Reformed Orthodoxy

Reformed Orthodoxy

This channel exalts Christ and Him crucified for sinners, His death, burial and resurrection, I confess the 5 solas and promote Reformation theology continuing the evangelical, catholic and orthodox tradition, I confess the 4 ecumenical creeds the Apostles, Nicene, Chalcedon and Athanasian along with the councils Nicea, Ephesus, Chalcedon and Constantinople.

What is a Reformed Catholic

What is a Reformed Catholic


  • @user-ve2qh1ck5j
    @user-ve2qh1ck5j4 күн бұрын

    Any church who celebrates man made holiday's like Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day , Halloween and Thanksgiving is not God's Church. Look at Leviticus 23 and you will find out. God doesn't accept fasle worship.

  • @Lule8603
    @Lule86035 күн бұрын

    The civil war is yet to come who told you it has ended? Did she mention england and united states? No. You're the one misleading people

  • @JeanSmith-sz4uu
    @JeanSmith-sz4uu6 күн бұрын

    You stated, Jesus said, “every eye will see him” when he returns. Two points to make here: 1. Revelation 1:7 where it says: “every eye shall see him”, is all St. John who is saying it and not Jesus. 2. If the verse “every eye shall see him” literally means, “every eye shall see him, then you are left to explain Luke 3:6 which is indicating a prophecy from the book of Isaiah 40:5 being fulfilled at the time of John the Baptist and Christ’s first coming. In that verse, it also says that “all flesh (all people on earth) had seen the Salvation of God”. Here is the verse from Luke 3:6: “And all people will SEE God’s salvation.’” LUKE is quoting Isaiah 40:3-5 who had predicated the coming of Jesus the Christ and that’s why it appears in future tense. But Luke 3 is emphasizing the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy at the time of John the Baptist and Jesus. So you need to explain HOW did all the people (all flesh) on earth actually SAW with their own eyes God’s salvation?! As for so called Dr. Martin and how much faith you like to put into his education as a scholar. ---the fact is, he was a student of the television evangelist named D. James Kennedy. Dr. Kennedy had confirmed the fact that Martin had completed all of the coursework for his doctorate, with the exception of his dissertation which means he was not legit at all. Somehow Martin then runs to some other university called, California Coast University in order to get his PhD. But this university was not even accredited at the time when Walter Martin was attending classes there for his so called PhD. It was not until 2005 when CCU finally became accredited. Martin was dead in 1989, long before CCU became accredited. So. even if he had earned a PhD from CCU, it was not accredited in 70’s and 80’s, and therefore, it was not accepted as a legit PhD education from a reputable accredited university. Moreover, other issues had come up with CCU, which shows in 2004 and prior to their accreditation, the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) had found out that federal employees had improperly received subsidies to attend CCU. The report also found that federal agencies may have incorrectly accepted CCU degrees issued before their accreditation. Long story short, Walter Martin was not a legitimate scholar--AT ALL! There are no legitimate peer reviewed research papers by this con man that I know of, and even if there are, they are not worth anything because they are Not written by a legitimate scholar from an accredited university. And yes, without the doubt, Bahá’u’lláh is the return of Christ, and the number of proofs for that are astronomical. Your biblical knowledge and insights seem to be very very narrow and limited if you are taking Walter Martin as a serious scholar. This tells me how little you know about the Bible itself and how little you know about validating your sources, much less your knowledge and insight about the Baha’i Faith.

  • @phillipgriffiths9624
    @phillipgriffiths96246 күн бұрын

    The more I study the Roman Church the more I see just how evil it is. It’s a man made monstrosity.

  • @user-ls4vp7ty5l
    @user-ls4vp7ty5l8 күн бұрын

    Very good evidence AGAINST the false prophetess, Ellen G. White, telling white lies !

  • @Maja-sw2pg
    @Maja-sw2pg9 күн бұрын

    3:23 shake the dust so what happens if i may ask?

  • @marina37803
    @marina378039 күн бұрын

    it doesn't take much to know that he was not only false but an evil maniac as well.

