Triya Anushka

Triya Anushka

I’m Triya, I graduated from Oxford Medical School last year and I’m a junior doctor in London. I make videos about Oxford, medicine and more.

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  • @MsSusanton
    @MsSusanton4 күн бұрын

    Hyyy Doc! ❤ Recently,I started to watch ur video …it’s so informative…❤ I am from India & I had been living in UK for three years.Am I eligible to apply as a home student to medical universities? Pls reply 🥹

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka7 сағат бұрын

    Hello :) Yes I believe that if you have been living in the UK for 3 years then you are eligible for home status. But I would check on the medical school websites to be sure!

  • @TinaCamden
    @TinaCamden6 күн бұрын

    Great video thank you 🎉

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka7 сағат бұрын

    You are so welcome!

  • @essm2575
    @essm25757 күн бұрын

    Such a cool video! Thank you for your honesty, as a social worker in an inner London borough it’s so intriguing to see fellow colleagues lifestyles. What was the name of the data app you use to track spends?

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka7 сағат бұрын

    Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) the app that I use is called Wallet by BudgetBakers

  • @jimfletcher4520
    @jimfletcher452011 күн бұрын


  • @billcobjedwardcharlisleswu5216
    @billcobjedwardcharlisleswu521613 күн бұрын

    Thank you for being so honest! Keep up the good work

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka7 сағат бұрын

    Thank you!

  • @MamoGataro
    @MamoGataro13 күн бұрын

    I live in Ethiopia. my aim is goin oxford please help me

  • @prp3231
    @prp323115 күн бұрын

    Let's face it, the UK is bankrupt, it has a massive population with many diseases, entitled people, and few doctors. Problems will arise, such as this one. I left the UK in 2004, my local doctor had no diagnostic equipment except a blood pressure monitor and a weighing scale. Pathetic. Why don't these people, who clearly earn high salaries, invest in ct scanners and mri scanners?? That way , these high earning people will diagnose the problem early and save lives??? What is the problem with this country?? Everything is run down and Victorian. No wonder there's a huge problem there. Glad i left and certainly will not be returning to re live the nightmare. Imagine visiting a local doctors office and finding a blood pressure monitor and weighing scales only in 21st century UK. To say that a ct scanner is " too expensive " is a poor excuse. Even poorer is to state that a medically trained professional is incapable of using and interpreting the results. Pathetic excuse. There must be training schemes in place where these people can enter the 21st century and learn about how to use any scanner. If these people do not learn then lives are at stake because time is of the essence.

  • @malfy8369
    @malfy836912 күн бұрын

    Respectfully thats appropriate equipment. specialist diagnostic equipment that you have suggested require a specialist team. Also very expensive to run its your GPs responsibility to refer you to the appropriate diagnostic pathway.

  • @prp3231
    @prp323112 күн бұрын

    @malfy8369 it begs the question, these jobs can be done by a trained layperson, these so called doctors should be pushed into hospital work. Why can't they interpret a ct scan?? Are they NOT medically trained?? If not then refer them to COMPULSORY training on ct scans and start diagnosing diseases BEFORE it's too late ...

  • @malfy8369
    @malfy836912 күн бұрын

    @@prp3231 All doctors do general training and then specialise in a field. Thats why you're consultants are in the hospitals or specialised clinics. Investigation of diseases are whole disciplines in themselves to do it properly you need specialists in the field.

  • @prp3231
    @prp323112 күн бұрын

    @malfy8369 oh well, the more the treatment is delayed, the higher the risk of death.

  • @prp3231
    @prp323112 күн бұрын

    @@malfy8369 I guess in the UK it is a big deal to buy a ct scanner , even bigger deal to get " medically trained personnel " to study to interpret the result and pass it on to other higher authorities to diagnose the disease and start early treatment.

  • @chibuzoikediugwu8453
    @chibuzoikediugwu845316 күн бұрын

    I hope this really works..Is the plan still on? I have been checking the NHS websites vut I haven't seen anything

  • @Adyan-sp8fb
    @Adyan-sp8fb16 күн бұрын

    Did u get scholarship ?

