The Julia Programming Language

The Julia Programming Language

Julia is a high-performance, dynamic programming language for modern technical computing. It solves the two language problem by being simultaneously as fast as C and as easy as Python. The built-in package manager provides access to over 6,000 Julia packages created by the Julia community, in addition to foreign function interfaces for tens of thousands of C, Fortran, Python, and R libraries.

The Julia package ecosystem includes best in class packages in a number of ecosystems: Image Processing, Machine Learning, Data Science, Optimization, Parallel computing, Cloud computing, Automatic Differentiation, Graph Processing, Probabilistic Programming, Finite Elements, Computational Biology, Ecology, Climate science, Astrophysics, Quantum Computing, and much more.


  • @ArtKuo
    @ArtKuo14 сағат бұрын

    Emulating code evaluation 2:13:55

  • @kvanculker5515
    @kvanculker551514 сағат бұрын

    Great work, really good talks. I wonder how Steffen Plunder uses an interactive applet in a presentation (5:12:21), is it Genie on reveal.js?

  • @ArtKuo
    @ArtKuo14 сағат бұрын

    Quarto 2:54:15

  • @ArtKuo
    @ArtKuo14 сағат бұрын

    Pluto.jl 2:23:49

  • @roywang1294
    @roywang1294Күн бұрын

    State of Julia, Kristoffer Carlsson, Lilith Hafner, Elliot Saba - 1:00:48 (Sponsor talk) Juliet & Romeo; making Julia a hard real-time robot language - 1:49:35 JuliaSim: Bringing Julia to industrial modeling and simulation, Viral B. Shah, Gary Mansouri, Chris Rackauckas - 2:06:10 Adventures in Julia IR: plundering Core.Compiler, Frames Catherine White - 2:49:15 Compiler plugins and non-native execution caching, Valentin Churavy - 3:19:52 Secure numerical computations using fully homomorphic encryption, Michael Schlottke-Lakemper - 3:50:58 Cryptography packages in Julia: what is missing? Jorge Alberto Vieyra Salas - 5:48:54 The `Memory` type in Julia v1.11+, Oscar Smith, Jameson Nash - 6:19:10 App support in Pkg, Kristoffer Carlsson - 6:49:30 Juliascripts.jl run at max speed, Stephan Sahm - 7:29:20 ScopedValues what are they good for? Valentin Churavy - 7:39:24 Renovating automated dependency management, Anant Thazhemadam, Joris Kraak - 7:49:30 Pkg en route: the logistics behind Pkg, Fredrik Ekre - 8:19:10 The `public` keyword (v1.11+) and how public APIs work for Julia, Lilith Hafner - 8:51:05 (Keynote) Materials Modeling: bonding across atoms, code, people - Machael F. Herbst, Rachel Kurchin - 9:29:21

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowiczКүн бұрын

    1:36:02 - Policy Enforcement in Julia Enterprise Applications with OPA 1:52:32 - ExponentialFamilyManifolds.jl: Advancing Probabilistic Modeling 2:19:42 - BLASPhemy 3:01:32 - Finite Element Modeling of Magnetic Fields in Julia 3:13:42 - RayTraceHeatTransfer.jl: 2D enclosure radiative heat transfer 3:26:42 - DFTK.jl: 5 years of a multidisciplinary electronic-structure cod 5:19:52 - Developing Supercomputing Geoscience Applications using Julia 5:44:12 - Portable communications interface for Earth System Model 6:05:12 - Seamless transition from single-core Python to Julia Multi-GPU 6:26:57 - Updates and Advances in CUDA.jl and oneAPI.jl 6:59:52 - Applications of Distributed Task Parallelism 7:22:42 - libtrixi: Serving legacy Fortran codes with simulations in Julia 7:43:51 - SeismicWaves.jl: a wave simulation package for FWI on multi-xPUs 8:04:32 - A fast and flexible CFD solver with heterogeneous execution

