Donnelly’s Journal

Donnelly’s Journal

My goal is to overcome career and life failure. It is my dream to one day feel worthy and deserving of love and friendship. As an aspiring Data or Business Analyst, I hope to one day prove to everyone who doubted me throughout my life and who see me as a failure that I can amount to something.

I Give Up!

I Give Up!


  • @mattd6200
    @mattd620012 сағат бұрын

    Awesome, Don. Hope to see more videos of you with others. You are missing out on love. Please connect with us.

  • @ForeverCacti
    @ForeverCacti14 сағат бұрын

    Sorry you had a rough childhood

  • @Ian-lg9gp
    @Ian-lg9gpКүн бұрын

    Donnelly your solutions to finding a partner are actually a detriment to you finding a partner. You seem to think you have to be a shredded athlete, who loves outdoor activities, and has 7 degrees to get a GF. Now I'm not bashing having hobbies for the joy of having hobbies. But EVERYTHING you do revolves around getting a woman and ending loneliness. Don, it's not working!!!

  • @mattd6200
    @mattd6200Күн бұрын

    Don seems better here, although he's taunting us. You'll have to be more specific with your goals so we can understand. Goals should be focused, maybe?

  • @donnelly5757
    @donnelly575717 сағат бұрын

    Goal number one: finish in the top 10% overall in my next race whether a Spartan or running race.

  • @mattd6200
    @mattd620017 сағат бұрын

    @donnelly5757 I have a Spartan race coming up, too, in Collingwood. My goal is to not die.

  • @mattd6200
    @mattd620017 сағат бұрын

    @donnelly5757 You're a good man Don and we love you. I was you, once. Exactly you. Your #1 goal should be to be around people and learn to empathize and connect. If you are having a hard time with that it means there is lingering emotional pain which is not your fault. Working out like a beast is awesome but not a substitute for life.

  • @claydemelo7562
    @claydemelo7562Күн бұрын

    This was disturbing to watch. That mantra isn’t going to help you.

  • @di115
    @di115Күн бұрын

    I feel so bad for Donnelly mother to have to depend on Joe Guy wasn’t happy with hearing good morning from his family so he had to tell them how to address him properly? That’s some tiny dick energy right there, this guy did you absolutely no favors by emasculating you to make himself feel important

  • @RichHar771
    @RichHar77120 сағат бұрын

    “These are the words I live my life by!”, says the person completely stuck in life. I wish the irony would be realized. Just ask yourself: how is that working out for you?

  • @Majin_Dabura
    @Majin_DaburaКүн бұрын

    oh yeeeaaah, I remember this guy. did he get laid yet?

  • @di115
    @di115Күн бұрын

    Getting laid isn’t everything, it’s the ONLY thing

  • @ChairmanKim
    @ChairmanKimКүн бұрын

    Don, find a good woman, stop watching porn, raise a family. Stop posting these videos.

  • @di115
    @di115Күн бұрын

    based dictator advice

  • @jonasibiza6416
    @jonasibiza6416Күн бұрын

    Not true at all, imo. Results don't make you content. You have to enjoy the process

  • @di115
    @di115Күн бұрын

    Winning random races or doing risky extreme sports isn’t going to get you a woman or friends Donnelly, that makes zero sense. Nobody makes friends based on that

  • @vegandollsunited
    @vegandollsunitedКүн бұрын

    i am too ugly for vegan dolls. but, i would be so so so happy to be second in her eyes. i am so in love with her that i am not going to complain about being second, third, or even fourth if she just came and lived with me. i will let her date other men. i don't blame other men for wanting her. i don't blame uncle beau for being close to her. if i were him i would be so happy just to know what she smells like.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@vegandollsunited who is vegan dolls? Is she okay with guys that eat meat? Do you have her number? Lmao

  • @vegandollsunited
    @vegandollsunited9 сағат бұрын

    @@Engineer-y8e vegan dolls is my mother. people here think im sick because i find my mother physically attractive and want to live with her forever.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8e9 сағат бұрын

    @@vegandollsunited going to be honest bro, that is pretty sick. Although lots of young men are attracted to their mother at a very early age, i was too. But then you grow out of it

  • @vegandollsunited
    @vegandollsunited9 сағат бұрын

    @@Engineer-y8e you're not my bro

  • @someonegetsteve
    @someonegetsteveКүн бұрын

    "Good morning JOE" Sorry bro but he sounds like a prick. We need less Joes and more Donnellys in this world, just my opinion.

