Nicolas Berggruen

Nicolas Berggruen

Nicolas Berggruen is co-founder of the Berggruen Institute, an organization dedicated to working with thinkers across cultures and disciplines to address some of the most significant political and cultural questions in our rapidly changing world. He is also the Financial Advisor of Berggruen Holdings for which he founded in 1984 as the investment vehicle for the Nicolas Berggruen Charitable Trust.

Through his passion for philanthropy and exploring global issues, Nicolas has pledged to give most of his wealth through the Nicolas Berggruen Charitable Trust. In 2015, Berggruen announced the launch of the Berggruen Philosophy and Culture Center, which aims to bring together leading thinkers from around the world to ponder how culture and philosophy inform political thinking.

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Venice: A Forever City

Venice: A Forever City


  • @paulmonk1104
    @paulmonk1104Ай бұрын

    A very thoughtful response from a Billionaire

  • @donpete_f1
    @donpete_f1Ай бұрын

    Although, I'm sympathetic to this line of thought, human beings having ideas is ubiquitous, good ideas on the other hand, not so much. What sandbox is available or would be available to allow good ideas to rise to the top? Our current methods are still "crude" I don't see how that bottle neck can be overcome.

  • @czarinarondael9475
    @czarinarondael94752 ай бұрын

    Loved it 😂

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin77972 ай бұрын

    Thank you very much Nicolas! A very important topic, taking into account the modern conceptual -paradigmatic crisis in the metaphysical/ontological foundations of fundamental science, manifested as a “crisis of understanding” (J. Horgan “The End of Science”, Kopeikin K.V. “Souls” of atoms and “atoms” ” of souls: Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and “three great problems of physics”, “crisis of interpretation and representation” (Romanovskaya T.B. “Modern physics and modern art - parallels of style”), “loss of certainty” (Kline M. “Mathematics: loss of certainty”, D. Zaitsev “Truth, Consequences and Modern Logic”), “trouble with physics” (Lee Smolin “The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next”), which became one of the main reasons for a deep existential crisis of Humanity. Fundamental science has "rested" on the understanding of space and matter (ontological structure), the nature of "laws" of nature", the nature of "fundamental constants", the nature of phenomena of time, information, consciousness. Bertan Russell: “What men really want is not knowledge but certainty.” Total uncertainty in the foundations of knowledge: "Big bang"... "singularity"... "inflation"... "collapse"..."multiverse"... "dark matter"... "antimatter". .. "dark energy"... Fields Prize winner mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky (1966-2017): "What we now call the crisis of Russian science is not only a crisis of Russian science. There is a crisis of world science. Real progress will consist in a very serious fight between science and religion, which will end with their association." I think that the main "serious fight" will be here: Meta Axiom "In the Beginning was the Logos.../ Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος..." VS. Hypothesis "In the Beginning was the Big Bang...", where "LOGos" - "MetaLAW/Absolute LAW" that governs the Universe (in the spirit of Heraclitus) - for the "sciences of nature" and "The God's Law of Justice" - for the "sciences of the spirit" and religion. Cognition of the FirstLaw of the Universe (Logos / MetaLaw/Absolute Law) provides a single basis for science and religion. Religion, Science and Society are based on LAW. Fundamental science requires a Big Ontological revolution in the metaphysical / ontological basis. Physics must move from the stage "Phenomenological physics" to the stage "Ontological physics". The New Information Revolution is also pushing for this. J.A. Wheeler: "To my mind there must be, at the bottom of it all, not an equation, but an utterly simple idea. And to me that idea, when we discover it, will be so compelling, so inevitable, that we will say to one another, 'Oh, how beautiful.' How could it have been otherwise?'" Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: "The true physics is that which will, one day, achieve the inclusion of man in his wholeness in a coherent picture of the world." A.N. Whitehead: "A precise language must await a completed metaphysical knowledge."

