did not of course want to influence your choice of piles . The spaces between , transitional energies and doorways all came to mind. I enjoy the way you describe the coffee incident . Yes it’s a horrible feeling when we know injustice is playing out and that others decide to willingly tie their blindfold and partake in it , but it’s a feeling that I recognise as playing out across so many scenarios. Thank you so much for this comment . Your final line about the flesh and the bones is taking me straight back to the song yellow , which hold very specific significance to me at this time and I feel called to mention it . I am interested to watch the reader you link as i feel there will be depth and connection here as you are extremely intuitive . Working in reverse here and off to find your earlier comment 💕🐝

  • @quietname
    @quietname2 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldron The coffee incident was a liminal incident meaning it was a dream. I’m not sure if that got lost in all these words 😂. Although it would have been super cool to see a spacecraft in the water in this reality! “And your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful” I totally geeked out on looking deep into Yellow by Coldplay and was so excited by what I found. First, on the b-side or 🐝 side😂 of Yellow is: "Help Is Round the Corner" "No More Keeping My Feet on the Ground" I loved this clue. Because it is my experience of you. You lift me/us up with your gift. Then I looked into the songs emergence. So this may not be new for you. Martin explained, one night after finishing recording “Shiver” the band took a break and went out of the studio. Outside, there were few lights on and the stars in the sky were visible and "just amazing.” While composing the song's lyrics, Martin could not find the right words. He was thinking of a specific word, which he deemed a missing keyword in the lyrics, to fit the song's concept. He looked around the studio and saw the Yellow pages. Martin went on to further explain that the word "yellow" has absolutely no meaning whatsoever and while writing the rest of the song he tried his best to change "yellow" to something else since every lyric before yellow made no sense but in the end the word "yellow" just sounded right. And here is how the intuitive creative process works. We pull something in because it was just there, not knowing its meaning and then suddenly it sky rockets. I just think it shows how magical the unseen works. Martin thinks it’s totally random. The yellow pages. Haha. Yellow like the sun. Pages like the pages in tarot. And the book of numbers, how to contact people. A list of people. It’s just amazing. How the stars are represented in each of us. What a coded song! I can totally understand the draw. And thank you for drawing it to my attention ❤️

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    Oh wow that’s such an interesting story about yelllow. I hadn’t heard that but I have always loved the song and felt there was something very special about it and recently you may have heard me mention it was sung by someone I love . It has been an echo in my head lately and when you wrote those words earlier , the volume went right up 🫶 Oh yes I did see it was a dream when I originally read it and then somehow in my mind was connecting it with a real life incident ( not the spaceship ) but rather the experience with those working there and was even thinking of a very particular coffee shop in the city here and it playing out 😂 Incidentally I really enjoyed the reading you linked, thank you 🙏 🐝

  • @quietname
    @quietname2 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldron haha that’s so funny about the coffee incident. Because I could easily be real life. I love the weaver connection! Yes. Exactly that. It was wonderful to hear that come up in the reading. A creativity that emerges through conversation. Because creators are in every sector of life. They are CEOs, garbage collectors and baristas. I mean some of the lattes I’ve had have the most amazing milk designs. I think it was your grandchild who sang yellow??? Which would be very meaningful. I wonder what the song meant to them. I did see you found Amanda and I loved loved your comment. My heart expanded times 10 with “friend.” You know what I am giggling about? I’m imagining a rather curious person sleuthing our threads, which has now popped us to another world (Amanda’s) channel. How fun I would find it to follow the thread and discover what magic is revealed through our conversations. 🤣

  • @quietname
    @quietname2 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldron haha, I just commented on the other thread thinking I commented here. I think I just dropped a stitch! Now there will be a tiny little flaw in the weave. Which I love! It just shows we are not AI. Oh, and here comes an interesting thought about AI. I sense AI is going to prove out spirit. AI is binary. It’s a collection of 0s and 1s and if and then. It is fast. It is intelligent. But what will show up in the gap, what shows up in the shadow, will be the space between. The lack of errors. The lack of intuition. Will become so obvious it will be undeniable. And it will free the collective from the clock giving space for this to be observed. Haha, so that was a random thread that just snuck in! 🤪

  • @qqing-yq5nr
    @qqing-yq5nr2 күн бұрын

    Thank you, teacher. The accurate solution of the cards has brought me strength and good luck.😊♎♎♎🎉

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    Many blessings to you beautiful soul 💖💖

  • @qqing-yq5nr
    @qqing-yq5nr2 күн бұрын

    Thank you for your powerful reading😊🎉♎😊

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    You are so welcome 💖🐝

  • @qqing-yq5nr
    @qqing-yq5nr2 күн бұрын

    Thank you, teacher, for your wisdom in solving the cards, which brought me strength and luck.😊

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    Thank you for connecting with this channel and your beautiful kindness and support It’s so lovely you are here 💖🫶

  • @dawnb2267
    @dawnb22673 күн бұрын

    Thank you❤ Card 3, resonated a lot. Appreciate your beautiful reading & spiritual insight. I just got subscribed, hit like 👌 too.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    Thank you so much for your love and your support, i appreciate you too 🙏💖