  • @JesusIsGodOurSaviour7
    @JesusIsGodOurSaviour79 күн бұрын

    Joshua saw a man with a drawn sword standing before him. This man is indeed the archangel Michael, who is the captain of the army of the Lord. Likely the same man that fought with Jacob. The same angel that slaid the Assyrians, and also Jerusalem after David had counted his men. But He is not The Lord Jesus as trinitarians or Jehovah witnesses would tell us, but only His angel. He is not a second person of a trinity. He is also not the Son of God, the Christ, that was to be conceived in Mary. But He is one of the 7 spirits that stand before the presence of the Lord in heaven whom the Lord Jesus carries in His hand, of whom Gabriel is another. One of the 7 angels of presence, or angels of the Lord Jesus. After the man has introduced himself as the captain of the army of the Lord, Joshua falls on the ground and asks him, what does My Lord say? The confusion here is that people see ''My Lord'' as adressed to the angel, while Joshua was asking the man what does My Lord (The Lord whose armies He is captain of) have to say to his servant Joshua? He is asking the messenger of the Lord Jesus what the message of the Lord is, plain and simple. Because the man then proceeds to tell the message of the Lord. And not his (the angels) own message. But as an angel of presence (one of the 7 who stand in the presence of the Lord) he does carry the presence of God, hence he Joshua had to take off his shoes.

  • @david.calvin.
    @david.calvin.10 күн бұрын

    I am sorry but by telling us your position is a moderate Calvinist then your channel is neither reformed or orthodox. Very misleading.

  • @willyjamesmwasumbi2222
    @willyjamesmwasumbi222211 күн бұрын

    Soon the world history is to be closed by eithe worship God on Sabbath day or Sunday

  • @jaylee6769
    @jaylee676913 күн бұрын

    A couple extra links proving that they have damaging cult teachings that are unbiblical (on mind manipulation) (on erroneous “blending” teaching)

  • @jaylee6769
    @jaylee676913 күн бұрын

    Unfortunately it does function exactly like a cult in many ways. It’s founder Watchman Nee set up an authoritarian hierarchical system in China and his successor Witness Lee took the model to America in the mid 20th century They do have some great ministry (albeit chock full of leaven and dangerous teachings), but unfortunately it’s surrounded by a whole lot of weird, culty, sectarian, and controlling elements. It’s somewhat paradoxical because the ministry is what attracts people into their fold. But once you’re in then the cult stuff starts happening. Some people see through it right away, while others it may take them decades, while others never see through it all. I believe there are some who see through it but stay anyway because they have nothing else in life at that point or they just care about the social benefits and ignore the lies they are told or just sort of mentally accept it They’re elitist and separatist (basically sectarian) with regards to how they treat other Christians, and they’re manipulative, controlling, and authoritarian (a cult) with regards to how they treat their own members Their history is full of inner problems and serious scandals as others have mentioned in this thread. It’s an extremely deceptive and layered sect/cult. The basic core of the problem is erroneous manipulative leadership and damaging heretical teachings surrounding authority and ministry. These teachings are the main give away but they’re very subtle and not obvious right away, so if you’re just coming in off the street you could easily get lost for decades in their system if you’re not careful. It’s like a Venus fly trap, seemingly very welcoming on the outside but once you get in then they start to deconstruct who you are to conform to their mold, and then they have you There’s plenty of information out there regarding this sect/cult. Here is a compilation of sources I’ve compiled Source: I was born into the “Lord’s recovery movement” and spent significant years of my adult life with them. I am lucky in that I spent only around one year with them in my childhood and youth because my parents moved around a lot, and due to their failed marriage pressure was not put on me to attend, so I didn’t besides one year when I was around eleven years old However as a young adult I started reading Nee and Lee and got interested in them because my parents had committed to their movement when they were younger, and I started meeting with them after I had a strong conversion to the Lord. Well over time I noticed a lot of strange behavior and over the course of a few decades meeting off and on I eventually saw the forest for the trees ⭐️👉More sources (apologies that it’s a little disorganized) (full book and website) (says it all here, testimony of former elders who resigned due to unethical leadership) Lee admitting to wrongness- Lee admitting there’s a special class and rank in the recovery- (really good) (really good on authority at the end, watch whole thing) (this one is good on cult practices) (good on Nee and Lee history-read comments, particularly bp5722) (good on authority and comments) (regarding the LC being good or not, even Lee said at one point that people are trapped. said it in various ways. also touches on lukewarmness and deadness, which may be caused by Laodicea and Nicolaetin behavior. maybe 50% retention rate of their children) metaphorical conclusion (wow) (website) (on Jessie Penn Lewis) (really good) kzread.infoJU7mR6dHT4M?si=7KPHjPAVFUGoTqvW (very good) (good, sums a lot up and eye opening) (good on authority) (very good around 16:00 on pretentiousness and sanctimoniousness) (ending is great)

