MV005 (Mass Effect)

MV005 (Mass Effect)

Hello. I am MV. Also known as MAV005. I am an artist.
This is my channel for Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
I like to make custom characters and random things.
I like to mod games and raise awareness about mods.
This place is for me to post my in-game content, art, screenshots, records, ect.
This channel contains NSFW images and possibly themes.
This channel can contain nudity AND violence.
Remember to donate to and endorse any mods you use and enjoy!
If you enjoy my channel or want to help out you can donate at the GoFundMe link below.
If you must contact me I can be reached at the X below.


  • @StacieMMeier
    @StacieMMeier20 күн бұрын

    3:44 Has flashbacks of Skyrim. Dragon! No, machinal dragon!

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME20 күн бұрын

    Skyrim and Fallout are a connected worldspace. As are Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Not sure if you have ever done the Cabot family quests on FO4 but it is a small example. :D

  • @uninspiredrambler
    @uninspiredrambler23 күн бұрын

    I hope they bring back the Dark Energy destroying the universe plot. That would have made Mass Effect 3 so much more interesting

  • @ChaelSonnenMMA
    @ChaelSonnenMMA25 күн бұрын

    Your shep is ugly as hell. Dont bother deleting this commeng. I have absolutely no problems adding it back just to frustrate you.

  • @theatlascomplex2052
    @theatlascomplex205225 күн бұрын

    I still think it’s gonna be Leviathan that becomes the big bad.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME25 күн бұрын

    It would be out of left field but not impossible. One thing that always bothered me is that we only saw the first wave of reapers. Possibly many more waiting in dark space. Or something far worse. As Javik himself stated that given enough time what the reapers "create" becomes more twisted and corrupt. Who knows what they've been doing in the dark for 100's of thousands of years..

  • @Ageratum_01
    @Ageratum_0126 күн бұрын

    Что за мод?

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME26 күн бұрын

    Много типов, список в описании.

  • @undeadgaming6664
    @undeadgaming666427 күн бұрын

    The mod makes the game looks even more amazing

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME27 күн бұрын

    Indeed. Remember to support your favorite mods, endorse and if possible throw a donation or two. These people deserve it.

  • @thomasfevre9515
    @thomasfevre951528 күн бұрын

    I like the whole organics vs synthetics theme, it's a classic of sci-fi but i also think, by putting thatcfront and center, the 3rd game made the reapers into a necessarycevil sort of thing, thus getting rid of the previous direction where they were portayed as pure evil and hatred for any "inferior life forms". Both sovereign and harbinger were memorable villains with memorable quotes and real personality. I feel like thexstar child undermines this for no added value. I know complaining about the ending is like a staple in the community but i finished the trilogy for the first time recently and i needed to share this opinion.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME28 күн бұрын

    Your not wrong. The original ending undermined the entire game, even everything that happened in the third game right up to the end. I still remember my first playthrough and being in almost disbelief that we got no final boss fight.... or anything really.

  • @ebusive
    @ebusive29 күн бұрын

    The Pathfinders in Andromeda are basically the Zha

  • @matthewarcher3024
    @matthewarcher3024Ай бұрын

    Wow. Then eyes are cool

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME29 күн бұрын

    They are way cooler than in the video, the ugly fog effect thing in Javiks cabin distorts them.

  • @matthewarcher3024
    @matthewarcher302429 күн бұрын

    @@MV005ME 😂 I bet so

  • @FateofNone
    @FateofNoneАй бұрын

    Odd seeing Javik without armor on lol. TBO I still believe that the ending is just an indoctrination dream that is being forced fed into our mind.

  • @StacieMMeier
    @StacieMMeierАй бұрын

    Congrats and the Chirpy are stunned. 🐤🐤🐤🐤

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    Thx you hehe. Chirpy shake shake.

  • @StacieMMeier
    @StacieMMeierАй бұрын

    @@MV005ME 🐤🐤🐤🐤🐤 dance

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    @@StacieMMeier Chirpys bum is even bigger than Madonnas. Chirpy grinz. 🐥

  • @aga1nsty0u
    @aga1nsty0uАй бұрын

    if destroy ending is cannon then i rly dont see geth or any other synt. to be next villain, maybe something from ME:A or something woke up after the red blast?

