Mark Oakley

Mark Oakley

Painting a Retail Space

Painting a Retail Space


  • @unbroken1010
    @unbroken1010Ай бұрын

    I want one in real life 🤷

  • @groundcontrolradio
    @groundcontrolradioАй бұрын

    Hi, has anyone had any problems or luck with doing this hack using a boot-camped MacBook? I've used multiple cables and the gui app just will not see the camera... even though the Sony software sees the camera and transfers perfectly.... the only thing I can think is that it's not really a pc and sometimes there can be funny things with bootcamp... kinda at a standstill with this now :-(

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComicsАй бұрын

    I've been hoping an Apple user would chime in since I first posted this video and let us know if it could work on that platform. If you do manage to get it worked out, please drop a note here to let folks know what your experience was. (Failing everything else, you might just have to find a PC user and invite them and their laptop over for a couple of hours. Provide snack perhaps..?) Good luck!

  • @groundcontrolradio
    @groundcontrolradioАй бұрын

    @@MarkOakleyComics Aha well thanks Mark but I can safely say that the gui app doesn't work on a bootcamped Mac. Tried 6 cables and the computer simply won't see the camera, borrowed a regular pc and it worked straight away. Seems pretty conclusive to me - great vid btw though, really pleased with my cheap little find!

  • @aaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    @aaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaАй бұрын

    Its funny and sad at the same time. People will believe anything. The first version of this had a fake circuit board but it was too obvious so they changed the design, now it is just plastic with wire and epoxy. I know because years ago I was considering doing something like this but it is too low for me. Many people got rich from scams like this, its not even a big investment, chinese factories will do it for like 50 cents a piece in big quantities, you just need marketing and a lawyer oversight (thats why they are very careful with claims and never reveal how it works). Now the trend is fake cheap supplements on ebay.

  • @sushi_donut
    @sushi_donut2 ай бұрын

    It's 2024, and this video is still helping new people (ME!) 😅. Thank you, good sir!

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics3 ай бұрын

    Ha ha! -This is such a neat experiment. I've watched the view count on this video go up into double digits... and then down. (how does one un-view a video?) -And positive commentary is seen by me, but somehow just can't seem to make it onto the public facing comment section. And the single negative is fresh from the heat-map filtration system. Might be a good time to set up an X account and see what engagement is like over there for this kind of content. Too bad Musk does all the heavy lifting for the CIA space hardware these days. A grudging, "We can't swat him at the moment, but as soon as we can get away with it, just you watch! (well, you won't be able to watch, but that's the point, isn't it?)."

  • @heyitsjeffagain
    @heyitsjeffagain3 ай бұрын

    Just used this to get clean 1080p HDMI from an a5000 in February 2024. THANKS!

  • @AsheBailey
    @AsheBailey3 ай бұрын

    You're trying to sit on a fence where you can attempt neutrality and observe, but the Establishment (for lack of a better term) looks at you as either, with or against. If against, then a threat or nobody.

  • @SuperWw10
    @SuperWw103 ай бұрын

    Tucker was 100% Russian propaganda. So much so, it felt like a spoof.

  • @bazarrebloggs7280
    @bazarrebloggs728027 күн бұрын


  • @captaincozy
    @captaincozy3 ай бұрын

    Great video. I have found the same thing with most movies and TV. I used to be an avid viewer for so many years. The one exception was Hayao Miyazaki's The Boy and The Heron. I think he made a truly transcendent work of art that warrants several viewings. I think you'd appreciate it.

  • @trinitybrigid
    @trinitybrigid4 ай бұрын

    The name “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” Is extremely innacurate, in my opinion. I think that the name does not properly represent the “disorder” at all. I think the way that ADHD is classified represents the problems or inconveniences that people with ADHD might have on those around them, rather than the traits that the person with ADHD experiences themselves. I think it would be better described as an attention difference rather than a disorder - for example, many people with ADHD often experience hyper-focusing or “too much” attention, usually on things that are not conventional or seen as “useful” but for some reason, this is still seen as an “attention deficit”?? Probably because they’re not focusing on the “right” things (school, work, etc.) *eye-roll* And there are so so many other characteristics of ADHD that people don’t talk about because they’re not characteristics or traits that outwardly present as issues inconveniencing other people. ADHD is also related to autism and like autism, so many people see these as negative attributes of a person or something about a person that needs to be managed or fixed when in reality our brains just have a different way of functioning - and yes, sometimes this can be presented as something debilitating and inconveniencing, but we also need to look at when that most often happens, it is most often when we are being forced into uncomfortable situations or experiences that have been curated by “neurotypical” people. For example, lots of kids with ADHD struggle in school because they have to meet unrealistic goals when it comes to the amount of work that is expected of them and the way in which they are to complete it all, but when given the proper resources and accommodations, they flourish! Same goes for adults - many ADHD adults often struggle to suceed at 9-5 jobs because our brains weren’t built to thrive in that setting (also important to note that whether you’re ADHD or not, we as humans are not meant to sit at a desk for most of our days, for most of our lives lol) Anyway, we should not be trying to fix these people, we should be trying to ACCOMMODATE them and encourage them! *Speaking as someone who has never been formally diagnosed, but experiences almost every aspect of ADHD. Also I am not against taking medication if it helps you function and survive in today’s society (where it is near impossible for some neurodivergent and mentally ill people to meet the same expectations of those around them!) I just think that everyone else should try to be more understanding and accommodating of others' experiences so we don't have to use medication as the only way out.