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka16 күн бұрын

    Nope! No scholarship :)

  • @traveller2478
    @traveller247818 күн бұрын

    Thanks for the work. Thanks for Financial Transparancy. Think Global... Act local. It is important.

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka17 күн бұрын

    You're welcome!

  • @dromaarmuhammad5009
    @dromaarmuhammad500923 күн бұрын

    PA's should not be allowed anywhere near patients. A lot of patients have died off late because of PA incompetence

  • @emzyj1994
    @emzyj199413 күн бұрын

    The real danger is the lack of a cohesive and properly funded workforce. This divide that’s being created between doctors and those that are employed to support them and improve the workings of the healthcare system is going to cause more harm than good. It’s going to cause further public insecurity and the demonisation of the healthcare system. PA’s are not doctors. They are there to support with organising diagnostic testing and then feeding back treatment protocols, developed as part of a wider healthcare team including doctors. To pin the blame onto one role is totally unacceptable. The name Physician Associate literally means by definition someone working under the supervision of a Physician with limited responsibilities. As more senior members of the healthcare system doctors have a duty to ensure collaboration and coherence within the system. Stop creating a divide and start working together to improve the healthcare system. Stop blaming. Try to make improvements. The patients care should be your priority and finding solutions on how to make this better for them is the most important thing. Doctors cannot work alone. They need support.

  • @Mulberry2000
    @Mulberry200027 күн бұрын

    As a patient here is my take on PAs, they are crap, simple as that, that is from my experience. Sure they are nice people, but when you go in the room with a PA you know they are not as knowledgeable and trained up as Doctor. PAs and medical centres do not tell the patient they are seeing a PA, the latter looks like a doctor and acts like a doctor and when you ask them they give confusing answers. PAs from my experience do not like not been compared to doctors, they give that impression. So not telling a patient they are not seeing a doctor, the medical centres not telling the patient they are not seeing a doctor is damn dangerous. I have mental health issues and i have told PAs i have some problems and it was dismissed. When i told a doctor this morning it was not dismissed. Over 4 weeks ago i developed a serious painful rash all over my body. I do not mix with any one, so i cannot for the life of me know where i got it from. My Doctor said you can get bad rashes from stress, yes i have a lot of stress in my life, depression and money worries does that to you. So like i said i had a serious rash, i was very ill, i could not tell the " doctor" what was wrong with me I just lifted up my t- shirt, it was then i found out to my horror i was seeing a PA. Do not get me wrong she was very nice but extremely lacking, fair play to her she got a doctor to come and see me. When they saw my condition all was shocked, i put it down to stress. So i was given treatment by the doctor and he told me if it i have any problems with the rash come back. About 3 weeks later i went back and said i have a rash and sore between my fingers. I thought the rash was coming back, i saw a PA, this time i knew and she said you need some cream to help remove the sore and the spots to stop the itching. Yes this PA was one of two who saw my previous condition and she assumed it was the same, wrong big time. I went to the doctors this morning and asked the Medical centre not to give me a PA but an actual doctor. I walked into the the room showed him my hand and he said instantly anything between the fingers is assumed to be scabies. So i suffered an extra two weeks +one with a painful hand and it was spreading to my other. I then check my feet and it was on their but i never got any itching down there except on my legs at night but I never though about it. So what's the point of my post? PAs are human beings, but they pretend to be doctors, they do not tell patients they are not doctors, and the medical centre colludes with them. When asked they use obfuscation to confuse the patient, and that can lead to a big life threating problem if one thinks they are ok because after all the pain in the leg is just a sprain not a blood clot. There is no way a MSs is equal to a doctors MD or training just none. I know what a Master level is and how intensive it is. I have a Masters Degree and i did mine in one full year 12 months straight after a honours degree. So in my view PAs are dangerous they are not experienced or knowledgeable, you can tell when you meet them. A doctor because they are trained at a hight standard gives off aura of competence. No i have never thought a female doctor i have met is a nurse. PAs do not have the air or competence but act like they do, as the saying goes a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous - in this case PAs are.