  • @quietname
    @quietname3 күн бұрын

    Nana🐝 Good morning (for me) although for you it’s well into night. I saw the beautiful flower on your table and thought, is it a gardenia? But it can’t be, it’s winter and the structure looks different. I chose pile 1. As soon as you placed the first card, tears moved up from my sacral chakra towards my eyes. They didn’t make it through my eyes, because I paused the video. “What’s coming through?” I stilled internally to put myself in the right place to receive what was clearly going to be a deep message. When you started the interpretation I initially felt resistance, “oh, this may not be my pile, because I don’t think things didn’t turn out like I wanted.” This was confirmed when you talked about the reverse tower? That I’ve moved passed it. So then I went a bit deeper and oh my, did a memory get uncovered when you said the people falling out of the tower. I was brought back to 9/11. I remember seeing some sort of seismic study that showed a significant spike of earth’s electromagnetic field when this event happened. For me, these events trigger me on a spiritual level with a response like “something isn’t working.” It came up again with the pandemic. I witness these collective events, see the impact, then watch it repress, and the cycle continues. The next two cards, 3 of wands and 2 of cups meant to me, the solution resides in intimacy. It’s believing in the seed level that shifts the entire forest. “There maybe one important connection that stands out here,” yes. This made me think of the hundredth monkey: There’s this intuitive knowing that the few can influence the whole. The few in intimate connection can impact the tribe. These were the shamans, the witches, the seers, who held the larger vision while others were vital in its actualization. I do feel this link you are picking up on. And yes! I do feel overlooked. I feel denied. Wow! Here come the tears. The video you watched yesterday on my channel, was a very significant turning point for me. Up until the seer I felt contained but confused. I was successful, and on all accounts living the dream. But it wasn’t my dream. It was the dream I was sold. And something felt off. But it was so abstract. In my youth, I walked away from all esoteric and spiritual practices because they all felt lacking. The day I met her, I looked refined and put together. I appeared open. But internally my arms were crossed over my heart center. Very guarded, but only perceptible by the ones who can see beyond the surface. Because the surface I perfected. As you saw from that reading, she saw it all. This was my birth. But in that birth I became aware of why this awareness of me was out of my reach. Because once I claimed me, I became aware of how denied I was. Event upon event made it very clear of this very subtle form of rejection. So I pulled a 5 of pentacles and allowed this denied reflection to lead me to isolation. Which gave me the space to put it all together. I still participated in the world. But in a very controlled and contained manner. And I still followed the rules because I need food just like everyone else. That’s when the book came through. Which has moved into this new enterprise. On Friday I had a biweekly call with a very dear friend of mine. He’s in his 80s and to everyone around him believe he’s transitioning to the other side. He was my supervisor when I was doing my residency for my license 20 years ago and was the director of the clinical counseling department at the university. A few years ago he dropped into my field relentlessly. We hadn’t been in touch for years. I tried for months to reach him. I feared he had passed. I finally found a mutual connection and was relieved to be back in contact. But he did indeed pass, he had a near death experience. And he’d been recovering since. Still in recovery although he’s in hospice because they’ve deemed him in this phase. That’s not what we think. But that’s a story for another time. The point of this story was about the book. He’s known me for decades so I didn’t think anything in the book I recently published would be a surprise to him. When we talked on Friday he had read the book in a matter of days. Which stunned me given his current physical condition. I thought he would need one of his care team to read the book to him, which would take months to get through given its length. It’s nearly 500 pages! Nope, he read the entire book by himself in days. But what stunned me next was his statement, “I’ve known you all these years, nothing in this book surprised my, yet it absolutely surprised me once I saw it all put together.” That was what I missed intellectually, but knew intuitively. It has boggled my mind how denied I feel while simultaneously seen. Just to give a couple examples, it’s like someone recognizes me as a leader but wants me to lead as a follower. As in, lead to their standards. Or, I am indeed, kind, nurturing and capable of bearing your children but, I am so much more than that. It’s like pieces of me are seen, but the entirety of me is not. And not seeing my entirety feels forsaken. What is so confusing about this particular forsaken is I can’t say someone mistreated me. To the contrary. I feel very wanted. While simultaneously rejected because the whole of me is not perceived. And I also understand why they cannot perceive because of the collective mindset of this surface reality that leads to 9/11 events. But when you commented on that video on my channel yesterday, like my dear seer friend who was featured in the video, i felt that future horizon in the 3 of wands and the pinky promise in the 2 of cups. Then you pulled the bee! 🐝 manifestation. Yes, I appreciate the confirmation that it hasn’t been in my control. There is a level of manifestation that is through connection with others. Most are manifesting on a personal level. When I think of the bee, I think of the hive. That bees move in a collective. To me, the bee symbolizes this ability or knowing of a collective manifestation. What a powerful symbol you’ve chosen for your name. Btw, when you announced your name change I looked into the etymology of nana. Beyond what I’m sure you knew, the connection to grandmother, it’s also connected to nanny. Who is considered a teacher and caregiver to the young. So when I connect the nana and the bee what I came to with the bee clue today is the teacher and nurture of hive manifestation. You have been so generous in reading all my comments, joining my channel, commenting on my channel, and actually watch my videos, I feel you taking me to heart. And I know I’m not the only one you are doing this with. That is who you are. And how I benefit from your presence is the forsaken starts to dissolve as the ship is heading past the rocky waters towards the horizon to meet the pinky promise of that 2 of cups. It is accurate I do understand that people are drawn to me because of that light. And they haven’t been able to stay committed. And it has truly been disheartening. Because of a vision I hold on a very large scale that address these spikes on the seismographs of the earth’s electromagnetic field. That is on a seed level. I’ve withdrawn so much because of this repeated betrayal. That no one intended to do. Because they actually don’t see or understand their betrayal. They don’t understand how denying all of me is a betrayal. They don’t understand forcing me into a smaller version of myself to fit nicely into their existence isn’t the point. I’m not here to keep this perception of reality in play. You are so right no one takes my light. But what they do is allow the light to rejuvenate them so they can get back out there and repeat the cycle. “There is something about the shift in energy” I’m thankful you said this, and that these people will still come. Because that “coming” will cause me to doubt my decision to come out of my cave. I truly appreciate the perspective you have given in this reading. I was also drawn to pile 3 so I’m headed over there to see what else wants to be conveyed. Thank you so so much for being here. I truly enjoy spending this time with you ❤️