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowiczКүн бұрын

    1:50:32 - What's new in the Julia extension for VS Code 2:00:12 - GenX: a high-performance tool for electricity system planning 2:11:32 - Investigating Crimes using Julia 2:43:12 - TSearch: An Experimental Search System for the Julia Community 2:51:52 - InferOpt.jl: combinatorial optimization and machine learning 2:58:42 - All that's new and improved in Optimization.jl 3:18:32 - Exploring musical tunings with Julia 3:30:02 - TotalViewITCH.jl - Parse the messages in Julia! 3:39:32 - JSOSuite.jl: one-stop solution for optimization 5:40:12 - Real‑Time Airborne Magnetic Navigation with MagNav.jl 6:11:22 - 'What's the plan?', asked my robot 6:38:42 - What's new in GraphBLAS.jl 7:19:02 - BoxCox.jl -- A lightweight package with nice extensions 7:27:52 - MuJoCo.jl: A case study for developing Julia bindings 7:40:12 - SequentialCompression.jl: Out-of-core multi array compression 7:50:02 - HighDimPDE.jl: Solving high dimensional PDEs using deep learning 8:00:42 - Cairn.jl: Enhanced Molecular Dynamics for Active Learning 8:11:52 - cadCAD.jl: A Modeling Library for Generalized Dynamical Systems

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowiczКүн бұрын

    2:03:12 - Literate package development using Pluto 2:13:22 - Build real-time processes with Pluto's reactivity 2:23:42 - 🎈 Pluto.jl - Interactive package development and debugging 2:54:12 - Quarto Extensions for the Julia Community 3:31:52 - SummaryTables: Publication-ready tables in docx HTML LaTeX Typst 3:44:02 - Jlyfish: Reproducible documents with Julia and Typst 3:54:22 - TidierPlots.jl: Bringing ggplot2 to Julia 4:04:32 - What's new with Makie.jl? 4:13:12 - Interactive Dashboards with WGLMakie and Bonito 5:55:55 - Optimization Methods for Robot Motion Planning in JuMP 6:22:42 - GeoCombSurfX - exploring properties of polygonal complexes 6:54:22 - Attractors.jl: next-gen (multi-)stability analysis 7:27:52 - Using KeplerGl Visualizations in Pluto 7:42:12 - What's new in QML.jl 7:51:52 - Rosenbrock methods within OrdinaryDiffEq.jl 8:22:12 - Automated Theorem Proving with dL in Julia

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowiczКүн бұрын

    1:43:32 - NeuroTree - A differentiable tree operator for tabular data 1:55:58 - The general purpose algorithmic differentiation wrapper ADOLC.jl 2:04:42 - AI Wrote This: Discover Generative AI in Julia 2:34:52 - Causal Machine Learning with CausalELM 3:15:02 - Symbolic AI workflows with Sole.jl 3:26:07 - What's new with GraphPPL.jl? 3:34:32 - Modern CI/CD Machine Learning workflows using Julia 5:33:22 - Designing satellites constellations with Julia 6:04:12 - What's new with BifurcationKit.jl 6:34:22 - Kuber.jl: An OpenAPI based Kubernetes client for Julia 7:12:32 - Evaluate LLM synthesized Julia code 7:24:22 - LASDatasets.jl: A Centralised Package for Handling LAS Data 7:34:22 - Wave and Ray Optics for Light Based Tomographic 3D printing 8:04:42 - What's next for Transducers.jl?

