

My name is Fay, I'm 19 years old, and I'm a fun, outgoing, crazy kind of person. I love to sing and act. Some people may not believe this, but I feel more comfortable performing on a stage in front of hundreds of people, than I do singing for my family and really small crowds! Seriously! The theatre is my home away from home, along with Wal-Mart. haha. Oh yeah, you know I'm southern. I also love to dance. I do hip-hop, salsa, and pop. My favorite band is The Doodlebops, my favorite singers are Clay Aiken, Lisa Lennox, Bryan Hawn and John Barrowman, and I'm a big fan of Damon Scott's. I'm a huge fashion freak and love trying out new things and I have my own sense of style. I'm currently attending Wallace State Community College, majoring in Performing Arts and Photography. I plan on transfering to a four year college, preferrably in the U.K. or in Austin, Texas. Ummmm, that's pretty much it I guess, if you want to know anything else, just ask me! LOVE YA!

Interview with Chad McNamara

Interview with Chad McNamara

Tribute to Nathan Johnson

Tribute to Nathan Johnson

Easter Party 2009

Easter Party 2009

Live for another day

Live for another day



Live Broadcast RIGHT NOW!

Live Broadcast RIGHT NOW!



Claudia Christmas 08

Claudia Christmas 08

"She's Gonna Make It"

"She's Gonna Make It"

Friends 4 LIFE!

Friends 4 LIFE!

TMD Montage

TMD Montage

To Kiss Drake Bell...

To Kiss Drake Bell...

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President

Me and Torri 1

Me and Torri 1

James Buchanan montage

James Buchanan montage