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin77972 ай бұрын

    Thank you, Nicolas! Extremely relevant topic and deep thoughts. Today we need Big Ideas both in international politics and in fundamental science (mathematics, physics, cosmology), which is experiencing an acute conceptual - paradigmatic crisis in the metaphysical/ontological basis, manifested as a “crisis of understanding” (J. Horgan “The End” of Science”, Kopeikin K.V. “Souls” of atoms and “atoms” of the soul: Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and “three great problems of physics”, “crisis of interpretation and representation” (Romanovskaya T.B. “Modern physics” and contemporary art - parallels of style”), “loss of certainty” (Kline M “Mathematics: Loss of Certainty”, D. Zaitsev “Truth, Consequence and Modern Logic”), “trouble with physics” (Lee Smolin “The Trouble” with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next”). There is widespread debate in the scientific community about the need for breakthrough ideas to overcome the crisis. But modern mainstream science ignores even the ideas of Nobel laureates in physics. example by B. Josephson: ""The immersion of physicists in the search for their "theories of everything" led them to an overly simplified picture of the natural world. To such a picture, which can work very well in situations used to test physical theories. But this picture is completely incapable of clarifying and helping to deal with such problems as observation, the meaning of the observed and the processes of thinking." I think that we need a new global open system for selecting and promoting relevant ideas for world science and society.

  • @andresimon6000
    @andresimon60002 ай бұрын


  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin77972 ай бұрын

    Thanks Nicolas! Taking into account the need to overcome the conceptual-paradigmatic crisis in the foundations of knowledge, as well as the global existential crisis experienced by Humanity today, a Big Synthesis of ideas from East and West is necessary. The paradigm of the world as a Whole must come to the aid of the “paradigm of the part.”

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin77972 ай бұрын

    To implement the Big Synthesis of existential ideas of the East and West, the creation of a Unified Foundation of knowledge and faith, it is good today to remember and deeply comprehend the philosophical testament of the Fields Prize laureate mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky (1966-2017): “What we now call the crisis of Russian science is not only a crisis of Russian science. There is a crisis of world science. Real progress will consist in a very serious fight between science and religion, which will end with their association." As V. Eremeev well showed in his work “Drawing of Anthropocosmos”, ideas for the construction of a Unified Foundation of knowledge and faith, taking into account the entire development of world science and the cultures of the peoples of the countries of the West and East, its representation in the Symbol of the unity of faith and knowledge, is given by ancient Chinese mythology (interpretation of the “matrix Lo Shu" and "enneagram") and the MetaAxiom of Tradition: "In the Beginning was the Logos.../ Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος..."... I think that the "very serious fight" will be here: Meta Axiom "In the Beginning was the Logos.../ Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος..." VS. Hypothesis "In the Beginning was the Big Bang..." where "LOGos" - MetaLAW/Absolute LAW/FirstLAW that governs the Universe (in the spirit of Heraclitus) - for the "sciences of nature" and "The God's Law of Justice" - for the "sciences of the spirit" and religion. Cognition of the FirstLaw of the Universe (Logos = MetaLAW/Absolute LAW/FirstLAW) provides a single basis for science and religion. Fundamental science requires a Big Ontological revolution in the metaphysical / ontological basis. Physics must move from the stage "Phenomenological physics" to the stage "Ontological physics". The New Information Revolution is also pushing for this. J.A. Wheeler: "To my mind there must be, at the bottom of it all, not an equation, but an utterly simple idea. And to me that idea, when we discover it, will be so compelling, so inevitable, that we will say to one another, 'Oh, how beautiful.' How could it have been otherwise?'" Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: "The true physics is that which will, one day, achieve the inclusion of man in his wholeness in a coherent picture of the world." A.N. Whitehead: "A precise language must await a completed metaphysical knowledge."

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin77972 ай бұрын

    Thanks Nicolas! A very important topic taking into account the need to overcome the conceptual-paradigmatic crisis in the metaphysical/ontological basis of fundamental science (mathematics, physics, cosmology), manifested as a “crisis of understanding” (J. Horgan “The End of Science”, Kopeikin K.V. “Souls” of atoms and “atoms” of the soul: Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and "three great problems of physics"), "crisis of interpretation and representation" (Romanovskaya T.B. "Modern physics and contemporary art - parallels of style"), "loss of certainty" (Kline M "Mathematics: Loss of Certainty", D. Zaitsev “Truth, Consequence and Modern Logic”), “trouble with physics” (Lee Smolin “The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next”) which ultimately led to a deep existential crisis of Humanity. The solution to the problem of substantiating knowledge is the construction of a new ontological basis of knowledge and cognition, a new Expanded Ideality - a Primordial generating structure: ontological framework, carcass, foundation. This requires open global brainstorming, breakthrough dialectical and ontological ideas. A.N. Whitehead: "A precise language must await a completed metaphysical knowledge." Philosophy is the Most Rigorous and Joyful Science, “mother of all sciences.”