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowiczКүн бұрын

    1:59:22 - GNSSReceiver GNSS signal processing and positioning in real time 2:08:02 - Bayesian non-linear mixed effects model for safer powder storage 2:20:22 - Ray.jl: Julia runtime and client for the Ray compute framework 2:41:22 - Extrae.jl: Advance profiling of Julia code in HPC clusters 3:29:02 - Parallel algebraic multigrid in Julia with PartitionedArrays.jl 3:41:02 - Trustworthy AI in Julia meets Supercomputing 3:49:02 - Advancements in Peridynamics.jl for Dynamic Fracture Simulations 5:49:22 - DistributedWorkflow.jl - A task-based workflow system interface 6:20:22 - Rembus.jl: a Pub/Sub and Remote Procedure Call middleware 6:50:12 - A live coding music performance with Julia 7:29:02 - Randomized Diagonal Estimation in Julia 7:41:17 - Sustainable Development of Stencil-based HPC Applications 7:53:51 - Robust Calibration of Industrial HVAC and Battery Systems 8:19:32 - QSS: a solver for a large sparse stiff discontinuous system

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowiczКүн бұрын

    1:05:32 - MATLAB |> Julia 😊 0:00:02 - Blending the gap: mixing MATLAB with Julia 2:07:52 - Bias correcting methods for climate models 2:25:02 - Retro6502 for 8-bit dev: smashing a mosquito with a pile driver 5:05:02 - Effective Julia Computation as a Service 5:29:32 - PPTX.jl an open-source package by ASML 5:40:32 - Workflow for developing multiple interdependent packages 6:04:42 - 🚗 Integrating Julia for Perception task in autonomous driving 6:24:52 - Unveiling Full Stack Development with PeaceFounder 6:50:52 - Julia at Fugro 7:12:12 - How a Julia Backend Accelerates Model Based App Development 7:35:12 - TulipaEnergyModel.jl: An efficient and flexible energy model 7:51:02 - Industrial Julia Panel Discussion

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowiczКүн бұрын

    1:04:32 - CoupledElectricMagneticDipoles.jl 1:14:12 - Introducing MuJoCo.jl - Julia bindings for the MuJoCo simulator 1:24:42 - What's new with VoronoiFVM.jl 1:38:12 - Nurturing a quantum open-source ecosystem 2:04:52 - Simulating quantum molecular dynamics with Julia 2:14:42 - Computer-Aided Design of Quantum Integrated Circuits 5:04:12 - Tensor network for quantum error correction 5:32:52 - Piccolo.jl: an integrated stack for quantum optimal control 6:03:22 - Composable API for Quantum Networking Protocols 6:43:52 - On physics-informed automatic differentiation 6:55:52 - Equivalence Checking of Dynamic Quantum Circuits 7:04:42 - ITensorNetworks.jl 7:36:02 - Projector Monte Carlo and exact diagonalisation with Rimu.jl

  • @roywang1294
    @roywang12942 күн бұрын

    Accelerate insights code to slides faster, Jack Diamond - 1:26:15 Solving integral equations with Inti.jl Luiz M. Faria - 1:36:00 Building confidently in Julia with interface-driven design, Sam Buercklin - 2:09:20 AppBundler.jl Bundle your Julia GUI Application, Janis Erdmanis - 2:38:19 Unlocking lightning speed of Julia's Dict with Robinhood hashing, Koustav Chowdhury - `missing` Simulating nano-particle trajectories using CMInject.jl, Surya Kiran Peravali - 4:45:00 Natural science, computer modeling and literate programming, Johan Hidding - 4:55:30 Fuse.jl the power of Julia for the fusion industry - Tim Slendebroek - 5:06:12 Geant4.jl particle transport in Julia, Pere Mato - 5:38:30 Lyotropic liquid crystals thermodynamics and numerical methods, Pablo Zubieta - 6:16:50 Efficient composable solver for non-equilibrium flows, Longqing Ge - 6:26:40 Jet finding in Julia, Graeme Stewart - 6:38:20 WGPU graphics and compute API in Julia, Arhik K - `missing` FastIce.jl a massively parallel ice flow model running on GPUs, Ivan Utkin - 7:35:40

  • @viniciusviena8496
    @viniciusviena84962 күн бұрын

    Correction on talk processsimulator.jl: *IDAEs support dynamic simulations and have documented examples.