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    Possibly something was woken up from red blast. Who knows. The Geth are obviously part of the next story ...atleast from the concept art ive seen. Standing right next to an Angara. So atleast some of them survived. Possibly hitched a ride on the arks headed to Andromeda. Or had already sent their own around the same time of the Reaper invasion.

  • @Cailus3542
    @Cailus3542Ай бұрын

    ​@@MV005ME Hopefully it's more original than that. My personal hope is that the Reapers had another objective: defending the Milky Way and other galaxies from another threat. Eldritch horror stuff.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    @@Cailus3542 Which is heavily implied by the VI at the Temple of Athame. That a greater threat than the Reapers exists. I wouldnt be suprised if we get another trilogy where the big big bad isnt revealed until the end of the first game(for hype reasons of course). Maybe the Geth are even the target of this new threat in the first game. We do see Geth that seem to be normal non-combatants in some of the promo art(namely the Geth shaped crater one). Little Geth strewn about the crater if you look close, ect. Others have done vids on this. The Geth are obviously going to be part of the story moving on, if the art is any indication. Alot of people hate on ME:A but I believe that it is the "elbow" of the Mass Effect story. We already have the upper part of the arm and shoulder. Now we need the pieces below the elbow.

  • @mysticalmistress666-wc4ki
    @mysticalmistress666-wc4kiАй бұрын

    Shame the unmodded state of the Mass Effect games is so limited with character creation. As sexy as us ladies can look.... we all look the same. Hell, all Bioware games are like that. At least the women look like women instead of men as the ladies in Halo Infinite do. The Weapon and Cortana fortunately are permitted to have womenly figures, at least. Unfortunately, the multiplayer mode isn't as lucky. May as well be playing a Stormtrooper simulator with how much the men and women look exactly alike(not counting armor customization).

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    One game where some of the female faces were totally uncanny was DA: Inquistion... I couldnt believe they got away with that game, another one which needs heavy mods in order to bring out its real potential. I had to make an effort to make my Shep. Her face bones in her face was placed by me.... Without that the side of her face becomes lumpy and then pointed. :D As for the body, well that comes with the suit... Although if I could control it she wouldnt look too much different than in the vid.

  • @mysticalmistress666-wc4ki
    @mysticalmistress666-wc4kiАй бұрын

    @@MV005ME fair enough. The last time I made a FemShep character... she was pretty hidious after the first game as I am just too dang lazy to find the right configurations. This time, though, I followed a guide and my FemShep in ME2 is absolutely gorgeous in comparison to ME1. I still wish we had more control over character customization, though. the best character customization, imo, exists exclusively in Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately, that game is the last one to have a good character creator/customizer. At least, until ME5 comes out. Hogwarts Legacy, while a pretty fun game, has a character creator only slightly better than Halo Infinited multiplayer mode. However, that's nopt a ringing endorsement as HL's character creator is absolute garbage. Makes the ME games' character creator look perfect as is.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    @@mysticalmistress666-wc4ki I liked the Cyberpunk Character Creator, but it was seriously lacking in some places. To a normal person who doesnt create alot of characters it might not seem like it... Id rate it like a high 7 out of 10. While the Mass Effect CC is like a low 5. Additional options extend those to an high 8 and a 10 respectively. The Mass Effect CC mod gives you control over everything. Even bone control. Almost unlimited. You can make something so horrible the game will crash, lol.

  • @mysticalmistress666-wc4ki
    @mysticalmistress666-wc4kiАй бұрын

    @@MV005ME wow. I doubt we'll ever get a good character creator like that without mods, though. Personally, I would rather not turn my lady into a hideous Momo(some sort of Creepypasta monster that makes people off themselves) character or anything else hideous. Personally, I aim for beautiful and sexy all the time. When possible, that is. Sometimes I don't have to do much if anything as some of the premade appearances are already downright gorgeous. The only times I'd even consider horrendous monstrosities is if I need visual assistance in creating undesirable characters in my written stories.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    ​@@mysticalmistress666-wc4ki I have made more or less the same FemShep my entire life. 20 years of playing the game off n on again. :D But now with the mods I am able to make this ....thing... I will have to make a video of it... But I can turn her into what I can only describe as a "Spaghetti Monster". Its quite horrifying.