  • @ThePushUKLifestyle
    @ThePushUKLifestyle26 күн бұрын

    So imagine you did a one year intensive MSc, imagine PAs who do it for TWO INTENSIVE years. Now that’s tough. You say they’re crap but the “crap” PA brought in a doctor as it is their job to consult their senior doctors, now that’s a brilliant PA I’d say. There’s nothing confusing about a PA responding by saying that they are a PA and a qualified one at that. No wonder the GMC is recognising them and wants to bring them under their care too. Lol

  • @Mulberry2000
    @Mulberry200026 күн бұрын

    ​ @ThePushUKLifestyle I did not do a Msc i did a Masters degree in arts, No PAs do not DO TWO YEARS OF INTENSIVE TRAINING, jog on - intensive is not what you want in these course. Basically it take two years of study to at MSc PA to reach the same level as Masters of Arts degree. My MA could have been done over two years but i opted to be done over a full 12 months. Please note a full 12 months not one academic year of oct to July. Look I am talking from experience do not second guess me i was there and experienced PAs you were not. PAs are crap simple as that, they are no good, simple as that. The supposed so called intensive two years is not that intensive, you will spend some time with theory, and then in hospitals but its done in an academic frame work, within the year. That is why a two year MSc is on the same level as a full time MA in the arts. The MA I did was a full on intensive course in the ancient world, it was solid 12 months of work from Sept - Sept. It was not limited by the academic year. If you think a Two year MSc is superior to a MA in the arts. How do you know? Have you done an academic MA? If not jog on. I had to do a lot of essays/research at postgraduate level and a 15,000 word dissertation. My MA was in the ancient world and i have degree in history as well. The MA was well above degree level and if i wanted to i could do a PHD and my MA would be accepted for it. If you look at the course details for Msc Physicians associate at Manchester University and compare them to to MA in the classics over one year. The MA in the classic is way more intensive I get why its just an academic subject so studying hard is ok, no lives at risk. The PA Msc is not as intensive as its gradually putting people into a role that affects people's lives. MD degrees for Doctors do the same.

  • @ThePushUKLifestyle
    @ThePushUKLifestyle26 күн бұрын

    @@Mulberry2000 I understand why you’re trying to convince people that the TWO YEAR INTENSIVE PA MSc degree studying MEDICINE is beneath a ONE YEAR MA degree in history because you write 15000 word essays and the MSc PA write 10,000 including sitting the same OSCEs that medicine degree holders sit but in a shorter amount of time, trained to diagnose and come up with a treatment plan alongside a senior doctor. I mean they’ve definitely done well and I can see why consultants love them. Using your own words, you said I wasn’t there when you experienced crap PAs and that’s how you’re so certain, you forget that there are more than just the one you experienced and are thousands of them out there and for me, I experienced an excellent one treat me and you trust me too that I know because you weren’t there also. Your opinion however is different to the body that regulates doctors who also see something in PAs to give them actual GMC registration numbers, clearly the GMC deem them qualified enough to do THEIR OWN ROLE. It looks like they’re here to stay regardless of what you think. I find it weird that you’re comparing an MA in history to a profession that looks after actual human beings and not history. I mean I get it, they do take histories off patients too but your comparison really is lacking. I don’t feel like jogging on right now but yeah. Not convinced from your point of view. If you’re checking a university website, make sure to compare all unis and not just Manchester as you did with singling out the one PA when there are thousands more for your point of argument. You do realise that there are PAs who also have gone on to complete a PhD and have their title doctor? Proving those who call them unqualified that they too have brains. So just because you think that you could have done a PhD doesn’t mean that the MSc PA is beneath your MA and doesn’t allow PAs to carry on to complete the said PhD that you COULD HAVE done