  • @jaylee6769
    @jaylee676913 күн бұрын

    FYI- They have some great ministry, and I personally believe they did in fact recover some great Christian practices and they did in fact implemented some of those practices. Such as calling on the name of the Lord, exercising the human spirit to contact God, having home meetings (I know others do this too, which is good), the concept of one church per one city (however they turned this into a basis for division and judgement of other believers), and particularly the practice of prophesying, which is a monumental recovery in my view. Unfortunately they sort of ruined this practice because their guidelines for prophesying are so rigid that you’re expected to speak only things Lee spoke pretty much verbatim, which again reeks of man worship and idolatry So yeah unfortunately these solid recoveries are surrounded by a whole lot of weird, culty, sectarian, idolatrous, and controlling elements. It’s quite paradoxical. And I’m convinced it’s the reason why so many amongst them consider their church system to be legitimate and the “current move of God.” Ironically they themselves deny that they’re a movement while simultaneously using the word “move” quite often in their book titles (ex. ‘The move of God in this age.’ And when you actually read the book it’s just Lee talking ad nauseam about how the system he and Watchman Nee set up is God’s current move). Just one example of many in this group where they say one thing and then do the opposite The spoken ministry is what attracts people into their fold (Nee and Lee’s particularly), which has a lot of positive ministry, but once youre in there you slowly realize (it could take years unfortunately) that they have all kinds of weird practices and their ministry is full of leaven They’re a clergy-laity system of man worship as they uplift their elders and speakers to king like status and encourage the members only to speak what Witness Lee spoke verbatim. So they essentially have no uniqueness and basically their communication style is regurgitation of Witness Lee rhetoric and maxims. In fact they pride themselves on homogeny and it’s a leaven mixed in with their doctrine on spiritual building and oneness. In reality they are only one in their uplifting of Lee’s ministry. He is the cornerstone of their entire church, which is a part of the BITE model of cults and from a Christian perspective is idolatry. They are not in fact or in practice one with any other Christians outside of their movement. In fact they talk bad about them constantly while uplifting their own movement. They are separatist and fringe in many unhealthy ways Witness Lee propped himself up as today’s “Paul” and virtually put himself in a position of being untouchable. This coupled with alleged serious crimes that came from Witness Lee’s sons caused all kinds of rifts amongst the members and due to fraud and sexual scandals a large portion of their members defected and went away, including a great deal of their elders, who publicly resigned over the fraud and sex scandals. But instead of admitting their faults, the leadership doubled down, lied to the members about the real reasons for their turmoils and kept those who didn’t know in the dark, which goes against 1 Timothy 5:20 Their movement is all about uplifting Witness Lee and his ministry, which they consider “God’s economy,” and they consider it’s the greatest thing going. Whether or not you believe there is such a thing as God’s economy is neither here nor there because their authoritarian and culty behaviors kill the normality of the supposed church life they always talk about. So seemingly they attempt to fulfill their “revelation” but in reality they implement a lot of weird behaviors that ultimately quell any so called spiritual building they have. What you have left is a lot of members who are performing and not being genuine. This alongside a bunch of members who are actively implementing their own ambition, as well as just a lot of decent people and families who are lost in the system and being unwittingly controlled. Many others amongst them are actually mentally ill due to the dangerous teachings they foster This sect/cult functions very similar to the Catholic Church with a hierarchical chain of command and the guys at the top aren’t really on the level like they portray themselves as. They lied to the members regarding fraud and sex scandals and they attacked, excommunicated, and threatened members who spoke out and stood against these and other leadership abuses (you can read in depth about these things in some of the above links) They’re also a system that attracts a lot of charlatan/grifter types for various reasons, but ultimately because the system is set up to reward the leadership within the hierarchy. The right personality can go very far in their ranks and gain a lot of personal benefits. So it attracts and encourages personal Christian glory and social climbing, which is against Matthew 20:26. I would use the word narcissism in this context. It attracts narcissistic personalities who want to rise in power/authority. This is how Nee and Lee set things up Furthermore their leaders benefit financially from their positions and they use the member’s tithe money to pay their rent and buy their cars, and they even bought up million dollar plots of land to bury their elite members in and sold parcels of that land to members who wanted to be buried next to Witness Lee and other leaders who have since passed away. Allegedly they quite often buy up plots of land for their purposes, they accomplish this with the tithes from the nominal saints and the proceeds from their publications. Yet they often don’t help needy members amongst their localities. I know two people who needed real financial help and were turned away and denied, one of them was homeless, the other one was disabled. Very subtle and insidious. But this is why they don’t help the needy members amongst themselves. Also a large portion of their proceeds and tithes go towards printing out recovery version Bibles which work to further spread their leader’s fame and notoriety, which in turn is supposed to win converts to their system and make them more money. So it’s ultimately kind of a racket, or a long con. In their view if they can convince people that Witness Lee was a special vessel chosen by God then they can gain more converts into their system. This is similar to Joseph Smith followers and Scientology To add one more thing about why people stay in this system- the social benefits of staying to some of them are greater than leaving. Also many members stay out of fear because the leadership and ministry they speak is full of warnings and threats of what will happen if they leave. Which includes the fear of disease and death. So yes they literally threaten their members that if they leave the local churches God might cause them to die or give them serious illnesses. They also use the fear of the loss of the millennial reward to keep people docile and to keep them attending (for details on all of this you have to do some research and homework using the links above)

