Anastasiya Ugrumaya

Anastasiya Ugrumaya

The aim of the channel is to show the life of invalids as it is in reality. As you can see it differs from the one that our official programes present very much. Though in these video I speak mainly about my life all the rest invalids are in the same situation as well. I'm a realistic person so I don't even dream to make our authorities to stop being so indifferent to the problems of people in wheelchairs. It would be great if anyone from the russian government feels ashamed after watching this video. To be honest I don't want to appear in one of the places for handicaps which I have already mentioned. The only way to escape such putrefaction is to run away from Russia and get citizenship in an European country where a government takes care of its citizens in reality but this plan demands money . As you can guess I have no such money but I hope to get help from you. If every person who watches this video sends me only 10 dollars it would be enough for saving my life

27 ноября 2023 г.

27 ноября 2023 г.

vassa museum Stockholm

vassa museum Stockholm

the same museum

the same museum

Dreams can come true

Dreams can come true

11 мая 2023 г.

11 мая 2023 г.

26 октября 2020 г.

26 октября 2020 г.

26 октября 2020 г.

26 октября 2020 г.


  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumayaАй бұрын

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya2 ай бұрын

    Если кто-то из вас дорогие зрители хочет помочь мне Вот ссылка пройдя по которой Вы можете сделать пожертвование любой донат очень важен для меня сейчас когда шведская миграционная служба сказала мне окончательно нет. Но я не собираюсь сдаваться Я хочу попытать счастье в другой стране, Ну для этого нужны деньги чтобы чтобы оплатить сиделку потому что я сама абсолютно беспомощна в физическом плане Так что я надеюсь на ваше сочувствие и милосердие

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya3 ай бұрын

    Я очень легко знакомлюсь с людьми с этими парнями я видео на момент съёмки всего лишь второй раз Но кажется как будто мы знакомы уже давным-давно. Мы очень весело провели время а ещё эти парни просто так без всякой просьбы подарили мне телефон и наушники Это был такой новогодний подарок от от них за что я им очень благодарна и конечно Я благодарна за время которые они мне уделили.❤❤❤ самое Бесценное что есть в этом мире это время и внимание Я благодарна Виктору и Андрею за то что они мне его уделили❤❤❤

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya3 ай бұрын

    Никогда раньше не играла в бинго но как выяснилось Я очень азартный человек и люблю выигрывать И время от времени мне это удаётся чего и вам желаю❤🎉

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya3 ай бұрын

    Гантели между прочим по 3 кг Так что Скоро я буду качок😂

  • @ninae6391
    @ninae63916 ай бұрын


  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya5 ай бұрын

    What is your question is!?

  • @ninae6391
    @ninae63915 ай бұрын

    ​@@AnastasiyaUgrumaya Ja uzhe ne pomnju moj vopros.. Bor du i sverige nu? Har lyssnad intervju med Liza Alexandrova Zorina, hon nämnt dig .

  • @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060
    @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060 Жыл бұрын

    Don't give up.

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya Жыл бұрын

    I never give up that how I still alive

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for your support

  • @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060
    @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060 Жыл бұрын

    @@AnastasiyaUgrumaya Good lady and a sense of humour helps!

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya Жыл бұрын

    @@hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060 thanks, sir 😉

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya Жыл бұрын

    @@hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060 you're right sense of humor a lot of times save me

  • @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060
    @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060 Жыл бұрын

    Thats's difficult. I hope that you got education using the internet. Then you can use that to contact and fight the bureaucracy.

  • @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060
    @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060 Жыл бұрын

    I hope things have changed for the better.

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya Жыл бұрын

    I hoped so to but it is already 12 years old video and nothing change

  • @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060
    @hieronymusjacabusprincepso5060 Жыл бұрын

    Don't give up.