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin77972 ай бұрын

    Thanks Nicolas! A very important topic taking into account the need to overcome the conceptual-paradigmatic crisis in the metaphysical/ontological basis of fundamental science (mathematics, physics, cosmology), manifested as a “crisis of understanding” (J. Horgan “The End of Science”, Kopeikin K.V. “Souls” of atoms and “atoms” of souls: Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and “three great problems of physics”).. It's time to realize that Quantum theory and General relativity are phenomenological (parametric, operationalist. "effective") theories without ontological justification / substantiation (ontological basification). Lee Smolin: "All the theories we work with, including the Standard Model of Particle Physics and General relativity, are approximate theories applicable to truncations of nature that include only a subset of the degrees of freedom in the universe. We call such an approximate theory an effective theory." David Deutsch: “The best of our theories show deep discrepancies between them and the reality they are supposed to explain. One of the most egregious examples of this is that in physics there are now two fundamental "systems of the world" - quantum theory and general relativity - and that they are fundamentally inconsistent with each other." A theory that claims to be “fundamental” must be an ontologically based theory. One is reminded of the philosophical testament of John A. Wheeler, “unsung paragon of science”: "We are no longer satisfied with insights only into particles, fields of force, into geometry, or even into time and space. Today we demand of physics some understanding of existence itself." To understand the EXISTENCE itself means to "grasp" (understand) the nature of the primordial TENSION of the Cosmos, to understand the nature of space and time. And for this it is necessary to "grasp" the primordial generating structure of matter - "La Structure Mère" (Ontological SuperStructure). That is, to build a model of the metaphysical triad "being-nothing/otherbeing-becoming". More than a quarter of a century ago, the mathematician and philosopher Vasily Nalimov set the super-task of building a "super-unified field theory that describes both physical and semantic manifestations of the World" - the creation of a model of the "Self-Aware Universe". (1996) In the same direction, the ideas of the Nobel laureate in physics Brian Josephson (which are not very noticed by mainstream science), set out in the essay "On the Fundamentality of Meaning" (2018). Brian Josephson: “Physicists' immersion in search of their 'theories of everything' has led them to an oversimplified picture of the natural world. To a picture that can work very well in situations used to test physical theories. But this picture is completely incapable of clarifying and helping to deal with such problems as observation, the meaning of the observed and the processes of thought.” Fundamental science requires a Big Ontological revolution in the metaphysical / ontological basis. Physics must move from the stage "Phenomenological physics" to the stage "Ontological physics". The paradigm of the Universe as a WHOLE must come to the aid of the “part paradigm” that dominates science. The New Information Revolution is also pushing for this. J.A. Wheeler: "To my mind there must be, at the bottom of it all, not an equation, but an utterly simple idea. And to me that idea, when we discover it, will be so compelling, so inevitable, that we will say to one another, 'Oh, how beautiful.' How could it have been otherwise?'"... "Philosophy is too important to be left to philosophers." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: "The true physics is that which will, one day, achieve the inclusion of man in his wholeness in a coherent picture of the world." A.N. Whitehead: "A precise language must await a completed metaphysical knowledge." A. Einstein is right: “God does not play dice with the Universe.” Another metaphysical maxim: God created the Universe/Eternity/Infinity according to the Logos (Meta-Law, “Law of Laws”, Law of absolute forms of existence of matter). Numbers are the work of man. And God didn't need "curved space." Space is an ideal entity. I agree with Alexander Zenkin: "The truth should be drawn..." ("SCIENTIFIC COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN MATHEMATICS") Philosophy is the Most Rigorous and Joyful Science, “mother of all sciences.” Who's against it?

