




  • @Minamuramina7178
    @Minamuramina71783 сағат бұрын

    Im confused. Some vids are saying adult women. Taco and some r saying pedophile. Which is it?? And i gotta add this drama is being taken too serious. My opinion of course

  • @eggbrgr
    @eggbrgr21 сағат бұрын

    sure, bros a scumbag and a womanizer (typical eboy, playboy). as a girlie, i HATE people that lead others on, too, believe me. Netherim is not anyone special and unique, though. people like him are all around us, unfortunately; this situation has just been megaphoned because he's an online figure. but really, it seems as if he hasn't done anything illegal. truly, there is nothing more to say than: I hope these girlies have gained more self-respect and awareness than to waste their time with a guy that has values like that. i've been through my fair share of relationship ambiguity, trust me, it's difficult, but not impossible. if bro wants to get into a real HEALTHY EXCLUSIVE relationship, someone's gotta "fix" him, but it sure isn't anyone's obligation. don't pay him any mind and move on because all he's been craving (haha) is your exclusive attention, and you'd be giving him what he wants.

  • @shmounb.9653
    @shmounb.9653Күн бұрын

    Build path winrates is the most irrelevant stat someone can look at, because notice how the winrate scale with the amount of items. So lets say a build path with 2 items says it has 52%wr, but with 6 items it has 75%wr, it has almost nothing to do with the build and everything to do with the fact that if you can afford lets say 4-5-6 items before the game ends, it means you're snowballing. There is probably not one single 6-item build path with a sub 50% wr, because if you can reach 6-items before nexus dies, it means you're fed, so you win because of you have 2 more items than the inting enemy, not because the build is good. Yet people tend to follow build paths blindly and think their personal win rate will follow the build winrate.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflckaКүн бұрын

    yeah, thats another point too. I was mainly refering to skill order in thsi video

  • @cj-vp9rf
    @cj-vp9rfКүн бұрын

    Fellow scouser here in Liverpool, his scouse accent was funny

  • @inkiblackman2625
    @inkiblackman2625Күн бұрын

    Handy piece of advice when using stats sites. People are very quick to copy stuff without much thought

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflckaКүн бұрын


  • @SlickTwigDotWAVfile
    @SlickTwigDotWAVfile2 күн бұрын

    i always called first strike/money runes twitch stock broker twitch, but that was back with futures market so idk.

  • @pooIRL
    @pooIRL3 күн бұрын

    ye agree

  • @pooIRL
    @pooIRL3 күн бұрын

    I dont think he deserves to be canceled or w.e. but ofc if you treat people like this it will come back to bite you. I think its fine they made the document to stop it from happening to others

  • @Thomas-dm6tt
    @Thomas-dm6tt6 күн бұрын

    2:28 The entire point is that he is a public figure and that by exposing his behavior you allow people to evaluate for themselves if this is a person whose community they want to be part of. That is the document's main point and how it should be interpreted. Personally, I would not, and I would definitely stop supporting him on Patreon after this if I did in the first place. This take is especially bad because the problem is that he is not meeting these people through a private medium. He meets them in a public setting that entirely revolves around his public persona and his position inside his community. It is obvious that him being a public figure is relevant here. And celebrity lawyers making people sign NDAs is to swipe things under the ruck which is a point that does not strengthen your argument in the slightest.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka6 күн бұрын

    How is someone not being able to keep a promise not a bad thing?

  • @Thomas-dm6tt
    @Thomas-dm6tt5 күн бұрын

    @wackaflcka I am gonna assume that you didn't mean the double negation and that your point is that what he did was not that bad. He did, for so far we know, nothing illegal. However, he has shown manipulative patterns of behavior like love bombing and gaslighting, did not follow up on promises for things in his community, and IMO seemed narcissistic, unapologetic, and careless when he was in a call with some streamers. I believe that he does not realize the extent of his actions and how disgusting his behavior is, therefor he will also not change. This means that multiple other people will fall victim to this guy's degeneracy in the future and keeping things private was not going to change that. Taking it public does. That was the main reason for the document and I think they did a fine job and achieved that. He can still have a platform because he does not pose an immediate threat to people in the community but now everyone can make up their own mind if they want to be part of that community. Clearly, you think this guy is chill for doing this so you can continue watching, which is fine, but again personally, I want nothing to do with him or people like you who think this behavior is oke.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka5 күн бұрын

    @@Thomas-dm6tt no i mean that they came to a mutual agreement that they would not share private information or leak dms. Yet it happend. Why?