  • @jaylee6769
    @jaylee676913 күн бұрын

    One more note is that they’re extreme when it comes to devotion and consecration to God, as well as extreme in their study habits of the Bible and theology, although they virtually only ever study Nee and Lee’s theology (mostly Lee) They heavily emphasize and pressure their members to “leave the world” (basically become an ascetic more or less), dress a certain way, speak a certain way, and ultimately adopt all of their “church life” cultures, habits, and social norms. This is very similar to the Amish and they are extremely separatist like them. In some ways they’re more extreme than the Amish because their style of asceticism doesn’t stop at just outward denial of things, it permeates into the way they think and behave. This causes a lot of pain and problems for the members (especially the children), and results in mental illness in many cases, as well as serious marital and family problems They also encourage separation from family members who are not meeting with them, which is isolation, a large part of the BITE model of cults They heavily emphasize spending much time in the word of God and particularly in Witness Lee’s ministry, which they always use as an accompanying study tool. In reality they read Witness Lee more than they read the Bible and it shows because they often don’t follow the Bible, but rather go through the motions of the culture Witness Lee created All of this is part of the BITE model of cults and it just reeks of cult-like atmosphere and behavior. However again, it’s subtle and they tend to fool people because of all the “enjoyment” and chanting and self aggrandizing they do. If you buy into their narrative then you become an elite Christian in your own mind like they believe they are. They chant Jesus’ name, which I don’t necessarily disagree with. I enjoy calling on the Lord myself but when you juxtapose that with their shady behavior it gets kind of sick. It’s kind of like a habit for them. They go to meetings, go through their motions, and then go home. But when it comes to addressing real things they mostly avoid everything aside from the “smooth” functioning program they run. In other words if you have real problems or need real help they’re not set up for that and most likely they can’t/won’t help you in any real way aside from paying you lip service and saying they’ll pray for you And they do pray, I’ll give them that. Which is fine and good. But they’re not really “doers of the word” like it says in James 1:22 and 1 John 3:18. They’re just off in their own version of what it means to be a church member and they have an entire toolbox full of ways of being a church member that Nee and Lee talked about. So again they follow these men and the culture these men set up as opposed to the Bible itself. And it gets subtle because they only pay attention to certain portions of the Bible, which is the way Lee taught Everything they think, do, say, and practice is filtered through their cultural lens of Witness Lee brainwashing. So you have people comparing every aspect of their Christian walk with things Witness Lee said as opposed to the Bible. Which is how you know that Witness Lee’s ministry is a kind of replacement for the Bible amongst them. It’s HIS version and interpretation that they follow. And again, he does have some good ministry. But they simply accept everything as pure and holistic truth, which is dangerous. There’s a lot of leaven in Nee and Lee’s ministry so they are unaware mostly of how culty and weird they are. It’s not until you wake up from the stupor and spend some time away that it all gets put in perspective. But if you spend time with them their entrapping rhetoric can keep you mentally enslaved to their culture. Ironically this is why they attract damaged and passive people and can’t attract and retain people who are keen minded and can see through bs

