

The Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI) is a university-wide center whose mission is to improve humanitarian practice through research and education.

Thank you and Conclusion

Thank you and Conclusion

Theories of Leadership

Theories of Leadership

Video 3 - Retreat

Video 3 - Retreat

Video 4 - Time to Prepare

Video 4 - Time to Prepare


  • @MzNettyBird
    @MzNettyBird7 күн бұрын


  • @bramweerts
    @bramweerts3 ай бұрын

    A wise man through experience.

  • @arseniotedra4573
    @arseniotedra45735 ай бұрын


  • @yeshewaskebede2784
    @yeshewaskebede27848 ай бұрын

    Hello Dear would you reach out me

  • @Sebastian-kr3re
    @Sebastian-kr3re9 ай бұрын

    "Promo SM"

  • @ernestovela5288
    @ernestovela528810 ай бұрын

    If you get down to the level of say the the groups in the field attacking the humanitarian if they could if they could be a connection made between the bad guys that are attacking and the and the humanitarians a person may like it sent it example in my life past experiences the worst what it do I can only give an example myself serious they say any criminal but do not talking about these groups that attacked say the milder ones the milder if there is such a and how you say and get them to understand to attack and if there is an attack that it would get them to give up the they would take the phone they would take the fall providing you got the humanitarians out of the area then taking on the actions of others that not in the way that it I'll give you the bad guys good stuff I'm just as far as that leaders patients of these groups somebody or group that's the head of that somebody or group that's the head of that PP negotiate the way they would be the way they would implement those might have to be a little bit more have a different way of looking at it and describing it p I don't mean that are attacking and kidnapping and killing not not giving them i consequences they would want to know upfront what organization of group of rebel but this come into question I know that they could be made from the smallest groups to the biggest military use buffer zones are there small units when they go in they have a certain buffer zone where they implement certain things were there know where they'll be taking it many levels. But just did the the group that's going into a war zone that that they would have the backing of even getting down to the level introducing of new little differently to apply a little differently to apply things that they normally never probably never thought of applying it comes to talking and standing up for humanitarian groups getting the message across the road if certain things were applied a pretty sure that they could get the attention of them very easy real serious warzones having I know there are people I know Siri a place a group that's less ideas to keep that appointment that would think that that would have been though they go into the local population and the towns and stuff somebody going in first settingABA a humanitarian group is coming in there they're going to help you but if you're going to do this describe I know that there's some proof that there's no negotiating. They don't want they don't want the healthy not send any would love to try ideas out of more lesser p 2 they're used to what protecting keep certain missiles and how to make it to a smaller po I'm talking about the country if you can't imply anything like that because ppp the country doesn't a country would have to want humanitarian yeah that sucks things you say you bring up there are other the bigger picture that there are other ways and protecting humanitarians should be up work together sharing cuz it keeps like a upgrading improvement Bishop play new processes procedures new just everything applying improve

  • @ernestovela5288
    @ernestovela528810 ай бұрын

    Variety of things and variety of ways of looking at it but undisciplined not expressing it's only one of the things but that would think that they would have a very serious way of from what I'm getting this that this the humanitarian organization that's that's doing that that's maybe they're not upgrade upgrade their views and meanings of the words that they use them and implementations maybe they just need a whole new improvement upgrade or however they call it like a hold you it also understand that not having enough information and not you know being a good assistant like like I said these are just humanitarian work with is interesting then as far as implementing policy

  • @ernestovela5288
    @ernestovela528810 ай бұрын

    The process able to influence the policies and practices of the group or state going in aiming to influence the policies and regulations and stuff like that advocacy or save it for you for implementing new policies new ideas bringing you to the humanitarian work

  • @ernestovela5288
    @ernestovela528810 ай бұрын

    Humanitarian advocacy that would be a person advocating for humanitarians to go in have certain things be applied to two groups of humanitarians to go in right I mean something humanitarian advocacy they would be advocating for for humanitarian workers are groups to go into certain cases where they needed where the worst is being done and they would they would advocate for that group to go in

  • @ernestovela5288
    @ernestovela528810 ай бұрын

    I would be more in protecting the that they're out there in the field helping just beneficiaries but the thick beneficiaries the people that are out there are people that are actually doing the work to be protected did the humanitarian workers are out there a lot information the it was interesting finding out that several groups of humanitarian workers as far as international humanitarian workers and local I can receive myself talking to a rebel group leader of a rebel group first talking to the president of the country and then down to the rebel group or the military of that really tell me see how how how expressing a how it's important not to attack not to harm humanitarian workers due to the fact of simply giving him an example of what would happen I could really see myself having to bring getting my point across the lot easier to get a dictating bad guy off of ugly bad guy a couple of key components that reflections are taking they can get this a protecting the humanitarian center out there in those sections technology is getting pretty is getting pretty more advanced than advancement by the years then are some technologies that are coming out there or fit perfectly in humanitarian work as far as the United States humanitarian international workers our military wouldn't literally keeps groups of our own army in and safely safe zones like I said I'm a beginner it's one of the first humanitarian it was quite a quite a lot a lot a lot a lot thank you thank you

