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Hay Day: Oct. 8, 2023

Hay Day: Oct. 8, 2023


  • @TinaKayser-ls1cj
    @TinaKayser-ls1cj17 күн бұрын

    2024 Chris is going by the name. Jearmy Kayle and he's in a nother country I am bring home home to stand trail for murder of are son and daughter he had a nother babby with someone he's justed going to kill babby like he did my kids and he's a wall from military jen his wife to be his x wife jen

  • @NormHotty-zv2iw
    @NormHotty-zv2iwАй бұрын

    Praying he made Starfleet.❤🎉

  • @Funfan24
    @Funfan24Ай бұрын

    Rest in peace brave warrior.

  • @stevensmith780
    @stevensmith780Ай бұрын

    That sent chills down my spine. God Bless Chris and his family.

  • @charlesferdinand422
    @charlesferdinand422Ай бұрын

    Chris Kyle was almost certainly the worst and most pretentious media-hound suffering from "war hero" complex and worst case of stolen valor in all of the history of armed forces anywhere: He's known for his bullshit made-up stories such as claiming that during Hurricane Katrina the federal government sent him to the top of the New Orleans Superdome to shoot and murder refugees, he also wasn't the best sniper in American history nor he had the longest kill (both of these titles go to Carlos Hathcock), most of his supposed kills couldn't be verified and his archenemy (who was supposed to be a legendary Iraqi sniper) never even existed. But perhaps his worst lie was when he claimed in his memoirs that during a reunion of Navy SEALS in a bar Jesse Ventura appeared out of nowhere and said he *was glad that for the deaths of other Navy SEALS" (bizarre as Ventura was himself a former Navy SEAL) after which Kyle knocked him out with a single punch to the face; Ventura sued Kyle for defamation and Kyle could only produce 2 witnesses out of the supposed mob of spectators and these 2 refused to back up his claims promptly losing the case (it turned out Ventura wasn't even in the same city the night of the supposed incident). Kyle did all of this to sell copies of his combat memoirs which he started writing before even enlisting and which he desperately tried to push to Hollywood producers as soon as he finished it. Finally, Kyle was killed by another vet he was supposedly "counseling" by taking him to the gun range as a sort of therapy for his PTSD; it would later turn out Kyle spent the whole day talking about his fictitious exploits and mocking and belittling his killer until he snapped. A stupid end for a stupid man.whose biggest dream when he died was to have a new holiday named "Chris Kyle day" instituted in Texas to commemorate himself of course. 😊

  • @wilmavantrier2998
    @wilmavantrier2998Ай бұрын

    This should not be necessary if this Navy Seal had survived, some person be killed in the process of life 😢 and still they who are responsible have nothing learnt from this tragedy 😢😢 great respect for all those who stood there to honor him ❤❤