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya3 ай бұрын

    I never give up that's why I moved to Sweden for make my life better than it was before

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya Жыл бұрын

    Моя милая, добрая, любимая самая-самая любящая мамочка на свете Как же я скучаю по тебе! Мы часто не понимали друг друга Но несмотря на все мои недостатки ты любила меня принимала такой какая есть Я надеюсь в том мире Где ты сейчас тебе лучше

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya Жыл бұрын

    Говорят как встретишь Новый год Так его и проведёшь. Желаю всем, чтобы в новом году вас окружали только любимые и любящие вас люди!

  • @mindsetanil196
    @mindsetanil196 Жыл бұрын

    I love you 💞💞

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya Жыл бұрын

    Интересно то что то обслуживание которое я получила в больнице он будучи человеком без документов в миллион раз отличается от того обслуживание которое я получала в России будучи полноправный гражданка Российской Федерации. Это производит удручающее впечатление потому что я помню как в российских в больнице кормили совершенно несъедобные кашей которую вся наша палата кстати говоря палата была на восемь человек в Российской больнице а здесь я была я имею в виду здесь Швеции я была совсем одна у меня была отличная кровать у меня был телевизор wi-fi, к трёхразовое питание которое можно было выбрать Если ты хочешь курицу или рыбу или ты вообще вегетарианец всё на твой вкус, даже мороженое можно было выбрать без лактозы если у тебя аллергия на лакто. Поэтому мне становится печально Когда я думаю о том что в России отношения к своим гражданам это полностью геноцид своего же народа. Я безумно счастлива что я уехала из этого геноцида Конечно я скучаю по людям Ну я считаю что Родина это не то место где ты родился, а там где тебе жить хорошо. Поэтому я желаю всем вам мои дорогие подписчики обрести свою родину там где вам хорошо жить там где вы чувствуете себя в безопасности. Подписывайтесь на мой канал я буду показывать вам какой отношение к инвалидам И вообще гражданам здесь на западе

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya2 жыл бұрын

    Швеция не религиозная страна но здесь очень много церквей и слушать колокола в Старом городе одно удовольствие

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya2 жыл бұрын

    Будучи человеком без документов без собственного жилья без стабильного дохода потому что я попала под санкции и меня лишили возможности получить пенсия по инвалидности только потому что я нахожусь на территории Европы, несмотря на это Я радуюсь жизни И нисколько не жалею о том, что переехали сюда

  • @ninae6391
    @ninae63912 жыл бұрын

    Esli ty uzhe 2 goda v shvecii, ot pochemu ty pishesh chtoby tebe pomogli pereehat' v shveciju, esli ty uzhe tam zhivösh ??

  • @zazie7672
    @zazie76722 жыл бұрын


  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya3 ай бұрын

    Вам надо просто следить за моим каналом я пишу об этом Я уже 6 лет живу в Швеции и если вы посмотрите Мои недавние видео вы увидите Как изменила моя жизнь

  • @lili22706
    @lili227063 жыл бұрын

    вот канал этого видео-блоггера по имени stark Он сам инвалид (русский) , живёт в германии

  • @lili22706
    @lili227063 жыл бұрын

    Ja ostavila komment s email Stark - on russkij, invalid prozhivaet v germanii. Mozhet on mog by tebe pomoch', no ne vizhu moj komment. Poischi v otdele SPAM. Povtorjaju ego email [email protected] Ego kanal v youtube nazyvaetsja stark

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya3 жыл бұрын

    Пожалуйста поставьте лайки не подписывайтесь на мой канал обещаем будет интересно

  • @moilolita4226
    @moilolita42264 жыл бұрын

    Да,кстати! Вы очень красивая.

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya4 жыл бұрын

    Я даже не подозревала то спустя несколько лет кто-то смотрит мои видео но в любом случае спасибо вам за комплимент

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya2 жыл бұрын

    Если вам всё ещё интересно смотреть моё видео Не забывайте про меня сейчас я буду регулярно делать выпуски о своей жизни здесь в Швеции

  • @k-galaxy7522
    @k-galaxy75224 жыл бұрын

    I love your videos

  • @user-uf7eb4gh8g
    @user-uf7eb4gh8g5 жыл бұрын

    Почему вы решили, что старикам нужно только поесть и поспать. Чем они хуже вас? Они не любят жизнь?