  • @Thomas-dm6tt
    @Thomas-dm6tt5 күн бұрын

    ​@@wackaflcka ​ Why would he not want those messages to leak in the first place? Because he knows that his behavior is weird and manipulative and that the messages make him look bad, which he is. You're focussing on the girls not keeping a promise but you ignore the main point of my argument. Sharing private messages is generally wrong (not illegal), especially if there is malicious intent, like doxxing or bullying, which is obviously not the case here. They shared these messages to warn others in the community, who might find themselves in similar situations, about him. This makes the sharing of messages perfectly fine and reasonable, even though they promised to not share them in the first place. Now the fact that you're trying to blame these people for 'not keeping a promise' while Netharim did that on multiple occasions like not following up on donation goals, Patreon features and even getting fucking married (he was engaged with someone IRL) is beyond me. If you want to argue that the sharing of messages is bad you first have to tell me why his behavior is oke and not something to warn others in the community about.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka5 күн бұрын

    @@Thomas-dm6tt I am blaming them yes, its their responsibility to take care of themselves not him. If we're going to put responsibility on him for being a streamer, should they not have some too? They were or are for the most part older than him. They should have more experience with things. My only message at the end of the day is that they should be taking care of themselves, and not rely on others to do so. We cant just blame everyone else but ourselves whenever something goes wrong. The only thing Netherim did was be himself, but at the same time he did honor his promises that were agreed to. They did not. I genuinely do think that matters a lot. The word of a person. The only lesson from all of this in the grand scheme of things is to not be gullible and knowing what you want. Sure now some knows about Netherim, but if they are just going to blame him for the things they felt went wrong it will not prevent it from happening to them again with another person.

  • @d4rkh4l34
    @d4rkh4l346 күн бұрын

    victim blaming i see. sure it would be great if everyone could be rational and carefull around people they are inheritly trusting of... what? no. netherim should be aware of the power dynamic of these relationship and if he knows peolpe are clinging onto him he should break it off. hes 99% responsible. he acvitvly decided to ignore any pain he could cause even further he and people are blaming the women in this case... what a fkd up world you are perpetuating

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka6 күн бұрын

    I intend on addressing this exact thing, so Im curious to see if you'll hold the same opinion or thoughts when I do. So if you do see it when I do I would like to hear ur thoughts after

  • @bwaterbobby
    @bwaterbobby6 күн бұрын

    ive met dudes who go on a different tinder date 5 days a week like its a job. this is no different

  • @VixenArt3
    @VixenArt36 күн бұрын

    It's very different. Dating is going out and meeting different people in order to find the right one, you don't click with everyone you go on a date with. This guy lovebombs and breadcrumbs these girls from the very beginning and incites images of getting married to them. He treats each one like they are uniquely special and never even hints that he acts the very same with every other girl. Sometimes 2 at once saying how much he needs them and that they should get married. He doesn't even get to know some of them, which is the first step of dating and another major difference is, he is dating his fans, girls who are drawn to him and admire him from the get-go, who are subcribed to his Patreon and who leave donations, he's using his position and these girls for his gratification while pretending they are the only one. It's just morally wrong to do, regardless of gender, people should be treated better. People who say this is normal, it's not. Being common doesn't mean it's good and it doesn't mean it's normal. I suggest you go through the document and read both the context and the screenshots instead of watching this video that misses the point and misrepresents what was actually written and shown.

  • @avar5448
    @avar54486 күн бұрын

    Have you seen a video with humzh, sanch, spear shot on nikich channel about it? Ngl nikich and later on taco, who joined the call were so cringe. Also I always knew that spear is a gigachad

  • @shukungm993
    @shukungm9936 күн бұрын

    9/10. Good analysis

    @IMOMENTOI6 күн бұрын

    This is literally what eGirls do for living..What kind of double standards bs is going on?

  • @VixenArt3
    @VixenArt36 күн бұрын

    It's wrong regardless of gender. What?

    @IMOMENTOI6 күн бұрын

    @@VixenArt3 In which part of the sentence I said it isnt?

