DHS Science and Technology Directorate

DHS Science and Technology Directorate

The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate helps strengthen America’s security and resiliency by providing assessments, analysis and reports and developing innovative technology solutions for the Homeland Security Enterprise.

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Invest In an A+ Team

Invest In an A+ Team

And the Rest is History

And the Rest is History

Shot Detected

Shot Detected

Try It on a Real Bomb

Try It on a Real Bomb

All Hazards Focused

All Hazards Focused

Science Is Messy

Science Is Messy


  • @rgamore
    @rgamore24 күн бұрын

    Anxious to see the final product in service, we are using standard pagers that have limited capabilities and reliability. It's time for a mass improvement, I hope your product will fill this important need.

  • @NukeTelAviv
    @NukeTelAvivАй бұрын

    Never thought the people working to strip americans of their rights would be so jovial about it. This is like listening to the modern gestapo gleefully talking about the new equipment they built to use on their own population.

  • @MayMayrada
    @MayMayradaАй бұрын

    เคยรู้เครื่องติดตามจองV2kไหม ที่ตัวผมมี กษัตริย์ไทยใส่ไว้ในตัวผม

  • @SecurityCRob
    @SecurityCRob2 ай бұрын


  • @UnitedStatesNational
    @UnitedStatesNational3 ай бұрын


  • @yelectric1893
    @yelectric18933 ай бұрын

    I hope these folks check the ARI marketplace.

  • @KunalKartik-wx7870
    @KunalKartik-wx78703 ай бұрын

    Very nice video

  • @aerodicus
    @aerodicus4 ай бұрын

    Old school criminals would be like: “What the hell, even the swat teams are staring at cell phones.” 🤦‍♂️

  • @turbinatearc7478
    @turbinatearc74786 ай бұрын

    So, when this gets rolled out, we can start saying goodbye to the long screening procedures, the conventional metal detectors, the manual backscatter x-ray machines, the manual baggage screening machines, intrusive pat-downs, and taking off shoes as well!

  • @p6x2
    @p6x27 ай бұрын

    The major issue is the lack of standardization across the world. Depending on which technology installed at that check point, you may or may not leave your electronics in your bag, may or may not show your boarding pass, may or may not remove your shoes. All those differences equate into wasting time. Passengers don't know what to do.

  • @priyamganguly
    @priyamganguly8 ай бұрын

    The entire playlist is informative and precious. Thanks for bringing it out.

  • @pennyfernandes5091
    @pennyfernandes50918 ай бұрын

    Any updates as to the outcomes of creating the canine selection tool and providing end users higher quality canines? Believe research to develop these models will make a difference long term. Developing breeding and puppy programs based on science will inevitably result in higher quality canine products that can provide end users with a partner already looking to work with an end user for advancement. Look forward to hearing more.

  • @trott7878
    @trott7878 Жыл бұрын

    It was BORTAC and the NVG's mounted on the helmet in mid-afternoon sunlight that let me know this was serious.

  • @Nooneshome23
    @Nooneshome23 Жыл бұрын

    Wish I had one of those.

  • @ronbaer67
    @ronbaer67 Жыл бұрын

    if only the coast guard was called boarder guard and stopped the invasion happening on our land boarders

  • @harvey8396
    @harvey8396 Жыл бұрын

    Get used to seeing the Micro -X logo, because it will be everywhere soon.

  • @garageblitztv3215
    @garageblitztv3215 Жыл бұрын

    Micro-X … what an amazing technology and engineering company!

  • @ProgressiveMediaAK
    @ProgressiveMediaAK Жыл бұрын

    I dunno feels like they could do better. Video only so so. 2/5 stars but only for the embedded portal link. Nothing to see here that isn't covered in your standard operations training that should have been delivered as part of the facility spec upon site completion.

  • @TheTarotCardGuy
    @TheTarotCardGuy Жыл бұрын

    So use tin foil as wallpaper now ? Gotchya.