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    Here it is... Im so glad to know that p1 held messages for you. So true, It would have been divine to have a gardenia but it is like you say , wayyy to wintery here right now for them to bloom, so I was blessed with a rose instead. you win some / you win some 💜 The connections you make to the tower card and the collective are amazing and I truly love your ability to express these links. This is when the messages really speak, in the ways they connect to each persons intuition. So then I go to the hundred Monkey project and boy does that makes sense , it feels so right, like a knowing we are born with but deny because wheres the data right? wheres the day at school that we learn about that ? ! Like you say 'this intuitive knowing that the few can influence the whole'....and that in itself is an incredible thing. Im also called to reflect on how this intuitive knowing'is also the reason so many independent and creative thinkers have been rejected, repressed and shunned. Through a fear of their ability to influence the masses ? And then I get to your personal reflections about what it is to be seen , whilst feeling simultaneously unseen and it occurs to me that the way in which we process this matters and that this can be the key to unlocking the intuitive knowing mentioned above for the few who see it and dare to take it in their hands and turn it.... you're holding those keys for sure. It makes me so happy that this channel and I can be a conduit for the messages that want to be under the microscope at any given time for us all. I appreciate you so very much. 💞

  • @quietname
    @quietname2 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldron there’s something I’ve been observing and still observing. There are a few tarot readers on KZread I follow. First, they just came into my field in the past few months. Which I find remarkable. I’ve had personal relationships for years with readers, since I am a reader as well. It never occurred to me there would be readers online. Which now astonishes me it never occurred to me. But once they dropped in, it was like a flood gate opened. But what I’ve noticed is the “collective” on any given channel. The larger the followers the less I resonate with the message. What I mean by that, is I need to filter more. It sounds really loud to me. I still find wonderful messages, but it does require more filters. But then there’s two of you. The two who have a more intimate space. And I feel so much more space because of that. And consequently I participate heavily. On the other channels I comment very little if at all. But what is interesting is I notice the messages from you two feel like personal readings. It’s like the unseen is saying, “we’ve got a live wire here, send in the blast!” And then these deep, complex messages pass that blow my mind. For example, pile 3 today was uncanny how it paralleled the reading you saw on my channel. And you sensed this as well while simultaneously not wanting to influence my choice. Yet I was still drawn independent of your intuitive sense. This also happened with the other reader I just sent you the link to on Friday! She too felt that one of the piles was specifically for me. What was really amazing was how many others also resonated with that pile. So something seems to be going on here. Some sort of collaboration uniting and creating some seriously incredible synchronicities! I just wanted to bring that here and mark it and see what happens now! Because this is crazy fun and exhilarating 🌈

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    I love these threads , as they feel to be that and the way they seem to be weaving their way through the collective. It’s truly amazing isn’t it . There are also so many times they become apparent for me personally too as you have seen throughout our conversations. It’s all there for those who care to see . I appreciate your messages and participation greatly and I see what you give out also and how you share your love and passion with us all . I guess it’s hard to know who reads our conversation and or on what timeline but I do feel like doors are opening and the collective is finding one another.

  • @MsJenny-Energy
    @MsJenny-Energy3 күн бұрын

    ❤️‍🩹 Pile 2: Wounded warrior for every being over here! 💃🏻❤️‍🔥🐦‍🔥 Thank you so much, Nana!!! Love you! 🥰

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron2 күн бұрын

    Hi Ms Jenny I love you too beautiful soul and thank you for being here 💖🐝

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron3 күн бұрын

    Timestamps 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:09 P1 Tarot of Oneness and Selenite Egg 00:40:26 P2 Naked Heart Tarot and Amethyst 01:12:43 P3 The Unfolding Path Tarot and Moonstone Thank you for joining me beautiful soul. I hope you enjoyed this reading . You can find more of my readings including love and pick a cards on my other channel @tarottoucheshearts Notes The statues in the Moon Cards re Jackals which connect with Anubis the Egyptian God of the afterlife. This may have very personal meaning to you or may be something that you connect with on a very personal level .A couple of things that come to mind for me are seeing beyond the veil, crossing a point of knowledge and understanding where things are revealed and understood perhaps. Forsaken - to given up, abandoned, left behind . I feel so called to add here that you are never truly forsaken because your Guides , Angels and the Divine (in whatever of its myriad names you call it ) is always there, always. 💜

  • @joannec9068
    @joannec90688 күн бұрын

    Wow ok. At first I wasn't sure what manifestation this was referring too. Then you said the word 'procrastination', I knew it was referring to me going back to college. I have always doubted my abilities wondering if I can achieve this. Then during the ad break, an ad popped up from the college I want to go to! I have never seen it before. I almost feel like laughing. Blown away by your accuracy once again. Thank you ❤

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron8 күн бұрын

    Thank you so much for your beautiful comment Joanne , it means so much to me that you are here . This channel feels like such a small intimate space and I just love that the message can be helpful . So much love to you 💖🐝