  • @di115
    @di115Күн бұрын

    yeah he sounds like a certified lunatic with zero friends who thought it was okay to terrorize his family because they were economically dependent on him

  • @vegandollsunited
    @vegandollsunitedКүн бұрын

    Donnelly, I read ur response below in which u said u accept that u will never be good enough for a woman in the city and county you live in. I, too, have accepted that I will never be good enough for the girl I wish was meant for me. I finally found the girl i actually hoped i would never meet because i knew this would happen. i didn't even realise the girl i would come to find was perfect for my liking was her when i first met her. it was only after my uncle--beautoxrocks--told me to take another look at her and so i did and then i realised she was the perfect girl. he was right! i have been in pain ever since. i cry every single day for her. i wish this didn't happen. be careful, donnelly, because if this happens to you, u will be forever hurt. in fact, that girl hides herself now because she knows its happened already to other guys. my uncle put a spell on a lot of guys that they would find her the fairest of them all! and it's true, it happened! we are forever alone!

  • @Sh99127
    @Sh99127Күн бұрын

    I never meant to criticize your stepfather, I'm sure he had the best intentions. But try to look at it this way: you're a runner after all, you know that group of people at the start line who are super excited and nervous? Those are the ones who have been training for months or years to finally run their first real marathon. Imagine everyone saying 'I have no chance of winning this thing so I'm not even going to try' No, their goal is to cross the finish line to prove to themselves that they can do it no matter how hard the last mile is. And that's fine. Sometimes it's enough to be better than the version of you a year ago, and just get across the finish line

  • @donnelly5757
    @donnelly5757Күн бұрын

    My stepdad may not have been dad of the year, but he knew I was not going anywhere in life during my late teens and he was willing to help and even pay for college. For many crossing the finish line is the ultimate goal. For others, overcompensating and or trying to fill voids can make crossing the finish line not good enough but must place in a top percentile or top place, or even flat out win. Because I made a fool of myself on TV back in 2012, I fit the latter as I must win and embark on a journey to redeem myself. I’ve decided to embark on that mission to redeem myself even if it means risking serious injury and or death.

  • @di115
    @di115Күн бұрын

    @@donnelly5757that’s such an understatement. He sounds closer to abuser of the year than he would be to even being an average stepdad. You really should talk to a therapist about this, I’m pretty sure your lack of confidence and hatred for yourself comes from this guy shitting on you your entire childhood

  • @ShowMeWhatINeedToKnow
    @ShowMeWhatINeedToKnowКүн бұрын

    Interesting video. I don't know though, man: Honestly, your step dad sounds kind of like a douche. You have to ask yourself, what is winning, anyway? A lot of times it's just something to satisfy the ego. You are not your wins, you are a person. That's why we love you.

  • @ShowMeWhatINeedToKnow
    @ShowMeWhatINeedToKnowКүн бұрын

    That's one heck of a retaining wall!

  • @Dystopikachu
    @DystopikachuКүн бұрын

    If winning is all there is, most people will fall short of most standards. Yet we get on with our lives all the same. Sorry to say this but your stepdad sounds like a pretty miserable person, telling on himself with his mantra.

  • @clipsedrag13
    @clipsedrag13Күн бұрын

    My step dad was an absolute prick. I hate even the good parts of him.. the parts I SHOULD emulate.