  • @targetedfordeath359
    @targetedfordeath359 Жыл бұрын

    AMERIKAS NEW POLICE STATE BEING IMPLEMENTED BY THE FILTHY CORRUPT FBI, NSA, DHS AND THEIR PIG FUSION CENTERS!! 1. Spied on the population, mainly through a vast network of citizens turned informants (watchdogs) / (derelict infragard scumbags) 2. Used overt and covert methods of attack 3. Used psychological warfare/psychological destruction of their dissidents 4. Espionage 5. Surveillance of mail and telephone communications 6. Analyzed garbage 7. Sabotaged 8. Used armed forces 9. Operated in all foreign countries 10.Surveillance of foreigners 11.Coordinated its work with Soviet Intelligence Agencies 12.The Stasi trained and/or helped build secret police for others including Ethiopia, Cuba, Egypt, People’s Republic of Angola, the People’s Republic of Mozambique, and the People’s Republic of Yemen (South Yemen), Syria, etc. 13.Operated its own penal system which comprised of prison camps for political, as opposed to, criminal offenders 14.Less mentally and academically-endowed candidates were made ordinary soldiers/agents 15.Infiltration of the residential areas, schools, universities, and hospitals of their victims. Reporting of victim visitations, including all family and friends. 16.Privacy Invasion-Drilled holes in apartments and hotel rooms and filmed citizens with special video cameras 17.Formal categorizations of victims 18.Informants were made to feel important, given material or social incentives, and were imbued with a sense of adventure, and only around 7.7%, according to official figures, were coerced into cooperating. They frequently employed the use of blackmail. In some cases, spouses spied on one another. 19.Gas lighting/Psychological Harassment/Zersetzung *Zersetzung generally involved the disruption of the victim’s private or family life. This often included psychological attacks such as breaking into homes and messing with the contents - moving furniture, altering the timing of an alarm, removing pictures from walls or replacing one variety of tea with another. Other practices included property damage, sabotage of cars, purposely incorrect medical treatment, smear campaigns including sending falsified compromising photos or documents to the victim’s family, denunciation, provocation, psychological warfare, psychological subversion, wiretapping, bugging, mysterious phone calls or unnecessary deliveries, even including sending a vibrator to a target’s wife. 20.Arrest and Torture 21.Disinformation 22.They operated brothels. Also, agents were used against both men and women working in Western governments. “Entrapment” was used against married men and homosexuals. 23.Sent sleeper agents to other countries (namely the West) 24.The Stasi channeled large amounts of money to Neo-Nazi groups in West, with the purpose of discrediting the West. 25.Used armed weapons 26.Assassinated using death squads, kidnapped, poisoned victims, etc. 27.Assisted in the cover-up of traces to a crime II. Illegal Government Surveillance: The Stasi’s “Zersetzung” Tactics And Gang Stalking The Stasi’s Zersetzung Tactics and Gang Stalking FacebookTwitterGoogle+PinterestRedditEmailPrintFriendlyShare (XKeyscore) Wake up America! Ex-Stasi personnel were hired by the Department of Homeland Security. Who were the Stasi? The Stasi was an aggressive police agency that terrorized the East German population until the fall of the Iron Curtain - and Markus Wolfe, the former head of the Stasi, helped form DHS and assisted in the deployment (within the United States) of covert and overt tactics utilized by the Stasi to oppress the East German citizenry. The FBI, DHS, and NSA are now engaged in utilizing unconstitutional Stasi techniques called Zersetzung, and a huge civilian spy branch has already been deployed in the United States for more than a decade. Are you aware of how out of control things really are in the “Land of the Free?” The “civilians” involved in this widespread operation are comprised of immigrants - both legal and illegal, criminals, ex-cons, and the dregs of US society - hired by the FBI’s civilian branch called InfraGard - which on the street-level, helps manage this unconstitutional and sadistic program, primarily comprised of sociopathic misfits. KZread has thousands of videos of people who claim to be victims of “Gang Stalking” or “Gangstalking.” In many cases (not all, but many), these innocent Americans who claim that they are victims of “Gang Stalking” are the targets of this illegal counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) run out of the Department of Justice, and simply do not recognize who or what is behind their harassment and destruction of their lives, relationships and livelihoods. The Church Committee exposed this illegal program (which was never terminated) in the 1970’s. It is a multi-billion dollar (and illegal) program which funnels funds to InfraGard and private security companies run by ex-FBI, ex-DEA, ex-DoD employees. Anyone who has been placed on a watch-list is a potential target for data-theft, cyber-harassment, break-ins (usually no sign of forced entry), vandalism, overt harassment, covert harassment, slander, destruction of personal and professional relationships, economic sabotage of targets, and stalking in commercial locations. All of these activities are coordinated from (basically) two playbooks: The Stasi’s “Zersetzung” tactics and the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) - a branch of the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). JTRIG (and now the FBI, DHS and NSA) run their operations based on the 5 D’s: Deny, Deceive, Disrupt, Degrade, Destroy. These are “soft-kill” methods which ruin the lives of innocent American citizens while leaving a “negligible footprint” - i.e. little to no evidence of the harassment and unconstitutional activity perpetrated by the rogue factions within the US Government. The Stasi utilized the same tactics, albeit their reach was more limited than the illegal program being run in the US due to technological limitations, since the use of computers at that time and in that area of the world were nearly non-existent. However, in this day and age the high level of integration of smart-phones, computers, and tablets, has facilitated the government’s illegal spying program and helped strip Americans of their constitutional rights. Unfortunately, while countries like Russia (which is still not “perfect” or totally free by any means) have gradually become a bit more democratic and open, the pendulum in the United States is rapidly swinging in the other direction. We now live in a police-styled state where innocent Americans can be put on a “pre-crime-styled” watch-list (think Minority Report) as “potential” domestic threats, or “potential” domestic terrorists, via decisions in a closed-door kangaroo court referred to as the “star chamber.” There is no due process in these decisions, victims have no idea of what they have been accused of, and the DoJ has ordered local and state law enforcement to “stand down” when complaints are made regarding any of the aforementioned illegal activities. Who are the watch-listed “domestic threats” and “domestic terrorists?” Politically outspoken individuals, academics, activists, investigative journalists, NRA members, veterans, anti-abortion protesters, Tea Party members, conservatives, LGBT community members, BLM/Occupy Wall street participants, Americans who own property abroad, out-of-the-box thinkers, Americans married to a foreigner, world travelers, scholars who research of military subjects, whistle-blowers, etc. And this is not even an “all-inclusive” list. Rogue factions within the federal government do not like empowered individuals or independent thinkers who can’t be shuffled around and manipulated like mindless sheep. They want malleable people who are easy to influence, and will drink the “kool-aid” without questioning what the “special recipe” really is. “Gang Stalking” aka post 9/11 COINTELPRO, is really a culling program which has been implemented by the government in an attempt to control or nullify empowered people, natural leaders, intellects or anyone else who they feel threatens their agenda - which consists of leveraging more power over the American public while simultaneously destroying our constitutional rights. Most law enforcement and intelligence personnel are decent people and deserve our respect, however there is a very rotten, thuggish, and corrupt 2% which is destroying America like an invisible plague. via illegal data interception and street-level domestic intelligence (DOMINT) operations - which equate to organized stalking and harassment - against innocent Americans utilizing the Stasi’s Zersetzung tactics. Recommended Books: Gang Stalking: The Threat to Humanity