  • @ernestovela5288
    @ernestovela528810 ай бұрын

    Petite that they would have you know they would have a no-fly zone Dover viewing and protecting which something like that a no-fly zone for humanitarian work current state or country that it's the country with air superiority won't protective is a humanitarian groups it would think that they would send a message you would think that they would stand that Eric message from trying to attack humanitarian workers that it was as far as keeping them for being a missile from being bombed from the air attack from the air by other United States can impose something like think that they would have something like that this is just me thinking openly like I would think that they would have had something like but I do find these talks good information good insight to me

  • @ernestovela5288
    @ernestovela528810 ай бұрын

    Yeah now getting getting into the video yeah the implementation what I'm talkin about would probably be better kept secret or establishing some way of giving it an identification to it but not totally revealing what it is it is powerful and you can't hide from it if it's a bit in a way that benefits them these groups of humanitarian workers pretty sure there's a group of geniuses out there just waiting to get into something like that nowadays they got geniuses groups of geniuses that come up with the amazing very very amazing that gangs and war all the time even they can be how can I say this can be told or explained something there's a saying if you want a big bad mean dog to sit down you sending are even bigger and meaner dog to sit stop a bully for bullying people bad bully good I know quite a few individuals featuring bad people from doing bad things that situation I may need to take a I may need to take a plastic finding words that kind of show explain more what I've been thinking if I'm not I'm not making sense

  • @ernestovela5288
    @ernestovela528810 ай бұрын

    I got an idea but I understand that by sharing my ideas I have an idea that may keep them safer but I can share it they have an opposite effect to it as far as people wanting to hurt humanitarians and hold them for ransom and stuff there's an idea that can be implemented that will secure eyes always on put the set of eyes like that there's no way that that those people are these people can take them to conceal them might help them to intervene stopping them by deterring themo if both parties knew what was being applied to humanitarians to keep them safe it would deter the people wanting to kidnapper ransomware do anyting but baby up there's an idea that I got that made I don't know whether it can be a pretty sure it would be a blind if I knew it was applied to me so I'm pretty sure that a humanitarian doing good it would be applied there is something that can be applied that might deter countries or groups of people rebel people wanted to hurt may have the ability to the two groups of peopl with a little procedures and processes being put in place that are you know right and correct I know I do something that could be implemented if it's possible pretty sure if it's if I knew that something was implemented on me and it kept me safe and the humanitarian worker it would sure you sure you can be used implemented for humanitarian workers

  • @mohamedawil9069
    @mohamedawil906910 ай бұрын

    Please make it subtitles videos

  • @sanjuansteve
    @sanjuansteve10 ай бұрын

    Equality = Equality Equality ≠ Equality - Women Equality ≠ Equality - LGBTQ+ Equality ≠ Equality - Muslims Equality ≠ Equality - Blacks Equality ≠ Equality - Latinos Etc., etc., etc. You do the math… In addition to women, try to name any minority group that American Republicans are NOT fighting to take or prevent from having equality, and go: Every single American Republican policy puts fear and greed (fear) before people and planet (including equality and empathy) and no single policy in the world in the modern era is as patently bigoted and of the scale as their continued fight to ban (and register, and ''pre-arrest'', etc too) all Muslims (a bigotry-blanket of fear/hate covering all 1.8 billion people of all colors, from all nations, of all ages, of all sexes and sexual preferences, etc). Fear (and the empathy and critical thought it kills) is what separates the right from the left. The fear at the root of ”Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” -- Albert Einstein Liberals hate American Republicans because all of their policies put fear and greed (fear) before people and planet (including equality and empathy). American Republicans hate liberals for the exact same reasons, because they’re afraid we’ll get in the way of their fear and greed. We're closer to American Civil War II than most people believe where our own friends and family members would take up arms against us for not getting on board with their extreme bigotries just like the slavery-defending Confederates in 1865 they literally idolize or the Nazis in 1938. Every Republican and/or Drumpf supporter is inescapably a treasonous, radical bigot, fighting for a white supremacist, fascist, Christian dictatorship / civil war. #BuildBridgesNotWalls #DeportMeToo #BanMeToo #BodilyAutonomy #EqualityMovement #EmpathyFreeGOP #SomosUno #RepublicansAreNazis #BanAllInsurrectionists

  • @sanjuansteve
    @sanjuansteve10 ай бұрын

    We can never hope to grow out of radical misogyny if we keep teaching it to our kids in the Bible and other religious texts... #ChristianCoup #NaziCoup #RepublicanCoup #RepublicansAreNazis #BanAllInsurrectionists #AntiScience #IntolerableIntolerance #EditOutTheHate #SomosUno Colossians: 18 ‘’Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.’’ 1 Corinthians: 34 ‘’Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.’’ Ephesians: 22 ‘’Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.’’ 1 Timothy: 11 ‘’A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.’’ Deuteronomy 21:11 ‘’If you see among the prisoners a beautiful woman and you desire her, then you may take her as your wife.’’ Deuteronomy 22:23-24 ‘’If a betrothed virgin is raped in the city and doesn't cry out loud enough, then "the men of the city shall stone her to death."’’ Deuteronomy 22:28 ‘’If a man rapes an unbetrothed virgin, he must pay her father 50 shekels of silver and then marry her.’’ Exodus 21:7 ¨And if a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as the menservants do.¨

  • @mohamedabdulahi6764
    @mohamedabdulahi676411 ай бұрын

    great meeting and really appreciate your substantial work

  • @ndor-ossongarnanbarde
    @ndor-ossongarnanbarde Жыл бұрын

    I'm from Chad 🇹🇩, central Africa.

