Dee Tee

Dee Tee

Just me. Nothing special. I’m happy with that. 👍

Let’s face it.

Let’s face it.

No smoke without fire

No smoke without fire

Update on the woods

Update on the woods

Me and her and them.

Me and her and them.

Stuck Cat

Stuck Cat

Car Port Construction

Car Port Construction

Five ways with Muppet.

Five ways with Muppet.


  • @pauldyson5121
    @pauldyson512122 күн бұрын

    In situations like this it's really best not to run the engine at all. Had you not run it you may have gotten away with an easier repair. Running it like this almost guarantees writing off the block.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee662122 күн бұрын

    Fair comment. I wouldn’t recommend it anyone else does it. The block was fine. It was rebuilt and has been fine since.

  • @cosmicislamicmiracles7803
    @cosmicislamicmiracles780326 күн бұрын

    [5] Miracle of Earth's velocity in Qur'an: Earth's word repeat number in Qur'an =461 time =Earth's velocity at Makkah =461,2 m/s where it is =463,8m/s at equator, that's prove that Quran is right from beginning to end, This proves that the Qur'an is the word of Allah, right and authentic from beginning to end, not adding or subtracting a single letter, and that it is balance. Qur'an 42:17 "It is Allah who has sent down the Book in truth and [also] the → balance And what will make you perceive? Perhaps the Hour is near." Hour mean the Day of Resurrection. Also, no one knows when he will die,, So I weep when I read good sentence: death is just around the corner, So you must believe in Allah before you die to Save yourself. Allâh is the greatest

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee662126 күн бұрын

    Hey poppet, you can think whatever you like and I wish you luck with it, but humans existed, functioned and will continue to do so without any religions or beliefs. I am so lucky to have grown up in a country where we have choice. I choose to be completely atheist, almost to the point of believing in absenteeism. I’ll let you work out that little conundrum. You might as well be quoting lines from Lord of the Rings or The Iliad which are much better books imo. Certainly more relevant to life in 2024.

  • @cosmicislamicmiracles7803
    @cosmicislamicmiracles780323 күн бұрын

    @@deetee6621 6)1) You talk about the virtues of living in democracy and freedom . I agree with you 100%. The highest and first goal for which the religion of Islam calls for is for every human being to live in complete freedom, especially choosing his faith. For this reason Allah sent his religion and his prophets for that :Prophets Abraham,Joseph,Moses, Jesus,and Muhammad. I can explain if you want . * How can you mock the religion of Islam based on malicious rumours, when it has become clear that you have not read the Qur’an and do not have correct information about Islam? 6)2)The Qur’an is the main source of our morals ،Quran 49:6 "O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful." Quran 6:108 "And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made pleasing to every community their deeds. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them about what they used to do." May Allah grant success to those who fair,serious and search for the truth and want guidance ، Their main goal is to eliminate the Qur’an, and they will not be able to because Allah preserved it Himself ، Read Qur’an chapter 108 : This story is repeated throughout history. Ask any sheikh in the mosque about the story of the king, the boy, the magician, the monk, and the king who He made himself a God to be worshiped, The people said, “We believe in Allah , Lord of the boy,” so the king burned them. : 19,22 {"But they who disbelieve are in [persistent] denial," 19, "While Allah encompasses them from behind."20 "But this is an honored Qur'an"21 "[Inscribed] in a Preserved Slate."22} (at Allah and in our hearts,) 6)3) Quran 10 : 99, 100 "And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then, [O Muhammad], would you compel the people in order that they become believers?" Quran 18 : 29 "And say, The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve. Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls will surround them. And if they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like murky oil, which scalds [their] faces. Wretched is the drink, and evil is the resting place." * We respect and coexist with those with other beliefs, even if they are false, as long as they do not fight us because of our religion or leave our homes or countries, and vice versa. Read Qur’an 60:8,9. 6)4) As a believer in Allah , I must correct your false information and claims about Islam and show the greatness of Allah and the Qur’an. You believe or not, this is up to you. We do not insists or force anyone to embrace Islam. Next : why Allah gives freedom to Man, How the cosmic ( universe) is very small where the first unseen Heavent is larger than it, then where is the 7 unseen Heavens, Paradise and Hells fire? Where is Allâh and how is he? He is unlimited. That is why we say Allah is the greatest. You never see like that in any other religion. Allah is the greatest.