  • @quietname
    @quietname9 күн бұрын

    Nana🐝🪆 I went back and listened again. This time with a zoomed out lens. I want to share some things I noticed from this message. Your preface conveyed a vulnerability that demonstrates the “birth” of this new world. You shared you thought about not posting because it felt too personal. Which I think is a clue. A clue in defining this new world we have entered but currently feels foreign. I’ve heard the term new earth, so I’ll just use that for ease of communication. This personal vulnerability you are expressing points to intimacy. It’s how relationships can be physically remote, like this channel, while still deeply connected in an intimate way. The next chapter (after the preface) was the name. Of course the name. Because we name our newborns. Nana’s cauldron conducted by nana bee. Then you moved into messages coming through before you knew they were. We mark moments, not fully aware we are marking until it clicks. And then the sequence, nonlinear, shows a larger picture. The pink basket. As I reflected on this incredible experience you had I returned to the channel name. Was this experience trying to name your channel? Meaning, does the experience become the holder of the messages that plan to be conveyed? The foreignness of something being there all along yet it didn’t really click until all the pieces came together? Because that has been my experience so far in new world. This vibrant pink basket on a higher shelf. Like “hey, look up, I’m here!” See how vibrant I am! This basket held your belongings. The longing of belonging. You discovered your belonging, there all along, on that top shelf that you’ve accessed using a step ladder without fully understanding what you’ve been doing all along. It can feel so strange to make this connection. The connection like, “ohhh that’s why I’ve been doing what I’ve been doing.” For me, it feels like the perfect metaphor for the mundane ascension into the new world. That is in our reach, sure, maybe we need a step ladder, it’s in our “home” and it holds our belongings. Put away in a cupboard. Where you wanted to put something vibrant this to me feels like it symbolizes all the ways we protect (cupboard) our inner child (vibrancy) until we are ready to see it. And by ready, we have agency (creator) in our life to notice the vessel that has always been there just waiting for the day. When you did your ritual “the hour of my death” you said “the hour of my birth”. The birth of nana 🐝 just discovered your pink basket. You have evidence you’ve birthed into new world. The sequence of events is another clue of new world. It shows the shift of time. This pink basket demonstrates how this new sequence works. You will gather and store not realizing the connection until you pause (ritual) and the links are made. The spider web is a great way to exemplify this nonlinear time. It begins in the center to spin its web once the frame is made. It is also believed, the web is a method to store its memory This is like your basket. Holding your belongings. But expanding this metaphor, it’s a clue of the interconnected of humans. This invisible thread between us, as blind to us as the web to the spider, storing memories. I am so excited there are “those called to this reading.” It shows we are realizing we are/have birthed into the new world. And when we gather we can see this web connection. It means trusting our personal experiences are the clues to the new world which operates differently than what we’ve known. For example, en utero the baby doesn’t breathe because it’s contained in embryonic fluid. Yet the respiratory system has been functioning all along, preparing for the birth. It wasn’t needed in the womb, but it is very much needed out of it. What spirit has put into motion is similar to what a mother (and father or man, etc) has put into motion for the baby. The mother (spirit) knows what is happening. The babies body knows what is happening (as exemplified by the respiratory system) but it takes time to comprehend the shift of meeting our maker once out of the womb. The illumination (as demonstrated by your light situation) is happening and all the pieces are in place, ready for our birth. But our womb minds will need time to adjust. The “end” becoming the middle, and something being closed out, I saw as this birth analogy. The womb has been closed out. The end of our time en utero is the beginning of being in the middle. Because new borns tend to be the center of attention. It’s interesting, I was just reminded of an experience I had at the gym yesterday. I was on one of the equipments when I noticed a mom holding her new born just off to the side, on the perimeter of the workout area. I was so moved by this visual. Then I noticed another woman notice this same scene and I watched her respond as I did. A memory. A softening. This pure love, melted into his mom’s chest, snuggled in, sleeping. It was such a tender moment. Where the center of attention was pulled away from the hubbub in the room to the perimeter. And now I’m reminded of an experience that happened in 2020. It was lockdown. I was considered an essential worker and was one of a very few amount of people on the road. I was nearing my clinic when I noticed a woman coming out of her driveway wearing the mask and the first thing that came to my mind was, “ohhhh that’s what’s happening. We are in the delivery room.” Somehow, I knew, this global pandemic was something other than what we perceived it to be, not too dissimilar to a baby going through delivery thinking it’s the end. Yes, the end to the beginning. The. You came to “things feel disordered.” I got goosebumps! That is precisely what I do in my clinic. See people who believe they are disordered. Because they are aware of this new world before it’s happened. And they think something is wrong with them. Because it defies logic. But logic in this sense is a collective agreement on what is normal. It isn’t normal to breathe air when we are en utero. But the moment someone realizes they are using a respiratory system in the womb, that others deny because what’s the point, the one who notices is disordered for acknowledging they are feeling it. It’s not about the mind. It’s about the way we’ve collective agreed what the mind is allowed to perceive as logical. Then you pulled the cards…the next chapter. Out first, the alchemist…ahh yes, the mother. Isn’t she something? How she uses her body as the incubator for life? Then you added a note, the prelude, I love this nonlinear approach to unveiling this story. The preface, chapter 1: the pink basket, chapter 2: the cards, interrupted or more like layered with a prelude. This is unfolding like a Wikipedia page where we can follow trails off track to explore in a nonlinear way. You spoke about the magician energy, hidden. And wow! I saw the midwife or…a nana! The one on the other side, supporting the mother giving birth, the baby doesn’t see, but is there, waiting for its arrival. Loving. With so much knowing and anticipation! Didn’t you just have a new grand baby arrive in your life? I feel like the magician showing up was saying, we are being supported by this unseen source, as represented by you, nana 🐝 and why you support so many of us trying to get the word out on our own creator channels on KZread. And then who comes out!?? The empress 😂 omg. That was so perfect. Followed by the 6s! “You have given life collective that you may not be aware of at the moment!” And there it is. We are here, in this space you’ve created because we have self organizing intelligence that brings us here, not fully comprehending our roles, yet, but we cannot help but be drawn. “Procrastinate” aka, hesitation or ambivalence or doubt. When there is a gap between knowing where we are and what is happening ambivalence can emerge. Which is a good thing. Because this sensation will invite ritual. Like your alter. To spend time reflecting on these clues your mind has been marking. As more is marked, ambivalence will grow because this energy wanted you to understand what is happening. And we can if we slow down, and take that pause to reflect. Just as you demonstrated with the pink basket. It makes sense to be afraid. And in this fear, we have the opportunity to seek understanding because if we do pause with that fear energy, we can discover this new world. This recognition you spoke at the end, that you linked to the basket is the process you demonstrated of this recognition process. In your case you felt the strangeness of that moment. Others may feel doubt or fear. These moments that call us to recognition through reflection have many energies associated with them. Fear, doubt, procrastination, etc. These “negative” feelings are the bell for home. Abundance is knowing you are the asset. You are the creator. And the created. That a baby becomes a parent. And there is a process of being en utero, to new born, to child, to adolescent, to young adult, to…on and on. Whose order is this? There is a collective agreement on that order, that defy logic out of the womb.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron8 күн бұрын