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin77972 ай бұрын

    Hello Nicolas! A very important topic. And what is the ontological status of the information phenomenon in your philosophical system of the world? In my system "OntoTopoLogia" I develop the ideas of Whitehead and Bergson and represent matter as an holistic generating process, which leads to the need to introduce the concept of ontological (structural, cosmic) memory, "soul of matter", its measure. Then InFORMAtion is a polyvalent phenomenon of ontological (structural, cosmic) memory which substantiates the certainty, orderliness, essential unity of the existence of the Universe as an eternal holistic process of generating more and more new meanings, forms and structures.

  • @PeterDuke
    @PeterDuke3 ай бұрын

    You could argue neither and Darwin is bull crap.

  • @wy9421
    @wy94213 ай бұрын

    Nicolas Berggruen, the private club of senior colleges to the chain of publishers, the system of selection prizes itself is built on inequality, the essence of the reason comes from the internal needs of the spirit into external pursuits (external rewards), filtered only by external rewards of the nervous system can accept and participate in the motivation of such a brain how to transcend the knowledge?

  • @wy9421
    @wy94213 ай бұрын

    How does the institutional systematic approach of the old world elite academic monopoly of power produce original creative new thinking from the composition of participation and applicants who must be accredited with a university degree and be judged by a jury? to save the planet?

  • @ingridearle1373
    @ingridearle13733 ай бұрын

    Sweetheart, the species that is dying out is connected to your AI gene editing. I'm so sorry to disappoint you but I won't split up or abandon you or our dream of saving humanity! I've got your broken code safe in my eternal heart. Peace, Love & Light Inga

  • @ingridearle1373
    @ingridearle13733 ай бұрын

    I love this and would add the state of the mind is directly connected to our hearts. Mood is reflectant of the environment we are in. ❤

  • @ingridearle1373
    @ingridearle13734 ай бұрын

    I agree, to be constructive is to view all perspectives to find common ground ❤

  • @andresimon6000
    @andresimon60004 ай бұрын

    Perfect! 🙏🏾

  • @alexanderpeche6404
    @alexanderpeche64044 ай бұрын

    Der Vergleich mit der Quantenmechanik ist sehr spannend…..

  • @LeonardDavich
    @LeonardDavich4 ай бұрын

    This is told by someone who's traipsing around the globe flying private

  • @LeonardDavich
    @LeonardDavich4 ай бұрын

    This is literally "rich", told by someone who's likely (not)paying his taxes in an offshore tax haven.

  • @lokuspokus666
    @lokuspokus6664 ай бұрын

    Then why you destroy culture in Berlin? You are just the regular real estate hypocrite talking about your upper class culture

  • @bcbeasters
    @bcbeasters4 ай бұрын

    I randomly just read an article about this guy. I would say culture isn't what makes us human per se as other animals/organisms have their own forms of culture, culture is a part of life that's an extension of merely existing. 😉

  • @bn2469
    @bn24695 ай бұрын

    Really want to hear what you're saying but the music is overwhelming. Sorry x

  • @bn2469
    @bn24695 ай бұрын

    The music is too loud!

  • @user-mf4yq4vh4x
    @user-mf4yq4vh4x6 ай бұрын

    Nicolas, you’re such a bullshit artist…

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin77977 ай бұрын

    Capitalism → Liberté Socialism → Égalité+Fraternité Social State → Liberté+Égalité+Fraternité+Justice Justice - God's Favorite Thing

  • @anmolagrawal5358
    @anmolagrawal53587 ай бұрын

    I don't think I agree with this East vs West take. I personally see the West acting on a different scope simply. As in, it focus on the parts and plays around with them independently while the Eastern approach seems more systemic with a broaded scope. It may not be that fine with the parts but can identify relationships within them better. The former is more experimental I believe while the latter is great for using the best of this experiment to integrate into a larger whole using the wisdom of time.

  • @TheDukeReport
    @TheDukeReport7 ай бұрын


  • @alexanderpeche6404
    @alexanderpeche64048 ай бұрын

    Danke 🙏

  • @suf3481
    @suf34818 ай бұрын

    Greed. If greed didn't exist, wouldn't the world run much better and life be more harmonious?