  • @Mulberry2000
    @Mulberry200026 күн бұрын

    ​@@ThePushUKLifestyle Keep trying sherlock. I told you and provide proof the MSc for PA is not intensive, it says on the Manchester University web site that four months is intensive. The simple fact is Msc PA degree need two years to get to the level of a one year Master of Arts Degree. Again proof provide. A MSc in PA is not studying medicine there you go again trying to inflate PA and Msc with doctors. They do not study medicine they study patient care and support doctors BIG DIFFERENCE. PAs should be banned they are no good. I have experienced them many times and the MSc does not cover it, if it did i be the first one say Yeah it does. As for me comparing MA in history to a PA god you are not very bright are you, its still a masters level duh. PAs will not last long doctors are up in arms, and so are patients, i am one of them. It has been reported by Doctors that patients are not told they are seeing a PA, and the medical centres collude with this. that is my experience as well, if you do not like it - do one. There is too much evidence from people and doctors who say PAs are dangerous. Get rid of them as soon as possible. I have been misdiagnosed by a PA many times. For example last year i thought i was seeing a doctor and he look at my leg and said get the hospital quick. My sock has restricted my legs at the ankle. I said to him why should i go? I knew from experience what was happening. I went to the hospital and ALL WAS FINE. Do yourself a favour before debating me read up on the links i have given and some more, your out of your depth here. Do not ignore patients who do not like PAs. "The BMA’s campaigning against the worrying expansion of physician associates and other associate roles comes amid increasing concerns around patient safety, illustrated by several tragic cases, including the death of 30-year-old Emily Chesterton, who died from a blood clot after being repeatedly misdiagnosed by a PA when she thought she had seen a doctor." My experience as well though i did not have a blood clot.'s%20campaigning%20against%20the,repeatedly%20misdiagnosed%20by%20a%20PA "“PAs are not doctors, and we have seen the tragic consequences of what happens when this is not made clear to patients. Everyone has the right to know who the healthcare professional they are seeing is and what they are qualified to do - and crucially, not to do." PAs pretend to be doctors. its a fact. "over 18,000 responses, UK doctors are reporting overwhelming concern about patient safety in the NHS due to the current ways of employing physician associates and anaesthesia associates.87% of doctors who took part said the way AAs and PAs currently work in the NHS was always or sometimes a risk to patient safety. In addition, 86% reported that they felt patients were not aware of the difference between these roles and those of doctors, showing the immense scope for patient confusion about the level of care they are receiving. In a separate survey of the public, 29% of patients said they did not know whether or not they had been seen by a PA." "“If well-defined, associate roles can play an important part in NHS teams, but the Government has refused to give associate roles that definition. Patients deserve to know who is treating them and the standard of care they are going to receive. By blurring the lines and allowing a situation where PAs can act beyond their competence without the public understanding what they are qualified to do, both professions are demeaned and risk losing crucial public trust." My experience as well, you just want to ignore it, typical. As for your line about the GMC regulating PAs. It is a mistake, a bad one, why because PA can say they have a GMC number and continue to use obfuscation about their roles. So i do not give a fig if the GMC is regulating them. I believe PAs are dangerous and will refuse to see one any more. The are pseudo doctors and the public is unaware of it, this is dangerous. "The British Medical Association (BMA) said it was concerned that a new law allowing the General Medical Council (GMC) to regulate PAs could confuse doctor and PA roles and could risk patient safety." If PAs go back to the original role of just shut up and do they job the are trained for, which is to do basic checks and stop hiding the fact they are not doctors, stop dressing like doctors et al then they can have role. They are not higher than a nurse not even close. "One of the primary risks associated with associate physicians is the potential for mistakes to occur due to their limited experience and supervision. These mistakes can range from misdiagnoses and medication errors to procedural complications. In some cases, these errors can have serious consequences for patients, leading to prolonged illness, disability, or even death." "TWO YEAR INTENSIVE PA MSc degree studying medicine is beneath a ONE YEAR MA degree because you write 15000 word essays". Clearly you do not know what your on about and never studied on a MA course. Arts students can run rights around Bsc degree students et al in the art of debating because they spend 3 years doing it, the same goes for MA students. Post graduates at MA level do not do 15,000 words essays, it called a dissertation. That slip of yours show you do not know the difference between the two. They spend a lot of their time researching on their own, developing ideas to answer a chosen question with a seminar, or essay frame work. Also i had to study Latin as well along with numerous course modals. Again its at post graduate level. I have shown you the list of the MA course content in the link. You have not bothered to look at it. PAs are so lacking in medical knowledge doctors are up in arms about them. A MA in arts is academic, a MSc in sciences is not. The latter needs more time to train for the job hence the two years for a PA. A MA in the arts does not need two years to train for a job lol.