  • @AllergicFungus
    @AllergicFungusКүн бұрын

    I will agree that the dating world sucks so, it's definitely not you bro. I've been single for awhile, dated a few gals who all were taking meds for mental instability. I want to say there are some out there that aren't taking meds or have mental issues but dang where are they? It's crazy bro lol. Don't be hard on yourself.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@AllergicFungus Dude, i told him to try overseas. He will be successful that way, we both know it

  • @shy_gamer
    @shy_gamerКүн бұрын

    I have to say these videos about your stepdad are really bizarre. I don't agree with his message at all!

  • @di115
    @di115Күн бұрын

    Yeah I feel this is the most unhealthy plot twist so far

  • @donnelly5757
    @donnelly5757Күн бұрын

    He was physically abused by his mother as a child. He was jealous of me but he also would have supported my goals if I had more discipline back then. He even bought me my first road bicycle that would be worth like $4k for something equivalent today. He was supportive in my bike racing but he also emphasized that winning was all that mattered. He knew I was bullied as a kid and so I think he was trying to toughen me up as I was very weak kid.

  • @Huegan14
    @Huegan14Күн бұрын

    @@donnelly5757there’s nothing wrong with your step dad or how he tried to raise you at all. I think he was doing a great job at doing the best he could to instill values in you that he knew you lacked.

  • @mattd6200
    @mattd6200Күн бұрын

    @@donnelly5757 Jealous of what?

  • @sneakyninja5802
    @sneakyninja5802Күн бұрын

    You need to go to Asia or South America. You are not that unattractive, you have a good personality and you have an above average physique, especially compared to people of similar age.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    Holy shit. This mf’er gets it!!! I’m trying to tell him that now before he decides to give up or worse. Fucking pisses me off seeing others say, “learn to love yourself”, “some aren’t meant to get married”, etc… Wtf? God did not wire us to be alone. Thank you sir for a sensible comment to try to help this man. We need to try to drill it in his skull to travel a bit

  • @bwhitty6496
    @bwhitty6496Күн бұрын

    This is totally insane..this is either trolling or advanced-stage incel mindset. Both of your comment histories are bizarre. Don- either way don’t buy into this brand of crazy. Saying he needs to go overseas because there’s no available women in the US? Give me a break.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@bwhitty6496 having some insomnia now, so i want to ask you why you think it is an insane idea? You can’t just declare everyone an incel you dont agree with. I was married, had sex plenty of times. Can easily get sex. It was always hard finding a good woman though. All of my buddies struggle. We have high paying careers, fit, good personalities. The ones in relationships clearly settled. Yes, there are plenty of women in america. But they have a lot of expectations. I would say height is a big one, but there are others. The only women willing to give me a chance are foreign women residing in the states. And dates with foreign women are quite different. Its like if the woman is white and american your chances go to shit. And i’m in a huge metro area. And i’m a decent looking white dude. But i guess we are all incels. At the end of the day, if you are willing to settle for crazy, morbid obesity, or single moms with two kids its pretty damn easy here. I will give you that much

  • @ROBERT-ml7ml
    @ROBERT-ml7mlКүн бұрын

    There is nothing wrong with being single Don. Not everyone is meant to get married. Plus you have to be OK with yourself first before you can be OK with someone else. ❤

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    He’s almost 50. He looks jacked as fuck. He’s 5’9. People are not meant to be single forever. He needs to broaden his horizons, like gtfo of America. Besides getting a career, which he has done. What other ways can he improve? This is just boiler plate advice that borders on insensitivity. He really needs to save money and travel. His area isn’t going to work for him, point blank. Yes, he is depressed. Who the fuck wouldn’t? An asexual might? He’s clearly yearning for a woman, which is normal and how God intended for us men to feel. Its his brain screaming, “i need to reproduce”, hahahaha

  • @ROBERT-ml7ml
    @ROBERT-ml7mlКүн бұрын

    @@Engineer-y8e This is funny... you speak of God.... do you actually have a relationship with God and Jesus? Not a good one, or perhaps you have forgotten God's words on relationships and marriage. Do some research on this 😉