  • @iholkin
    @iholkin8 ай бұрын

    Dear Nicolas, it is very interesting point! The tension between Harmony and Freedom look like driving contradiction, which may be one of the "universals" for the next cycle of our planetary civilization. As discussed in Noema, among the nine civilizations existing on our planet today, there are many differences - but there is also something ontologically common, which is understood in the same way by most of us, people of different cultures. Lorenzo Marsili said that «Concrete universals are that which has been agreed to, that which has been universalized, that which has been collectively acquired until now», and suggest to name these concrete universals as “acquis planetaire», regarding to “acquis communautaire” in the European Union. Samuel Huntington said that “people of all civilizations should seek and strive to propagate the values, institutions and practices that are common to them and to people belonging to other civilizations”, and mentioned all of these ontological concepts as «groupings». Ken Wilber named it as "orienting generalizations". What do you think?

  • @TheXtdesign
    @TheXtdesign10 ай бұрын

    🌞🌞 Great!

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin779710 ай бұрын

    Venice - Capital of the New Renaissance, New Enlightenment, Philosophical Capital of Big Europe Memory of Water

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin779710 ай бұрын

    Places to see in ( Venice - Italy ) Casa dei Tre Oci

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin779710 ай бұрын

    How can all businessmen-philosophers of the World come together to jointly search for a way out of the global existential crisis of Humanity? ... "To be or not to be?"

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin779710 ай бұрын

    Thank you very much! An excellent topic for an open global brainstorm. Second UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld left to all of us, the people of the planet Earth, Earthlings, an important philosophical testament: "The UN was not created to take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell." In the 77 years since the creation of the UN, we have managed to avoid nuclear armageddon. But the split Humanity continues to fall headlong into the unknown future. How to stop the fall and split? We need a big reform of the UN, taking into account all the tragic experience of the fight against nazism of the 20th century and the present, a new deep planetary thinking, a new "UN 3.0", a Sustainable LifeWorld based on the "UN-centric multipolar multilaterality" concept and universal fundamental values: World is Single Whole. Unity in Diversity Our only Common Home is Mother Earth We, People of planet Earth - Earthlings United Nations - Peoples Union - United Humanity A Just and Safe World Let's save Life on Earth Dialogue. Justice. Consensus Joint Action for the Common Good. Nous pensons, donc Nous existons Hope for new generations... John Archibald Wheeler: "Philosophy is too important to be left to philosophers." The philosophical testaments of Dag Hammarskjöld and John A. Wheeler should be placed on granite plaques in front of every UN building.