  • @ammannyannik
    @ammannyannik2 күн бұрын

    4:03:50 Turing.jl

  • @SS-vp2bh
    @SS-vp2bh2 күн бұрын

    appreciate the time and effort you put into creating such informative content. Keep up the great work! 👍

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowicz2 күн бұрын

    0:56:12 - Herb.jl: Teaching programs how to program with program synthesis 1:07:17 - FMIExchange.jl: Foreign Models Through a Familiar Interface 1:17:17 - Enabling Spectral Indices Computation with SpectralIndices.jl 1:28:12 - Fast probabilistic inference for ODEs with ProbNumDiffEq.jl 1:56:52 - What’s new with GeoInterface.jl: traits for interoperability 2:06:37 - Writing allocation-free Julia code with AllocCheck.jl 4:57:52 - Recursive Causal Discovery with Julia 5:15:42 - 💰 Trillion Dollar Words in Julia 5:55:42 - Using Julia as part of an Anomaly Detection pipeline 6:36:52 - Working with Open Street Map spatial data in Julia 6:46:17 - Strategic Data Handling in Julia 6:57:42 - Forecasting Mental Wellness of Students using Julia 7:25:52 - Cost-Efficient Experimental Designs, aka CEEDesigns.jl

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowicz2 күн бұрын

    0:57:12 - Creating Enterprise grade Desktop applications with Julia 1:10:22 - Julia for the working mathematician: parametric Gröbner bases 1:19:07 - Build a computational thinking - like class for the greater good 1:29:07 - What's new in Trustworthy AI in Julia (Taija)? 2:00:22 - Simulating Cognitive Models of Human Decision-Making in Julia 2:10:37 - Jurassic REPL: vi Finds a Way 4:59:22 - GPU Acceleration of Julia's SciML: ODEs, Optimization, and more 5:29:07 - Gradients for everyone: a quick guide to autodiff in Julia 6:00:22 - Train a Llama(2) in Julia! 6:40:02 - End-to-End AI (E2EAI) with Julia, K0s, and Argo Workflow 6:50:22 - What's new with Explainable AI in Julia? 7:00:22 - Large Language Models: To Be or Not To Be 7:31:02 - Gatlab: Computer Algebra and Standard ML modules combined

  • @patrickmoehrke4982
    @patrickmoehrke49822 күн бұрын

    Thanks, very helpful

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowicz2 күн бұрын

    1:07:22 - Differentiable point cloud rasterisation 1:17:47 - Julia for Particle-Based Multiphysics with TrixiParticles.jl 1:47:27 - CedarEDA tutorial: a fresh approach to circuit simulation 2:17:14 - JuliaSimBatteries.jl: Robust PDE Models of Lithium-ion Batteries 4:18:52 - Introducing DMRjulia v1.0 4:47:22 - Scientific Data Minisymposium 4:50:12 - DiskArrays.jl for working with large disk-based nd-arrays 5:19:07 - PyramidScheme.jl overviews for larger than memory arrays 5:30:22 - DimensionalData.jl: named dimensions for julia data 0:00:02 - Rasters.jl: raster data and GIS tools for julia 6:01:12 - Efficient Chunk Access across HDF5, Zarr, and TIFF 6:47:22 - KSVD.jl: A case study in performance optimization. 7:02:47 - Julia's use in nuclear physics data analysis: study of a case 7:17:27 - UnROOT.jl - Data I/O for High-Energy Physics in Julia

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowicz2 күн бұрын

    1:44:42 - MIToS Evolution: Riding the Bioinformatics Wave 1:54:02 - Combined Stochastic Models for Cancer Patient Trajectories 2:19:47 - Structural Bioinformatics with BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl 2:50:02 - The personalisation of cardiovascuar models using Julia 4:49:02 - Tools for agent-based modelling in developmental biology 5:19:52 - NetSurvival.jl: A glimpse into relative survival analysis 5:48:17 - Cognitive computational modeling made easy with Julia 6:30:42 - NeuroDynamics.jl: Next generation models in neuroscience 6:41:12 - Integrative Stochastic Modeling of Infectious Disease with Julia 6:51:49 - Fast, Elegant, Set-oriented Numerical Analysis using GAIO.jl 7:20:22 - Real Time ODEs for Sound Synthesis and Parameter Exploration 7:48:37 - Solve Fractional Differential Equation with FractionalDiffEq.jl