  • @katherinephelps395
    @katherinephelps3954 ай бұрын

    ADHD is such a tricky diagnosis. I have experienced it being used by parents to medically manage their children. I have friends who were diagnosed as ADHD, when really they were highly intelligent and have complex ways of dealing with the world. "Gifted" and "ADHD" used to have near identical descriptions in psychological documentation. I have a friend who is diagnosed ADHD. She manages quite well with help, and is the most adorable hummingbird! She doesn't fully fit the definition you brought up, but she is definitely high energy with some difficulties. I was once diagnosed as hyperactive before ADHD was a thing. However, I have also been clearly diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. My body doesn't produce enough collagen for my ligaments to hold my bones together as well they do for others. Therefore, my muscles have to take up the slack. This means they have to be switched on all the time. I was in an accident where in order to heal, I had to sit still for a number of weeks. It was too much for my body. My wrists started spontaneously spraining, I had a knee sublux, I couldn't sleep on my side because my rib cage would collapse around my lungs making it hard for me to breathe. Loads of fun! In essence I wasn't moving enough to keep my body functioning correctly. However, moving as much as I need can look like ADHD. Sadly, we live in a world where it is important to be "special". And sometimes people will embrace diagnoses such as "gluten-intolerance", because that makes them "special" and people have to treat them differently and with more deference. They call wolf, and put real issues into disrepute. The one up side is that people who are genuinely gluten-intolerant now have access to more products to help them live. So sure, big pharma loves people giving themselves diagnoses in the same way people used to talk about their astrological signs. It sells product. The CIA may well use anything they can to manipulate. However, there may be a small section of the population who run too fast in a way that makes it difficult for them to function. My hummingbird friend is one of the very few people I know who I might say is ADHD, but I would hate to focus on that. We need it possible for people to receive the support they need without making it a judgement of who they are. Drugs always have side-effects. But people want an easy answer fast when they are having difficulties. They also often want a security blanket in using pills. Try suggesting to someone experiencing depression that maybe they would be better off not using that anti-depressant. However, who am I to judge if someone is clinging to these drugs just to make it through each day. Life is tough. I just believe there are better answers.

  • @Niyke
    @Niyke5 ай бұрын

    Hi Mark, still using the as-300?

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics5 ай бұрын

    Yes, actually. Still a good little camera. Hard to find these days, though.

  • @Niyke
    @Niyke5 ай бұрын

    @@MarkOakleyComics agreed, happy new year and great work!

  • @TheComiKen
    @TheComiKen5 ай бұрын

    Super insightful! It is definitely more taxing to maintain a lie than it is to align with truth.🔥👍

  • @DetectiveStoryMike
    @DetectiveStoryMike6 ай бұрын

    Mark I am currently going through this hack on a Sony A5000 i recently picked up. I cannot locate the PMCA-CleanHDMI.apk link. It looks like it is no longer on the GUI download list. Any ideas to help? Thank you

  • @ind3x
    @ind3x8 ай бұрын

    @26:00 You need to hold the top of the EMF meter to the side or top of the tablet. That is where the antenna is and where the rays go out. The lowest rays are at the bottom of the tablet.

  • @billsk8
    @billsk88 ай бұрын

    The software won't install cause it says I have low battery. The problem is that when using a dummy battery, it always thinks the battery is low.

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics8 ай бұрын

    Yeah, some of the power supplies with my dummy batteries, I've noticed, don't provide the amperage a battery does. For instance, a cold startup when an HDMI cable running from my capture device is plugged into the camera, results in a brief lighting of the flip screen, and then a shutdown. -I have to turn on the camera, get over the power draw spike, and *then* plug in any extra cables. Once it's all going, it works fine, but it's definitely an issue. I don't experience that with all my power supplies, which indicates that they don't all have the same specs. I'd say, based on that, that it's probably best use a fully charged battery when performing this kind of operation.