  • @mmohammedadl8156
    @mmohammedadl8156 Жыл бұрын

    Beautiful technological

  • @mmohammedadl8156
    @mmohammedadl8156 Жыл бұрын

    Nice and good luck

  • @b_ks
    @b_ks Жыл бұрын

    Please keep posting the information.

  • @b_ks
    @b_ks Жыл бұрын

    Sooo is this for Search and Rescue or SWAT? Oh, nevermind.

  • @ddespair
    @ddespair Жыл бұрын

    fist shot is great except for leaving the backpack right in front

  • @alisonmiller9023
    @alisonmiller9023 Жыл бұрын

    I am glad they were able to locate the videos to help save the little kids! That’s sad I had no clue this was going on ! I have never been on the dark web honestly so I have never seen anything like that ! But I read about it !

  • @cristhianrodriguez2128
    @cristhianrodriguez2128 Жыл бұрын

    does it requires internet??

  • @dhsscitech
    @dhsscitech Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for the question, Christhian. You can check the app store for full details on online/offline functionality.

  • @ronbaer67
    @ronbaer67 Жыл бұрын

    this has not aged well

  • @sswulffable
    @sswulffable Жыл бұрын

    Plum Island is America's PREMIER Experimental disease, Virus, germ mutation building facility most likely in The WORLD. Possibly even WORSE than Wuhan - Devilish inconceivable genetic experiments go on there. This is common knowledge. Hush Hush is mum when Plum Island is discussed. Operating under the guise of "Animal Disease" research facility is absolutely BULLSHIT - It's a HIGHLY PROTECTED Evil "Government" facility. PERIOD

  • @patrickww99
    @patrickww99 Жыл бұрын

    It's ridiculous that these guys are dressed as tier 1 sof... NVs on during the day, coooooolllll.

  • @JorgeGamaliel
    @JorgeGamaliel Жыл бұрын

    Like like

  • @cleidysbrooks
    @cleidysbrooks Жыл бұрын

    Excellent seminar. Thank you

  • @aryamarga108
    @aryamarga108 Жыл бұрын

    That's powerful. All cyber tools that we use today to solve yesterday's problems become tomorrow's problems (when adapted).