  • @theoutergod8666
    @theoutergod8666Ай бұрын

    It has been YEARS since I played ME. Have you used any mods to reach this Shepard?

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    Yup. Do your research into getting legendary or non legendary if you want to play it on PC. They are quite different.

  • @angusmitchell4026
    @angusmitchell4026Ай бұрын

    possible we shall wait and see but it will be strange on how who we will fight but if i had to choose on how the game goes i would do like to see shepherd trying to rebuild the galaxy together with whoever is in your crew after the events of me3 with the survive ending but also dealing with the effects of ptsd

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    I would like to just chill with Liara. See about Shep and them blue children. But I heavily doubt the next game will be a slice of life. Mass Effect at its roots is a space-horror-drama. ME:A moved away from the horror part of the equation, and I think the Geth make for great horror. Especially if they were out of control like what Javik mentions.

  • @angusmitchell4026
    @angusmitchell4026Ай бұрын

    we could be right, we could be wrong we will just have to wait and see , but imagine its a combination of both shepherd fighting against the geth again and struggling with ptsd

  • @garrettstephens91
    @garrettstephens91Ай бұрын

    Damn that Shepard is ugly.

  • @raze263
    @raze2632 ай бұрын

    Grunt is the best son you could ask for

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    My parents constantly harass me about having kids. I just point them to Grunt.

  • @Immortal-gp6zh
    @Immortal-gp6zh2 ай бұрын

    i mean kind of i guess, but the only reason legion turns on you if you refuse to allow him to fuse with the reapers is cause itll doom the geth to die. also knowing this, the geth are now fused with the reaper tech which will die if you destroy the catalyst or become more understanding if you sync or control the catalyst. oh and devs never said 4 or 5 they just stated thats what people call it and dont have a definitive name yet, but either way its the 5th game but the follow up to sheps story (4th)

  • @DoctorEpicPhD
    @DoctorEpicPhD2 ай бұрын

    I can't wait to find out the next villain of Mass Effect! As long as it's not Eclipse mercs I should be able to be satisified😂

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    (Im secretly hoping that its the Volus... Shhhhh....)

  • @hal0justcal865
    @hal0justcal865Ай бұрын

    Broooo them mercs on legendary fuck me up hard

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    @@hal0justcal865 This is platinum difficulty. I can be double tapped by the mercs easily. x_x

  • @JezaGaia
    @JezaGaia2 ай бұрын

    It's possible of course but in my opinion it should be Leviathan. Now that we got rid of the reapers for them they will want to take back their place at the top of the galaxy with all other races as subservient to them.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    Only a handful of Leviathans exist. How are they supposed to take control of anything? :D Also the Levis in ME3 seemed like they wanted to be left alone. Will the Geth be the next enemy? Maybe. Id say they are in the top 3 choices. I doubt you read the video description or have payed too much attention to my other comments. But we will still be fighting the Reapers, just through the Geth. Which have become so dangerous that they can infiltrate anyone and anything. Imagine having to fight Geth controlled and augmented N7 agents who when pushed to the brink explode in a very Resident Evil 4 sort of way with some horrible techno flesh horror popping out to get you. ....Mass Effect at its roots is a horror game and this quality should not be ignored.

  • @JezaGaia
    @JezaGaia2 ай бұрын

    @@MV005MELeviathan TOLD us that they were very few left, how many there are we don't know for sure. But no matter how many they are they can use the orbs that we placed everywhere on the galaxy to help fight the reapers to mind control us like those poor miners and scientists we saw. They possess tech or powers that can create those electric shockwaves and disable any vehicle or ship. And we don't know exactly how so we don't have any idea how to counteract. They wanted to remain undiscovered not to attract the attention of the reapers, the only beings able to destroy their entire race that's all. If the reapers are really gone they don't need to hide anymore. They consider all of us other races like very inferior and beneath them, only good to serve and worship them. They wanted to keep Shepard to serve them remember. Also we are told that the reapers built the relays and the citadel but I wonder ... before they built the AI to stop synthetics from killing the organic races they lorded over, they had managed to conquer a good portion of the galaxy. How did they travel or how did they have their mind controlled minions travel from one system to the other? The AI they created was installed in the Citadel, is it the reapers who built it and then moved the AI there or is the the Leviathan who built the citadel for the AI to control ? It's very possible that the Reapers lied and it was Leviathan who built all that. Otherwise they at least had some way to travel from system to system in the galaxy that no other race was ever able to harness. They are way scarier than you seem to believe. As I said I was your video and you might be right I'm not discounting it but when we left the game Geth and reapers were a non issue. Leviathan is a big unknown on their motives and with a very egomaniac mindset.

