Wintech Educational Consultancy

Wintech Educational Consultancy

Education Channel
It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well. - Rene Descartes

Who We are :
We Provide Admission-Guidance cum Coaching to the aspirants of B.Ed./M.Ed. Course.

Our Vision
* To highlight the importance of B.Ed. /M.Ed. courses in our educational set-up.
* To motivate youngsters regarding the grandeur of B.Ed. /M.Ed. Courses.
* To identify and associate ourselves with renowned Universities and Colleges.

Our Mission
* To guide and help students for admission cum coaching in B.Ed./M.Ed. Courses in various recognized and the renowned professional colleges across INDIA.
* To provide the best quality notes, video lessons above all teaching/self-pace - learning through B.Ed. /M.Ed. On-line Coaching interface and making them effective pedagogues.