  • @cosmicislamicmiracles7803
    @cosmicislamicmiracles780323 күн бұрын

    @@deetee6621 7)Why or how Allah gives freedom to the Man : * At the beginning : Allah offered to all creatures that they should worship Him through either Allah controlling them Himself (by compulsion) without holding them accountablean , or they do what He wants (by willingly) and then holding them accountablean and admits them to either Paradise or Hell. All creatures choice (by compulsion) by forced , except Man choice (by willingly), This is a covenant between Allah and man. Allah does not break His covenant. So Man wronged himself. Qur’an 33:72 "Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it ; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant." Quran 3:83 "So is it other than the religion of Allah they desire, while to Him have submitted [all] those within the heavens and earth, willingly or by compulsion, and to Him they will be returned?" Quran 78 :27 "Indeed, they were not expecting an account" So Allah sent his religion and his prophets to make people have complete freedom, especially choosing his faith, I can explain what every prophet did, if you want ,

  • @cosmicislamicmiracles7803
    @cosmicislamicmiracles780323 күн бұрын

    @@deetee6621 (8) YOU said:( much larger things outside of the realm of ➡️human religions,⬅️).But ➡️not Allah religion⬅️ *I answer : which you cannot find like that at any other religion : Astronomy scientists said there's 2 billion cosmic like the one that you see in video, Any way, Put all 2 billion cosmic in one ball , Allah named it "the Lower Heavent" The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad said, “The thickness of the sphere (of the lower Heavent Ho) = 500 years.” I think he meant 500 light years ، Prophet Muhammad said that Allah said " If the Lower Heavent Ho " equal at Allah Mosquito wing ،He don't give non-believer one drink of water " The volume ( size) ratio of ( Ho) in H1 ( the first unseen Heavent) as a finger ring 💍 in the desert , Thus, H1 in H2 and So on ,,,,,,,H6 in H7 , Volume ratio of H7 in the Throne as a finger ring 💍in the desert. Paradise as rectangular, it's width = H7 and its length =Throne's Diameter, Hell like that, Quran 3 :33 {And hasten to forgive from your Lord, and in Paradise whose width is the ➡️heavens ⬅️and the earth prepared for the righteous.} in Quran 57:21{,,, (➡️heavent ⬅️instead of heavens) and earth,,} heavent means H7 and all Heavents inside it. Allah swt says:Qur’an 39:67 {They have not appraised Allah with true appraisal, while the earth entirely will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him.} Allah said ➡️His right hand. ⬅️ So we can understand but the truth is Allah nothings like him. He is Integral one doesn't consist of atoms or cells,,,, etc, He doesn't sleep, eat,,,, etc* Quran 112 "Say, He is Allah, [who is] One"1, "Allah, the Eternal Refuge."2, "He neither begets nor is born,"3, "Nor is there to Him any equivalent."4. Allah : ➡️There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing⬅️." Quran 42:11, 12 "[He is] Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. ➡️There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing⬅️."11"To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. He extends provision for whom He wills and restricts [it]. Indeed He is, of all things, Knowing."12 * Allah unlimited. He created space and time, So He doesn't inside them Otherwise He will be limited. So we always say " Allah is the greatest" 🙌🌿🌍

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee662123 күн бұрын

    @@cosmicislamicmiracles7803 Have you considered the process of confirmation bias. If you want to grow as an individual, you might want to think about how you might be limiting yourself by only reading one set of writings from yet another book claiming to know it all. Have you considered any of the other 3000 gods that have existed over time? You can’t learn much that will improve human existence tbh, but they can be quite interesting on the study of how simple humans can be. Maybe even consider the notion of absenteeism which is something I am trying to grasp. I’m afraid I don’t see any real tangible useful information in the modern religions as it is so vague and ambiguous that anyone can interpret anything in them, which is not going to improve our healthcare, education. I really don’t think I can help you as you are massively indoctrinated into a mindset that I don’t subscribe to. Still, always look on the bright side of life. (Readers will understand why I said that). :)