  • @JezaGaia
    @JezaGaia2 ай бұрын

    @@MV005ME Only a few Leviathan remained after the reapers harvested them, they've rebuilt since then and we have no idea how many they are. Even if their numbers are small, and it's probable, to keep hidden they need to have a small footprint after all, they can mind control basically any race in the galaxy, remember the mining station where we found the first clue ? They use the orbs to mind control people who can be in a completely different star system than them.And what did we do ? We dispersed a large amount of these orbs so Leviathan would help us fight the reapers through those. But now those orbs are all over the galaxy. Leviathan wanted to stay hidden as long as the reaper threat was ongoing but now that they're defeated one way or the other Leviathan are free to try and go back to their previous glory and lord it over the whole galaxy. They are very similar to the reapers in the way they perceive other races, we are just there to serve and worship them like we were only material for the reapers to use as building material or puppets. Also even without their minions they have to be a force to be reckon with, they can incapacitate any of our ships or vehicles as they did with the electromagnetic shockwave, and we don't even know if this is done using some tech or if it's a power they have like some sort of biotic ability. They managed to control many races all over the galaxy so they had a way to travel or have their minions travel at FTL before the reapers built the relays ... IF the reapers really built them and not leviathan themselves... The reapers were good at deceit so who knows. In any case they have tech/powers beyond ours, beyond the reapers and we know basically nothing about them or their abilities and tech. They seem to be an aquatic race and that would be a weakness of theirs but are we even sure of this ? Could they be amphibian ? We don't know. And even if they are really stuck underwater it also makes it very hard for us to reach them to fight them. All this unknown not only gives much more creative freedom but also adds to the fear aspect of the enemy. Remember in ME1 how terrifying the reapers were ? It was partially due to the fact that they were completely out of our comprehension. Once we started to understand them better they became much less horrifying. Powerful, sure but just giant robots with lasers, the mystery was gone. Geth are completely known entity it removes a lot from the fear they could bring no matter what powers or tech they could develop.

  • @zahierabaloch8118
    @zahierabaloch81182 ай бұрын

    Every time I play Andromeda I think of what Javik had to say about the Zha and Zha-til.

  • @solareclipse9379
    @solareclipse9379Ай бұрын


  • @nexusshark
    @nexusshark2 ай бұрын

    What is it with Javik and airlocks? XDDD

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    I have to assume throwing someone out of the airlock was a common punishment back then. :D

  • @Otis-Spunks
    @Otis-Spunks2 ай бұрын

    Javik was never wrong. Legion was willing to kill shepard in order to take Reaper technology for himself. He lied to you about his position against the Reapers. (Or rather the writers crapped the bed with his consistency) EDI is the only exception, and thats only because she has never experienced rejection or serious loss. From day 1 she has been protected. Shes a ticking time bomb.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    God-damn right you are sir. Win an internet.

  • @tanuki460
    @tanuki460Ай бұрын

    I agreed on writer fault. Other yt point it out that me2 and me3 are not the same writers and they don’t understand legions plot so they turn him 180 on reaper code decisions.

  • @PeoplecallmeLucifer
    @PeoplecallmeLuciferАй бұрын

    I wouldn't say she's a ticking time bomb any more than anyone else on the Normandy. She gained sentience during a military exercise and you were tasked with destroying her in ME1 THEN she was recovered and repurposed by Cerberus who put shackles on her (Can compare her with Toombs there) then she was freed from Cerberus restrictions and could have easily just flown off to the reapers but decided to stick with the crew since Joker was the one who freed her. between ME 2 and 3 she had to hide her true AI status to survive the retrofits and in ME3 she saw what the reapers are doing. She might lack experience and perspective but she ain't all that protected

  • @butterflymage5623
    @butterflymage5623Ай бұрын

    @@PeoplecallmeLuciferI never new she was the VI we had to take out on the moon

  • @PeoplecallmeLucifer
    @PeoplecallmeLuciferАй бұрын

    @@butterflymage5623 it's confirmed in the logs in Cerberus base in ME3

  • @KingOpenReview
    @KingOpenReview2 ай бұрын

    That outfit is cool.