  • @bitbythecron3631
    @bitbythecron3631 Жыл бұрын

    Anybody know what ever happened to this program? If you go to their site off the main DHS site, all content grinds to a halt about 2 years ago (2020).

  • @evad.2299
    @evad.22992 жыл бұрын

    Great 👍

  • @saadbal3193
    @saadbal31932 жыл бұрын

    Cds F v:ty

  • @bruces4515
    @bruces45152 жыл бұрын

    Stop misusing using the term "first responder." That is in a small town. The term you are looking for is "emergency services." How could a person be a first responder when they are THE responder. ------

  • @JorgeGamaliel
    @JorgeGamaliel2 жыл бұрын

    Like like like

  • @h4ll0w33npumk1n
    @h4ll0w33npumk1n2 жыл бұрын

    Terns nest there.

  • @themook01
    @themook012 жыл бұрын


  • @sdan9859
    @sdan98592 жыл бұрын

    Who does the air domain belong to?

  • @ChurchOfCandis
    @ChurchOfCandis2 жыл бұрын


  • @jc.sservices7962
    @jc.sservices79622 жыл бұрын

    Awesome share. DHS my attitude is gratitude.... Lets do business USG.

  • @thoseflamingos8845
    @thoseflamingos88452 жыл бұрын

    The problem is convincing the old heads who dont give a shit. During overhaul I'm constantly told to remove my scba. The FF peer pressure to just "be a man" and I accept the risk that I'm going to get testicle cancer is f***king insane. It should be MANDATORY to where protection not voluntary. Its creating a literal toxic environment where the ones being safe and watching their health are looked in a negative light therefore inspiring others to except breathing in in that environment.

  • @imcintyre01
    @imcintyre012 жыл бұрын

    5 years you say? should be due this year if covid hasn't set them back a year or two.

  • @songboat
    @songboat2 жыл бұрын

    what about a case in which my neighbor/council member was allowed to illegally redevelop a non conforming property that he purchased from the Mayor. He was issued fraudulent building permits. He was held above the law. He discovered he was not going to be allowed to record the illegal redevelopment on the County plat map. At that time he along with the City, County and State officials determined his option was to eliminate me from my private property. Without the additional amount of property my land had to offer him the court would have ordered him to remove or bring his non complaint structures into compliance with State building and drainage laws. He began applying glyphosate on my property. Within the first three months I was unable to function due to the effects the chemicals had on my skin. I was denied a trespass against this neighbor. The chemical attack continued for the next 5+ years. I tried desperately to defend my home, business and property. I could not defend myself or property from the chemicals. I was harassed by the other officials in every way possible. I was summoned to court several times based on fabricated laws and ordinances. Those cases were dismissed only resulting in this neighbor becoming more aggressive. Knowing that my life was being threatened, one afternoon a County Deputy stopped by my house to advise me that this neighbor had no intention of stopping the chemical assault. I was suffering to the degree that it was unbearable to simply wear clothes. On the word of that County Detective I felt I had no other option but to flee from my property and try to recover my health. When I fled I was suffering a full body severe skin condition, I was blind and homeless for the following four years. They took my property without just compensation. They deprived me of my rights under color of law. They conspired against my Federally protected rights. They committed fraud and made false statements about me. My condition is chronic. I will suffer everyday for the rest of my life. docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QcgWS8oRBlmr-732s0crnYLgAUN0kyxZ4GPqJmTWP3A/edit?usp=sharing. When the FBI finally got involved, the County Sheriff made false statements. The agent arrived at my home specifically to review my hard copy evidence but announced as he entered my home that he had no intention of reviewing my evidence. I referred to my situation as being terrorized. He corrected me and advised me that I have been tortured. Two hours after he left my home I received a letter from the USPS. The letter was written by a Deputy Assistant Director for the US Attorney's office. The letter stated that the FBI agent determined no violation of Federal law has occurred. Torture and the above mentioned rights are violations of Federal law.

  • @imelda7940
    @imelda79402 жыл бұрын

    Ma'am, there is an echo do makes it hard to understand

  • @mandoe2048
    @mandoe20482 жыл бұрын

    So you want to dexterity of a gardening or latex glove.

  • @brettmills3042
    @brettmills30422 жыл бұрын

    FIU has done the research for using dogs to detect COVID and published their findings

  • @CookedAF2
    @CookedAF22 жыл бұрын

    Fuck neorolink this is the Business. Im in love Absolutely Growndbreaking!!!!