  • @cosmicislamicmiracles7803
    @cosmicislamicmiracles780326 күн бұрын

    Brother Dee, Tee But there are many religions, so how do I know the true religion? 1) Allah is one God, therefore His religion is one. He called it the religion of Islam, which means “Worship AllAH , you have no god other than Him.” All the prophets called their people to do so. The Qur’an includes the Torah and the Gospel before they were distorted. 2) Allah gave every prophet a miracle. Abraham, Allah made fire coolness and peace, Allah revived 4 birds, Moses: Allah gave him the miracle of sticks, the splitting of the sea, Allah revived a dead person so he could say my nephew killed me so he could inherit from me. Despite that, the Jews said he is lie . Prophet Ezir: Allah revived him and his donkey. And all the people in the village. Prophet Ezekiel: Allah revived all village people 70,000 . Prophet Jesus: Allah revived the dead for him, the Prophet Muhammad: Allah split the moon in two for an hour, the infidels saw it ) *(You will say " I don't see it, So I don't believe), I say" Read the Quran, ➡️ *Given that the Prophet Muhammad is the last Messenger, Allah made the Qur’an itself contain miracles, some of which are in numbers, because knowledge was insufficient at the time and to address people in the future, as Allâh gradually revealed knowledge according to each era, 4) You will not find another religion that tells about these miracles. 5) Others united and cooperated to attack the religion of Islam only. This is proof and makes you know that the religion of Islam is the only true religion. Thanks brother, Glory be to Allah Almighty, Lord of the world,

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee662123 күн бұрын

    @@cosmicislamicmiracles7803 I have a personal question for you. Do you ever stop, read what you’re writing and think “Crikey, I sound like an absolute nutter. Obsessed with my religion and like the kind of person I’d never let my kids near”. Do those thoughts ever cross your mind? Gotta be honest, you sound like someone in a mental asylum tbh. It’s very weird. I mean, do you have a day job too? A life? Y’know, making stuff and doing stuff ….or is ranting on about ‘your’ religion all you do.

  • @tonybryan737
    @tonybryan737Ай бұрын

    Hi thanks for the really detailed video I’ve popped a hose at the bottom of the boom I’ve added a quick hitch and when I crowd In the teeth on the bucket caught the solid pipe nut. Do I need to lift the cab to get at the other end of it or can i get at it from the side panel all the best tony

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee662129 күн бұрын

    Personally, I wouldn’t consider accessing by the side panels. It will take you longer to find the correct sized sockets, than it will to undo them and tilt it back. In total, it is 8 bolts. 2 Allen key bolts on the floor plate, 2 big 22mm (I’m guessing that size due to my bad memory) and then take off two on the tracking lever bolts (you only need to loosen 2 and take 2 out) and the cab tilting is safe/easy/slow.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee662129 күн бұрын

    Oh. And take the bolts out of the pedals. I forget them. I’d still suggest you tilt it so you can have a good rummage.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee662129 күн бұрын

    When you lift the cab, there is a little clip on one of the air struts. Those clips stop It from falling back down. You have to squeeze the clip a little to release it…or it won’t go down. Not sure if I covered it in the video.

  • @tonybryan737
    @tonybryan73727 күн бұрын

    Your a star thank you very much

  • @stephendodd8626
    @stephendodd86262 ай бұрын

    I have the same machine and you just taught me how to tilt my cab THANK YOU.

  • @ildefonsoceron8444
    @ildefonsoceron84442 ай бұрын

    Deseo se traduzca en español este video

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66212 ай бұрын

    Lo siento. No hablo español. Desearía haber. Algún día, si me mudo a la preciosa Murcia, aprenderé.

  • @bm7760
    @bm77603 ай бұрын

    Sounds about right.

  • @user-pc7wo7rr4b
    @user-pc7wo7rr4b4 ай бұрын

    Подскажи друг вы поменяли поворотное кольцо?

  • @MasciulliLorenzo
    @MasciulliLorenzo4 ай бұрын

    Hello, I have the same problem as you except that my 3 lamps are always on, do you have any ideas? THANKS

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66213 ай бұрын

    Missed this. Sorry. Have you checked the fuses. To be sure, try shorting (bypassing) the fuses. They’re quite unreliable. The other thing is that I would expect the lights to change when seat sensor is triggered, or the control lever is centered. With these machines, water ingress into the control module is a real problem :/

  • @stewarthaddon3219
    @stewarthaddon32194 ай бұрын

    I'm an idiot too pal, that's why I'm watching your video😂great video, very helpful, saved me embarrassing myself asking the gaffa how it lifts up!