  • @user-qw7oo1yi8f
    @user-qw7oo1yi8fАй бұрын

    最近,疫情再次在中国大爆发,已感染数亿人,死者甚众。它实际上是2020年大瘟疫的继续。 为什么在中共实施三年极端的“清零”封控政策之后,在许多国家和地区都已恢复正常生活之后,在前中共党魁江泽民死了之后,疫情会再次席卷全中国? 法轮功创始人李洪志大师在前年疫情初起时,曾发表过一篇文章,名叫“理性”。其中谈到:“瘟疫本身是神安排的,是历史发展的必然。”关于这次瘟疫,李大师明示说:“它是来淘汰邪党份子的、与中共邪党走在一起的人的。” 回首历史,放眼世界,再看一看近三年疫情的发展,皆印证了李洪志大师的话。 纵观百年中共史 中共从根上就是邪的 中共的老祖宗,不是中华民族的人文始祖炎帝、黄帝,而是西方的生前信奉撒旦、死后埋在伦敦撒旦崇拜中心--高门墓地的马克思。 中共的理论源头,不是儒、释、道交相辉映的中华神传文化,而是鼓吹“无神论、斗争哲学、进化论”的马克思主义。 中共不是根植于中华大地,为中国、中国人民、中华民族谋利益的组织,而是在“国外敌对势力”--苏联共产党操控下建立起来的,以颠覆中国合法政权--中华民国,保卫“世界上唯一的无产阶级的祖国”--苏联为初衷的外来邪党。 百年中共史 就是一部不停地杀人的历史 上世纪30年代,中共搞过一次大肃反。从中央苏区,到湘鄂西苏区,到鄂豫皖苏区,中共杀人如麻。 中共元帅贺龙回忆,夏曦“肃反杀人,到了发疯的地步”,仅在洪湖一地就杀了一万多人。据中共上将萧克回忆录记载,这次大肃反,累计杀了10万中国人。 上世纪40年代,中共搞过一次“粮禁入”“人禁出”的大封城--长春围困战。据《长春饿殍战》的作者杜斌考察,此次大封城导致37万至46万中国人被活活饿死。 时任长春市长尚传道回忆:当时的长春,尸横遍野,白骨累累,“俨似人间地狱”,“卡哨以内居民,几乎每家都有亲人死亡,这是亘古少有的对人民的浩劫”。 上世纪50年代末60年代初,中共搞了一次“跑步进入共产主义”的“大跃进运动”。据原新华社高级记者杨继绳的《墓碑》一书考证,全国被活活饿死的人高达3,600万。 “这个数字相当于1945年8月9日(美国)投向(日本)长崎的原子弹杀死人数的450倍。” 上世纪80年代末,中共搞了一次“六四”天安门屠杀。 亲眼目睹天安门屠杀的《解放军报》女记者江林,多年后谈到那么多学生、市民被军人开枪打死、打伤时,仍然情不自禁:“我真的是非常不能接受,你知道那种感觉是什么吗?就好像你看着自己的母亲被强奸的那种感觉,是非常难受、非常痛心的。” 1999年7月20日,中共独裁者江泽民,动用全部国家机器,发动对法轮功的迫害。其中最邪恶的是,以大规模活摘法轮功学员器官的方式杀人。 “追查迫害法轮功国际组织”等历时16年的调查证明:这是一场由江泽民下令进行的,由中共政法委、610办公室、公安、法院、监狱、医院、武警、军队等共同参与的大屠杀。 至今到底有多少法轮功学员被杀害?难以计数。 2016年6月22日,加拿大人权律师大卫‧麦塔斯、加拿大前亚太国务卿大卫‧乔高、美国资深调查记者伊森‧葛特曼,联合发布的《中共活摘器官调查报告》显示:中国器官移植手术数量每年约为6万至10万例,2000年至2016年可能高达150万例,这些器官的主要来源是法轮功学员。 麦塔斯说:“我们报告中的2,200多个注脚都来源于他们(中共)的数据。” 中共大规模活摘法轮功学员器官,被认为是“这个星球上前所未有的邪恶”,是继上世纪30年代纳粹对犹太人的大屠杀之后最血腥、最残暴、最野蛮的群体灭绝罪、酷刑罪和反人类罪。 这不是人的行为 而是魔鬼的行为 百年中共,杀了8,000多万中国人。中共杀人之多、欠血债之大、杀人手段之残忍,超越古今中外所有暴君。 尤其需要指出的是,法轮功不是一般的气功而是佛法。 自古以来,迫害佛法修炼者罪大无边。 江泽民不择手段、不惜代价、不计后果地迫害佛法,罪恶之大,用“罪恶滔天”不足以形容。 2022年11月30日,江泽民之死是一个重大标志性事件。它意味着神对中共最后的大淘汰开始了。 目前,疫情在中国以惊人的速度传播,感染人数和死亡人数迅速增长,超乎很多人的想像,没有任何力量能够阻挡。 前中共疾病预防控制中心副主任冯子健告诉《中国青年报》,在第一波大规模感染浪潮中,中国高达60%的人口可能会被感染。“最终,大约80%~90%的人会被感染。”这意味着,将有超过10亿中国人被感染。 美国著名华裔流行病学和公共卫生专家丁亮(Eric Feigl-Ding)预测,未来三个月,中国60%的人口,或者说世界人口的10%都将感染新冠,染疫死亡人数可能高达数百万。 江泽民死后,据大陆媒体报导,全国有一批中共高官,中共的名人、学者、专家密集病亡,包括原国家体委副主任刘吉,原江西省政法委书记朱治宏,为江泽民迫害法轮功摇旗呐喊的《人民日报》记者杨良化等。 路透社等多家外媒报导,在北京最大的八宝山殡仪馆,也是处理中共高官和领导人遗体的殡仪馆,19台火化炉全部开启,且24小时不停地工作,仍满足不了火化需求。除殡仪馆的灵车频繁进出外,私家车也络绎不绝。殡仪馆外还有排长队等候的车辆。 北京共有12家殡仪馆,约90台火化炉,如果全部启用,每天24小时,可处理4,000多具尸体。 现在,北京各殡仪馆都在满负荷,有的甚至超负荷运转,有的预约时间竟然长达半个月,以至于不少北京人不得不到附近的河北等地火化尸体。 自由亚洲电台报导称,北京市官方日前下发紧急通知,要求各郊县对殡仪馆的火化能力进行“紧急扩容”,并要求在一周内投入营运,以消除北京及周边大量尸体积压导致的负面影响。北京周边省市,已按官方要求,秘密调集大批殡葬人员,支援北京。 中国独立经济学家巩胜利认为:“在这一轮大爆发当中,中国的死亡人数可能是全球罕见的。” 大疫当前,阴阳之间,生死一线,作为中国民众,应该怎么办? 李洪志大师在《理性》一文中开示:“远离中共邪党,不为邪党站队,因为它背后是红色魔鬼,表面行为是流氓,而且无恶不作。神要开始铲除它了,为其站队的都会被淘汰。不信就拭目以待。” 中共不等于中国 中共不代表中国人民 百年中共,欠下的累累血债,应该由那些真正执迷不悟、坚持作恶的中共邪党份子、与中共走在一起的人承担。 在“天要灭中共”的重大历史时刻,作为中国人,不能做中共的替罪羊、殉葬品,更不能随中共一起下地狱。 瘟疫要人命 防疫有良方 这良方就是:尽快与中共决裂,公开声明退出中共党、团、队(“三退”),不做马列子孙,做回炎黄子孙。唯其如此,方可得到天佑神护,逢凶化吉、遇难呈祥。 您可以在全球退党中心网站(上,以真名或化名声明“三退”。 如果您无法翻墙的话,您可以在公共场合写下或贴上退出中共党、团、队声明,因为神佛看人心,您的人心变了,想离开,抛弃邪恶,您同样会得到神佛的保佑。