  • @VixenArt3
    @VixenArt36 күн бұрын

    @@IMOMENTOI Fair, I apologize for misunderstanding you. So you're saying the behavior itself is wrong regardless of gender, it's just that there's a double standard where female streamers who do the same don't get the same kind of backlash as male streamers do, did I understand you correctly? PS could you give some examples of female streamers that have engaged in this level of manipulation like lovebombing and then dating their fans who donate and subscribe, telling them "don't get attached; I'm don't think I'm ready for a relationship" but then sleeps with them on call, shares intimate moments with them, have them visit irl and spend days and nights together. Tell them how she wants to get married to them and have a life together, calling them their husband and themselves their wives etc.? Basically setting 1 expectation but doing the complete opposite and manipulating the perception of their fans to believe they might actually have a life together, while simultaneously doing the same with other guys without letting any of them know? I'm asking you this because I don't watch any streamers and I don't know of other cases, I came across this case when a friend of mine sent the document about Netherim in a public server.

  • @coreo6688
    @coreo6688Күн бұрын

    ​@@VixenArt3 Idk , I'm asexual , I'll try to explain the best I can from what I've seen over the years, I don't watch twitch but I sometimes watch youtube videos to understand. Because of culture and how they were raised, I don't believe in gender and skin color, I believe in culture + nurture, basically men want to think they have a chance with a girl, so Pokimane will not be like Netherim where she catfishes people into thinking they will marry her, but girls want guys like Netherim, who tell them what they wanna hear, guys want to believe that girl streamers will reciprocate their emotions and girls want male streamers to directly tell them that they wanna do whatever was in Netherim DM's, all because of culture and how people are raised around others of similar genders , etc. Not everyone wants this, I'm merely talking about the femcels/incels/coomers, chronically online people, those don't have a defined gender or anything like that. But IT IS double standards because both parties should be held accountable. I believe that evil done in the open (netherim) is as bad as evil done in the shadows , by pulling strings, little by little, under the nose, systematically, etc (some female streamers). just because you are smart about it doesn't mean you can get away with it and just because some girl or guy is dumb enough to fall for both these types of people it doesn't mean we should let them.

  • @VixenArt3
    @VixenArt3Күн бұрын

    @@coreo6688 Hi, I appreciate your comment. I agree with you that manipulation is bad wether it's overt or covert, however again, as I haven't heard any stories of male victims of such or examples of female streamers that have done something equally as bad as Netherim has (this goes beyond messages, again, he wanted to keep it all hidden and he also spent days and nights with them irl and making them believe they'll have a life together and get married). Based on your comment, my understanding is that some of these female streamers made their fans believe they have a chance with them? How? And what's the harm there when they aren't made to keep secrets with the female streamer and I'm pretty sure they also never even meet them in an intimate scenario either. I acknowledge my lack of information on this and so I could be wrong so I'd appreciate it if you could explain this better to me. Or maybe provide concrete examples of either someone this has happened to or someone who was the perpetrator, is Pokimane one?

  • @vismvp
    @vismvp6 күн бұрын

    Netherim is giving us the premium content for free lmao

  • @phyrtiv
    @phyrtiv6 күн бұрын

    Ikeepittaco mad cuz he gets bo b1tch3s while netharim gets them all 😂😂😂

  • @phyrtiv
    @phyrtiv6 күн бұрын

    Netharim ebing canceled for being too good at talking to woman Truly a league moment

  • @AIEarth999
    @AIEarth9997 күн бұрын

    For everyone here in the comments, there is way more people victim of it. They even tell themselves that yes it could've been prevented. But Netherim went preying on certain invdividuals, he went with those that are vulnerable. And it's wrong what he did, it was not private relationships either. They did not sign anything to keep thing on closure so Netherim is just stupid by himself. And no he is not innocent, I know from first hand that he isn't. There is a lot lot more behind it than those document, and the only reason its kept so small is that individuals didn't want to be put public. And what I -really- dislike here, is that people keep going away from the fact that Netherim lied to them, used his Streamer status to lure them in. Those are all women from his community. So don't normalize this luring women into sex with your status, that's disgusting. That's Drake talk over there.

  • @Minamuramina7178
    @Minamuramina71782 сағат бұрын

    Kinda going to contridict yr statement a bit. This happened on DISCORD. DISCORD is literally a edating go too. He is not innocent. But DISCORD is literally filled with these kinds of people. A famous one was exposed and everyone now cares a lot. He did manipulate them. But they are stupid as well for falling for these messages for some guy on discord. They egirls and old enough to know what kind of place discord is.