  • @juanitatetley1197
    @juanitatetley11975 ай бұрын

    swapping over the CDI s , that made a big difference to mine when it was coughing and missing when aplied the throtle, also the rocker cover/tappets was mostly closed on the intake side so opened that a bit, but was still coughing until I put a different CDI in it from a spare bike I have.

  • @countryfisherman7908
    @countryfisherman79082 ай бұрын

    I'm having a similar issue with mine. I have replaced the carb, adjusted it, fixed all vacuum leaks that I can find. I can't solve the bogging and lumpy idle problem. It even backfires through carb. I'm about to replace the cdi to see if it fixes anything. As far as I can tell, it's the factory one from 88

  • @adammorley4625
    @adammorley46255 ай бұрын

    Crankshaft rods piston Bearing kit

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66215 ай бұрын

    Body came off. Engine out. Engine stripped. New crank, seals, lined bored, bearings etc. 3 years ago. All done.

  • @hurleyofflost
    @hurleyofflost5 ай бұрын

    @@deetee6621hi I have the same problem would you mind sharing how much it cost? Thanks

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66215 ай бұрын

    Sure. £6k in early 2020. Speak to Marco at QP Online in the UK. I would guess the cost is now about £7k all in. Also, join the Disco crank failure group on Facebook. Plenty of info there.

  • @philiphartley6169
    @philiphartley61695 ай бұрын

    Run discos up to td5. You need deep pockets or your own workshop to run a tdv6 😂

  • @philiphartley6169
    @philiphartley61695 ай бұрын

    Its knocking, yep correct sherlock😂

  • @tonwhelan
    @tonwhelan5 ай бұрын

    It's such a shame how unreliable these vehicles are as they are beautiful machines and lovely to drive when running! I'd have one in a heartbeat if i knew it was going to be reliable, but they ain't unfortunately.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66215 ай бұрын

    They’re complicated cars tbh and much of them work as you might expect them to. But the crank issue is a tough pill to swallow. I don’t think every make and model has regular discussions about cranks snapping though as much as these do. This is the most concerning issue that makes the Lion engine a serious concern/consideration. JLR will never admit to it being a design and safety issue though as they are really only interested in the premium customers who pay top $ for new vehicles. Such is life. :/

  • @tonwhelan
    @tonwhelan5 ай бұрын

    The weight of the vehicle has a lot to do why these are more prone than other vehicles that use the same engine.

  • @PillSharks
    @PillSharks5 ай бұрын

    Have a watch on Land Rover Time on KZread. He’s a German with a couple of discos and he’s rebuilt a few 2.7 and 3.0 tdv6 engines because of the crank! He’s a very clever man and a superb engineer.. he puts it down to the wrong oil Land Rover recommended from new.. and the fact the crank webs are very small to make the engine compact. I’m an Ex Land Rover mechanic although I got out the game before these were around but my father has a disco 4 and I make sure it gets serviced, left to warm up and driven slowly and left to idle when parked up.. this has proven to be fine for us! I tried to tell my neighbour this last month in his 2013 Range Rover but he wouldn’t listen. It’s now off having a new crank!!!

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66215 ай бұрын

    @@PillSharks Completely agree with using Kristian and Vera for their intelligent LR Time info. Smart, lovely people. 👍

  • @cblack1green
    @cblack1green3 ай бұрын

    @@PillSharks You are right about the running procedure, I did this with mine every time and it was fine, I have parted company with it now not because it was unreliable but because you always had it in your mind you were driving a loaded gun, shame as they are a fantastic all rounder .

  • @ranat5526
    @ranat55266 ай бұрын

    'It's knocking a little bit', really!!

  • @alexsyt462
    @alexsyt4626 ай бұрын

    That clanky noise is 100% timing chain slap, I've replaced the timing chain on 3 bayou 300 and solved that noise, I'd recommend you do it before it jumps time as well!

  • @James-iw7bb
    @James-iw7bb6 ай бұрын

    Wow why would you run it

  • @davidferry548
    @davidferry5487 ай бұрын

    A bit of a knock! Yes like a little bit pregnant! New engine please Santa

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66217 ай бұрын

    It was rebuilt in early 2020 by QP Online. Check out the “Discovery 4 crank failing” page on Facebook for more info.