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya5 жыл бұрын

    Если бы бы вы видели этих Стариков которые писаются под себя не потому что недержание а потому что не понимают куда надо идти или ещё одна старушка которая я забыла о своём возрасте и и целуются в засос со всеми подряд её возраста конечно как вы думаете таким стариком нужно что-то кроме еды и отдыха? Вы не правы психолог мне не нужен мне нужен нормальный круг общения только и всего

  • @sidorenko368
    @sidorenko3683 жыл бұрын

    @@AnastasiyaUgrumaya V kakoj strane etot dom invalidov ? V rossii ili v shvecii ?

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya3 жыл бұрын

    @@sidorenko368 ш

  • @user-uf7eb4gh8g
    @user-uf7eb4gh8g5 жыл бұрын

    Вам нужен психолог. Швеция страна одиночек.

  • @motolyfe
    @motolyfe5 жыл бұрын

    красивая природа, приятно видеть вас наслаждайтесь открытый городской парк

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya5 жыл бұрын


  • @tiffanydavis6735
    @tiffanydavis67355 жыл бұрын

    Can you put subtitles in English? How are you doing

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya5 жыл бұрын

    Hi!! Sorry I don't know how to put English subtitles to my video but I'll try speak English also. Thanks for your attention to me

  • @MaksimKochetkov
    @MaksimKochetkov6 жыл бұрын

    Да, так жить немыслимо...

  • @user-qw9ou2is6e
    @user-qw9ou2is6e6 жыл бұрын

    My dear brave girl, I so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya6 жыл бұрын

    Hello everybody who knows me and remembers me. My name is Anastasiya, and in my video I try to talk about many of the problems which handicap people face. I'd like President Putin to watch this video so he could know what kind of constitutional and democratic goverment he often talks about, in the country which he leads. If he doesn't take care about the citizens, perhaps you have seen my other films, on October 11 I mentioned that I haven't recieved my pension since august. , I couldn't even use the money on my checking account because it was frozen, however when I asked what the problem was they told me nothing was wrong. A month has passed, and the situation hasn't changed. because I don't get any money I'm in debt. and these debts are piling up and I don't know how I will pay them off. .President Putin is only concerned with the outward appearance of our country, all efforts are focused on the Olympics right now. He doesn't care about the citizens at all, Or about the inner social system. How could you possibly respect such a government? How can you love your motherland when she doesn’t even love you. On the news you hear about accidents where invalids and old people die. I think that any person with a brain could assume that in this manner the government is getting rid of unneeded ballast. And that these accidents are not really accidents. For example, on facebook I read a story about another invalid who can’t walk, But he is a champion of the Para-Olympics he got an invitation for a competition Because he lived on the fifth floor without a lift, he couldn’t go to this competition. That surely doesn’t show the respect of our country for those who represent us. Hasn’t this man earned a more convenient apartment? And in my case, the government doesn’t provide me any possibilities for education. Tell me please. What is with this relationship towards people that are challenged physically? I have a request for all those who watch this. For a day sit in a wheelchair and try to get around on the streets of our cities. It doesn’t even matter in which city, it would be very hard. Once when I went to Moscow I was shocked when I went into the Metro. And luckily there were two big men with me because there were two staircases which we had to go down, and no wheelchair accessibility. That was in the capital of Russia. I understand that the metro in the center of the city was built long ago, but now we live in the 21st century and changes should be made. In those years when I when to Moscow my mother could still carry my but now my mother is almost 70 years old, and she can’t lift me anymore. For me, taking a shower is like going on a long difficult journey like frodo when he went to mordor, and I smell like an orc. I’m lucky, because for a year and a half I lived in Sweden, and in that time I went to both small and large cities and even some small villages, and I never felt like an invalid. There, everything is done for the convenience of people like me. There are even lower reception desks for people like me in wheelchairs. Everything is specialized to accommodate people like me, taxies trains busses the metro. Why is there nothing like that in Russia!? Many of member of the leadership go to many countries on business and the official reason is to learn things from other countries Why don’t they apply any of the things that they have learned? Why couldn’t you buy just a few used busses especially for people in wheelchairs? Krasnoyarsk is a city with more than 1000000 people and of course among this million I’m not the only one that rides in a wheelchair, and would benefit from these busses. In my city there is only one such car, a social taxi, and you have to order it 2 weeks ahead of time. And you can’t go wherever you want, only to the hospital, airport or train station. I think that that’s not only violating the right of invalids but also a violation of the rights of man, because I need to go other places like the theater, store and sometimes just to rest. ^^^^^^Already done^^^^^^^^ I have many friends from other countries, who are stunned when I tell them about my living conditions. Please try and understand, I am not a soldier, I’m just a girl who doesn’t have the power to fight against the system. I want to live worthily to feel the protection of the government, I want to realize myself. I want to have my own income and not just the small pension that I now receive. Because according to the laws of Russia, If they see that I’m capable of doing my own work they will take away my pension. And handicapped people are seldom given jobs. And this means that I am left without any means of living. I don’t mean to brag but I can work as a translator or a secretary, anything that is related to the internet. Sadly my country doesn’t need my brains 