  • @DoNotDoubleclick
    @DoNotDoubleclick7 күн бұрын

    nah cause humzh was literally talking notes from netherim's texts im cryingggg 😭

  • @raphaelantoine7331
    @raphaelantoine73317 күн бұрын

    I'm happy people like you aren't afraid to confront these hard topics and go against crazy cancel culture when it goes too far

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    well its more about everyone else here, im just a small content creator

  • @cactu
    @cactu7 күн бұрын

    its more fucked up that these people leaked dms than anything this guy did

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    yes i agree

  • @phyrtiv
    @phyrtiv6 күн бұрын


  • @gregdavidson3986
    @gregdavidson39867 күн бұрын

    So, I’m gonna add a different perspective to this. I’m not proud to say I’ve done similar things to Netherim in the past. Had several girls at same time, feeding my ego and getting sexual gratification from them. What he did was really shitty, no doubt abt it, but not sure that demands for him to be flogged in the town square are appropriate. There were psychological needs that were being fulfilled on both sides, even outside the power dynamic that was operating. The girls are hurt and that’s very understandable given the attention he lavished on them…I mean, who doesn’t like to get that or give that kind of attention from someone if you’re single? ( and sometimes even when you’re not single). The question I’d ask @vixenart3 is…what do u think his punishment should be? And what advice would u give these girls abt e-dating n e-sex in future? I listened to part of his latest stream n what worried me is the insinuation that he might just reveal private stuff abt other ppl too. Now having been in Nethetim’s situation, that is 1 thing that I never ever contemplated doing…even for a scumbag like me, that’s going too far, no matter how mad I am at them. If he does go down that route then karma will come knocking n chaos will reign. It will unleash a butterfly effect that he has no control over leading to unanticipated consequences. When shitty things like this happen, best to reflect on their reactions n yours, learn something, deposit it into the memory bank n avoid repeating the mistakes.

  • @VixenArt3
    @VixenArt37 күн бұрын

    Hi. I don’t think Netherim deserves punishment, but he definitely needs to reflect on his actions and their impact. He knew how attached these girls got to him. The point of the doc is to warn others about him. As a woman I’ve had my own phase of fooling around with multiple guys, but I was always transparent: 1) I told everyone upfront that I wasn't looking for a relationship. 2) I made it clear they weren't the only one. 3) I ended things if feelings developed to avoid unnecessarily hurting anyone. Netherim should reflect on his behavior, be honest about his intentions, and avoid sending mixed signals. Saying "I'm not ready for a relationship" while doing relationship-like things is misleading. He should make sure everyone knows they aren't the only one and stop making each girl feel uniquely special if he does the same with others. For the girls, my advice is to be vigilant, set clear boundaries, and have a clear understanding of their situation to avoid getting hurt. They should also be cautious about idealizing online interactions and ensure they know what they want and communicate it clearly.

  • @deletethis9909
    @deletethis99097 күн бұрын

    Ur actually braindead for this take. Ig hopping on the bandwagon for clicks?

  • @Miramisu
    @Miramisu7 күн бұрын

    He very clearly led them on for his own pleasure. If the roles were reversed and this was a woman you would call her all kinds of slurs. The guy is clearly a psychopath lovebombing the hell out of young girls telling them how much he loves them and sees a future with them and wants to marry them all the while he tells several other women that in private and no one knows about each other? He also lied that he was extremely tall like 2 m but IRL he's like 175 cm apparently, which isn't a problem in itself but the fact that he lies and doesn't care just shows that he is a psychopath with no regard.

  • @justadude5543
    @justadude55437 күн бұрын

    you understand this is online right? right..? Don't get me wrong, i think the whole situation is gigacringe, but defending a bunch of discord e girls who are deprived of attention from a young age is kinda crazy. I'm getting some 31 yo on the official league discord server vibes here ngl.

  • @Miramisu
    @Miramisu7 күн бұрын

    @@justadude5543 Does it matter that it's online? Most couples meet online now. And this guy also meet some of the women in person in real life, did he not? This guy clearly lacks empathy and I wouldn't be surprised if he is a psychopath and it's good to warn others. To play so many gullible young women at the same time who are all in love with him isn't normal especially with ZERO remorse like he does. This guy isn't normal in the head and people should be warned.