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin779710 ай бұрын

    Thank you very much! Great theme for deep open global brainstorming. To understand consciousness, to understand the nature of consciousness (ontological status).... This is the problem of understanding, mutual understanding and the problem of the foundations of knowledge. More specifically, the problem is in the foundations of mathematics and physics. "Machine intelligence" is "quasi intelligence". Pierre Teilhard de Chardin left a good philosophical testament to physicists and mathematicians: "The true physics is that which will, one day, achieve the inclusion of man in his wholeness in a coherent picture of the world." The solution of the "hard problem of consciousness" is possible only after solving the super hard problem of the ontological justification /substantiation of mathematics (ontological basification), and therefore knowledge in general. More than a quarter of a century ago, the mathematician and philosopher Vasily Nalimov set the super task of building a "super-unified field theory that describes both physical and semantic manifestations of the World" - the creation of a model of the "Self- Aware Universe" (1996). Vasily Nalimov writes: "The time has come to talk about the omnipresence of consciousness. In other words, we need to get ready to approach the construction of a super-unified field theory that describes both physical and semantic manifestations of the World... In order to move further in this direction, we must: (1) overcome some of the limitations that weigh on us, established in the paradigm of our culture;(2) sketch out the outlines of a self-aware universe. a model of such a Universe... Overcoming interfering prerequisites: 1. We are still hung over by the rigid Cartesian distinction between mind and matter. The basis for this was the assertion that matter is spatially extended, but the mind is not. Now we can ignore this argument. We know that the spatial perception of physical reality is determined not so much by the World around us, but by the ability initially given to our consciousness to see the World as spatially ordered. We can also learn to spatially perceive the World of Meanings if we are able to set the image of the semantic field in some fairly visual way. So we can geometrize our ideas about consciousness and create a language close to the language of modern physics. 2. In order to set the image of the semantic field, it must be recognized that meanings are primary in nature. In other words, it is necessary to agree that elementary words (which are not yet texts) are set initially. Here we come very close to the position of Plato, by the way, formulated by him not clearly enough. Such an approach can no longer be considered unscientific - we recognize the initial predetermination of fundamental physical constants, the nature of which is more mental than physical." .. But further with his approach it is impossible to agree... To build a single ontological basis of knowledge in the language of mathematics and solve the "hard problem of consciousness" one word is enough - "LOGOS", understood as a meta-law that governs the Universe (in the spirit of Heraclitus), one axiom, one principle and one symbol. This is a dialectical-ontological construction of the physical / metaphysical FirstBeginning of the World (the Universe). The mystery of consciousness → in the mystery of the meaning of primordial tension of Cosmos. The mystery of meaning → in the mystery of time. The mystery of time → in the mystery of number. The mystery of number → in the mystery of rhythm. The mystery of rhythm → in the mystery of space. The mystery of space → in the mystery of matter. The mystery of matter lies in the mystery of "coincidence of ontological opposites". The mystery of the "coincidence of ontological opposites" → in the mystery of the "Logos" ("Meta-Law", "Law of laws"). The mystery of the "Logos" → in the mystery of the Primordial (absolute) generating structure. The mystery of the Primordial (absolute) generative structure lies in the secret of the Ontological (cosmic, structural) memory. Ontological (cosmic, structural) memory is the "soul of matter", its measure, the semantic core of the conceptual structure of the existence of the Universe as an eternal holistic process of generating more and more new meanings, forms and structures. Ontological (structural. cosmic) memory is that "nothing" that holds, preserves, develops and directs matter (enteleschia, nous, Aristotle's "prime mover"). Consciousness is an absolute (unconditional) attractor of meanings. Meaning is the unconditional foundation of the existence of the Universe. Consciousness is a qualitative vector/bivector value (triune vector/bivector of absolute states of matter). Consciousness is a univalent phenomenon of ontological (structural, cosmic) memory, which manifests itself at a certain level of being of the Universe as an eternal holistic process of generating meanings, forms and structures. "Machine intelligence" will never become CONSCIOUSNESS, much less self-awareness. The machine will never have a Cosmic Soul and will not be able to understand what a "Self-Aware Universe" is.

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin779710 ай бұрын

    Thank you very much! Extremely important topic for open global brainstorming. Existential Big Europe (not geographic) needs a new highest metaphysics and a new deepest ontology to build a more Sustainable LifeWorld on planet Earth, ideas to overcome the conceptual - paradigmatic crisis in the metaphysical basis of fundamental science, the ideas of the New Renaissance and Enlightenment. Does the Berggruen Institute Europe at Casa dei Tre Oci in Venice plan this work for the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant in 2024?

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin779710 ай бұрын

    Dear Nicolas! Happy Birthday! I wish you health, new philosophical ideas, success in strengthening the spirit of cooperation between countries and peoples, in promoting philosophy! "Philosophy is too important to be left to philosophers." (John Archibald Wheeler)

