Normandy Studios45

Normandy Studios45

Hello there!
Im a star wars prequel fan and also a lego fan but most of all, im a huge fan of ww2. (started loving at 5)

I post lego stop motion videos and some gaming
(I plan to make unboxing videos soon)
If you want to suggest me some video ideas tell me on my discord: kev_danoob

My inspirations in stopmotion are Cheezyballz Productionz and Dejam Studios (i love you 2 guys)

Projects finished:

1.Saving Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 1

2.Battle of the Bulge but goofy

3.In This Town

Project in making:

1.Battle of Caumont-L’éventé

2.Battle of the Bulge

Future projects:

1.Operation Overlord

2.Battle of stalingrad

3.Battle of Caen

4.Saving Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 2

5.ww2 zombie apocalypse

Anyways have a great day/night!

100✅️ 19th may 2024






just a tank test

just a tank test

stopmotion tests #2

stopmotion tests #2