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@ROBERT-ml7ml Rather presumptuous. To be honest, i’m trying to rebuild my relationship with God. I’m not perfect by any means and neither are you. Can you not see this man’s suffering? A real Christian will try to offer advice to help pick up his fellow man. That is what we are here for. Have you not seen his other videos. He is suffering A LOT. Again, he’s almost 50 and none of the platitudes are doing him any good. He is simply existing in a loop, doing the same thing for decades expecting the same outcome. There will come a time when he IS too old to do anything about it. I’m suggesting he mixes things up. Gets the job(which he will), and then travels. Even traveling to another part of the US is better than nothing. Although at this point he probably would be better served going overseas for a bit. No harm no foul. He’s been to Colombia briefly, that is a start. A lot of other dudes have offered the same advice. This is coming from a guy that has a great career, in shape just like him, and much younger. Trust me, it fucking sucks for us guys here. And again, many of my friends have struggled as well. They just decided to settle. And i can tell you from experience that will not bode well. Most women just do not want us guys unless we are perfect. But i honestly do not believe this is a worldwide phenomenon. And it may not even be true for all of America. But it sure is damn true for the circles he is in now. Donnelly actually could get laid easily, probably get in a relationship with someone who is not right for him. I applaud him for his patience. But at this point, he’s waiting too damn long. He needs to do something different. Do you really think God would give us desires to remain unfilled? That seems rather cruel.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@ROBERT-ml7ml Show me where God says some are destined to never be married? Also, can you offer some solutions to Donnelly that can help him find what he is looking for? There have been multiple guys that have offered the idea of him broadening his search. Do you have any other solutions for him?

  • @donnelly5757
    @donnelly575718 сағат бұрын

    I will have to highly agree with the area not working out for dating. I’m finally gaining momentum in my career and hopefully by next year I will have money to do some traveling. I’m also starting on having dental work done as having missing teeth is a deal breaker regardless of location.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    Hey man. I posted a comment to your last video. I can feel your sadness. Will you try leaving your area and looking for a woman elsewhere? I get it. You need a job first. Which will come soon. But you are not getting younger. Try to get some money together and go overseas. Also, try switching your app location to outside of the US. Such as southeast asia, latin america. Etc. Don’t accept being single anymore. You are not a loser. I see a solution for all of this and that is travelling. There are millions of women on this planet. Most of my engineer friends struggle, because they are not tall, etc. i was talking to one of them today and he said dating was hard. IMO he totally settled. Please respond to my comment man. I’m trying to help you.

  • @donnelly5757
    @donnelly5757Күн бұрын

    I do have a job as a tax system developer. The job is not the issue, it’s the fact that this area is considered one of the fittest and most outdoorsy type in the county, but yet I get the vibe as if I’m seen as a loser.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@donnelly5757 So I don’t see a loser, i only see a bad ass ex-navy guy into extreme sports and who loves fitness. And you are a software developer. No way in hell are you any kind of loser. Your mind is telling you that because you are invisible to women. Again, there are so many guys in your shoes that feel the same way. I do myself at times. We struggle so much because modern women no longer need men. They can afford to be choosy as fuck. They want a 6’2 guy with 6 figs, court jester, travels everywhere, so much bs. That is why i’m telling you to travel. Even if its in the US, maybe somewhere with more receptive women. Can you create a dating app profile and set it overseas as an experiment? Or maybe something like a reddit r4r and set it to everywhere in the US. You’ll be surprised. Guys that are going through the same thing you are wonder the same things about ourselves. That is why you see suggestions for travel and such. We are really trying to reason why dating is so complicated for us. I commend you for waiting for the right person. Lets be real, you could easily get into a relationship. But you have standards such as being fit, no drug use, no kids, etc. And rightly so. Settling will not end well. I almost got my life destroyed because of it. But finding such a woman seems impossible. It feels as if its harder than winning in the olympics. I completely feel you man. And for the love of God, please do not listen to idiots that say you are not meant to be married. That is fucking ridiculous. You will be a gift to a lonely woman out there somewhere. Do not give up and do any thing stupid to yourself. And remember there are guys out there who understand your pain because we live it and are trying to help you. Do you have a discord?