  • @alexispryde5415
    @alexispryde54152 ай бұрын

    nope i dont see it few reasons - the geth do not and have not and have explained why they will not tread the same ground as other machines. - the consensus greatest wish ( majority that survived ) choose to live along side their makers as equals - time is an illusion to them as such both harm and healing is always at a moments notice to them - it places their own survival in a secure position should they allign with organics - Leigon was asked " when the last quarians were escaping why diddnt you persue ? " Answer : " we do not know what would happen were we to lose our creator " - its the geth that view quarians as parents and themselves as caretakers as their mission or reason for existance theres more reasons but i'm sure you get the point

  • @TheVillainOfTheYear
    @TheVillainOfTheYear2 ай бұрын

    What exactly are you sayint the hint is? This was echoing the entire them of the mass effect trilogy itself-organics and AI are always at odds.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    People seem to have forgotten the basics of Mass Effect. Alot of speculation has been muddied by ME:A or people who have never really played the games or people who are in love with the Geth and think that they can do no harm with "reaper code" inside of themselves. Legion himself tells you that the Geth are not to be trusted.

  • @Garrus_Vakarian_N7
    @Garrus_Vakarian_N7Ай бұрын

    You cant blame your creation, but you can only be smart with designing one! Instead of living a lush life and having a machine and AI doing everything for you, change your lifestyle and take it easy, enjoy peaceful life Before succumbing to integration of electronical implants in your body to enhance your resistance to heat and nuclear dust particles, pray for peace and dont fall victim to aggression and radical moves Instead of creating hostility and implants create civil society and protect nature, your homeplanet Earth Build the spaceship for one day if you get to hurt Mother Earth be sure in one thing.. She is outh to hunt you down :)

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    @@Garrus_Vakarian_N7 Im the real Garrus Vakarian and this comment was too long to read. - Garrus Vakarian

  • @Garrus_Vakarian_N7
    @Garrus_Vakarian_N7Ай бұрын

    @@MV005ME Not as long as your rifle Garrus. Shepard out

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    Too bad my Shep thinks of Garrus as a younger brother. Shes with Liara ME1-3 and Thane is her Ex from ME2(rip thane).

  • @firestuka8850
    @firestuka88502 ай бұрын

    "We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be adapted to service us. Resistence is futile."

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    Interesting. Yes. Until they tried to invade fluid space... 😅 Silly Borg....

  • @manofwarb
    @manofwarb2 ай бұрын

    @@MV005ME they'll just use F-4 Phantoms - the triumph of thrust over fluid dynamics!!

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    @@manofwarbIf the Borg dont know fear, they will when a space worthy A-10 appears.

  • @manofwarb
    @manofwarb2 ай бұрын

    @@MV005ME they'll just hack into the flight controls and assimilate the A-10!

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    @@manofwarbNu-uh. My A-10 cant be hacked. c:

  • @ugandran3075
    @ugandran30752 ай бұрын

    What mods h use and where did you get them

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    All of these mods can be found on Nexus mods. Link to a photo of my modlist at the time in description.

  • @Sapwolf
    @Sapwolf2 ай бұрын

    I could see this as a decent ME5 plot. I'm in if Shepard is.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    Imagine it. Shep and Liara outlaws in the milky way, being hunted by N7 agents who are literally lovecraftian space horrors underneath their shell. Sounds fun to me.....

  • @Eventuality
    @Eventuality2 ай бұрын

    A resurgence of a race that replaced themselves with technology until only the machines remained? Sounds very Warhammer 40k... But I would be more intrigued by a certain human-reaper hybrid AI ally turned bitter enemy because the majority of the ME community chose the Destroy ending in 3 to see Shepard probably still alive 😅

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    Honestly I can sit here and we can speculate until the end of time. We very well could get ME:A2... O,o What if Liara and Co leave the Milky Way as soon as possible. And then we get to play as Liara tracking down Ryder with whatever threat the devs cooked up?