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin779710 ай бұрын

    Thank you very much! A very important topic and thoughts for a global brainstorm, taking into account the current existential crisis of Humanity and a conceptual- paradigmatic crisis of the metaphysical/ontological basis of fundamental science (mathematics, physics, cosmology), which manifests itself as a "crisis of understanding" (J. Horgan "The End of Science", Kopeikin K.V. "Souls" of atoms and "atoms" of the soul : Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and "three great problems of physics"), "crisis of interpretation and representation" (Romanovskaya T.B. "Modern physics and contemporary art - parallels of style"), "loss of certainty" (M.Kline M. "Mathematics: Loss of Certainty"), "trouble with physics" (Lee Smolin. "The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next"). Not only Mathematics "lost certainty", but also Logic (D. Zaitsev "Truth, Consequence and Modern Logic"). John A. Wheeler, "the unsung paragon of science": “We are no longer satisfied with insights only into particles, fields of force, into geometry, or even into time and space. Today we demand of physics some understanding of existence itself." To understand the EXISTENCE itself means to "grasp" (understand) the nature of the primordial TENSION of the Cosmos. And for this it is necessary to "grasp" the primordial ontological structure of matter - "La Structure Mère". The paradigm of the Universe as an eternal holistic generating process gives a new look at matter. MATTER is that from which all meanings, forms and structures are born. Space is an ideal entity, an ideal limit for the states of matter. The ontological structure of space (absolute, ontological, existential) is rigidly connected with the absolute forms of the existence of matter (absolute states). And there are three and only three of these states: absolute rest (linear state, absolute Constinuum, "cube", "Cartesian box") + absolute movement (vortex, cyclic, absolute Discretuum, "sphere") and their synthesis - absolute becoming (wave, absolute wave, absolute Dis-Continuum, "cylinder"). Accordingly, SPACE (absolute, ontological, existential) has three ontological dimensions (9 gnoseological dimensions). But we must "dig" deeper into ontology in order to “grasp” the MetaNoumenon - ONTOLOGICAL (structural, cosmic) MEMORY, the “soul of matter”, its measure. Ontological (structural, cosmic) memory is that "nothing" that holds, preserves, develops and directs matter (enteleschia, nous, Aristotelian mind, prime mover). Therefore, we must write not "space-time", but "SPACE-MATTER/MEMORY-TIME". More than a quarter of a century ago, mathematician and philosopher Vasily Nalimov set the task of building a "super-unified field theory that describes both physical and semantic manifestations of the World" - the creation of a model of a "Self- Aware Universe". In the same direction, the ideas of the Nobel laureate in physics Brian Josephson (which are not very noticed by mainstream science), set out in the essay "On the Fundamentality of Meaning". Fields Prize winner mathematician Vladimir Voevodsky (1966-2017): "What we now call the crisis of Russian science is not only a crisis of Russian science. There is a crisis of world science. Real progress will consist in a very serious fight between science and religion, which will end with their association." I think that the main "serious fight" will be here: Meta Axiom "In the Beginning was the Logos…/ Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος..." VS. Hypothesis "In the Beginning was the Big Bang..." "LOGos" - MetaLAW that governs the Universe (in the spirit of Heraclitus). Cognition of the First Law of the Universe (Logos, Meta Law) provides a single basis for science and religion. The modern nuclear-ecological-informational era of increasing existential threats and risks forces us, Earthlings, the people of planet Earth, to add the Cartesian conclusion "Je pense, donc je suis" with a metaphysical maxim: "Nous pensons, donc nous existons." John Archibald Wheeler: "To my mind there must be, at the bottom of it all, not an equation, but an utterly simple idea. And to me that idea, when we discover it, will be so compelling, so inevitable, that we will say to one another, 'Oh, how beautiful. How could it have been otherwise?'... "Philosophy is too important to be left to philosophers." A.N. Whitehead: “A precise language must await a completed metaphysical knowledge.”

