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Top 10 Penthouse Suites

Top 10 Penthouse Suites

10 Most Opulent Yachts

10 Most Opulent Yachts

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Top 10 Most Luxurious Cruises




  • @ionciobanu5524
    @ionciobanu55245 күн бұрын


  • @steverx4460
    @steverx4460Күн бұрын

    What is?

  • @hugoarciniegasquintero4361
    @hugoarciniegasquintero436110 күн бұрын

    Range Rover Sv L the best

  • @gabriellahmadee3512
    @gabriellahmadee351210 күн бұрын

    What an idiotic video effect

  • @hal8683
    @hal868319 күн бұрын

    Please know that Elon is the force behind much of this and LEADING WITHOUT THE RECOGNITION HE DESERVES. INVEST IN TSLA ... LEARN ABOUT TESLA, SPACE X ETC. BE-ELONG ON TSLA... DO IT!!

  • @slowcooker100
    @slowcooker10020 күн бұрын

    Information not trustworthy.

  • @adnerayala3409
    @adnerayala340924 күн бұрын

    What is the 20k means the down payment?

  • @InnovationNation_2024
    @InnovationNation_202419 күн бұрын

    You can do a small building for 20k easily as long as you have the land and slab

  • @stefanmiclos3394
    @stefanmiclos3394Ай бұрын

    Who is Audi???????

  • @BATMAN7864
    @BATMAN786422 күн бұрын

    Your dad

  • @TheEdits333
    @TheEdits333Ай бұрын

    Lamborghini Urus my all time favourite. ❤

  • @raduharagus1729
    @raduharagus1729Ай бұрын

    Bentley ! 🙋‍♂

  • @axelfolie1654
    @axelfolie1654Ай бұрын

    My eyes idiot.

  • @arjankumar888
    @arjankumar888Ай бұрын

    Interesting, no Lexus LS600

  • @QuwMathebula
    @QuwMathebulaАй бұрын

    I like BMW ix

  • @michabroef7454
    @michabroef7454Ай бұрын

    Yangwang U8 ?

  • @lucipheriousdeilluminati3784
    @lucipheriousdeilluminati3784Ай бұрын

    *drinking game* ,,,,,, take shot everytime he say Barndominium! See you at the er

  • @aureliusnow9845
    @aureliusnow9845Ай бұрын

    What is up with this video effect. About to have a seizure watching what woulkd be a good vid.

  • @user-zx1hd7vp9h
    @user-zx1hd7vp9hАй бұрын

    Mercedes maybach

  • @astkz7721
    @astkz7721Ай бұрын

    Как можно например сравнивать ролс ройс кулинан который ровно в три раза дороже тойота ((


    The cars are ok, but the video is terribly flashy and has unnecessary artificial image distortions. I can't watch it because it hurts my eyes 😔

  • @rajeshchoudhary.
    @rajeshchoudhary.Ай бұрын

    Range rover 1❤❤❤❤

  • @STEM671
    @STEM671Ай бұрын


  • @odanewilson
    @odanewilsonАй бұрын

    I need 1 to buy

  • @Comm0ut
    @Comm0utАй бұрын

    Avoid multi-storey rural homes because when you get old your mobility WILL decrease and you WILL use your second floor much less perhaps not at all. Interior space and mixed home/shop space are great advantages of barn-style construction, but always plan like a farmer would and never be silly where that much of your hard-earned money is concerned. Don't forget sprinkler systems when modding a barn because old wood is highly flammable. If you're an urbanit, learn what "fat lighter" means! Fireproofing treatments exist and can be applied before and during conversion.

  • @user-gk7iq6if9q
    @user-gk7iq6if9qАй бұрын


  • @BajaGirl302
    @BajaGirl302Ай бұрын

    I don’t believe there is a housing shortage, it’s an affordability issue. As I have been looking for a home in Florida, there are more than enough, just not in the affordability category! 🤔😊

  • @Tencreed
    @TencreedАй бұрын

    4:30 you may want to proofwatch your AI generated content.

  • @jonnysmith549
    @jonnysmith549Ай бұрын

    We polluted our planet worse than ever in the last 200 years. We wont make it another 200 years...

  • @marinoceccotti9155
    @marinoceccotti9155Ай бұрын

    Just pray it is not some dystopian ISIS-like religious nightmare.

  • @greenjackle
    @greenjackleАй бұрын

    Hello Fellow Humans, Let's be honest here. More than likely in a decade we will have done one of a few things. Either world war 3. The USA will have a second civil war. Unemployment will be 70% and we will have to either have a universal living income or people will rise up. Lastly companion robots will be available for all and humans will stop breeding. 500 years honestly you really think our greedy selfish society will actually be here? Come on humans will have destroyed themselves by then.

  • @atomskabubasvaba
    @atomskabubasvabaАй бұрын

    Dislike, and dont even want to watch this sick video. This deep state perversion will never work and just question it is so sick... Enjoy your end of the World woke, we wont ride along side with you.