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowicz2 күн бұрын

    1:21:42 - PiecewiseInference.jl: inverse modelling for complex dynamics 1:31:17 - Newcomers experiences: Why do we need a stricter Julia mode🧐 1:59:44 - Julia-Powered Computerized Cognitive Rehabilitation for Children 2:28:22 - MacroModelling.jl - developing and solving DSGE models 4:30:32 - Developing a Satellite Telemetry Analysis System 5:01:57 - The SatelliteToolbox.jl Ecosystem 5:29:57 - A Reference Model for Airborne Wind Energy Systems - Case Study 6:00:47 - Towards Aerodynamic Simulations in Julia with Trixi.jl 6:28:47 - Variational Multiscale Method in Julia for airfoils simulations 6:41:32 - Trajectory optimisation in space mechanics with Julia 7:11:07 - Propagating large orbital uncertainty with TaylorIntegration.jl 7:38:42 - RunwayPNPSolve.jl: Uncertainty-Aware Pose Estimation. 7:53:17 - Optimal Cooperative Rendezvous using AerialVehicles.jl

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowicz2 күн бұрын

    1:31:26 - Teaching Structural Bioinformatics with BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl 1:34:47 - Notes from an All-Julia Honours Thesis 1:35:38 - My Experience With Deep Learning Research in Julia. 2:11:12 - MaxEntropyGraphs.jl: Random Graphs with JuliaGraphs 2:39:22 - Fast and generic Hidden Markov Models 4:41:02 - Probabilistic inference using contraction of tensor networks 5:10:57 - OpenAPI.jl for easy HTTP APIs 5:41:22 - A retrospect on Julia web services: HTTP, performance and memory 6:30:12 - SpatialDependence.jl: exploratory spatial data analysis 6:41:52 - Curling with Julia: A brief overview of CurlHTTP.jl 7:13:32 - EditBoundary.jl - a quest to revive structured quad meshes 7:39:07 - Improving the life-cycle of tensor algorithm development

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowicz2 күн бұрын

    1:26:17 - Accelerate Insights: Code -> Slides, Faster! 1:36:02 - Solving integral equations with Inti.jl 2:08:22 - Building Confidently in Julia with Interface Driven Design 2:36:57 - AppBundler.jl - Bundle your Julia GUI Application 4:44:52 - Unlocking lightning speed of Julia's Dict with Robinhood Hashing 4:54:32 - Simulating nano-particle trajectories using CMInject.jl 4:55:22 - Natural Science, Computer Modeling and Literate Programming 5:06:32 - FUSE.jl: the power of Julia for the fusion industry 5:38:22 - Geant4.jl - Particle transport in Julia 6:16:32 - Lyotropic Liquid Crystals: Thermodynamics & Numerical methods 6:26:17 - Efficient, composable solver for non-equilibrium flows 6:37:42 - Jet Reconstruction in Julia 7:34:50 - FastIce.jl: a massively parallel ice flow model running on GPUs

  • @akielbowicz
    @akielbowicz2 күн бұрын

    1:01:12 - Raising the Ki of a SciML model 1:13:52 - SymbolicIndexingInterface.jl: Symbolic Indexing for Everyone 1:40:12 - JuliaSim Modeling Language: Composing Complex Systems with MTK 2:08:12 - Updates to Standard Library & The Native DSL of ModelingToolkit 4:05:42 - State of Julia's SciML Ecosystem 4:38:12 - PEtab.jl - Efficient parameter estimation for dynamic models 5:07:32 - Docs, CI Tests, Error Messages, and Interfaces in Julia's SciML 5:49:42 - Model reparametrization with StructuralIdentifiability.jl 6:01:02 - Personalising Models of Human Blood Sugar using SciML 6:13:02 - JuliaSim HVAC: Composing thermo-fluid modeling with SciML 6:23:52 - ProcessSimulator.jl: A Differentiable Chemical Process Simulator 6:35:32 - Fast parameter estimation with PhysicsInformedRegression.jl 6:46:42 - Interpretable Hierarchical Calibration of Agent-Based Models 7:13:32 - MeshGraphNets.jl - Adaptation of MeshGraphNets as NeuralODE