  • @vladimirrogozhin7797
    @vladimirrogozhin779710 ай бұрын

    Thank you very much! Extremely important topic and thoughts for global brainstorming on the problem of understanding SPACE at the time of a deep existential crisis of Humanity and conceptual - paradigmatic crisis of the metaphysical / ontological basis of fundamental science (mathematics, physics, cosmology) which manifests itself as a "crisis of understanding" ("J. Horgan "The End of Science", Kopeikin K.V. "Souls" of atoms and "atoms" of the soul : Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and "three great problems of physics"), "crisis of interpretation and representation" (Romanovskaya T.B. "Modern physics and contemporary art - parallels of style "), "loss of certainty" (Kline M "Mathematics: Loss of Certainty"), "trouble with physics" (Lee Smolin "The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next "). Fundamental science "rested" in the understanding of space and matter (ontological structure), the nature of fundamental constants, the nature of the phenomena of time, information, consciousness. The theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli in the article “Physics Needs Philosophy / Philosophy Needs Physics” (2017) outlined a list of issues and topics currently being discussed in theoretical physics. It can be seen that most of the questions relate to the sphere of philosophical ontology. And this list is not complete. The first question on the list is "What is space?" Second: "What is time?".. Theoretical physicists must dig deeper to the most distant semantic ontological depths of the existence of Nature And only then can one "grasp" (understand) the ontological structure of SPACE and the nature of the phenomenon of TIME. Here it is good to recall the philosophical testament of John Archibald Wheeler, "unsung paragon of science": "We are no longer satisfied with insights only into particles, fields of force, into geometry, or even into time and space. Today we demand of physics some understanding of existence itself."... And also the testament of the philosopher Pavel Florensky: "The problem of space lies at the center of the worldview in all emerging systems of thought and predetermines the composition of the entire system. With certain restrictions and explanations, one could even recognize space as its own and primary subject of philosophy, in relation to which all other philosophical topics have to be evaluated as derivatives. And , the more closely this or that system of thought is worked out, the more definite the peculiar interpretation of space becomes as its core. We repeat: worldunderstanding is spaceunderstanding.” A holistic paradigm, the "PARADIGM OF UNDERSTANDING", should come to the aid of the "paradigm of the part" that dominates science today. The paradigm of the Universe as an eternal holistic generating process gives a new look at matter, the structure of space, and the nature of time. MATTER is that from which all meanings, forms and structures are born. There are three and only three absolute forms of existence of matter (absolute states): absolute rest (linear state, absolute Continuum, "cube", "Cartesian box") + absolute motion (vortex, circular, absolute Discretuum, "sphere") + absolute becoming (absolute wave, absolute Dis-Continuum, "cylinder"). What is especially important: each absolute form of the existence of matter has its own ONTOLOGICAL PATH (bivector of the absolute state). Accordingly, SPACE (absolute, ontological, existential) has three ontological dimensions ( 9 gnoseological dimensions). But here it is necessary to “dig” deeper into ontology in order to “grasp” the MetaNoumenon - ONTOLOGICAL (structural, cosmic) MEMORY, “soul of matter”, its measure. Ontological (structural, cosmic) memory is that "nothing" that holds, preserves, develops and directs matter (enteleschia, nous, Aristotelian mind, prime mover). Therefore, we must write not "space-time", but "SPACE-MATTER/MEMORY-TIME". TIME is a polyvalent phenomenon of ontological (structural, cosmic) memory, which substantiates the quantitative certainty of the existence of the Universe as an eternal integral process of generating meanings, forms and structures. Time is the dialectic of the generation of number and meaning. Ontological time = cyclic ("horizontal" of being of the Universe) + wave (emergent, time of becoming of the generating structure ) + linear ("vertical" of being, hierarchical time). The birth of the "arrow of time" is the birth of light. Gnoseological time ("human-dimensional") - past, present, future. Nicolas! And how many dimensions (ontological, gnoseological) does the BERGGRUEN SPACE have?

  • @ignas969
    @ignas969 Жыл бұрын

    Yes we will 😊

  • @fradiavolo9293
    @fradiavolo9293 Жыл бұрын

    Thak you sir. For the clarity in your expression of ideas. You're a giant amonst midgets.

  • @fradiavolo9293
    @fradiavolo9293 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you Sir !🙌🏿

  • @Getupmediya
    @Getupmediya Жыл бұрын


  • @suf3481
    @suf3481 Жыл бұрын

    Nicolas, thank you for sharing a bit of your life experience & your perspective. Your kindness is not ephemeral. How can I help?

  • @bruceberry4646
    @bruceberry4646 Жыл бұрын

    “Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself. He also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master.”

  • @s.s9253
    @s.s9253 Жыл бұрын

    Neville Goddard

  • @bruceberry4646
    @bruceberry4646 Жыл бұрын

    if you want to save the world change the metaphor ....change the story joseph campbell

  • @bruceberry4646
    @bruceberry4646 Жыл бұрын

    all life is problem solving Karl Popper and to solve problems we need "philosophy in action"

  • @bruceberry4646
    @bruceberry4646 Жыл бұрын

    Ray Dahlio " pain leads to reflection which leads to progression...

  • @user-ck3gp5xq1e
    @user-ck3gp5xq1e Жыл бұрын

    I have subscribed to your channel and like your videos very good❤❤