  • @Ab-jk8pd
    @Ab-jk8pdАй бұрын

    Go to the hill 😂

  • @toddparsons2980
    @toddparsons2980Ай бұрын


  • @user-gt2lh2ec9e
    @user-gt2lh2ec9eАй бұрын


  • @lorianderson442
    @lorianderson442Ай бұрын

    I went to school at Georgetown High School I lived on Main Street with my mother a single mother I lived below another single parent honey and her son Dave I've been looking for you day for years it's me my first love was you is you I went to Florida I thought it was 2 weeks my mother never let me go back to Massachusetts where are you do you remember me I love downstairs for me with my mother that we used to sneak around together to Haverhill to buy flowers smoke Drive make love virgins

  • @user-gt2lh2ec9e
    @user-gt2lh2ec9eАй бұрын

    WOW, another GREAT MAN! Thanks Chris for your service! John P.

  • @TonySnead-lb5tb
    @TonySnead-lb5tbАй бұрын

    God bless you shipmate

  • @user-gt2lh2ec9e
    @user-gt2lh2ec9eАй бұрын

    Wow, Chris, many thanks for your service, you were a HERO! John P.

  • @johnwhalen646
    @johnwhalen6462 ай бұрын

    Respect from a graful nation

  • @paulcook3878
    @paulcook38782 ай бұрын

    The very hero who Trump calls a loser and a sucker.

  • @AjaychinuShah
    @AjaychinuShah2 ай бұрын

    Also, a applause to Navy Shark Mr. President Trump.

  • @beckylb8610
    @beckylb861028 күн бұрын

    Politics doesn't belong here. This is about Chris Kyles death and recognizing his, and others who serve our country (not political party).

  • @AjaychinuShah
    @AjaychinuShah28 күн бұрын

    @@beckylb8610 stop disvaloring them and i'll stop crying for once.