  • @dromaarmuhammad5009
    @dromaarmuhammad500924 күн бұрын

    PA's should be nowhere near patients, they are way too under qualified

  • @BurntMount
    @BurntMountАй бұрын

    Compared to the payrolls in other English speaking countries, becoming a doc in the UK in an absolute scam. I don't need a doc to tell me.

  • @SK-sm5ge
    @SK-sm5geАй бұрын

    There is no job security for doctors in the UK.

  • @tinam953
    @tinam953Ай бұрын

    In a nutshell, PAs should not and must not be allowed to do the jobs of doctors.

  • @ThePushUKLifestyle
    @ThePushUKLifestyle26 күн бұрын

    You’re right, that’s why PAs do the job of PAs by being mid level providers and not doctors that people keep trying to say that they’re trying to be lol

  • @thewaffleman2.o194
    @thewaffleman2.o194Ай бұрын

    I love seeing the medical flied in different countries!! Would you ever be a doctor in a different country or just stay in the uk ^-^

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushkaАй бұрын

    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) I'm not sure at the moment where exactly but I would love to work outside the UK for a bit!

  • @ilpmuRk
    @ilpmuRkАй бұрын

    What are your prospects in terms of possible salary ranges say 10 years 20 years down the line?

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka16 күн бұрын

    Doctors in the UK definitely have good prospects when it comes to salary lifts as they gain more experience - check out the British Medical Association pay scales website for more information :)

  • @billcobjedwardcharlisleswu5216
    @billcobjedwardcharlisleswu5216Ай бұрын

    I love your honesty! Also your life looks so fun :)

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushkaАй бұрын

    Thank you ;)

  • @FarhodjonAbdurahimov-mn4up
    @FarhodjonAbdurahimov-mn4upАй бұрын


  • @mayarokii
    @mayarokiiАй бұрын

    Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your life as a junior doctor!! The thing about postgraduate exam fees were kind of shocking 😮‍💨after medical school fees...they have no mercy lmao. Anyways, I wanted to ask, for the 2 foundation years, how often do you have to rotate department/specialties? And is it possible to have any choice over what you do during the foundation training?

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushkaАй бұрын

    Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my video! Yes there's lots of hidden fees - I'm actually making a video about that soon. So for foundation 1 and 2 you have 6 total rotations of 4 months each :) everyone has to do a medical placement and a community placement. You have an element of choice - you can sort of choose the sets of 6 rather than separate rotations. Hope that helps!

  • @mayarokii
    @mayarokiiАй бұрын

    @@TriyaAnushka thank you!

  • @Ily-nh1jh
    @Ily-nh1jhАй бұрын

    How did they let you do 4 A level subjects

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka16 күн бұрын

    My school allowed it! Some schools only let students do 3 A Levels, but for mine 4 was an option. If your school doesn't allow students to take 4 A Levels then the university won't penalise you for not having 4. Hope this helps :)

  • @Ily-nh1jh
    @Ily-nh1jh16 күн бұрын

    @@TriyaAnushka thankyou so much ❤️

  • @iffatzaman2615
    @iffatzaman2615Ай бұрын

    ❤ such a great content! keep it up..

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushkaАй бұрын

    Aww thanks!!

  • @tommardel9792
    @tommardel9792Ай бұрын

    Im currently a student radiotherapist and i am interested in studying to be PA when I graduate and I'm not sure how to feel as I think it would be a good career for me, medicine is a very inaccessible career for many people, especially postgrduate study, if u arent rich its almost impossible to achieve. But i also don't want to go into a career where i am stigmatised and looked down on by my peers.