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@donnelly5757 sorry for all of the replies. But i want to add that i have another engineer friend, good looking, fit, and very very outdoorsy like you. He has the “personality” that you *think* you are lacking. But he is in his 30’s and cannot get a girlfriend. Probably because he is 5’5. You really need to stop blaming yourself. You are not a loser. Again, women just do not want us. Or at least the women in our cities. I just want to give you these examples because you thought it was a lack of job. You got the job, now you think it is personality. You are going to be as social as fuck and it still might not pan out.

  • @bwhitty6496
    @bwhitty6496Күн бұрын

    Don something is super fishy w/ this engineer account. Cant tell if it’s a troll, scammer, catfisher, or just crazy. Be cautious w/ them.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@bwhitty6496 Nah. You are just paranoid. I’m just a dude struggling with some of the same problems as him. It just kills me to see this guy in this loop that he is in. Not everyone is out to get you man. Could be a little bit of crazy though 🤪

  • @debbriggs5811
    @debbriggs5811Күн бұрын

    Am sure your step-dad did what he thought was best as a male father figure. Am sure he loved you.

  • @BossNigga-l5l
    @BossNigga-l5lКүн бұрын

    All them muscles and he still cant get laid ftw

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    Were you a navy corpsman? That is fucking bad ass if so

  • @pennypink3759
    @pennypink37592 күн бұрын

    No one is ugly in looks. There is beauty in everyone especially kind positive loving caring helping people. Ugliness to me is someone being spiteful hateful hurtful that enjoys someones suffering. Everyone should believe in themselves love who you are no matter what others think.

  • @a.d.1788
    @a.d.17882 күн бұрын

    I so disagree with you Donelly... Too much to type, to explain.

  • @9743dog
    @9743dog2 күн бұрын

    Time to lose like a champ Donnelly! You'll never find anyone if you can't be vulnerable!

  • @Matt-jv3mk
    @Matt-jv3mk2 күн бұрын

    Don, I thought the title to this video was click-bait. I thought you were going to turn the "winning is the only thing" idea upside down somehow. But no, you fully embraced it. Without getting too philosophical, winning at all costs - winning at the expense of other people - may provide short-term "gains." Long-term, however, that attitude will destroy you and the people around you. I get how you've arrived at that viewpoint, though. When I look around and see how unfair the world can be and how the self-centered "go-getters" seem to win everything, it can be tempting to embrace the mindset you're advocating in this video. But it's like evaluating a person's worth simply from what you can glean from their self-curated Instagram or TikTok feed. It's a false measure and a self-defeating way of life that will ultimately fail to satisfy and will end in disappointment. You, right now, as you are, have so much worth. These videos that you put out - the story of your persistence through the struggle - have been inspiring to me and others. To me, though I'm pretty sure you don't see it in yourself, are a story of human victory and constant overcoming. That's a a story as valuable, or more so, than any story of a billionaire's rise or some guy getting the girl and "winning" in life.

  • @Ian-lg9gp
    @Ian-lg9gp2 күн бұрын

    Donnelly seems to be losing it more and more with each video he uploads.

  • @sneakyninja5802
    @sneakyninja5802Күн бұрын

    @@Ian-lg9gpObviously. This society does that to people.

  • @ChairmanKim
    @ChairmanKim2 күн бұрын

    Dude what’s the point of this video? Seriously

  • @Ian-lg9gp
    @Ian-lg9gp2 күн бұрын

    I've been worried for his mental health. The last 2 years Donnelly has been declining rapidly and coming out with outrageous copes.