  • @kamilziemian995
    @kamilziemian9954 күн бұрын

    7:45 Computer science conference without problem with computer is invalid. 😁

  • @genieframework
    @genieframework4 күн бұрын

    8:12:12 - GreenSpeed Sustainability Application by Merck (using Julia & Genie!)

  • @patrickmoehrke4982
    @patrickmoehrke49824 күн бұрын

    Starts about 1:35:45

  • @patrickmoehrke4982
    @patrickmoehrke49824 күн бұрын

    Starts around 2:03:20

  • @timedebtor
    @timedebtor5 күн бұрын


  • @gergelyattilakiss4697
    @gergelyattilakiss46975 күн бұрын

    7:00:42 Kezdi.jl

  • @jewishmyrongaines
    @jewishmyrongaines5 күн бұрын


  • @jakobnissen5723
    @jakobnissen57235 күн бұрын

    Some timestamps: 52:34 - ASML talk 1:42:16 - Language 1.5 talk 2:11:39 - BinaryBuilder2 2:41:24 - Infiltrator.jl 2:52:10 - Genie 3:16:30 - AI hardware 5:41:50 - Code provenance 6:12:20 - Static analysis in Julia 6:42:49 - Julia compiler secrets 7:21:10 - Julia in airgapped environments 7:42:00 - Static compilation

  • @offensivearch
    @offensivearch5 күн бұрын

    First two talks are missing

  • @rin_shima
    @rin_shima6 күн бұрын

    1:41:44 Language 1.5 revisited 2:10:51 BinaryBuilder 2 2:40:55 Infiltrator.jl 5:41:15 Dude, where's my code 6:42:30 Julia compiler secrets - static analysis 7:41:41 New ways to compile Julia (incomplete) Thanks for the stream!

  • @PatrickMoehrke
    @PatrickMoehrke6 күн бұрын

    Starts about 1:45:00

  • @piotrdacko853
    @piotrdacko8536 күн бұрын

    By yourself generic computer. Or use VB. Every language ess. should run in own environment.

  • @rohankoti8286
    @rohankoti82866 күн бұрын

    All the best Aditi, 1:54:37

  • @balajisriram6363
    @balajisriram63636 күн бұрын

    Loved the Trixiparticles.jl talk. Wonderful work!!! keep going

  • @balajisriram6363
    @balajisriram63636 күн бұрын

    Great Work!! guys loved it.

  • @conradwiebe7919
    @conradwiebe79196 күн бұрын

    1:26:10 start

  • @rin_shima
    @rin_shima6 күн бұрын

    (incomplete timestamps) 4:07:34 State of SciML └─ 4:27:10 Breaking changes coming to ODE.jl 5:08:55 Docs, CI Tests, Error Messages, and Interfaces in Julia's SciML Thanks for the stream!

  • @ArielMeilij
    @ArielMeilij7 күн бұрын

    This is the place I come every so often when I install a new machine and a fresh Julia environment

  • @todorelax1793
    @todorelax17937 күн бұрын

    is Genie 6 out now? i can't find it

  • @GalinaLipunova
    @GalinaLipunova10 күн бұрын

    20:30 In some cases you can solve this equation exactly (Green functions, etc.). So you can kind of check your computer code against these solutions

  • @tirmpouson
    @tirmpouson14 күн бұрын

    RxInfer.jl is an incredible piece of work and software. The creators behind it should be very proud of what they have achieved.