  • @pjowen7450
    @pjowen74508 ай бұрын


  • @maneuver3559
    @maneuver35598 ай бұрын

    Remember when I was "without-a-fixed-address" in the woods behind Edible?😂 Loved our impromptu chats at the café when we'd randomly meetup! Should grab coffee/mochaccino at another café sometime if you still visit Wolfville.

  • @ArucardPL
    @ArucardPL9 ай бұрын

    Hah, I remember how last summer I literally went into an identity crisis because of AI (I'm also a comicbook artist btw, and it's been my passion since I was 5 when I read my first Donald Duck, so you could say my whole point of life was always comics and comic art). But over the last few months I also began experminenting with AI and now I'm like... MEH? Regarding the AI's ability to 'study', 'learn' and 'think', last week I was actually trying to prove a point to a guy who tried to convince me how AI is so smart and works exactly like a human brain. So I went to the app (I used leonardo which is pretty close to what you can get in midjourney) and asked AI to give me an illustration of Captain America but with a bat symbol on his chest instead of a star. It generated three images - one was Cap in a Batman mask, one was Cap with bat wings, one was Cap with mangled bats flying in the background. But the funniest thing was.... all three of them had a perfect white start on their chest xD Trying to ask it for something that should be obvious like color my artwork in flat colors or render it in a digital painting style also just gave me total gibberish. So yeah, I think that it's not getting smarter nor thinking, it's mainly getting better because of more quality databases (better tagging and better image resolutions, basically the whole big leap last year happened when they used the danbooru database which had a really good tagging system) As for AI's creativity - naturally, I wouldn't use it in place of my own art (because well, it would no longer by my art and I kinda don't see a point in making a career by giving people stuff generated by bots) but I thought I could at least use it for brainstorming, inspiration, exploring compositions and color palettes. And you know what, at first I gotta admit I was kinda amazed and hooked on it, and for a day or two I felt like I could just sit there and play with it all day long. But pretty quickly it got... repetitive. AI feels kinda like an artist who's really hell bent on a couple of their favorite poses, expressions and composition and the more complex prompts you give it to try to get something specific the more of the prompt it ignores (even the most obvious thing like giving me bust shots when I clearly state I wanted a full body shot). So again, after the year of seemingly extreme pace of AI art development I'm becoming more ambivalent towards it. Kinda fun to generate ideas and reference but quickly boring and right now I just went back to looking for inspirations in other artists, my comic collections and animated shows (revisiting Batman TAS now^^). The only thing that rubs me the wrong way is how all the social platforms are literally flooded with AI art and how many of it I see even on book covers and magazines when I go to bookstores. But I treat it the same as that annoying summer pop hit song. You gotta accept that you won't escape it, you just gotta learn to stay indifferent and focus on something that makes you fool good. WHile AI's been here a while already, there's still tons of excellent human artists doing cool things, so why not give all that attention to them instead of stuff created by bots? PS. Just subscribed, glad I found your channel :)

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics9 ай бұрын

    Yeah, I found the hyper fascination honeymoon period lasted for a few days, and then, as you described... it got very repetitive and boring. "Ah, so this is the sum total of average eye candy? Yeah.., I feel like I've eaten too much from an Instagram Halloween bag. I need to go make a proper sandwich." The only truly useful application I've found in my use case is video thumbnail generation. -Flashy and generic expected images for grabbing the .3 seconds of attention without me having to do any work..? That's okay, I guess. Nobody is going to collect that crap. I hope. Cheers!

  • @SuperWw10
    @SuperWw109 ай бұрын

    I'd urge you to rethink things. You're deluded if you don't understand that Trump is a conman.

  • @eprohoda
    @eprohoda9 ай бұрын

    vry fantastic ~goodbye!:)

  • @MikeKitchen001
    @MikeKitchen0019 ай бұрын - And the older kids learn how to become effective mentors and leaders. 👍

  • @captaincozy
    @captaincozy9 ай бұрын

    That was fantastic!

  • @andyflinn
    @andyflinn9 ай бұрын

    Interesting keynote that was... I generated thousands of pieces of eye candy in the last month. The immersive addictiveness of this is unbelievable.

  • @Lyoone
    @Lyoone9 ай бұрын

    hello friend. congratulations on the video! with the latest update just turn on and everything is clean or do you need to turn on and press some more button to have the hdmi clean?