  • @docthomas8717
    @docthomas8717Ай бұрын

    Then you no well to avoid the PA role😂

  • @JP-tb3tq
    @JP-tb3tqАй бұрын

    Have you considered ACP roles? As a therapeutic radiographer you have the ability to independently prescribe under the hcpc. Therefore if you gained clinical experience as a RT you could consider applying for an ACP training post. As someone who worked as a diagnostic radiographer for 10yrs then pursued PA id say that having another profession to fall back on in this present climate is essential. Given the uncertainty in terms of the future of the profession and consequently lack of employment and financial security i wouldnt recommend training as a PA atm. Wait a few years. If it stabilises reconsider, if it all implodes then you wont have wasted 2 yrs of stress and 20k on tuition fees.

  • @docthomas8717
    @docthomas8717Ай бұрын

    @@tommardel9792 better steer clear of PA roles then. The current lawsuit filled by BMA against GMC UK is just the beginning

  • @ThePushUKLifestyle
    @ThePushUKLifestyle26 күн бұрын

    Hey I’d say go for it if it’s something you truly want to do and attracts you to medicine. There’s no way that they would stop the PA profession when the GMC is now taking over them. I’d say if it is truly what you want to do then now is an excellent time to go for it. From what I’ve read, a lot of PAs like the work/life balance and you can choose any specialty you want to work in. Imagine if you qualified as a PA and then moved abroad to work in the States for example, a PA In Oncology earns $398k of course depending on experience, an AA in the States in just two years after qualifying was on $220k. Doctors on the other hand earn at least double but you can see that the career in itself is rewarding for the average citizen. You never know, as with UK PAs, with time, you may be able to move to the States where you’re more accepted and the potential to earn is significantly higher. Imagine the NHS losing PAs to the States after GMC registration. It would be a plus for UK PAs if they’re not wanted here. I respect all healthcare professions and bullying is disgusting. I wish all PAs the best! You’re only just starting to get recognised so go for it if it’s truly your passion

  • @docthomas8717
    @docthomas871726 күн бұрын

    ​@@ThePushUKLifestyle yeah it's going to be a real page turner for PAs. Moreso that the government would be on its knees once again complaining about the shortages. 😂😂

  • @khaleesid6567
    @khaleesid6567Ай бұрын

    Now I see why kpop groups hire foreign choreographers ✌

  • @ThePushUKLifestyle
    @ThePushUKLifestyleАй бұрын

    Sorry can I just ask you whether you have actually gone on the FPA website for Physician Associates to read CRYSTAL CLEARLY their SCOPE OF PRACTICE? Or do you and the other doctors who hate the idea of Physician Associates just create videos to continue to promote hate on the profession that is here to stay. Junior doctors need supervision from their seniors too likewise Physician Associates. You should start by doing a thorough research before spreading further false information to the general public for the sake of speaking up on "patient safety" when there are doctors who have missed diagnoses on similar cases as some PAs who have been dragged down. By the way, the very first title given to PAs was actually Physician ASSOCIATES before it was changed to assistants and BACK TO ASSOCIATES. if you had done a thorough research, you would have known about the name and of course the PA SCOPE OF PRACTICE that has existed since DAY ONE OF THEIR INTRODUCTION IN THE UK 20 PLUS YEARS AGO. I used to believe the information from the doctors against the profession until I read it MYSELF. Stop spreading FALSE/HALF STORIES.

  • @Mulberry2000
    @Mulberry200027 күн бұрын

    Oh look a PA with a Chip on their shoulder

  • @ThePushUKLifestyle
    @ThePushUKLifestyle26 күн бұрын

    @@Mulberry2000 I mean if I was, I definitely would have a chip on my shoulder with a brain that could study medicine in 2 years and GMC recognition and the flexibility to practice medicine in any specialty. I mean I can see why there is jealousy and scare mongering, however I can also see why other doctors don’t feel threatened by the PA profession because why should they. You don’t have to be a PA to do your own research. I'm just not that gullible to listen to certain doctors who think they're the only ones who can work in medicine.

  • @samanwoyadhikary5628
    @samanwoyadhikary5628Ай бұрын

    Will it be a good idea to study medicine through graduate entry medicine pathway??