    Hi Dear Kim Thankyou so much for this beautiful and incredibly insightful message. I love that ! the naming of the channel, like a welcome message in the form of a reading from the universe. I love it and also find it so interesting and amusing that the universe communicates in such unexpected ways💖😂 There is so much here that makes total sense and the funny thing was that as I was experiencing the things in the reading I knew that they held meaning for me as well as those called here. The interconnectedness of us all, the macro and the micro. Also that's so true that the process of sharing , in the way it came through was a big part of the message . Probably I wont go into that but I feel like you understand my meaning.... The spiders and they way they weave is incredible and i feeling like there is something also in the message of the delicacy of the thread and its strength that would be like steel if to scale. Something very special about that, which is calling to look deeper. You are so incredibly intuitive and connected , it so wonderful. Thankyou so much for sharing this with me, I will without doubt revisit this post at future times. 🐝💖

  • @stacyjong8096
    @stacyjong80969 күн бұрын

    Thank you very much Bel.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron9 күн бұрын

    You’re very welcome dear Stacy 💖

  • @quietname
    @quietname9 күн бұрын

    ***I wrote a new comment but it has disappeared. I suspect there is an algorithm running that has pulled the comment off because I used a word that triggered it. The unalive word that starts with “d”. So I’m going to repost and change some words. I’ll keep an eye out to see if the other one comes back after it’s been potentially cleared: It didn’t post again. Possibly it’s the link I added for the immortal jellyfish. So I’m going to remove the link and see if this will post. Nana🐝❤️‍🩹 I just started the reading and I’m already in tears. The unfamiliar! Wow. Omg. You are totally naming how I’m feeling. Like my skin is dissolving into unfamiliar. And the hour of my birth. Wow. That hit like a ton of bricks. Internally there was a response “talk about the immortal jellyfish” (removed link, but you can just google immortal jellyfish) What has come to my awareness is time and our perception of time as linear and our life laid out in this fashion. I see the arc, where the peak of that arc is the climax. And then it’s all downhill from there. When you talked about a birth that is happening right now, that is what the videos I shared yesterday on my other channel in the comment I deleted. It was about a birth of a collective awareness. And it’s about time. And *unalive*. And birth. This is what I’ve been trying to say in a more public format which I’m really struggling to say and why I delete myself (and apparently so does KZread given the removal of the original comment) Because I’m so aware of how heretics are treated in this realm. What would it mean to humanity to say *unalive* is a choice. It is a dis-ease. And we can’t see that because we are perceiving life in an arc. I don’t know if humanity is ready. The end becomes the middle…we can transcend *unalive* and transform in form. “Let’s keep going.” I hear your words. It isn’t the end. It’s birthed. I am stunned by this message and so encouraged by this message. Today there was an Amazon package in my foyer. It had my full birth name on it. It confused me. First because it was inside my house, but I assumed one of my kids must have brought it in. But also because my Amazon account is my daily name not my full birth name. I opened it. It was the hardback version of my book I ordered a couple weeks ago. It took a really long time to arrive. I even doubted it would ever arrive. Today it showed up. The day you posted this reading. A book I have described as a creation like giving birth. I placed the book between two horse shaped book ends on my fire place mantle. This book is so subtle. I never talk about transcending *unalive* or it being a choice. It’s about my daily. About how living my daily is revealing what is happening behind the scenes. It’s taking these pink basket moments and letting them convey the larger message. This “birth” is about unveiling a path of ease and grace to the creator mindset. Nana🐝 🙏🏻🪆(omg I found the babushka emoji ! I had to search and search. This is a very meaningful symbol for me!!! I’m so glad you shared it!) Btw…this absolutely felt like a personal reading.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron9 күн бұрын

    I will keep my reply brief as I’m a little under the weather today . My head doesn’t like these overcast days like it is here today … barometric pressure ..but I wanted to thank you for sharing about the reading . It is so wonderful to read your comment and hear that it felt personal after the experience of moving through it and posting it . The ways in which you describe the connections is really beautiful. I will indeed look up the immortal jellyfish. 🪼 I do recall hearing something about it before and it was fascinating but I want to know more. Your book arriving feels so fitting and I love that it arrived today . The universe really is beautiful 💖🦋🐝

  • @quietname
    @quietname9 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldroni hope you’re feeling better by the time you read this. I won’t say much more here because I just wrote another very long comment 😂

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron8 күн бұрын

    Thank you so much . I just responded on our other vid where you left the most beautiful comment and insights 💖. It’s midnight here now and just wrapping up the days and hitting the hay 🐝🫶