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics9 ай бұрын

    After the hack has been enabled through the process described in the video, HDMI out will be clean without the need for any other steps. Clean HDMI will persist even after powering down/up.

  • @boogiepop823
    @boogiepop8239 ай бұрын

    AI figure art calls to mind the way John Keel’s ultra-terrestrials and other creatures from folklore had a similar tendency to botch details like hands and feet when taking human form.

  • @captaincozy
    @captaincozy9 ай бұрын

    That was truly fascinating! And a few great laugh out loud moments.

  • @franktorejohansen7874
    @franktorejohansen787410 ай бұрын

    I wonder how reactions would be of another "Are we the Baddies?" article posted on the other side, with the opposite viewpoint.

  • @IanHooperUX
    @IanHooperUX10 ай бұрын

    Great analysis of the pros and cons of AI creativity. I think it was interesting how you often spoke how the AI version of Jenny is like an actress you might hire to play that character. It is very hard to translate a book or graphic novel into a movie. This is where the creative vision of the director, set designer, casting director, etc. all come into play. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I think working with AI will be much like that in the future.

  • @billwiist2199
    @billwiist219910 ай бұрын

    Thanks for the thoughts, Mark. As always, very insightful and well stated.

  • @Necrovert
    @Necrovert10 ай бұрын

    Thanks, Mark! I really enjoyed your take on this. As far as my own experience, I've been having a lot of fun just playing around with AI art and trying to integrate it into my process with varying degrees of success. I think the best thing to come out of the whole experience is that it has forced me to reexamine what makes me an artist and to take a more critical look at where I've gotten lazy in my craft. If I'm routinely doing things that a machine can do better, then why am I wasting time pursuing that "Instagram Artist" dream when I should be focusing on what makes my art special?

  • @billwiist2199
    @billwiist219910 ай бұрын

    As I've thought about AI this year, I've hoped it might lead to a re-examination, rediscovery and renewed appreciation for actual art, rather than as Mark calls (rightly) "pretty pictures". The true value of art is found in how well it conveys our shared humanity. Not in how much it sells for, or how many people give it a "like" or "share."

  • @captaincozy
    @captaincozy10 ай бұрын

    Fascinating stuff, and definitely not too long.

  • @captaincozy
    @captaincozy10 ай бұрын

    There's a Windsor McCay bridge? I wonder if they named it after the Little Nemo creator? Nice to see you back in video form. I've watched all the videos you've posted so far.

  • @boogiepop823
    @boogiepop82310 ай бұрын

    I’m not a fan of Webtoons or the scroll format, but multitudes of young readers are. That seems like an ideal extra place to post a comic like Star Drop because the uniform panels would be easy to adapt to the Webtoons format.

  • @My_DadJJ
    @My_DadJJ10 ай бұрын

    Congratulations 🎉

  • @My_DadJJ
    @My_DadJJ10 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing Mark

  • @IanHooperUX
    @IanHooperUX10 ай бұрын

    Great to hear the positive turn of events. Nice to see Thieves and Kings on the drawing board!

  • @briangarber4232
    @briangarber423210 ай бұрын


  • @coolbananaboy5075
    @coolbananaboy507510 ай бұрын

    Nice video - enjoyed it, thanks!

  • @novapks9573
    @novapks957311 ай бұрын

    Hi Mark! can i use this method with NEX camera ?

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics11 ай бұрын

    I believe some people were successful, but it depends on the specific model. I can only speak for the a5000.

  • @IAmTheCraftsman
    @IAmTheCraftsman Жыл бұрын

    How do I get the big focus square off the screen that appears sometimes?

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics Жыл бұрын

    Turn off focus assist in the settings.

  • @IAmTheCraftsman
    @IAmTheCraftsman Жыл бұрын

    @@MarkOakleyComics yes sir. I found it shortly after asking. Thanks!!

  • @user-hh8rp1vg9b
    @user-hh8rp1vg9b Жыл бұрын

    how long the batteries can turn the camera on until they need to be recharged?

  • @salvatormuruato2347
    @salvatormuruato2347 Жыл бұрын

    It depends on, a high-quality alkaline battery could give 3 days with a low or normal use Nowadays I'm using economically rechargeable batteries, which give me one week of energy with rough use.

  • @jakal13
    @jakal13 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for this. Do you know if there is a dummy-battery available for this camera? That is the last part I am missing to make this a streaming webcam.

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics Жыл бұрын

    Yep. They're great! I have a bunch of them. They're around $25 CAD.