  • @davidferry548
    @davidferry5487 ай бұрын

    @@deetee6621 oh I'm Fully aware of the tdv 6

  • @flippingcarsrepairs
    @flippingcarsrepairs6 ай бұрын

    ​@@deetee6621no way

  • @ryanclarke2161
    @ryanclarke21617 ай бұрын

    this could have been a 5 minute video, 17 minutes of waffling on.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66217 ай бұрын

    Bad habit of mine. Soz. If you need technical help, try the Bayou or KLF forums in FB.

  • @paulinman7504
    @paulinman75047 ай бұрын

    Hi There. Are you going to do a video of the repair of the Jcb slew ring. I've got the same model and mine is on the way out. It would be really useful for me. Regards Paul.

  • @jock5656
    @jock56567 ай бұрын

    Great videos on the JCB 8014, which are a great help as there is very little other info on them on the web. I can’t tension one of my tracks so your video on the tensioners are a great help in showing me what’s what. Starting the job in the next few days 🥴

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66217 ай бұрын

    No worries. If you have any problems that I might be able to help with, give me a shout. 👍

  • @jock5656
    @jock56567 ай бұрын

    Thanks that’s really appreciated 👍

  • @damienlane9973
    @damienlane99738 ай бұрын

    Cdi box same problem rn with mine

  • @davidgibbons-wood9488
    @davidgibbons-wood94888 ай бұрын

    still best video on youtube raising JCB canopy😁

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66213 ай бұрын

    That’s bloody brilliant tbh. When I wanted to find out how to do it, there was one video in Russian I think, which is exactly why I shared what I had discovered. Once you do it, it suddenly becomes a two minute thing and my whole video becomes redundant. If you don’t get at least some basic knowledge/ confidence building , you’re in the realms of “this might hurt”. And none of us, need that. :)

  • @davidgibbons-wood9488
    @davidgibbons-wood94883 ай бұрын

    @deetee6621 my jcb threw a track today and guess what I ended up watching another of you videos. Thanks again.

  • @tack3411
    @tack34118 ай бұрын

    Having same issue with throttle shutting the bike off, I’m sure it’s a stuck float or something with the carb the only thing throwing me off is it sounds just like it used to not like a carb issue You figure yours out?

  • @masterq2.033
    @masterq2.0339 ай бұрын

    Yes just a touch. Maybe it will quite down when it warms up.

  • @jennybowden8477
    @jennybowden84779 ай бұрын

    Great work Dave!

  • @dannyfearn6424
    @dannyfearn64249 ай бұрын

    How did you get on with this? 🙏

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66219 ай бұрын

    The complete rebuild was performed by Marko at QP Online.

  • @dannyfearn6424
    @dannyfearn64249 ай бұрын

    @deetee6621 how long ago was it done and how is it holding up pa? 😎

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee66219 ай бұрын

    @@dannyfearn6424 I can barely remember what day it is but I think it snapped in about Sept ‘19. It was collected from me (in about January ‘20) by QP and returned about two weeks later, with photos and a video of the busted bits and the line boring. I’ve changed the oil once since then but I’ve only done about 6,000 miles. There’s a dedicated forum in Facebook for the crank snapping issue and there’s lots of knowledge in the “Discovery 3/4 Technical” forum run by Russ Goff. Russ has done a tonne more miles in his QP rebuilt engine. As you can tell, I’m a great fan of QP Online because of the service I got from Marko. LR Time on here cover the crank issue extensively, run by Vera/Kristian. (I think this spelling is correct).

  • @dannyfearn6424
    @dannyfearn64249 ай бұрын

    @deetee6621 thanks for the information 🙏 if you don't mind me asking what was the total cost from QP Online. I know it was a couple of years ago 🙏

  • @BH-tp3pm
    @BH-tp3pm5 ай бұрын

    How much was the repair mate?

  • @darrenfrost5775
    @darrenfrost57759 ай бұрын

    the digger won't track forward if you started it with cab tilted , so long as you don't put the arm down on the left [ when you are sat in the seat ] that is the safety switch on there to keep controls dead ,

  • @bsfreelancer1
    @bsfreelancer111 ай бұрын

    Hi, Great video, thank you very much. Have you ever changes the hydraulic fluid on this excavator? I havee the same one and want to change it. Do you know how to do?