  • @stephanieellison7834
    @stephanieellison7834Ай бұрын

    My second and last comment on this topic, while thinking about exactly who it is that is paying for this, developing this, and desiring this: Descendants of Daityas and Danavas? April 11, 2024 Bibek Debroy's translation of the Mahābhārata, Karnaparva, adhyāya 1174(24) reads as: ‘ “‘The gods and the asuras engaged with each other in a mighty battle. O king! At first, there was the encounter known as Tarakamaya. It has been heard by us that the daityas were then defeated by the gods. O king! When the daityas were defeated, Taraka’s three sons, Taraksha, Kamalaksha and Vidyunmali, resorted to fierce austerities and established themselves in supreme control. O scorcher of enemies! They oppressed their bodies with austerities. O king! Because of their control, austerities and rules, the grandfather was pleased with them and offered them supreme boons. O king! They were united in asking for the boon that all beings would always be unable to kill them. They wanted this from the grandfather of all the worlds. The god who is the lord and master of all the worlds told them, “O asuras! There is nothing like immortality and not being killed by anyone. Ask for any other boon that pleases you.” At this, they consulted among themselves for a long time and then, bowing down before the lord who is the master of the worlds, spoke these words, “O god! O grandfather! Please grant us this boon. With your favours, we will dwell in three cities above the earth and roam around in this world. O unblemished one! Once, every one thousand years, those cities will merge with one another and become one. O illustrious one! When they have merged, if a supreme among gods slays us with a single arrow, let that be the means of our death.” THIS is probably one place where evil people have come from. When the three cities were destroyed, their entire race that resided there were obliterated. Because their karmas were unresolved (ego and greedy are several base human characteristics that prevent one from leaving the cycle of death and rebirth), they MIGHT have rebirthed on earth in human form. Now, consider the following later in the chapter: "There were no heroes to rival them and the foremost among danavas went and united with them, in tens of millions. They sought refuge in those three inaccessible cities, desiring great wealth. When they were thus united, Maya gave them everything they wanted. Resorting to him, all of them lived there, without any fear. If any resident of the three cities desired anything in his mind, using his powers of illusion, Maya immediately satisfied that wish. Tarakaksha had an immensely strong son named Hari. He went through supreme austerities and satisfied the grandfather. Having satisfied the god, he asked for a boon. “Let there be a lake in our city. When those killed with weapons are flung into it, let them emerge with life and greater strength.” Having obtained the boon, Tarakaksha’s brave son, Hari, constructed a lake there. O lord! It was capable of reviving the dead. In whatever form and in whatever attire a daitya was slain, once he was thrown there, he became alive in that form. Having obtained them back, those in Tripura began to oppress all the worlds." ... ‘ “‘Sharva346 strung the bow and affixed the arrow. He affixed the pashupata weapon and thought of Tripura. O king! Having stationed himself there, he angrily stretched his bow. At that point, the cities united and became one. The three cities united and became one and a tumultuous sound of delight arose among the great-souled gods. All the masses of gods, siddhas and supreme rishis became full of joy and uttered words of praise, signifying victory. Tripura manifested itself before the one who wanted to slay the asuras, the god whose form was indescribable and fierce and whose energy was intolerable. The illustrious one, the lord of the worlds, drew his celestial bow. The one who is the essence of the three worlds released the arrow towards Tripura. He consumed the large numbers of asuras and flung them into the western ocean. Thus, Tripura was burnt and the remaining danavas scorched by the angry Maheshvara for the welfare of the three worlds." 346 Shiva. Now, because they were flung into the western ocean, I am ASSUMING that this means west of India in the ocean. Could this mean that such beings, having left their bodies, found access to bodies suited for them in Europe and the Middle East? Another thing is this modern man's quest for living forever in the same body - this could be a subconscious memory of that time in Tripura, where people were brought back to life and restored. Now we know who these demons are. They have lost sight of the fact that death and rebirth is how we live forever as SPIRITUAL BEINGS.

