UN Human Rights

UN Human Rights

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) represents the world's commitment to universal ideals of human dignity. We have a unique mandate from the international community to promote and protect all human rights.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights is the principal human rights official of the United Nations. The High Commissioner heads OHCHR and spearheads the United Nations' human rights efforts. We offer leadership, work objectively, educate and take action to empower individuals and assist States in upholding human rights.

We are a part of the United Nations Secretariat with our headquarters in Geneva.
Visit us at ohchr.org/ and www.standup4humanrights.org/en/

World Water Day

World Water Day


  • @lovelybutterfly2480
    @lovelybutterfly24806 күн бұрын

    God doesn't want Racist people around his people in heaven I wonder where they'll end up. 😳

  • @AbadTayaan-sw8ow
    @AbadTayaan-sw8ow7 күн бұрын

    I like invite with you?

  • @bandatarana
    @bandatarana10 күн бұрын

    interesting how UN denies climate refugees as a recognized category of persons but uses them as a reference in this video.

  • @vutomiqueenbaloyi5748
    @vutomiqueenbaloyi574812 күн бұрын

    Good day how do I contact the committee of economic and social, social and cultural rights in South Africa 🇿🇦 I want to submit an individual complaint.

  • @pubguc6771
    @pubguc677113 күн бұрын

    General scientists hundersatating related human rights arrangement and human rights

    @I_JUST_LOVE_MEN16 күн бұрын

    Aww, cute couple 👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻🥹🥲

  • @user-ci7we9of6p
    @user-ci7we9of6p20 күн бұрын

    thats got the british name on it

  • @thegardenranger
    @thegardenranger25 күн бұрын

    ‭Romans 1:18-32 🇺🇳 [18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hinder the truth in unrighteousness; [19] because that which is known of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it unto them. [20] For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse: [21] because that, knowing God, they glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks; but became vain in their reasonings, and their senseless heart was darkened. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] and changed the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. [24] Wherefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves: [25] for that they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due. [28] And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting; [29] being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful: [32] who, knowing the ordinance of God, that they that practise such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also consent with them that practise them.

  • @braggerace5544
    @braggerace554425 күн бұрын

    Jesus, In Christianity, the son of God and the second person of the Holy Trinity. Christian doctrine holds that by his crucifixion and resurrection he paid for the sins of all mankind. His life and ministry are recounted in the four Gospels of the New Testament.

  • @AngelicaOspinaDDHH
    @AngelicaOspinaDDHH26 күн бұрын

    Muchas gracias por esta visibilización.✅

  • @mr.watertap5676
    @mr.watertap5676Ай бұрын

    But what is a human? At what stage of a sperm does it finally become a human?

  • @gypsybill
    @gypsybillАй бұрын

    There is not one single human right mentioned in the US Constitution. You're thinking of The Declaration of Independence. It's rather alarming that the UN doesn't even realize this.

  • @Yourgirlbabydee_04
    @Yourgirlbabydee_04Ай бұрын

    She looks like a angle ❤

  • @MargaretGibson-tg8xc
    @MargaretGibson-tg8xcАй бұрын

    human rights violation report

  • @MargaretGibson-tg8xc
    @MargaretGibson-tg8xcАй бұрын

    human rights violation report

  • @covingtonrace1
    @covingtonrace12 ай бұрын

    Its a fact human made climate change is a Theory.

  • @user-rz7bp8od2h
    @user-rz7bp8od2h2 ай бұрын

    From which country are you staying my sister

  • @pubguc6771
    @pubguc67712 ай бұрын

    Importing subject

  • @shamimyousefi3361
    @shamimyousefi33612 ай бұрын

    Human rights is only a humanitarian slogan, but in practice is anti -humanity, it promotes racism, slavery , discrimination and war . 🤮🤮🤮

  • @macook7
    @macook72 ай бұрын

    We have the same problem ,but on different sides. Growing up I south Alabama I was told I was too black because my skin color is very dark,it does not matter people will always try to find something wrong with you to avoid looking at themselves

  • @magicofkarpaty8356
    @magicofkarpaty83562 ай бұрын

    Thank you

  • @buddysemken7515
    @buddysemken75152 ай бұрын

    You can’t judge a book by its cover!

  • @buddysemken7515
    @buddysemken75152 ай бұрын

    She’s really pretty

  • @mml8196
    @mml81962 ай бұрын

    It's 2024 and I can't believe that we still need to have these types of conversations. Until all of us are free, none of us are free. Let people be free to be who they are or who they choose to be.

  • @AnhTuPhucDerrickHoangCanada
    @AnhTuPhucDerrickHoangCanada2 ай бұрын

    is the demand for justice and freedom in excess of supply

  • @lorenagomezblanco
    @lorenagomezblanco3 ай бұрын


  • @Asia_Power
    @Asia_Power4 ай бұрын

    2024! A vid from ten years ago, and the world is still the same, maybe even worse, how sad that's it?