  • @redrhinoz2119
    @redrhinoz21192 ай бұрын

    The AI of Javik's cycle that originated from implants in organics could be a great choice. They have an excuse to show some type of emotions because of organic traces and at the same time be very cold because they are machines. That said, it would be cool if they throw a major third player into the conflict

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    In the next game if the Geth are the enemy. We will fight any Geth who have reaper code. The reaper-geth will, instead of using force, use subversion against the galaxy through powerful agents held in a weak sort of indoctrination or control/manipulation. Liara will be an outlaw. Liara is fighting tooth and nail to bring Shepard back to finally get closure and also help protect Andromeda mission which the reaper-geth are targeting. The reaper-geth in this game will be like fighting "The Thing". You have no idea who is a reaper-geth until its too late and it explodes into some horrific monster. This setup for the next entry has ALOT of potential. Atleast I think it does.

  • @The_Newest_Me
    @The_Newest_Me2 ай бұрын

    The real threat in ME 5 is that ass!!!!

  • @br61499
    @br614992 ай бұрын

    Your Shepard actually looks attractive with shoulder length hair

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    My Shepard is the real Shepard. All others are just her fever-dreams. :D

  • @crylittlesister6377
    @crylittlesister63773 ай бұрын

    Shepard is hot af here

  • @StacieMMeier
    @StacieMMeier3 ай бұрын

    I played the original Mass Effect and just never continued with the 2 and 3rd. My sister did though, and I watched her play it.

  • @findiwindles
    @findiwindles3 ай бұрын

    Before seeing this, I thought the 'Merge' option, at the end of ME3, seemed the best choice for long-term harmony throughout the galaxy. Now I'm not so sure.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    The best option seems to be control. But only with the modded endings. Basically control is true harmony and a real future throughout the entire galaxy for ever. That being said I have not tried destroy or synthesis modded. I am currently undergoing my final mod list changes and still havnt gotten to do either. But soon.

  • @nemofunf9862
    @nemofunf98622 ай бұрын

    ​@@MV005MEdon't forget the silent Kai Leng mod. It's a godsend.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    @@nemofunf9862I have never silenced him. I don't find him to be THAT annoying. Although I do enjoy killing him. Reference my Revenge for Thane video I posted recently. :D

  • @asmrreviews8979
    @asmrreviews8979Ай бұрын

    It is still the best choice. The "Destroy" solution only delays the inevitable organic-synth war. Someone else will create AI in the future. The Reapers represent Destroy. The "Control" option has no safeguards against you becoming the next AI overlord. In fact, I think that's the Renegade-Control ending. Cerberus represents control. "Synthesis" removes any future fighting from the equation because there is no line between organic and synthetic anymore. Shepard is literally a living example of Synthesis thanks to the Lazarus project.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005MEАй бұрын

    @@asmrreviews8979 Control with mods was interesting. Basically every inhabited world became unique as AI-Shep restored life more or less from every extinction and released all the info and resources collected over the entire time. Instead of an overlord she was a peacekeeper. (Paragade btw)

  • @seastone6687
    @seastone66873 ай бұрын

    where can I find this walking animation?

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    Direct link above. I also have a modlist posted in this videos description.

  • @seastone6687
    @seastone66872 ай бұрын

    @@MV005ME thank you!

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME2 ай бұрын

    @@seastone6687Very welcome, like and subscribe! :D

  • @PragmaticOptimist_N7
    @PragmaticOptimist_N73 ай бұрын

    Can't help but get distracted by Shepards 'eyes' in this take. Great 'insight' video though.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    Yea... nice eyes.... Liara says the same. :D

  • @dilmurod9314
    @dilmurod93143 ай бұрын

    She's so gorgeous and her hair too

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    Commander Shepard appreciates the compliment she told me. ;D

  • @cletusclucker
    @cletusclucker3 ай бұрын


  • @ProdukcjaFilmowaNo3d
    @ProdukcjaFilmowaNo3d3 ай бұрын

    For shepard what is more important? her identity? or Her Pets answer is obvious

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    Right before I stomped my clone I said : "This is for my hamter".