  • @beckylb8610
    @beckylb861028 күн бұрын

    @AjaychinuShah Do you mean devaluing them? Disvaloring isn't a word in the dictionary but I recognizethe valor our troops have. I do not disvalue anyone, especially our military men and women. I have had uncles, cousins, and a godson serve in different wars going back to WWI. I lost an uncle in WWII, and my nephew is currently deployed in a tense part of the world right now. A cousin was a green beret in Vietnam, and he had some PTSD and could never be touched if asleep or you could find yourself pinned on your back with his hand to your neck until he woke up. I was born during the Vietnam War. Even at a really young age, my parents stressed that our service men and women should always be honored and treated with deference. I remember my parent's disgust when hearing about citizens spitting on our soldiers or other bad things because they had fought in Vietnam. As a result, my family said "never again" would that happen in every subsequent military conflicts. They spoke out. When they saw a soldier, they were kind and caring. They stressed to me that no matter what a citizen thinks about a war, our troops are separate from politics because the troops have to follow orders and sacrifice themselves in many ways for our freedom. If a citizen disagrees with a war, they need to go to the political realm with their objections but should always be respectful, kind, and caring towards our troops for their sacrifices. So, I will speak up about any former president being applauded in a comment chain recognizing our service men and women. That is because never again should the two be joined to protect our troops from what happened to our Vietnam veterans. The only exception would be if a president served in the armed forces and that president is relevant to the topic. For example, George Washington isn't necessarily relevant to honoring Chris Kyle. If the chain is about honoring prisoners of war nd what they go through, it might be appropriate to recognize the likes of John McCain. But never again should politics be tied to our troops.

  • @AjaychinuShah
    @AjaychinuShah2 ай бұрын

    Navy Seals is an edge above Delta Force. And a heartfelt praise goes out to him and his Family.

  • @russhoward1
    @russhoward12 ай бұрын

    We had this in the UK respect for the dead. now we fill our country up with people who want to kill us.

  • @gstoner8432
    @gstoner84322 ай бұрын

    Much needed parking for sure.

  • @drkingofokay
    @drkingofokay3 ай бұрын

    Have yall started on the skatepark yet?

  • @deangasparetto2993
    @deangasparetto29934 ай бұрын

    What a crock of lies and bullshit!

  • @user-wg6fw4ou1b
    @user-wg6fw4ou1b4 ай бұрын

    Now this is Americans at their best.

  • @HansLandaLovesJews
    @HansLandaLovesJews4 ай бұрын

    He was a total fraud.... Chris kyle didnt die for his country he died for his lies. Jesse Ventura was right... Heroes do not kill people heroes save people. Chris kyle was like that guy in inglourious basterds who was in josef goebbels movie. He was not a hero

  • @rickmeadows686
    @rickmeadows6864 ай бұрын

    He died for nothing!

  • @user-ji4mj6os7u
    @user-ji4mj6os7u4 ай бұрын


  • @user-ji4mj6os7u
    @user-ji4mj6os7u4 ай бұрын

    I am sad today realizing ❤the heart of our ❤military is being used to empower the filthy greedy 1%

  • @RicardoPereira-jl8pq
    @RicardoPereira-jl8pq4 ай бұрын

    I'm Portuguese, but I love the United States of America for its patriotic instinct... my condolences to the LEGEND 🙏

  • @BethRoxyy
    @BethRoxyy4 ай бұрын

    He was not a hero, he was a fame wanting coward. Liar.

  • @WilliamCoffey-jb1cd
    @WilliamCoffey-jb1cd4 ай бұрын

    God bless.

  • @benjaminschmidt8255
    @benjaminschmidt82557 ай бұрын


  • @ColdConceptOfficial
    @ColdConceptOfficial7 ай бұрын

    Funny how they got a Scottish piper serenade an American soldier...maybe they finally understand what heritage Americans come from really.....You are not American. You all heir from European countries.

  • @fl6873
    @fl68736 ай бұрын

    And we europeans are then africans?

  • @ColdConceptOfficial
    @ColdConceptOfficial6 ай бұрын

    @@fl6873 yep, by origin thousands and thousands of years ago

  • @brbob4934
    @brbob49347 ай бұрын

    Fair winds and following seas from this former sailer. Well done.