  • @quietname
    @quietname8 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldron I hope you are feeling better. I experience headaches when the barometer changes. It feels like compression or a contraction. I must acclimate because at some point the pressure releases and doesn’t return until the following winter. I smile when I think about our bouncing around conversations. It’s like we are intuitively conversing in the new world…so non linear. And we are doing a great job flowing with it. And the reason I consider it a great job is the smile I have in these conversations. It’s also really funny they are happening in plain sight, out in the open for anyone to read, and participate if so desired. A couple years ago I was having dinner with some friends. I met them at a local gym, but we didn’t connect in that space. Our connection happened when I did an impromptu sound bath at the local yoga studio. I had signed up to be a participant for the sound bath, as did the wife of this couple, as we were all ready for the experience, they announced there was a mixup and the musician wasn’t coming. I lived very close and offered to step in. Which meant going home to get my bowls while the participants waited. Which they did. And we all enjoyed this magical experience. That’s how she and I came together. She was deeply touched by the magical music that day. We would get together from time to time, dinners at each other’s homes mostly, and have deep meaningful conversations. Like you and I do here. One day her husband jumps in after listening to me and his wife riff and said, “you guys should create a podcast of these conversations.” I laughed and said, “I’m a hermit. And hermits don’t do podcasts 😂” But here I am…riffing with you in a similar way I did/do with her. I should probably let him know he was picking up on something there. 😂 All that to say, I smile from our conversations and find them incredibly fascinating.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron6 күн бұрын

    It’s so interesting that you also experience the headaches with the shifts in barometric pressure. It sounds so strange to those who havnt experienced it but apparently in impacts the sinuses in some people and can create headache . Yes I’m feeling much better now thank you. The sound baths are beautiful and what a lovely way to connect with a new friend too., Im smiling at the hermit and the podcast comment , but then again the hermit is exactly who I want to listen to 😉. Our conversation always make me smile too , and give me so lots to reflect on. 💕

  • @Amispa666
    @Amispa66610 күн бұрын


  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron9 күн бұрын

    Thank you so much for your support 💖🙏

  • @Amispa666
    @Amispa6669 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldron thank you for sharing your gifts and your beautiful energy. 💗

  • @quietname
    @quietname10 күн бұрын

    I’m just getting up having spent the last hour lingering in bed writing you love notes 😂❤️. Just as I finished my last one, I saw you posted this reading. I’m overjoyed to see this. I’m going to clean the kitty litter boxes, clean the floors (kitty litter is so messy 😂) make my latte, and settle in to watch. ♥️

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron9 күн бұрын

    Just replying now to our other message I hope you are having a beautiful day 💖

  • @rosetarotrealm
    @rosetarotrealm10 күн бұрын

    Here to show love 💛🐝💛

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron10 күн бұрын

    Thank you Lovely Rose , many blessing and a whole lot of love to you 💖🐝💖

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron10 күн бұрын

    Thank you for being here I want to just offer some additional insights that came through to my awareness after I uploaded this video. I was very conscious of the start feeling like a recount of my morning and how the messages came through. Enough to add a prelude . However , it occured to me that this may indeed be part of the message also , your focus on the details and what is going on with the self may be important. This reading had Magician written all over it even though the Magician himself did not appear. (Hidden) It feels like Spirit is saying that a self awareness of your unique connection to spirit and how you are able to manifest in ways that may not seem sequential, in the expected order or by someone else's formulae. In Love, Light and Shadow Nana 🐝 💖

  • @quietname
    @quietname16 күн бұрын

    Bel- I feel it. Something is unfolding on this channel that is different. I hear your trust is allowing it to emerge. This is the rising I too am seeing in my own life. And I imagine is one of the reasons our paths have intersected. Last night I watched a movie that’s been out since 2011, but I’d never heard of it. It is the story of the relationship between Freud, Jung and Spielrein. A three of cups and pentacles connection. It was very complex and convoluted. I sense the writers shaped it in a way that made the story clearer than Freud, Jung and Spierlrein could comprehend at the time it was unfolding. This relates to the conversation we had yesterday on your other channel about hindsight and reflection. As life unfolds we move with it but it’s not fully understood until we reflect. For example, I am on journal 25 of a 700 page journal. I consider myself an ethnographer, capturing all the mundane of my life. Like Darwin did when he observed nature. But there are specific moments that stand out. That tie the mundane details together. Because it can be so easy to get lost in the details. And so tempting to go with the flow of a collective mindset. What I found interesting about this movie was the focal point of libido (desire), death and union. Freud and Jung had far more power in the 3D. For many reasons. They had the reputation of their profession and they were male during the Victorian era. Yet, it was Spierlrein that had a different power, freedom to explore in perspective because she wasn’t confined by the power of privilege. The reason I bring this movie up is the synchronicity to this channel. There is a similar feeling in this movie that I experience on this channel. It feels like a back room in a parlor. Where universal secrets are being unlocked. Specifically regarding the message you shared today, I understand the application to my situation. But like this trio, I am looking at this like play therapy. What is this play conveying about life, death and spirit? The 4 of pentacles keeps showing up. And again, feels like this intimate back room space. It’s not that anyone is intentionally being excluded. But if we stop playing the algorithm game, get off the clock, and allow a greater awareness the space to reveal this mystery, then those who are of the mind to participate will show up. Thank you for being here Bel. I look forward to what emerged in this realm.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron15 күн бұрын

    Hi Kim, I have never heard of that movie although it sounds interesting and I particularly like your insights on the power held by each of the characters and the relationship to a certain freedom to explore . It’s so true isn’t it , that being on the ‘outer’ sometimes has advantages that may not be initially apparent. I feel deeply like the themes you mention of libido, death and union are very much part of what I’m being called to work with here. It feels like that space when I enter it . In astrology terms, it feels like of the 8th house work but also very much 12th house where I have a stellium. This is what I feel I’m meant to be doing here at least . How that manifests , I’m not entirely sure 😂 and like you say, some will relate others may not but nobody is excluded. It beautiful to me that you see the unspoken and make connections the way you do and I guess I should not be surprised when you tell me you are an ethnographer ( a term I have never heard previously ) but it makes perfect sense. Your writing and messages show a strong sense of how our day to day actions are like threads connecting us to deeper meaning. The undercurrent of our experience here that continues to flow regardless of the mundane activities in the moment that combine to make our days. However there’s a deep intuitive sense you bring to these messages and I appreciate them and you so much. Have a beautiful day 🫶