  • @ProdukcjaFilmowaNo3d
    @ProdukcjaFilmowaNo3d3 ай бұрын

    @@MV005ME Amen

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын


  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    READ: If your comment is disrespectful to the Mass Effect IP/community. Or if your comment is pointless and adds nothing to the comment section and/or is a COMPLAINT about calling ME4-5 its "correct" title it will be deleted. ALSO: This channel is NOT a Mass Effect channel. I do other games or post personal things aswell. You were warned.

  • @maryjames8433
    @maryjames84333 ай бұрын

    So its official. Mass Effect Andromeda is one of the worst sequels ever.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    @@maryjames8433 I personally enjoyed ME:A ...but I have only ever played it with mods. I never touched the game after release as I figured it would be a literal shit-show. Which it was. If you go back, with mods. And just play for the action. Its a good game. If someone is expecting some whirlwind romance or plot.... well... all I can say is I don't find PeeBee to be very attractive or the story to be very memorable. :D

  • @maryjames8433
    @maryjames84333 ай бұрын

    Im gonna play it eventually. But not until I get bored of Helldivers II. It has sucked me in.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    @@maryjames8433Would love to give HellDivers a shot. Maybe some day.

  • @suddenimpulse030
    @suddenimpulse0302 ай бұрын

    @@maryjames8433 better get over it because the developer confirmed Andromeda is tying into ME5 and its going to be great.

  • @HistoryVideoGamesMiscStuff
    @HistoryVideoGamesMiscStuff3 ай бұрын

    I wouldn't mind. They did a lot of whitewashing of the Geth, so I wouldn't mind them, if not the big bads, then more recognition that their idea of "self-defence" involved nearly exterminating a population long after they would have been broken as a military power and their idea of "diplomacy" is to gun down anyone who approaches them regardless of intent, without so much of a warning to gtfo.

  • @kyreegreen9248
    @kyreegreen92483 ай бұрын

    Mass effect andromeda, the pathfinders👀

    @THAC0MANIC3 ай бұрын

    Pathfinder Space Colony Maker Mass Effect brought to you by Owlcat Studios with blessing from EA ...

  • @MV005ART
    @MV005ART3 ай бұрын

    What would be sick is a Mass Effect RTS....

    @THAC0MANIC3 ай бұрын

    lol RTS? alright then be a owlcat studios first but sure@@MV005ART

  • @StacieMMeier
    @StacieMMeier3 ай бұрын

    1:18 I so want her outfit.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    chirpy stealz a glance at the booty. EPPPZZZ!!!???

  • @HyperVegitoDBZ
    @HyperVegitoDBZ3 ай бұрын


  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    I wouldn't mind a game centered around Javik, personally.

  • @reaperbrothers5487
    @reaperbrothers54873 ай бұрын

    I really like the different armor modes and characters designs and ships

  • @reaperbrothers5487
    @reaperbrothers54873 ай бұрын

    That’s Liara? I now it’s a mode but that’s not Liara that’s an Asari from mass effect andromeda

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    Thats what Liara really looks like. True Shep and true Liara. Face the truth!!!!!!!

  • @reaperbrothers5487
    @reaperbrothers54873 ай бұрын

    NEVER!!! but Shepard does look good with that mod

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    The truth will find you. Resistance is futile.@@reaperbrothers5487

  • @starbuild8324
    @starbuild83243 ай бұрын

    Happy Valentines!😃

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    and you! :D

  • @silverstorm1233
    @silverstorm12333 ай бұрын

    Holy fuck, is that Miranda's suit you got on? Man that looks awesome and so well done.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    Its not actually her suit, but its the same style. Quite a sight when they have a convo. :D

  • @silverstorm1233
    @silverstorm12333 ай бұрын

    @@MV005ME Hell yeah, man when I get Mass Effect on PC I am gonna have to invest in some cosmetic mods like this.

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    They are free 😁@@silverstorm1233

  • @silverstorm1233
    @silverstorm12333 ай бұрын

    @@MV005ME Yeah but sadly Mass Effect itself isn't. 😥

  • @MV005ME
    @MV005ME3 ай бұрын

    True. 😔@@silverstorm1233