  • @olivenibba2453
    @olivenibba24537 күн бұрын

    @@Miramisu meeting people online first and then doing an IRL meetup sounds dangerous. Only if the person you are meeting is a friend of a friend and you are meeting as a group, I would trust the other person.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    Its basically an OF relationship with a content creator. It does happen a lot to guys, and they get shit on for falling for it, sure the girl might be called slurs, people are also calling netherim a player which is just the same. Just not as negatively loaded but it has the same meaning at the end of the day. At the end of the day, everyone should be aware and not fall for every <3 or word that gets thrown at them. We need to take care of ourselves to reach our goals

  • @Miramisu
    @Miramisu7 күн бұрын

    @@wackaflcka He's not a sex worker though. He is a streamer who actually meets people in person and spends hours in calls with them whispering sweet promises and keeps it up for many months. It's just psycho and people should be aware that men (or women) like this are out there.

  • @_Moonphases_
    @_Moonphases_7 күн бұрын

    Calling him innocent is wrong, I'm sorry but he's not. He did say he didn't want a proper relationship at the time, but he also led on each girl and made them believe that they meant something to him and that he would change with time. He met up with them in person, he was on call with them for hours, he told them he loved them and wanted to marry them someday (aka giving them hope). That's not just innocent flirting. He said one thing but his actions said different, and the girls held on because they were being manipulated. They loved him and thought he wasn't talking to anyone else (because he did say that he wasn't, but he lied). I've been through a similar situation before, I was cheated on. So I know how painful and incredibly heartbreaking it is. Unless you've been through this too, you just wouldn't completely understand :(. He is not a good person, he is not innocent. What he did was wrong and it makes me lose so much faith in humanity seeing people defending him.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    Saying u want to marry someone can most definetly be flirty and said by some. Ive had people tell me too, you have to really put them on the spot and ask if they really mean that if u want to actually have a real answer. He did also tell one of them he was talking to someone else when asked in one of the dms. He just wouldnt say who. As for the call and everything too, theres nothing wrong with that. And he did clearly care bout them regardless of how u look at it because he would take his time to talk to them on vc and talk about problems etc. So again, at the end of the day this can happen and its more normal than most seem to think. If you want something exclusive then leave or stop talking when its said it wont be. Sure you can argue its not nice, and if ure wanting to be exclusive its not good for u to be in a relationship like this but it is as it is. They had a choice all along and it got quite clear what was going on eventually. To the last bit, it happens to most. Ive experienced it too. However at the end of the day, the other person isnt always at blame. Yes it sucks to have a heartbreak, but its part of life. Getting cheated on etc isnt nice either and I would not agree with that either if both parties had agreed to be exclusive. However that was not done here. What however was agreed upon by both parties was to not leak dms and keep things private.

  • @_Moonphases_
    @_Moonphases_7 күн бұрын

    @@wackaflcka I think they only chose to leak dms because they knew he was manipulative, so trying to talk about it in private wouldn't work. They also wanted to warn others and make sure they don't go through what they had to go through. They wanted people to see. They were hurt and angry, and I understand them. He even admitted on stream that he doesn't think he's a good person and that the way he went about things wasn't the best and was questionable. He just doesn't care. And that's a problem. Personally I think he's incredibly predatory towards women and I don't understand how you can fully support him unless you too are this type of person... I'm so sorry for even saying that but it's the only thing that makes sense to me. Maybe I'm just too much of a naive person who believes in true love to understand why anyone would ever want to do these things. Also as for him telling one of the girls about the other girl he was talking to, at first he denied it and said no. Then after being asked about it more he did admit it and say yes, but he said they were only talking as just friends (which assumes they were completely platonic with nothing else at all going on at all.) Heartbreak does happen and it is a part of life, you're right that it's not always fully the other person's fault. But I also think that maybe downplaying it so much in this way can be incredibly sad and heartless.