  • @jaylee6769
    @jaylee676913 күн бұрын

    A couple extra links proving that they have damaging cult teachings that are unbiblical (on mind manipulation) (on erroneous “blending” teaching)

  • @jaylee6769
    @jaylee67698 күн бұрын

    A few more links

  • @akoito4359
    @akoito435913 күн бұрын

    Okay. Christ came to save the saved to ensure they are saved?

  • @jedimasterham2
    @jedimasterham214 күн бұрын

    With respect, a believer can fall away. They're still saved, but many believers are deceived by false doctrines, cults, etc. Today we see people who believed in Jesus falling away into cults like Calvinism, Arminianism (ie. "Loss of Salvation-Theology"), EO, Roman Catholicism, NAR, etc...

  • @jedimasterham2
    @jedimasterham214 күн бұрын

    1:45 The only problem with Dave Hunt's view is that he somewhat judges salvation based on works. While works could be an indication of salvation, we also know most non-believers (and false believers) are working to save themselves in some form. So we should not judge one's salvation based on works, but by their profession of belief in Jesus.

  • @DawahWDansrey
    @DawahWDansrey14 күн бұрын


  • @Philip_was_here
    @Philip_was_here15 күн бұрын


  • @alphabeta1337
    @alphabeta133715 күн бұрын

    Muhammad is false prophet

  • @winsong3
    @winsong316 күн бұрын

    What can I say to a Muslim friend that says those are lies?

  • @hilaryodinamba7199
    @hilaryodinamba719918 күн бұрын

    Muhammed is the sword man

  • @jamesbhollingsworth5452
    @jamesbhollingsworth545219 күн бұрын


  • @RomeoTomasArambulo
    @RomeoTomasArambulo20 күн бұрын


  • @RomeoTomasArambulo
    @RomeoTomasArambulo20 күн бұрын


  • @Footballclips_edits
    @Footballclips_edits21 күн бұрын


  • @urielgomez4102
    @urielgomez410221 күн бұрын

    Jesus is Love Amen ❤️

  • @M.Cons2
    @M.Cons221 күн бұрын

    Seventh Day Adventist is the best and only Christian who is following the bible for me, its because the God called me and let me understand the bible . Revelation 5-7 And no lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless. 6Then I saw another angel flying overhead, with the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth- to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. 7And he said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come. Worship the One who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and the springs of waters.”

  • @marcyoverby3817
    @marcyoverby381721 күн бұрын


  • @summerset5376
    @summerset537624 күн бұрын

    Is the Berean Call newsletter still available?