  • @quietname
    @quietname15 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldron it makes so much sense you have a stellium in the 12th house. What planets and sign are they in? I think of the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses as caves. The 4th is the home cave. A place for rest and nurturing. The 8th is the transformation cave. This is where rebirth is activated by the outer ecosystem. Whether it is an intimate relationship or job. It is the shaping and becoming cave. The 12th is the inter dimensional cave. Whether it be gestational or in meditation or dreaming. It’s the space between the seen and unseen. My 12th house is split with cancer, where Jupiter is at 24 degrees and Leo where his wife Juno is at 0 degrees. I like to think of this mythical couple, who had plenty of conflict in their youth, placed as they are in my 12th house, the symbol of a new type of partnership. Jupiter, in cancer in the 12th is a loving and benevolent expander joined by his jovial playful wife as they dance their way between our worlds exciting life to join them. 😂

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron14 күн бұрын

    The 4th, 8th and 12th and caves makes perfect sense. I like that ! Also thinking of it like this I can’t help but note how interesting the spacing of the caves is. The 12th house with a dance inside between Jupiter and Juno sounds lovely and I was interested to see it in Cancer / Leo . What an interesting combination of water and fire. That also makes me think of the way these elements both ‘dance’ but differently . Cancer energy , is really on my radar right now . I feel like it’s showing up more and more in readings and even in conversations . My 12th is in Virgo/ Libra with Sun, Mars , Mercury, Pluto and Ketu and then another stellium of three planets in the first house 😂 so yes it’s all fun. Astrology is so fascinating and I feel like I have so much more to learn about it. It’s something, like many other things , including tarot, that I could study a life time and never run out of more to learn . 🤔🦋

  • @quietname
    @quietname14 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldron I agree with your sentiment about astrology. I started a project, but never finished, as I was creating this esoteric expression of introducing who I am. I just found these other ways, such as astrology, are incredibly valuable in understanding self beyond the 3D. I planned to do a series of videos on many of the planets and their aspects among each other. Alas, only completed 2 😂 Okay…12th and 1st house boons in your birth chart. I would love to hear about your embodiment journey. That’s a gap to cross. Birth…birth…birth… where is your north node?

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron13 күн бұрын

    Wow that was lovely to see those videos . You seem to have an excellent understanding and connection to astrology and also your chart. My north node is in my 6th house in Pisces. Oh wow my embodiment journey, as in this lifetimes travels .🤔 ❤️

  • @MosaicMermaidTarot
    @MosaicMermaidTarot16 күн бұрын

    I’m excited for this, 🎉😮😊I neeeeeeed this ❤❤❤

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron16 күн бұрын

    It’s so perfect that you are a Pisces . I have never met a Pisces who doesn’t have the most beautiful heart 💓

  • @MosaicMermaidTarot
    @MosaicMermaidTarot16 күн бұрын

    Beautiful Bel! How did I miss the fact you had a second channel 😮😅❤🎉 🌹😭✨🥹💞🦋💖💖💖💖

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron16 күн бұрын

    Hey there lovely , oh my well I feel like i dropped the ball on this as I was guided some time ago to start a second channel yet it didn’t feel clear to me what exactly what for or why . I started the channel and loved doing the readings here , collectives and sign readings but I felt it was a lot ( I really related to your post on that overwhelm ) doing all the signs and so I withdrew for a while from here and took it back to spirit. What do I do ? , surely that’s not how I am meant to connect? In a feeling of overwhelm ? Guides help me 🙏 At that point I didn’t know if I’d be back . However the last couple of weeks I’ve been getting a a big push to just get on here and read whenever I felt called , expand on the intuitive messages and/ or just pick up a deck . So that’s my intention here and I feel so blessed that you are here 💖. Thank you for being here dear soul sister 💖

  • @MosaicMermaidTarot
    @MosaicMermaidTarot16 күн бұрын

    Oh no, I completely understand… I don’t know how I would handle a second channel, but you know what, I think you are absolutely right, you should just get on here and do whatever you want and make it whatever you want because those are always gonna be the things That you want to do in the moment and they will be that much more special. You’ve got a great channel over there. You don’t need to have to worry about this one. It should just be an outlet for your creativity. See what works.maybe use those deck and make content without worry. ❤Sending you all my love and light.❤🎉❤

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron16 күн бұрын

    Thank you dear Casey, much love and light to you also 💖🦋🪷🫶🌸💖

  • @MosaicMermaidTarot
    @MosaicMermaidTarot16 күн бұрын

    @@nanascauldron 💖💖💖

  • @quietname
    @quietname16 күн бұрын

    Bel, I am so intrigued with this second channel of yours. Intrigued by how different it feels. This feels like a secret underground. Your main or other channel is rich and deep. But this one…I feel this so deep in my heart center. When I was driving later today, I was moving down a mountain ridge road mesmerized by the snow capped mountains. The sky was clearing but most of it was filled with thick white clouds. I became aware of this energy. And I saw the queen of swords. Why was this energy filling me? I marked it and sunk deeper into my car seat, easing down the ridge. Now I discover this reading. In this particular reading I feel two simultaneous energies overall, justice and judgment. There is usually a playfulness surrounding me. But the moment I dropped into this channel, I felt very serious. It’s like I entered into some back room of your space where only a few venture. Like the behind the scenes of the behind the scenes. It’s really intriguing. Does this channel feel different to you?