  • @whiter0se_
    @whiter0se_7 күн бұрын

    speedrunning the honeymoon phase and going next LMAO

  • @whiter0se_
    @whiter0se_7 күн бұрын

    wow patch 14.10 is crazy

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын


  • @psinka1292
    @psinka12926 күн бұрын


  • @kappa3354
    @kappa33547 күн бұрын

    crazy how you defend netherim so much why don't you defend cookielol or other league pedos that did that same shit netherim did

  • @jonathanfriis5744
    @jonathanfriis57447 күн бұрын

    “objectively speaking, not subjective, i dont think Netherim is guilty of much” Dude, you stating your own opinion can never be objective. That being said, i think the dude is a scumbag and probably in need of getting his moral compass corrected. The girls should have been more careful

  • @Kanesio
    @Kanesio7 күн бұрын


  • @slayerralzeph3111
    @slayerralzeph31117 күн бұрын

    delete asap LMAO

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    why? i think the message is important. the doc was supposed to be educational afterall

  • @vitusessendropkuhl6836
    @vitusessendropkuhl68367 күн бұрын

    This is complet true

  • @rashad11
    @rashad117 күн бұрын

    1000% agree

  • @giulsen2028
    @giulsen20287 күн бұрын

    So you telling me they made this document, showing a guy and various girls having some romantic interactions and when it turns out that the guy didnt really want to be with any of em exclusively, they tried to frame him as some evil guy by throwing in a lot of buzzwords(lovebombing and breadcrumping lol). You can think of the guy as a douchebag for talking to that many girls (even tho he didnt ever say he wants to be in a exclusive relationship) but the claims in this document are so wild, the girls all agreed to it and nothing was forced or anything, this all just seems like a bunch of people who dont like this guy, who are bitter now and want to frame him as the next PaD/Cookielol.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    pretty much

  • @giulsen2028
    @giulsen20287 күн бұрын

    @@wackaflcka Although one point I agree with is the giveaways or Donator rewards, that stuff is proper criticism imo, but ofc not the main point of interest in this whole document.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    @@giulsen2028 I mean sure, i didnt really look at that but im sure thats something that is valid and anyone taking money for something should give what they were paid for

  • @JoeNathanWhite
    @JoeNathanWhiteКүн бұрын

    The best part about this is that im 100% certain that all these wonderful egirls have like 10 dudes that theyre writing with 24/7 but then theyre just "friends" and "jokes" :D Theyre just not used to men having options, women have them all the time and its REALLY rare you have a women youre writing with that doesnt write with 1-2 other dudes at the same time UNTIL things get a bit more clear. Nothing bad abt that.

  • @oldmanhopes7769
    @oldmanhopes77697 күн бұрын

    so he's just like any other twitch onlyfans promoter?

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    kind of yeah

  • @Bobbobington123
    @Bobbobington1238 күн бұрын

    Dudes a straight up creep he commited no crime hes just a creep. Using his platform too manipulate veiwers with subgoals he doesnt follow through with while manipulating multiple woman at once he even had a fiance at one point dudes just a complete weirdo

  • @ibrahimismail5625
    @ibrahimismail56257 күн бұрын

    Being a creep shouldn't be the end to someone career tho holy shit

  • @Bobbobington123
    @Bobbobington1237 күн бұрын

    @@ibrahimismail5625 i dont think it will be the end of his he career. docs mostly just to make the community aware of who he really is i dont think its was intended to end his career

  • @ibrahimismail5625
    @ibrahimismail56257 күн бұрын

    ​@Bobbobington123 yes but iam saying people don't deserve to become homeless for being weird

  • @Bobbobington123
    @Bobbobington1237 күн бұрын

    @@ibrahimismail5625 homeless? What r u talking about?

  • @ibrahimismail5625
    @ibrahimismail56257 күн бұрын

    @Bobbobington123 I guess this is just the art of the Arabic language Iam just saying he shouldn't lose his job I didn't mean fully homeless dude

  • @magisteriumemporium1411
    @magisteriumemporium14118 күн бұрын

    common wackaflcka W

  • @omnomadri1929
    @omnomadri19298 күн бұрын

    But he is saying in the second sentence that proof will follow? So isnt it kinda wrong to say "there is no proof"?