  • @DJBlizzardYT
    @DJBlizzardYT Жыл бұрын

    my hdmi is not clean? its still a little blurry

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics Жыл бұрын

    This fix only turns off the info graphics along the screen edges, like the little battery picture and the F-stop indicator and such. If you have actual blurring, it's either your lens or settings.

  • @soren7133
    @soren7133 Жыл бұрын

    camera constantly loses connection while I was connecting to it using putty

  • @captaincozy
    @captaincozy Жыл бұрын

    I think it depends on how you approach new information, most just side with the loudest voice or most common ideas just to be safe. So I'd say not thinking is what can kill you ultimately, because most ideas are not considered, just taken in. A true good idea is more powerful than a thousand bad ones. That's how media and most other things work: bad news and bad idea factories. That's why I love the flat earth idea. A lot of it is debatable, but I watched about 25 hrs of stuff awhile back and some of it really kind of altered me. One of the ideas that has bothered me since I was a kid was the nautical mile / air mile. Why would distance magically be different once you travel over a large body of water? If you go down far enough, it's still land. If the oceans dried up tomorrow, would planes have to change back to regular miles? Then there's a clip of Buzz Aldrin telling Conan O'Brien that none of what we saw on TV was real. He says we all imagined it. He says it was all animation because they didn't have the tech to broadcast it live. You can't make this stuff up! Anyway, in case you haven't seen this, you might enjoy. It's the best thing I've come across. It's a very nuts and bolts approach.

  • @captaincozy
    @captaincozy Жыл бұрын

    One other thing, I got inspired by Nicole's fasting story and decided to do my own 3 day water only fast. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever done in my life! I feel like I rebooted my whole system including my temperament and the way I see myself. Thanks for this fantastic exploration.

  • @velvetrooster5569
    @velvetrooster5569 Жыл бұрын

    I think the Samsung NX mini camera is the best pocket-size camera ever made

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics Жыл бұрын

    For taking pics, I love it. I keep one on me all the time. For video, its pretty good, but I like the Sony more.

  • @velvetrooster5569
    @velvetrooster5569 Жыл бұрын

    @@MarkOakleyComics I like Samsung. I have a Samsung Galaxy NX and I have a Samsung NX 30 and I have a Samsung NX1 and I have a Samsung NX500 all of which I really enjoy I also have the Samsung Galaxy Camera and Galaxy Camera 2 which are great point and shoot cameras. Sony makes really good cameras. I personally have and like my Samsung cameras because I’m able to get some really great results from them. I also very much enjoy my DJI Osmo Action and I very much like my DJI Osmo Pocket. There are plenty of good cameras available so whatever works and whatever you or anyone else likes I’m sure is a good choice. For me I happen to like Samsung. I’m glad you like Sony. I would love to buy a Sony RX100v and an RX100vii myself. I would like to start building a full frame Sony setup. I want a full frame Sony Camera and I want to get some full frame Sony lenses too.

  • @velvetrooster5569
    @velvetrooster5569 Жыл бұрын

    @@MarkOakleyComics my Samsung NX1 and NX500 take great photos and videos. They both record in h.265 codec and I added custom firmware that let me change the bitrate from 80mps to 160mps and it’s amazing. On both cameras plus I live that that NX1 does not have a 4K video crop on the sensor.

  • @captaincozy
    @captaincozy Жыл бұрын

    Over the past few weeks, I've been going through all the Valley eps. A lot of great stuff, but this one hit a whole new level. One of the best conversations ever! Wow! I like the way she calls the area Sedona North. I live in Sedona and I felt Wolfville has some similar consciousness.

  • @alexxatchett9310
    @alexxatchett9310 Жыл бұрын

    I used to be partial to long island ice teas. Got into them when I was living in Minsk - it is somewhat warmer there by a few degrees, but much more humid, which made winter feel especially cold. Anyway, I had this habit of walking into bars and saying "Long Island Ice tea, please.... without the ice". Ice is, like, half the drink, and without it the whole thing turns into concentrated alcoholic fuel, but I'd be damned if I went back outside into the snow with an ice cube stuck in my throat. Oh, the looks the barkeeps give you.... but it's how they go around solving this problem is interesting. Some fill it with coke, some just follow the instructions and leave out the ice... and then incredulously watch you drink that stuff. A few years later I came back to Minsk to visit some friends, went into a favorite café of mine from back in the day (everything was new, the staff was new), and asked the waitress to bring same thing - long island, no ice. She said she had to consult with the barkeep and went away. And shortly there was a loud laugh from the bar "A-ha! That guy!" ))))