  • @robwembley
    @robwembleyАй бұрын

    Incredibly detailed account of what it took to get into Oxford Medical School !

  • @teamindiabikes9722
    @teamindiabikes9722Ай бұрын

    Very nice!

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushkaАй бұрын

    Thank you!

  • @MinisterDaveen
    @MinisterDaveenАй бұрын

    Thank you so much

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushkaАй бұрын

    You're very welcome!

  • @aminakhan3124
    @aminakhan3124Ай бұрын

    great video !!

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushkaАй бұрын

    Thank you!

  • @billcobjedwardcharlisleswu5216
    @billcobjedwardcharlisleswu5216Ай бұрын

    Thanks for the video! So helpful

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushkaАй бұрын

    No problem!

  • @salmasl5339
    @salmasl5339Ай бұрын

    Hey there my name is salma. I noticed a few things about your content that could be improved to get you more views and reach more people I'm here to help you create stunning videos that captivate your audience and deliver your message effectively with cheap prices .

  • @goc6560
    @goc6560Ай бұрын

    I can very clearly recall the headlines: “UK doctors protest at extension to nurses' prescribing powers” in 2005 “BMA meeting: Doctors vote to limit the number of medical students” in 2008 The PA profession is safe, thriving, and expanding in so many countries, including the US, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, India, Israel, Bulgaria, Myanmar, Switzerland, Liberia, Ghana, etc., but in the UK, "they're not safe." PAs are not good, but the thought of their existence keeps me awake at night because they are taking our jobs, training posts, and filling our rotas. The most striking aspect of this orchestrated, dreadful campaign and vile bullying of Physician Associates in the UK was how old-fashioned professional jealousy and protectionism, disguised as "patient safety concern," sparked intense hatred and bitterness towards a comparatively small workforce of less than 5,000 individuals. Isolating and attacking a whole group of healthcare professionals who are doing their best in this manner is disgraceful on many levels, to put it mildly, but the public is not foolish enough to understand that this revolting campaign has all the hallmarks of selfish ambition for PROTECTIONISM disguised as "patient safety concern." The Physician Associate (PA) is: “a new healthcare professional who, while not a doctor, works to the medical model, with the attitudes, skills and knowledge base to deliver holistic care and treatment within the general medical and/or general practice team under defined levels of supervision.” (DOH, 2006). Another country where this protectionism is in full play in 2024 is: “South Korean doctors strike in protest of plans to add more physicians." “The junior doctors are protesting the government's plans to train more physicians." (BBC News, February 20, 2024). Ever heard of Tiny Island Syndrome? References: Cole A., (2008). BMA meeting: Doctors vote to limit number of medical students. BMJ. 337:a748 Day M., (2005). UK doctors protest at extension to nurses' prescribing powers. BMJ. 331(7526): 1159. Department of Health. The competence and curriculum framework for physician assistants. London: Stationery Office; 2006. (Accessed 30 May 2024)

  • @Mulberry2000
    @Mulberry200027 күн бұрын

    PAs are not safe I am a patient and i have experienced many of them. If i had not a lot of heath problems and just went to my medical centre now and then. I would not know who was a Doctor or a PA till i got in the same room with them. Now i know their faces so i can avoid them when given a appointment.

  • @ThePushUKLifestyle
    @ThePushUKLifestyle26 күн бұрын

    I’m sorry but who are you? Because you’re BRILLIANT!!! Please spread this so that the scare mongering and bullying of other health care profession can finally stop. Healthcare is not for one profession alone, no one profession can do it on its own. It’s an MDT approach if some doctors have forgotten. But of course it’s playing the “patient safety card” when the bullying is actually putting patient safety at risk

  • @MichaelThomasOflaherty
    @MichaelThomasOflaherty2 ай бұрын

    I think this is a positive step for people from poor backgrounds can become a doctor

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын


  • @MichaelThomasOflaherty
    @MichaelThomasOflaherty2 ай бұрын

    I still want to go to medical school and become a doctor in the UK or Learn medicine in Republic of Ireland if pay is really bad in the UK I'm really saving up my money for a MBBS Medicine course. Thank you for your honest advice before I melt my credit card with a university medical school I nearly almost applied before seeing your video