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka8 күн бұрын

    well if i was to make it now it wouldnt be wrong. I did correct it then though. He withdrew it since he had no proof. Now only saying he has a gut feeling and will not take it back completely because its still possible someone will come and tell a story. but at the same time, its entierly possible he's a murderer just noones said anything about taco being that either. So its such a shitty take

  • @mainvayne4203
    @mainvayne42038 күн бұрын

    Dont really like netherim. His streams and streamer clips are unbearable to watch because of his voice but other than showing neth as manipulative there aint much in this doc. Its not right morally but its not illegal like Cookielol

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka8 күн бұрын

    I only know of netherim from one tournament he was in, but never watched past that so i dont really have an opinion on him as a person. and yeah sure Netherim isn't a perfect being he could've rejected or put them off from the get go in an attempt to save them from themselves. but at the end of the day what he wanted was clear for the most part, especially after the question of exclusivity was asked by one or 2 of them? last bit matters most though, because exactly, it's not like cookie at all and all those girls were born with free will grown into adult beings. If we're going to witchhunt netherim, then we should witchhunt the rest too. But reality is, this is the world we live in and it's not uncommon so if you don't want to be with someone like that learn how to avoid it by asking questions early to establish where you're at. And again with that said, this situation would be ENTIERRLY different if he was lying saying theyre exclusive but then still went on to talk to other people that would be different. But he didnt.-

  • @ibrahimismail5625
    @ibrahimismail56257 күн бұрын

    I don't think someone's ENTIRE LIVELYHOOD should end becuase they are wierdos or some people aren't comfortable around them people don't understand what career ending means becusee they are safe from behind screens so ending someone's career cuz you dotn fw them isn't something too crazy to them

  • @basbs7952
    @basbs79528 күн бұрын

    People are too motivated by getting positive reinforcement. Sadly on twitter this means calling people out on terrible things even if you have no proof. Twitter users will just approve of you as long as it brings someone else down. Sad world were living in where we project our insecurities on others by bringing others down with no grounds

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka8 күн бұрын


  • @chersymale
    @chersymale8 күн бұрын

    i find it so funny that each egirl thought they were special because streamer gave them attention, just to realize that they are not. crazy they try to cancel him because of that XD

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka8 күн бұрын

    better blame someone else than reflect. hopefully this will be a wake up call. everyone deserves better in the end

  • @Bobbobington123
    @Bobbobington1238 күн бұрын

    There not trying to cancel him u clown they are just making people aware of who he really is

  • @Gadget_Connoisseur
    @Gadget_Connoisseur7 күн бұрын

    @@wackaflcka ahh just for fun, i'm sure if netherim had been a woman and the victims men, they would have just been labeled as stupid simps. don't even want to know how many fucking egirl streamers pull exactly the same shit, but no one gives a shit.

  • @Miramisu
    @Miramisu7 күн бұрын

    Yes, because you guys wouldn't point your finger at a female streamer who would tell men in DMs how much she loves them, wants to marry them, manipulates, gaslights and never mentions that there are any other guys and just deflects. 100% hypocrites, you'd be mad as hell if it was a woman.

  • @bigzhopel1608
    @bigzhopel16087 күн бұрын

    I mean bro is just giga horny can't debate that, but e-dating is like another sort of crap. There is enough scientific evidence of long distance relationship/e-dating rarely working out with reasoning 'why' that I will not dive deep into this topic.

  • @basbs7952
    @basbs79528 күн бұрын

    You are so insanely based and accurate. I wish more content creators that actually touch grass like you exist LMAO. Good takes

  • @FDatas
    @FDatas8 күн бұрын

    u still have time to delete this bro

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka8 күн бұрын

    why would i, i think the message is important. All blame should not fall on Netherim. Do not assume you are something with another person, ask and establish what you are. Communication is important, and i feel that's not been highlighted here even though the doc was ment to be "educational" And if what the answer you get is not what you want, then move on. Do not lead yourself on by clinging onto false hope. A lot of people waste years chasing nothing. This is my attempt at spreading the message to save people time. Not going to apply doublestandards. This applies to both sides.

  • @leonholz5901
    @leonholz59017 күн бұрын

    @@wackaflcka "Not all the blame should fall on him" and "he is innocent" are two completely different things, though. At the very least you are inconsistent with your message or clickbaity.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    @@leonholz5901 you can be innocent and still be blamed

  • @leonholz5901
    @leonholz59016 күн бұрын

    @@wackaflcka No, you cannot. Or rather if you are innocent and getting blamed, then the people blaming you are idiots.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka6 күн бұрын

    @@leonholz5901 subjective, objective

  • @olivenibba2453
    @olivenibba24538 күн бұрын

    He is definitely a scumbag but the girls trusting him was their own fault. I am sorry they got manipulated but he is a stranger in the internet. Were you expecting him to be genuine and honest?

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka8 күн бұрын

    he kind of was honest though, said he wasnt interested in a closed relationship when asked. Yet they chose to cling on and not move on. if they werent so gullible they wouldve realized by then what was going on.