  • @user-yc3jy7kf7r
    @user-yc3jy7kf7r22 күн бұрын


  • @edwardjauregui1771
    @edwardjauregui177124 күн бұрын

    Thank you Pastor! God bless you with His Spirit and power. We Christians love Christ in you and I will pray and fast for Germany!

  • @donnaearwood1009
    @donnaearwood100928 күн бұрын

    And how fo you know her visions arent from God? You do not.and yes the bible days worlds .worlds

  • @donnaearwood1009
    @donnaearwood100928 күн бұрын

    you do not know her writings very well at all.her writings are in accord with the bible unlike prophets who find commands under a rock and so on

  • @donnaearwood1009
    @donnaearwood100928 күн бұрын

    Well they aren't failed predictions at all read matthew 24.its been over a hundred years since her writings and thats not very long and jesus is at the door.jesus said that people will say where is the coming if the lord he delayeth his coming.thats what youre ssying and so you wint even know when it happens.and no she didnt say in a few months.

  • @julielawing777
    @julielawing77728 күн бұрын

    May The LORD bless all that you put your hands to... And may it all be for His Glory and Honor in Christ Jesus's Name The Lord Jesus Christ has delivered me from drug addiction, homelessness, abusive relationships, evil spirits (yes they're real) , sexual immorality, swearing, lying, stealing, laziness.. and even more. I give all the glory to Him. All praise and worship belong to God. He is real. He is bigger than any problem you face. He will meet you where you are at. Even right now. (Romans 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Currently I'm experiencing a demonic attack. But I am standing on The Word of God which says I have authority over devils and we are commanded by Christ Jesus to drive/cast them out. So I'm will continue to drive them out in The Name of Jesus Christ. Friends I implore you to do the same. The devil doesn't want us thinking it's real. We have authority over it! All of them. Keep strong in The Lord. Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God The Father. I bless every reader of this comment in The Name of Jesus Christ

  • @doranoster4192
    @doranoster419229 күн бұрын

    So he’s saying that if you don’t believe in talking snakes, you can’t be logical. Is he sure?😊

  • @johnhenrick2298
    @johnhenrick229829 күн бұрын

    Why is the audio so muffled? It's only on Dave Hunt's videos.

  • @BaronVonSzabo-id3ps
    @BaronVonSzabo-id3ps29 күн бұрын

    I’ve been witnessing to an SDA guy I met for about two years now. I’ve learned quite a bit from a channel called Answering Adventism that has got a lot of really good information on the SDA’s as well. Thanks for the video. Are you Slovak? My great grandparents were from Hanušovce nad Topľou.

  • @SurfahSistah
    @SurfahSistahАй бұрын

    Jesus offers living waters and everlasting life. Mohammed offers bitter waters leading many to death.

  • @barelyprotestant5365
    @barelyprotestant5365Ай бұрын

    He's back!

  • @CaryChilton
    @CaryChiltonАй бұрын

    'I am with you until tombe close of the age' - James White, whose only aim is to try to convince protestants to despise the Catholic church that brought Christianity to world Founded by Jesus Our God, and established and promulgated through the apostles, early disciples popes, ordained priests, deacons, bishops while many of the apostles were still alive ! James White, what is your work?

  • @marialynncanlas3445
    @marialynncanlas3445Ай бұрын

    MY SHARE ON THIS: ***The gift has been given to the church, to use them for the advancement of the gospel. These gifts came from God through the power of the Holy Spirit. 3 For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a MEASURE OF FAITH 4 For just as we have many members in one body and all the members DO NOT HAVE THE SAME FUNCTION, (Romans 12:3-4, NASB) Since we have GIFTA that differ according to the GRACE given to us, each of us IS TO EXERCISE them ACCORDINGLY: if prophecy, according to the PROPORTION OF HIS FAITH; (Romans 12:6, NASB) ***NOTE: Citing an example of PAUL AND TIMOTHY 18 This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare; 19 Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: (1 Timothy 1:18-19, KJV) Paul was encouraging Timothy to fight the good fight of faith. He too had received a prophesy then, no matter what happen. Paul was saying remember that prophesy. What is prophesy in the bible; But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation. (1 Corinthians 14:3, NASB)

  • @priscillakaivavore3412
    @priscillakaivavore3412Ай бұрын

    She never claimed herself to be above God but a person who was given the vision of what is coming. She wrote about what is comig and expected to happen and we the Adventist believe in most of her writings because those are words of encouragement to us. So I gather you don't believe in Jesus Second Return, aren't you. You are most likely in Babylon Doctor.