  • @ndor-ossongarnanbarde
    @ndor-ossongarnanbarde Жыл бұрын

    I'm so proud to be member of this team by networking.

  • @ndor-ossongarnanbarde
    @ndor-ossongarnanbarde Жыл бұрын

    Hello hhi @hhi! Thanks a lot for sharing this recording webinar with me! I've enjoyed it so much.

  • @Prince-Abdalla
    @Prince-Abdalla Жыл бұрын

    Nicely done

  • @larryballard595
    @larryballard595 Жыл бұрын

    😣 P r o m o S M.

  • @autreplanete6230
    @autreplanete6230 Жыл бұрын

    Thank You

  • @jackiewalters4431
    @jackiewalters4431 Жыл бұрын

    anda perlu melaraskan kandungan

  • @kadirmuhammed1664
    @kadirmuhammed1664 Жыл бұрын

    Hello, Kedir Mohammed from Ethiopia. I am interested to join the live session

  • @simonadir4988
    @simonadir4988 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you very much!

  • @ericnangomba3566
    @ericnangomba3566 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you ,leant alot

  • @aregahegnpetros9736
    @aregahegnpetros9736 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you!

  • @mazenzayyan8490
    @mazenzayyan8490 Жыл бұрын

    thanks of this important topic, but if you have PDF version much appreciate sharing with us

  • @abdimohamed355
    @abdimohamed355 Жыл бұрын

    I am very exctited and happy I have managed to complete elearning courses six unit and would love persue education, education is power

  • @abdimohamed355
    @abdimohamed355 Жыл бұрын

    climate curriculum on evironment and human security key take away equity through evedidence based key take away

  • @abdimohamed355
    @abdimohamed355 Жыл бұрын

    gender ,climate change and conservation, very important gender equitable programing key take away

  • @abdimohamed355
    @abdimohamed355 Жыл бұрын

    how to imrove health system in protacted crises key take away in addition to environment

  • @abdimohamed355
    @abdimohamed355 Жыл бұрын

    Humnitrain geoanalytics program key take away intresting

  • @abdimohamed355
    @abdimohamed355 Жыл бұрын

    good to see emergency systems team. awsome

  • @abdimohamed355
    @abdimohamed355 Жыл бұрын

    very much intrested in HHI academy and intrested in on line programs , are there opporunities for humnaitrain parctioners operting in dasaster setting, for instance Somalia, my name isAbdi from Somalia working with African relief development initiative , in Somalia

  • @abdimohamed355
    @abdimohamed355 Жыл бұрын

    HHI emeregency health systems key take away awesome

  • @abdimohamed355
    @abdimohamed355 Жыл бұрын

    Hi, this is Abdi mohamed from Somalia , i am interested in humnitrian leadership

  • @shamisonyashanu7191
    @shamisonyashanu7191 Жыл бұрын

    interested in humanitarian leadership

  • @bilisumagebisa3446
    @bilisumagebisa3446 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  • @anasilvani3842
    @anasilvani3842 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for the humanitarian work you do, Lu! You’re one of a kind.

  • @receducationalproject7513
    @receducationalproject7513 Жыл бұрын


  • @decadetrpsnd5017
    @decadetrpsnd50172 жыл бұрын

    BBR is so meaningful this is my second course and it's actually helping me on humanitarian service delivery

  • @TheSamad1986
    @TheSamad19862 жыл бұрын


  • @TheSamad1986
    @TheSamad19862 жыл бұрын

    Indeed needed for Humanitarian interventions

  • @gwen5202
    @gwen52022 жыл бұрын

    【promosm】 🤦

  • @givethemavoice931
    @givethemavoice9312 жыл бұрын

    Hey, keep being a voice. You might enjoy this channel 👉 #drjohnaking. I find him instructional and practical.

  • @adenbille3017
    @adenbille30172 жыл бұрын

    The spread of COVID-19 is more pronounced in humanitarian settings like Dadaab refugees complex where there is acute water shortage. Aden Bille TUDO Technical Advisor

  • @danielashenafi2492
    @danielashenafi24922 жыл бұрын

    Very helpful, indeed

  • @rubenjooste4383
    @rubenjooste43832 жыл бұрын

    They managed to use the world's largest humanitarian crisis and make it about feminism. I stand for gender equality but let's not use "politicised issues" to mask issueas in which people are losing their lives.