  • @Bobbobington123
    @Bobbobington1238 күн бұрын

    ​​@@wackaflckahe wasnt honest to his fiance he was cheating on tho was he or the subgoals on subathons he didnt follow through with

  • @VixenArt3
    @VixenArt38 күн бұрын

    @@wackaflcka Do you know how manipulation and gaslighting works? Yeah, on one hand he said he isn't looking for anything serious and not to get too attached, on the other hand he keeps lovebombing and refers to each girl as his wife, calls them a wife material, says he wants to marry them or talks about being married to them. It's mixed signals and he keeps blurring the lines, nothing is actually clear, you can't just rip "he said he's not interested in a closed relationship" out of context and say, he was honest. He was deceitful and manipulative, and when he was even confronted by one of the girls about whether he is the person another girl was talking about, he said "no". Not to mention that he's using these girls and treating them like objects, not like humans and he treats them with no dignity or respect. These girls didn't seem to have high self-esteem at the time they started interacting and these kind of people are the easiest victims, which they are in this case, based on the provided evidence.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka7 күн бұрын

    @VixenArt3 " like objects, not like humans and he treats them with no dignity or respect." is this in regard to the kink that they shared an interest in and reciprocated with eachother that literally revolves around that?

  • @VixenArt3
    @VixenArt37 күн бұрын

    ​@@wackaflcka No it's in regards of him not treating them like human beings and being dismissive of their feelings. Instead of engaging with them and acknowledging their feelings, he turns it against them and uses their insecurities against them. And the fact that even when, Elle for example, tried to get further clarification about the situation where he accused her of causing problems regarding the Patreon chat, he wouldn't make clear what the actual problem was and what was actually said in the situation. But more than anything, it's the way he's using these gullible insecure girls for his own gain and manipulating their perception of the situation they are in. As I said in my previous comment, he actively gaslit them by setting a boundary then blurring the lines where it's no longer clear if he really isn't ready for a relationship or he is. He never said he wanted a closed relationship, he told them not to get attached and that he doesn't think he's ready for a relationship. He wants the benefits of being in a relationship and the attention of girls who think they are exclusive, but he doesn't want to commit and he wants to keep them reeled in and use them. Instead of saying that he's seeing other girls simultaneously and using the same lines and lovebombing, he makes sure to keep them thinking they are exclusive, because he fears of losing their affection and attention if he was honest about it. This isn't how anyone should be treated.

  • @wackaflcka
    @wackaflcka8 күн бұрын

    TL;DR NEVER ASSUME. ALWAYS ASK AND DO NOT CLING ONTO FALSE HOPE. YOURE WORTH MORE. This is Netherim. He can be Netherim if he wants and you can choose to not be with that Netherim. You can find dating or seeing multiple people before being exclusive as wrong, but it is SO incredibly common that to hold Netherim to another standard is just wrong. Sure he couldve gone about things differently, and he clearly is just drifting but it is what it is. However if you dont want to deal with that you can use this secret hack, if you want an exclusive relationship ask for it. If you don't get it, then move on. It's not that hard, don't be delusional and latch onto hope. This is the harsh reality many men must face online being lead on aswell. But you are in control of yourself, YOU know what you want so if you don't get that. Leave. On another note. menshealthmonth.org is soon coming up, if youre struggling seek help IRL not online, also reflect on yourself, work on yourself. there is nothing wrong with that. No hate towards either gender tho, both could do better that is for sure. But making 50 page documents for every little thing has to stop.. This one is on the very edge, but I fear we will soon make this a thing to aim for and we should not. It creates a lot of problems for everyone involved and not directly currently involved. As an end note. If he did do things that would be deemed Illegal such as predatory behavior etc, I would not hold the same opinions that I hold currently just so that is said. but at the end of the day, this really isnt that bad.

  • @Bruvkek
    @Bruvkek8 күн бұрын

    Feels like netherim just uno reversed these petty bitches & now they mad they got played lol

  • @iwillnoteatzebugs
    @iwillnoteatzebugs8 күн бұрын

    lol basically some dumb women got tricked so what

  • @kardrasa
    @kardrasa8 күн бұрын

    I agree, Taco is retardaco

  • @tostupidforname
    @tostupidforname8 күн бұрын

    Jesus christ league community is so cringe