  • @FlatEarthTruth611
    @FlatEarthTruth611Ай бұрын

    I don't think that Muhammads morality or lack thereoff makes him a false prophet. If that were the case, then most of the old testiment prophets would be false as well. They would have stoned woman for adultery just like Muhammad did. They would have killed apostates as well, just like Muhammad and commanded their people to war like Muhammad. What makes someone a prophet is if they can do miricles and predict future events. It is vary clear Jesus fits the criteria of a true prophet.

  • @user-ty3di3bo7p
    @user-ty3di3bo7pАй бұрын

    Muhammad was a criminal I love Jesus, my savior ❤

  • @PostHoleDigger
    @PostHoleDiggerАй бұрын

    Sir, I find it quite interesting that you would say that a cult is one that teaches "justification by faith alone". There is only one place in the bible from Gen to Rev which uses the term "faith alone" and it is proceeded by the word "not". In that book of James there is an important statement about this idea. James writes about Abraham, an often listed person who was saved before and without lifting a finger. Lets actually read what James says on this matter. Jas 2:21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works (when) he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Jas 2:22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? Jas 2:23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS ACCOUNTED TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS." And he was called the friend of God. Jas 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. The word "when" is an adj. and it's temporal. It tells us "when" at what point Abraham was considered justified by God. Maybe you have never actually read this verse. You also simply don't understand what the word "faith" means. Its the Greek word "pistis" and it's a noun. It NEVER means believe. That would be the word pisteuo in the Greek. That is the word correctly translated believe. NOT faith. Most bible translations are from those who are reformers. Men who believe in the Luther doctrine of faith alone. That is a vile concept Luther picked up from some of his friends like Wycliffe and Huss. The bible NEVER teaches the faith alone doctrine. Heb 11:8 By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. Notice this tells us "when" Abraham did what he did "by faith". It was "when he was called" . What did he DO? He obeyed God's instructions. You must think he should have said to God, "no way Lord, I don't believe in working my way to heaven" you need to read Luther. Abraham "obeyed by faith". Faith is what God told him to do. Another adj, "when". You really need to actually read the words written by the inspiration of God and believe them. Thanks, Post Hole Digger

  • @user-fq5kg6gk1g
    @user-fq5kg6gk1gАй бұрын

    Ian Paisley was a Warrior for Protestant Christians

  • @user-fq5kg6gk1g
    @user-fq5kg6gk1gАй бұрын

    The Bride 👰🏼‍♀️ of Christ is the True Pure Church ⛪️

  • @JohnMoog-ug6bk
    @JohnMoog-ug6bkАй бұрын

    I was favorably inclined toward Catholicism until I read the bible, especially Jesus condemning the Pharisees for basically inventing their own religion (>600 commandments, some say), which it reminded me of the RC Church. And that was before the present Woke Pope - if he’s infallible then Karl Marx is infallible.

  • @thelobsterking1055
    @thelobsterking1055Ай бұрын

    Atheists are crying in comments 😂

  • @RaymondBastien-li6co
    @RaymondBastien-li6coАй бұрын

    Today, June 2024, Mexico is reporting Americans because of the inflation they are creating. Ive saved this video just for moments like this.

  • @Call_Me_Trinity
    @Call_Me_TrinityАй бұрын

    This false prophetess has led so many astray. Absolutely tragic. Please study church history and the church fathers., apostolic succession, Nicean council and so on. Christianity is deep, not shallow like Protestantism.