  • @nishalall3510
    @nishalall35104 ай бұрын


  • @mohamedsalah5525
    @mohamedsalah55254 ай бұрын


  • @user-md4lr6vl8s
    @user-md4lr6vl8s4 ай бұрын

    При этом всем глубоко наплевать на права человека в Украине: права военнослужащих, политическую диктатуру и коррупцию. Беспредел ТЦК. Украина уже давно превосходит СССР по бесправию. Следующий шаг политическая психиатрия.

  • @zahidhasan6020
    @zahidhasan60205 ай бұрын

    America and the European Union and other organizations have been subjected to a kind of shoe beating while talking about the democracy of Bangladesh, which is evident in the speech and mannerisms of Awami League chief Sheikh Hasina. If the world community legitimizes such behavior of Awami League, the democracy of the future is under threat and the world community will lose their acceptance! This is of deep concern.

  • @gopidaga2131
    @gopidaga21315 ай бұрын

    Worthless to lodge complain,my one complain 7384/13/16/2023 ,nhrc,no action yet,only misderacting.

  • @khensk
    @khensk5 ай бұрын

    It's so saddening. She's so lucky she has you as her mum

  • @user-ig4tc3qw7d
    @user-ig4tc3qw7d5 ай бұрын


  • @user-ig4tc3qw7d
    @user-ig4tc3qw7d5 ай бұрын

    Kami. Agora Ham di. Papua pihak NKRI bikin boson indigenous people

  • @Onu.OrgAcnurRefugios
    @Onu.OrgAcnurRefugios5 ай бұрын

    Facebook/KZread Angélica Maria (voluntarios causas en común)

  • @NauticalStrings
    @NauticalStrings5 ай бұрын

    Simon Minks is corrupt and a pedophile.

  • @Free-Equal
    @Free-Equal6 ай бұрын


  • @iN8k
    @iN8k6 ай бұрын

    12 months, & hundreds of onliNe & local reports/complaiNts from me: Keep allowiNg others to iNvade my privacy, stalk, terroriZe, & commit terroristic war crimes agaiNst me, by weaponiZiNg their vehicles, through constant iNtentional vehicular sound pollution terrorism at the iNtersection near my home, watch what happens, you overpaid government pet sellout scammers

  • @iN8k
    @iN8k6 ай бұрын

    After 12 months, & hundreds of onliNe & local reports/complaiNts from me: Keep allowiNg others to iNvade my privacy, stalk, terroriZe, & commit terroristic war crimes agaiNst me, by weaponiZiNg their vehicles, through constant iNtentional vehicular sound pollution terrorism at the iNtersection near my home, watch what happens, you overpaid government pet sellout scammers

  • @AllenMichael-pl6ps
    @AllenMichael-pl6ps6 ай бұрын


  • @OsirisZR
    @OsirisZR6 ай бұрын

    Vengo aquí de Prepa en línea-sep, Módulo 10, semana 3. Y me encantó el video.



  • @ravagesoyjoy
    @ravagesoyjoy7 ай бұрын

    Why can't they just earn their rights and freedoms like I did? They're leaving something out...

  • @ElevationDedication2024
    @ElevationDedication20247 ай бұрын

    Its sad because its so many more Ancestry Races of Negroids that was Annihilated most Black People dont know about we all didnt evolve from the Atlantic slave trade we all was put together as 1 & annihilated and told one thing & not the true history from Fijian Negros Polynesian Negroids Oceanic Negros Negritos who are the Tribe of North Sentinel Island and many more yet we only can be listed as Africans or African Americans!! But who am I

  • @kaanmarash0146
    @kaanmarash01467 ай бұрын

    Don't help they are wild people

  • @traditionalchinese-Tuina
    @traditionalchinese-Tuina7 ай бұрын


  • @EltonLopez-rq4pv
    @EltonLopez-rq4pv7 ай бұрын

    Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y Derecho 🇺🇳 . Saludos desde Nicaragua luchamos por los derechos de las personas de la comunidad #LGTB 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ luchamos por la Diversidad Familiar por un mundo 🌎 más inclusivo en el que nadie sea Condenado por su orientación sexual o su identidad de Género Yo me uno a la campaña de Libres e Iguales porque soy un ser humano y tengo derecho a vivir a amar y a ser amado tal y como soy 🌈 Love Is Love 💕 💖 ❤️

  • @iN8k
    @iN8k8 ай бұрын

    Keep allowiNg others to iNvade my privacy, stalk me, & terroriZe me w/ iNtentional vehicular sound pollution terrorism at the iNtersection near my home, by weaponiZiNg vehicles through coordiN8ed group targeted harassment, white-collar crime, law enforcement corruption, & privacy iNvasion, watch what happens Keep allowiNg others to cyber stalk & terroriZe me by weaponiZiNg electronic technology & the iNternet (aka the WORLDwide web) to sabotage my accounts, devices, gameplay experiences, ability to progress, & disrupt my equal opportunity to employment, watch what happens

  • @tiktokbalila2728
    @tiktokbalila27288 ай бұрын

    #LGBT por un mundo de donde todos podamos ser Libres e Iguales 🏳️‍🌈❤️