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya6 жыл бұрын

    Hello everybody who knows me and remembers me. My name is Anastasiya, and in my video I try to talk about many of the problems which handicap people face. I'd like President Putin to watch this video so he could know what kind of constitutional and democratic goverment he often talks about, in the country which he leads. If he doesn't take care about the citizens, perhaps you have seen my other films, on October 11 I mentioned that I haven't recieved my pension since august. , I couldn't even use the money on my checking account because it was frozen, however when I asked what the problem was they told me nothing was wrong. A month has passed, and the situation hasn't changed. because I don't get any money I'm in debt. and these debts are piling up and I don't know how I will pay them off. .President Putin is only concerned with the outward appearance of our country, all efforts are focused on the Olympics right now. He doesn't care about the citizens at all, Or about the inner social system. How could you possibly respect such a government? How can you love your motherland when she doesn’t even love you. On the news you hear about accidents where invalids and old people die. I think that any person with a brain could assume that in this manner the government is getting rid of unneeded ballast. And that these accidents are not really accidents. For example, on facebook I read a story about another invalid who can’t walk, But he is a champion of the Para-Olympics he got an invitation for a competition Because he lived on the fifth floor without a lift, he couldn’t go to this competition. That surely doesn’t show the respect of our country for those who represent us. Hasn’t this man earned a more convenient apartment? And in my case, the government doesn’t provide me any possibilities for education. Tell me please. What is with this relationship towards people that are challenged physically? I have a request for all those who watch this. For a day sit in a wheelchair and try to get around on the streets of our cities. It doesn’t even matter in which city, it would be very hard. Once when I went to Moscow I was shocked when I went into the Metro. And luckily there were two big men with me because there were two staircases which we had to go down, and no wheelchair accessibility. That was in the capital of Russia. I understand that the metro in the center of the city was built long ago, but now we live in the 21st century and changes should be made. In those years when I when to Moscow my mother could still carry my but now my mother is almost 70 years old, and she can’t lift me anymore. For me, taking a shower is like going on a long difficult journey like frodo when he went to mordor, and I smell like an orc. I’m lucky, because for a year and a half I lived in Sweden, and in that time I went to both small and large cities and even some small villages, and I never felt like an invalid. There, everything is done for the convenience of people like me. There are even lower reception desks for people like me in wheelchairs. Everything is specialized to accommodate people like me, taxies trains busses the metro. Why is there nothing like that in Russia!? Many of member of the leadership go to many countries on business and the official reason is to learn things from other countries Why don’t they apply any of the things that they have learned? Why couldn’t you buy just a few used busses especially for people in wheelchairs? Krasnoyarsk is a city with more than 1000000 people and of course among this million I’m not the only one that rides in a wheelchair, and would benefit from these busses. In my city there is only one such car, a social taxi, and you have to order it 2 weeks ahead of time. And you can’t go wherever you want, only to the hospital, airport or train station. I think that that’s not only violating the right of invalids but also a violation of the rights of man, because I need to go other places like the theater, store and sometimes just to rest. ^^^^^^Already done^^^^^^^^ I have many friends from other countries, who are stunned when I tell them about my living conditions. Please try and understand, I am not a soldier, I’m just a girl who doesn’t have the power to fight against the system. I want to live worthily to feel the protection of the government, I want to realize myself. I want to have my own income and not just the small pension that I now receive. Because according to the laws of Russia, If they see that I’m capable of doing my own work they will take away my pension. And handicapped people are seldom given jobs. And this means that I am left without any means of living. I don’t mean to brag but I can work as a translator or a secretary, anything that is related to the internet. Sadly my country doesn’t need my brains 