  • @di115
    @di115Күн бұрын

    This is not gonna end well

    @LOUNGELIQ2 күн бұрын

    Hey Donnelly 😃

  • @ROBERT-ml7ml
    @ROBERT-ml7ml2 күн бұрын

    Tractor Dom! Yeah! Love you man! ❤

  • @Sh99127
    @Sh991272 күн бұрын

    The way you talk about your stepfather, he must have been a decent man. But just because you respect and admire someone doesn't mean you should never question him. I've heard you say that phrase 'winning is the only thing' like a mantra many times. The question is, is that really good life advice? I can only speak for myself. It's not something I would apply to my own life, nor is it something I would advise anyone else to do. And it's certainly not something I would ever say to a child. Too quickly you end up with a 'me against the world' mindset where the others are your opponents or enemies. You only make life unnecessarily difficult for yourself that way.

  • @mattd6200
    @mattd62002 күн бұрын

    Don? I have someone who is very interested in you. This is not a scam.

  • @kenmills4739
    @kenmills47392 күн бұрын

    Hi there handsome (re: your built is shown: chest, thumb, feet, etc)! 😊👋

  • @EnnVee959
    @EnnVee9592 күн бұрын

    Well you know the ABBA song “The Winner Takes It All”. Just kidding. The most powerful mantra is Don’t be afraid to be unique. Love yourself before you love another. I hope Donnelly that we can learn to love ourselves first, before we look at someone else’s winnings and love them first, then decide we cannot love ourselves as a consequence.

  • @mattd6200
    @mattd62002 күн бұрын

    Looking Yoke, bro... I finally get you, Don.... I get why you struggle on camera (sorry man, we love you. Just trying to help!). Here goes: you act happier than you feel so you don't spread negativity toward us (you do it for us). It's okay to appear negative as long as you show us attention and love. Regardless of how you act, we won't care. We love you unconditionally (really!!).

  • @di115
    @di1152 күн бұрын

    He’s not fooling me. I can see the pain in his eyes and hear the tremor in his voice 😢

  • @mattd6200
    @mattd62002 күн бұрын

    @@di115 We all love Don but he won't listen or really connect with his community. Personally, criticism SUCKS but the more it hurts the accurate it is. I've been there. Want him to get there, also. Once he does he'll be famous.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8e2 күн бұрын

    Hey man, i’ve watched your videos for inspiration. You are very handsome, look like a freaking navy seal. I feel your pain about not finding a woman. It sucks man. The reality is you are fighting a combo of age plus women having unrealistic expectations. I’m in my 30s and the picking are slim for guys. You have the wrong mindset that getting a career will help you with American women. I make 200k as an engineer, fit as fuck, and they still don’t want me. I’m shorter and probably don’t travel enough or some shit like that. Who knows man. I’m just telling you even having a data science career may not be enough. Women have their own careers now dude. Maybe they don’t like your mannerisms, but i see so much improvement in this video. If i lived in Washington i’d want to be your gym buddy. I have an idea. Go to the Philippines once you are stable in your career. You are a perfect candidate for that route. You will find someone. Its just not worth it to continue looking for an American woman. You have nothing to lose at this point. Except time. Don’t listen to people here saying they will come, flock to you when you have your shit together, etc… Trust me, i’m invisible to them as well. All of my success has been with foreign women in the USA so far. Completely invisible to American women. I’d like you to respond to this message with your thoughts on this. I’m trying to help you because I can feel your sadness and it kills me. You are depressed because you are alone, as simple as that buddy. And i empathize of the triggers of seeing happy couples Final opinion: yes, not everyone is a winner. Not everyone can win the ski olympics. Sorry man. But everyone can have a wife. You just need to look elsewhere. Your pond you are fishing is dead. The fish do not want the bait you have to offer. Simple as that. Please listen to this and think deeply. I want to see you with a beautiful wife on this channel next year. I know you can do it. You just have to stop looking where you are looking.