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron16 күн бұрын

    Well hello friend , yes this space does indeed feel different to me and it’s interesting that you are feeling this energy. I knew some time ago that there was ‘something ‘ that wanted its own space, and I spent a long time coming and going from this channel , not quite being sure what it was and feeling like I needed direction, asking my guides and just feeling urged to do it and stop questioning . It will be what it wants to be and the messages will come when they want to was all I got. So here I am and I’m so glad you’re here , thank you 🫶🪷

  • @MosaicMermaidTarot
    @MosaicMermaidTarot17 күн бұрын


  • @joelsanjuan7452
    @joelsanjuan745222 күн бұрын

    Thank you to your beautiful reading

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron20 күн бұрын

    You are very welcome , thank you for being here ❤️

  • @AMazedPagan
    @AMazedPagan3 ай бұрын

    A great reading and beautiful decks. ❤

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron3 ай бұрын

    Thank you beautiful friend ❤️

  • @eroslascivious1327
    @eroslascivious13273 ай бұрын

    I don't mean to be picky but I am wanting the outcome more than the way it is presented. I'm sorry I should be greatful .I have been very patient without complaints so why can't I have it as I WISH

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron3 ай бұрын

    I hope your wishes come true one day ❤️

  • @eroslascivious1327
    @eroslascivious13273 ай бұрын

    isn't a wish something that you want? If it's granted but it's not how you wanted, wouldn't it be a gift and not a wish?

  • @rosetarotrealm
    @rosetarotrealm3 ай бұрын

    Thank you ❤❤❤

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron3 ай бұрын

    You are very welcome Lovely ❤️

  • @bonitaderosa3134
    @bonitaderosa31343 ай бұрын


  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron3 ай бұрын

    🙏 thank you for being here ❤️

  • @OpenSoulTarot
    @OpenSoulTarot3 ай бұрын

    Just woke up with an interesting energy surrounding me too. So validating to see your video. I'm just about 7 minutes in and the word Quasar came to me while you're talking about giving your words/energy to what amounts to a void of a person or situation. It's a bit lengthy but I really think it applies here and hopefully helps. Card 22 from Cosmos deck: "The Quasar is an incredibly luminous sliver of light emitted by elements falling onto the accretion disk around a black hole. Just as a celebrity's distinction can be spotted by the flocking fans, paparazzi, tabloids and rumors, the quasar's glow gets brighter as its mass intensifies." (I'm in a complicated thing with a person of note so this hits home for me.) "It's only able to sustain its luminosity as long as the black hole is consuming mass. This card speaks of the ambiguous push and pull of energy between beings. Ideas are given power by the efforts, thought and time dedicated to that concept. As more energy is spent on the idea, the more power the concept contains. Alternatively, a forgotten or abandoned concept loses its power completely." Silence as energy... what a powerful concept! A fire needs fuel to be sustained but you shouldn't set yourself on fire to keep another person warm. Thank you so much for sharing this today and for taking action on your prompts from spirit in this channel. It was very, very helpful! ❤

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron3 ай бұрын

    Hey Lovely I love this , beautiful way of explaining it and also of getting a real visual image in the mind of the concept . Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post ❤️

  • @WanderingHobbit12
    @WanderingHobbit124 ай бұрын

    Thank you!

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    You’re very welcome thanks for being here ❤️

  • @joanmcarthur9027
    @joanmcarthur90274 ай бұрын

    Bang on. Not sure after 3 months I want their drama affecting me.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    Thank you for watching , many blessings ❤️

  • @sushmasinha8054
    @sushmasinha80544 ай бұрын

    Thank you for good reading on pisces

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    I’m glad you enjoyed it ❤️

  • @tamikat5796
    @tamikat57964 ай бұрын

    Well done I look forward to reading more of your content

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    I’m so glad you enjoyed I appreciate you being here ❤️

  • @hollifrazier3381
    @hollifrazier33814 ай бұрын

    Thank you 😊 ❤

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    You’re very welcome ❤️

  • @emma-janejoyce8371
    @emma-janejoyce83714 ай бұрын

    Congratulations on your channel. You are a very gifted reader. Thank you for sharing your gift 🙏🎁❤️🌹

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    Thank you so much, I appreciate your support 🙏❤️

  • @Amethyst722
    @Amethyst7224 ай бұрын

    Thank you 💜

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    You’re very welcome ❤️

  • @geoffreymartin9248
    @geoffreymartin92484 ай бұрын

    Thank you for this reading, it was pretty spot on for me. Love, Light and many Blessings to you and your family ❤❤❤

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    Many Blessings to you and yours too ❤️

  • @aubra_dash
    @aubra_dash4 ай бұрын

    Thank you so much!!! Definitely spot on and helpful to hear 💕

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    I’m glad it resonated ❤️

  • @theliterarytarot
    @theliterarytarot4 ай бұрын

    I’m Pisces rising and this resonates so much for me right now, thanks my friend

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    That’s great , yes I often like to watch my rising too ❤️

  • @carlyb.6740
    @carlyb.67404 ай бұрын

    Thank you for this lovely read. I appreciate the pauses as you bring in Spirit’s message.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    Thank you Carly I appreciate your support ❤️

  • @user-vx2wz2po1m
    @user-vx2wz2po1m4 ай бұрын

    I have had that thru my life.

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    The intuition? I’m glad it resonated . Thanks for watching ❤️

  • @Danisumsum
    @Danisumsum4 ай бұрын

  • @theliterarytarot
    @theliterarytarot4 ай бұрын

    Hi! ✨

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron4 ай бұрын

    Hi friend , thank you for being here 💙

  • @starman8623
    @starman862311 ай бұрын

    Thankyou!! 🙏

  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron11 ай бұрын

    You are very welcome 💗🙏

  • @user-vf9bh8qn8i
    @user-vf9bh8qn8i11 ай бұрын


  • @nanascauldron
    @nanascauldron11 ай бұрын

    I’m glad it resonated , thank you for watching 💗🙏