  • @stephanieellison7834
    @stephanieellison7834Ай бұрын

    My first comment on this topic: Vampirism and Hinduism October 13, 2019 I first saw this sometime in the late 90s, between 95 and 99 for sure. I was shocked to hell with the details at first, and it took me time to acclimate to this. It grew on me over the years, and I even bought the DVD set of the entire series between 2006 and 2012. I ended up selling them in my downsizing in preparation for moving to India, which brings me to the next thing. When I understood what this was about and why this series was so attractive, I became very enamored with the idea of being able to live forever, watching civilization rise and fall over the centuries, entirely different technologies and ways of life manifesting with each generation. ESPECIALLY the idea that I could be "special" and no one could be like me or have the abilities I have. Sounds like ego to me. That was something I had to work on for years. I'll add here first that I have seen serials like True Blood, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals in the years after that. I watched all four series through to the END... That's how strongly I felt about it. However, in the last 5 years-plus, I was going through my spiritual awakening. I'll allude to what I am saying with this scene from the Nick Knight movie. Remember the scene where LaCroix slaps the body of one of the dead animals, "end up like this??" It occurred to me for the first time that vampires have a materialist view about life. When I say materialist, I am not referring to financial or possessional materialism. I am referring to spiritual materialism. People who live in the Abrahamic world (Christians, Muslims, Marxists, Jews, and Athiests) have the view in general that we are the body, we are the mind, hence the pride in the beautiful physique of the body or the brilliance of a genius' mind, or perhaps the acceptance of the body we were given at birth. I had realized that I had something in common with Hindūs in some things as early 2006. I wasn't sure how. I read something online, and the light went off! I had already been vegetarian for 12 years and vegan for about 7 years by that time. I really struggled with my spiritual identity, because I didn't know what it was called, yet I knew I was on a definite path. I struggled because I could not "worship" deities (as I had thought up to that time that the various deities of Hindūism are like God, and thus what they are, what a Hindū is, and the relationship between deity and devotee would be similar to that of Christian and God or Muslims and Allah). It took me a few more years to learn that "all religions are NOT the same - they don't even lead up to the same mountain!" They are on different continents altogether! I began to see that I might have a place, since I did not grow up as a Christian. This means that Hindūs in general don't share the view that we are the mind, that we are the body, and even the interface that links the ātmā or soul to the mind for the life of that body. Even then, ātmā is a Sanskrit nontranslatable, which means you cannot equate soul to that word ātmā, even in a casual sense. Why not?? A soul has a definite time of birth, being alive in the world, and a definite end in physical death, and the soul lives once and goes to heaven (or hell). Ātmā does not have a beginning nor an end, as it goes on forever, from one life to the next until it rejoins with from where it came. See, Christians, having a materialist perspective (meaning, once again, they feel that they are inherently part of the universe and never beyond it), believe that they are sinners, imperfect, having a limited lifespan, and always changing. Hindūs, on the other hand, see ourselves as perfect, eternal, and unchanging, because we are pointing to that ātmā, not to the body, which we acknowledge changes, ages, and degrades, and not to the mind, which is not perfect, not eternal, and is subject to change. In essence, Christians are human beings striving to be better people, to be a more spiritual person. Hindūs conversely see that we are spiritual beings having a human experience for some time each time we incarnate as such, and we learn from those things as we slowly remember who we are. That said, most Hindūs and I share the view that we live multiple lives over thousands of years, one after another, and we roughly pick up where we leave off from the previous death, though the families may be different. In the last 4 years since I confirmed that I remember myself as a Hindū, I have felt a growing sense of compassion for vampires (as if they were real). I have reversed myself on the attraction to living as vampires. I'll give you a Hindū perspective on this phenomenon. I would not want to live as one. You are stuck in the same body, race, and gender. You cannot have experiences that you were meant to have. If you have a desire to get married, have children, grow old with your family, and see grandchildren before you pass on, you will ALWAYS have to come back to live at least one life as a parent because the desire is what keeps open the cycle of death and rebirth (saṃsāra in Sanskrit). This means that the opportunity to rebirth to become a parent is delayed for as long as you are a vampire. Even if you live for 1,000 years, you're going to have to come back. You could have had the experience to raise a family and live as either a man or as a woman, experienced racism from either end, experienced poor families and rich families, etc. CENTURIES ago. Now, you have to leave the vampire body through fire in order to have this so that you can return to the cycle of death and rebirth in order to live out all desires and karma in order to leave this cycle altogether. As a vampire, you'll never be able to leave this. I believe vampirism is a very attractive topic for many people because we have memories from thousands of years ago embedded epigenetically (which are vague mental impressions, NOT memories, passed down from generation to generation - why are some children afraid of flying [crash victim in another life] or of open bodies of water [Titanic or similar sinking survivor])? There are stories about a time when people lived for hundreds or even thousands of years, either here on earth or in another world where the laws of that universe are different than this one. Somehow, we know there's supposed to be something more than this, and that is trying to express itself. Vampirism as a story is a warped or imperfect memory of a time when we could live for long periods of time and do things we cannot do today in our degraded condition. I don't mean to say, "Oh, yeah. I remember this time when I was 997 years old, and it was during the winter when I boarded a landcraft to go..." Just a vague mental impression, that hey, something is not right about this world we are living in right now. You know something is off, but you can't put your finger on it. The Hindū concept of history is very different from that of the west, in that there are spans of time, one after another, where in each time span, people are born with certain characteristics and capabilities, and as time goes on, these attributes and capabilities degrade over time (like hundreds of thousands of years or even longer). We are remembering subconsciously things from the earliest times, when we manifested purely. Many of us have these experiences because we really don't remember who we are, but something is awfully familiar about some of the positive traits we are attracted to.

  • @troyheffernan1261
    @troyheffernan12612 ай бұрын

    Its all cool till the u.s. military gives it a weapon. Can you imagine in the south side of Chicago. Robot speaks.. ( What -up my N). Resistance is futile). ( Dropping dime on your A$$ now ). 😂

  • @joemeyers4131
    @joemeyers41312 ай бұрын

    A bunch of wasted pieces of scrap metal and unnecessary crap .. ..we need to help each other get along good as humans making robots comparatively unimportant ..

  • @rikdewilde5163
    @rikdewilde51632 ай бұрын

    4th industrial revolution (WEF) will have more useless eaters because humans will be replaced by AI and humanoid robots. #EndTimes #Transhumanisme