  • @Jinsiya__
    @Jinsiya__2 ай бұрын

    Do i need to take neet -ug for applying to Oxford University

  • @Jinsiya__
    @Jinsiya__2 ай бұрын

    Please reply i wish to apply this year

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын

    Hi I'm not actually sure of the answer to your question! But my advice would be to check the Oxford university website and reach out to their admissions officers who I am sure would be able to help :)

  • @anonymous-rn3uo
    @anonymous-rn3uoАй бұрын

    Hello @Jinsiya_ where are you from in india ?

  • @user-ox5bn5qw6b
    @user-ox5bn5qw6b2 ай бұрын

    Can you please explain to us how to enter this university? I visited their official website and did not find anything to help me

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын

    Hi please check the Oxford university admissions page for the subject you wish to apply for! :) that will tell you everything

  • @user-qr9qj8wd2f
    @user-qr9qj8wd2f2 ай бұрын

    As an international student wanting to apply to Oxford, is igcse necessary or can you just use international A Levels

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын

    I think international A Levels are enough! You don't have to have iGCSEs, as long as you have equivalent qualifications that's enough :) good luck!

  • @user-qr9qj8wd2f
    @user-qr9qj8wd2f2 ай бұрын

    @@TriyaAnushka thank you so much 💜💕

  • @user-bf9vp2ok1
    @user-bf9vp2ok12 ай бұрын

    Will be start this October, thanks for the advice!

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын

    You're more than welcome! Hope it goes well in October <3

  • @ruba-marwan1080
    @ruba-marwan10802 ай бұрын

    Can you do about medical record in hospital 💗🥺??

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын

    Great idea! Thank you I will

  • @ruba-marwan1080
    @ruba-marwan10802 ай бұрын

    @@TriyaAnushka 😊🩷

  • @user-qr9qj8wd2f
    @user-qr9qj8wd2f2 ай бұрын

    The microwave on the beside table 😭 anyways congrats on getting into Oxford ❤❤😮

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын

    Uni essential! 🤣

  • @Readwithmiaaa
    @Readwithmiaaa2 ай бұрын

    Hey! doing my GCSE’s today and this is really motivational❤ Thanks a lot!

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын

    Aww, thank you 🥰 And good luck for your exams today!! I wish you all the best

  • @drkarenbukharibukhari9931
    @drkarenbukharibukhari99312 ай бұрын

    I've got mbb😮 degree

  • @ummayrukaiyaahamed6456
    @ummayrukaiyaahamed64562 ай бұрын

    Is it a must to be from english medium? Can't someone try to join if they are from English version?

  • @alexblue6991
    @alexblue69912 ай бұрын

    There not much benefit in working in Britain my age 72yr old I worked long hours for 50yr years on low pay 39yr as a joiner 11yr as an engineer because I worked for so long I get less of a government pension than someone who couldn't be bothered to get off their arse and get a job they get the rest made up on benefits

  • @GunijansFamousQuote-st5ed
    @GunijansFamousQuote-st5ed2 ай бұрын

    Hello, I am Mizanur Rahman from Bangladesh. I am a profession KZread Expert. I have been follow your channel for a long time. I think Your video is really awesome and thumbnail is also attractive but views, engegment is Very low. If YOU permission me I Will provide info about your channel

  • @Crimsonyte21
    @Crimsonyte212 ай бұрын

    No is the answer - source, I'm an NHS doctor (unalive me pls)

  • @JIJisan-kl4oe
    @JIJisan-kl4oe2 ай бұрын

    Hey! Sister please help😭

  • @memorygatsi9505
    @memorygatsi95052 ай бұрын

    Are they taking international students as well?

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын

    I don't see why not! They haven't explicitly said that they won't take international students.

  • @billcobjedwardcharlisleswu5216
    @billcobjedwardcharlisleswu52162 ай бұрын

    Thank you for being so honest in your videos ❤

  • @TriyaAnushka
    @TriyaAnushka2 ай бұрын

    You're welcome!