  • @donnelly5757
    @donnelly5757Күн бұрын

    @@Engineer-y8e I have accepted the fact that I will never be good enough for a woman in the city or county I live in. I would have to accomplish a feat so intense to even raise my chances to 0.0001% chance of being loved in the city I live in.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@donnelly5757 I’m sorry you feel that way. I live in a major metro area, and i’ve only had success with foreign women. I’m not exaggerating. There are so many 40+ asian women that would want to date me, and they are good looking. I want a family so that is not an option. This is my advice: Date all races. Beautiful women literally come in all colors. Look for foreign women. Trust me they are very different. Don’t get stuck in the self improvement trap. You have the navy seal body. The job will not make you anymore attractive. Trust me man. The only thing the job will give you is *agency*. Agency to broaden your horizons.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@donnelly5757 Also, do not look at yourself as less than. Again, you just seem so amazing. I would love to have a friend like you to run and hike with. Just because the women in your locale do not like you doesn’t mean you are less than. My self esteem was destroyed by such thinking. My parents taught me that if you got a good career, was smart, and took care of yourself they will come. That has not happened. That destroyed my confidence. I’m slowly trying to rewire my brain to realize its not me, its them. I’m starting to look in the mirror and see a handsome mf now. I know that if i travel, it will get better. The Americans just don’t really want you, me, or most of my male friends. Take that to heart, its the fucking truth.

  • @Engineer-y8e
    @Engineer-y8eКүн бұрын

    @@donnelly5757 one more thing, i’m trying to reconnect with God. And i feel he has sent me your way to tell you these things. He knows you are in a very bad place and wants the best for you. I’m trying to teach myself that God is here with me when i’m alone. He’s beside you right now Donnelly.

  • @vegandollsunited
    @vegandollsunitedКүн бұрын

    @@donnelly5757 donnelly, i've noticed so many people tell you what you should be doing and give u advice that may not be what u want. could u make a response video and give a very detailed explanation on all these advices? could you address each and every one in detail and make it an hour or even several hours long telling others ur thoughts on all this stuff like why traveling oversead might not be what u want or that it isn't good advice or whatever u feel. i have witnessed over the years that a lot of people have pulled u all over the place and u have tried so many things from getting new clothes to traveling to taking on new hobbies or activities and doing all these things people have encouraged u to do and i see that it was so stressful on u and taxed ur very being.

  • @NAI917RAH
    @NAI917RAH2 күн бұрын

    Yes you can win like a champ, but you must also lose like a champ too.

  • @RichHar771
    @RichHar7713 күн бұрын

    Brother I know you mean well, but this is a terrible life mantra. This is literally Ricky Bobby’s “if you ain’t first, you’re last”…And he’s not a good role model. You end loneliness by putting yourself out there. Shoot your shot. Give yourself at-bats. Say yes. Go out of your comfort zone. You don’t end loneliness by thinking you need to be #1 or else you’re a loser. That mindset will get yourself stuck. It will make you think ‘I’m not worthy of social connection because I’m not #1 in another realm of my life’.

  • @sneakyninja5802
    @sneakyninja58022 күн бұрын

    You are wrong. Life is a competition even before conception. Don is right but he realized it too late. "Feel good" advice doesn't apply in the real world. It's only told to children and young people because their brains aren't ready to process the negative aspects of the human condition. Many think that tough love is the same as verbal abuse or being rude, but it isn't. In life, time is more valuable than money. You can always make more money if you have time, but you can never buy back lost time. There is a narrow window for everything. Nearly 12K people are subbed to his channel and no one has been able to connect him with a career opportunity in all the time he has been looking. That should tell you enough about the average person.