  • @mauromartini6772
    @mauromartini67727 ай бұрын

    Uguale uguale a come i comunisti hanno accolto i nostri militari uccisi mandiamoli via dall'Italia in qualsiasi modo

  • @sheilapearson9251
    @sheilapearson92518 ай бұрын

    This may have been a while ago, but all service men who die for their Country should be given the same HONOUR 🙏

  • @traffic71
    @traffic718 ай бұрын

    To all our brave service men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice, I hope to God they rest in peace that that sacrifice wasn’t in vain 🙏

  • @Oxford322
    @Oxford3228 ай бұрын

    This is 10 yr old and I still cried! The chill bumps when that flag dropped ! ❤

  • @kerryhoward804
    @kerryhoward8048 ай бұрын

    Only 49 comments? That's really sad America!!

  • @MatthiasDraganPirot
    @MatthiasDraganPirot8 ай бұрын

    Anstatt keine Kriege zu führen geilt man sich an den Toten noch auf

  • @biges5144
    @biges51448 ай бұрын


  • @ricardoantoniobarberiojeda1870
    @ricardoantoniobarberiojeda18708 ай бұрын

    Que en paz descanse , todo un heroe .

  • @tolikjon
    @tolikjon4 ай бұрын

    Он герой у тебя шаст у ни его плоха ешо сдний ден увидишь

  • @brianfreeman8290
    @brianfreeman82908 ай бұрын

    From Britain RESPECT

  • @vanwahlgren8451
    @vanwahlgren84518 ай бұрын

    With modern optics and ballistics, Chris was able to shoot men women and children at ranges for they did not even realize they were being watched. He did have a foul mouth which after interaction with Eddie Routh the Marine, resulted in Chris's death.

  • @user-mv5uy8vh8l
    @user-mv5uy8vh8l7 ай бұрын

    He saved lots of Marines.... WHAT DID YOU FUCKIN DO LOSER ??

  • @user-mv5uy8vh8l
    @user-mv5uy8vh8l7 ай бұрын

    Too bad you weren't on the other end the those optics bitch.

  • @ihavefallenandicantreachmy2113
    @ihavefallenandicantreachmy21138 ай бұрын

    Navy Seals = "Uncle Sam"'s finest Drama Queen's, from the looks/sounds of it. Was it supposed to be a secret?

  • @mimi2the4
    @mimi2the48 ай бұрын

    Scumbag didn't deserve it

  • @user-sx5fn8yo5s
    @user-sx5fn8yo5s8 ай бұрын

    Snipers are cowards just like pilots

  • @Dont_Tread_on_Me448
    @Dont_Tread_on_Me4487 ай бұрын

    And you're really brave , fighting from your mom's basement lmfao , you've never served in your life , you don't get to call anyone else a coward. You're the definition of it

  • @kadennelson5565
    @kadennelson55654 ай бұрын

    That just doesn’t make sense

  • @user-sx5fn8yo5s
    @user-sx5fn8yo5s4 ай бұрын

    @@kadennelson5565 it ain't rocket science mfka

  • @kadennelson5565
    @kadennelson55654 ай бұрын

    @@user-sx5fn8yo5s yeah rocket science actually makes sense🤣🤣

  • @Funfan24
    @Funfan24Ай бұрын

    @@user-sx5fn8yo5s ok boomer

  • @braveheart7937
    @braveheart79378 ай бұрын

    🫡 🫡 🫡

  • @mikeoxlong8264
    @mikeoxlong82648 ай бұрын


  • @thomasdellarosa1960
    @thomasdellarosa19608 ай бұрын

    Georgetown ,Jesuit Order . Illminati 100%.

  • @aftersexhighfives
    @aftersexhighfives8 ай бұрын

    Humans are beautiful sometimes. Til Valhalla, sir. Rest well.

  • @AjaychinuShah
    @AjaychinuShah2 ай бұрын

    Edgar Allan Poe at peakest, well done Sir. ❤❤

  • @TinaKayser-ls1cj
    @TinaKayser-ls1cj17 күн бұрын

    So you had sex with Chris to why wood you have sex with a sex afender he's wanted for murder and rape and stilling infer and giving it to other country's his x wife to be the real queen jen