  • @dinkydean1967
    @dinkydean19676 жыл бұрын

    hi your so cute

  • @bobdillan9718
    @bobdillan97189 жыл бұрын

    can u please msg me on google plus

  • @bobdillan9718
    @bobdillan97189 жыл бұрын

    hello can u msg me on google plus

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya9 жыл бұрын

    Hello Bob ! Of course I can

  • @bobdillan9718
    @bobdillan97189 жыл бұрын

    i can't message u i can just "follow" there isn't chat bubble

  • @bobdillan9718
    @bobdillan97189 жыл бұрын

    never mind i found it i messaged you. if you look on google plus you will c

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya9 жыл бұрын

    Bob Dillan sorry, but I don't understand, what do you want to say?

  • @bobdillan9718
    @bobdillan97189 жыл бұрын

    just go on google plus

  • @jamesbayes6657
    @jamesbayes66579 жыл бұрын

    Very Interesting,, I have been in a wheel chair , in my sixth year -, my problem with watching this is I have no idea what they are saying,, and I so wanted to know - cansee their frustrations , as I go through too - cannot translated wording be included ?

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya9 жыл бұрын

    I can translate this video if it realy intersting for you. Is it?

  • @wmontero1971
    @wmontero19719 жыл бұрын

    look in to getting a hoyer lift ( portable hoist on wheels) or a beam lift. hoyers are cheaper then beam lifts (track hoist)

  • @wmontero1971
    @wmontero19719 жыл бұрын

    do they have hoyer lifts in russia?

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya8 жыл бұрын

    +wmontero1971 No, that's why I made this video, for people from other countres can see real life or sirvive handicaps like me

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya9 жыл бұрын

  • @sabrinadiaz1056
    @sabrinadiaz105610 жыл бұрын

    I found u all u have to do is to accept it nd I will love to talk to u nd be friends with u

  • @sabrinadiaz1056
    @sabrinadiaz105610 жыл бұрын

    I can't find u my Skype is domitila1234 u add me

  • @sabrinadiaz1056
    @sabrinadiaz105610 жыл бұрын

    Yes I do can we talk on Skype nd by email I would love to be friends with u

  • @sabrinadiaz1056
    @sabrinadiaz105610 жыл бұрын

    I wanna help

  • @AnastasiyaUgrumaya
    @AnastasiyaUgrumaya10 жыл бұрын

    if you want to help, Please just do it!!!!!!!!!! We can talk by skype. My skype is: anastasiyaugrumaya2 Add me

  • @sabrinadiaz1056
    @sabrinadiaz105610 жыл бұрын

    Hey can I have ur email I would love to talk to u nd learn about u