  • @ryanwilliams6602
    @ryanwilliams66022 күн бұрын

    @@sneakyninja5802 The advice the OP gave wasn't "feel good" advice though. It's realistic advice. Just because it doesn't encourage the one track mindset of "eliminate the competition" doesn't mean it's nerfed for snowflakes. When I was a mechanic I wanted to be the best I possibly could be, but that didn't mean try to be the number one mechanic in the shop and make the most money. It meant aiming for 100% customer satisfaction regardless of the job I was doing, minimizing mistakes, learning from my mistakes, taking every opportunity to learn more about the trade and educate myself. Notice those are all "self" focused. I wasn't concerned with who was number one in the shop, only myself. By cutting the BS out of the equation, I was able to reach my original goal, "be the best I... could possibly be." To me I... was number one compared to the I... who initially walked into the shop with no experience. And did that bring me success? Absolutely! I had sustainable income, and with what I learned I was able to make all the repairs to my house that was falling apart, without having to pay anyone anything, I'll never worry about buying a lemon when looking for a used car, my car will always be running and in good condition. I could care less if anyone remembers me for any of that. What matters is I'm set. Besides, even if you think you are number one, you're not, unless you are Elon Musk or Bill Gates. Technically, striving for number one means trying to be on their level, which is not really a universal goal that most people have.

  • @sneakyninja5802
    @sneakyninja58022 күн бұрын

    @@ryanwilliams6602Normie advice doesn't work. It never has and never will. It's over.

  • @ryanwilliams6602
    @ryanwilliams6602Күн бұрын

    @@sneakyninja5802 I still haven't seen "normie" advice in this comment section. What is your definition of normie or feel good advice. We're just sharing legitimate standards. And the negative vibe your giving doesn't sound like it's coming from a first place type of person, so I'm not really convinced your ideology is any better than the "normie" advice you're speaking of.

  • @sneakyninja5802
    @sneakyninja5802Күн бұрын

    @@ryanwilliams6602Negativity isn't first or last place. Negativity is the truth. It's over.

  • @di115
    @di1153 күн бұрын

    your step dad sounds insecure

  • @cocaleaf2358
    @cocaleaf23582 күн бұрын

    Because he taught him to be a winner? I dont understand how does that make you insecure?

  • @di115
    @di1152 күн бұрын

    I don’t think he taught him anything

  • @cocaleaf2358
    @cocaleaf23582 күн бұрын

    That is your subjective opinion

  • @di115
    @di115Күн бұрын


  • @Jetherston
    @Jetherston3 күн бұрын

    Dude, put some clothes on.

  • @di115
    @di1153 күн бұрын

    winners wear tank tops

  • @gerunkwon2598
    @gerunkwon25983 күн бұрын

    the virgin "put some clothes on" vs the chad "look at my muscles"

  • @sneakyninja5802
    @sneakyninja58022 күн бұрын

    He doesn't have to. He earned that physique.

  • @Jetherston
    @JetherstonКүн бұрын

    @@sneakyninja5802 LOL, he needs to get his money back!

  • @sneakyninja5802
    @sneakyninja5802Күн бұрын

    @@Jetherston What

  • @debbriggs5811
    @debbriggs58113 күн бұрын

    You can't win all the time; nobody does. That's not how life really is.

  • @mattd6200
    @mattd62002 күн бұрын

    This is easy to forget. Well said!

  • @bjornlindgren1774
    @bjornlindgren17742 күн бұрын

    A lot of us are out here winning none of the time though

  • @mattd6200
    @mattd62002 күн бұрын

    @@bjornlindgren1774 And we probably know why. It's usually one main insecurity. The hard part is it feels like many. These are the lies we tell ourselves.

    @HOUSEOFJHVH3 күн бұрын


  • @talibaninternetexplorer
    @talibaninternetexplorer3 күн бұрын


  • @alrevolution4536
    @alrevolution45363 күн бұрын

    It's about neurodiveegence. Are you diagnosed with anything? Neurotypical people don't like what's different because they don't understand why we don't act like them.

  • @AlphaBeta-vq6ks
    @AlphaBeta-vq6ks3 күн бұрын

    You might be some weird guy but you look young for your age.

  • @movement2contact
    @movement2contact6 күн бұрын

    I wish I could see it live, I know cameras are bad at capturing the real sizes and distances in nature 👴🏻