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee662110 ай бұрын

    Sorry. I missed your question. I had a leak right at the bottom next to the pump so I effectively lost all of the fluid at least a couple of times….and therefore had to refill it anyway. I did replace all the filters when the slew ring was replaced. The hydraulic fluid filter just pulls out of the top, where you’d fill it up. Very easy to do.

  • @fixit2747
    @fixit274711 ай бұрын

    Awesome work now I just need to fix mine I think it's the carb.

  • @tack3411
    @tack34118 ай бұрын

    It’s always the dam carb with these things haha otherwise they run forever

  • @ildefonsoceron8444
    @ildefonsoceron84442 ай бұрын

    Traducir en español este video

  • @BarryBelcher-mm4de
    @BarryBelcher-mm4de Жыл бұрын

    My klf 300 backfireing but won’t start any suggestions

  • @chadriddle3517
    @chadriddle351710 ай бұрын

    Valves adjusted? New plug? Oem carb? Carb cleaned? Baffle dirty?

  • @sillysalamandergonewild
    @sillysalamandergonewild7 ай бұрын

    i hae a kef and it keeps backfiring and shooting exuast out the inlet keeps rying yo run backwards, i checked my camshaft and it was worn to hell, try to check yours.

  • @jennybowden8477
    @jennybowden8477 Жыл бұрын

    Bonkers! 🤣

  • @petersugden2850
    @petersugden2850 Жыл бұрын

    I have a workshop manual for this machine

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee662110 ай бұрын

    Sorry I missed your comment. Good to know Peter. I do have one now but tbh most of what I needed to know i have fathomed out by trial and error.

  • @3festyval
    @3festyval Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for putting up, only thing is I can't afford new parts and wish you had put up a picture of the bearing shaft grub screw stabilisers that go in the side plates via the top and bottom drill holes. Any advice to what tool I need ie alum key star bit etc would be gratefully appreciated. Cheers Marc

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    Do you mean the slotted “spring roll pins”? Those are hammered in and hammered out. They don’t have threads, so no star or hex bit. Search for “spring roll pin”.

  • @imthedudemane
    @imthedudemane Жыл бұрын

    Bayou brothers! 👊🏻

  • @deepbludude4697
    @deepbludude4697 Жыл бұрын

    Hows your exhaust pipe? is it clogged up?

  • @deepbludude4697
    @deepbludude4697 Жыл бұрын

    I orderd a jet kit on amazon generic china yamamoto haha I think it was a 135 main jet (from the china jet kit) in my jap carb trying to jet down a bit to lean it out but the girl wont spark now its cantankerous thing I use it everyday on my property when it runs frustrating as hell

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    Jet kit sorted out one of mine. Replacement carbs from eBay/Amazon were a waste of time. :/

  • @MyLifeThai371
    @MyLifeThai3718 ай бұрын

    It's usually the cdi box that causes them not to get spark. I got the kit that has the cdi box, ignition coil and spark plug for less than $20 total.

  • @davidgibbons-wood9488
    @davidgibbons-wood9488 Жыл бұрын

    This should be x certificate. A horror story! Good luck. Going to check my machine today

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    £1000 for the slew ring. “Plant parts” in Ipswich. 18 lower bolts. That go up from undercarriage to slew ring. 15 + 1 upper bolts. That go down from cab to slew ring. The threads in the slew were shot as were the threads on the cab > slew bolts. There are no threads on the cab or undercarriage. Took about 2/3 hours to get it out “safely” and about 3 to get it back in, due to the alignment being a little tricky. Everything had a good clean and it was filthy.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    Oh yeah, forgot to say. The lower (undercarriage to slew) 18 bolts have a washer on them. The washers were £6 each for some unknown reason. I reused the old washers because £6 is silly. They’re not crush washers, just hardened.

  • @cosmicislamicmiracles7803
    @cosmicislamicmiracles7803Ай бұрын

    For repair your back hoe Excavator, slewing : I advise you to clean the hole by petrol then put (coat the bolts with lock tight liquid then tight the bolts with Torque wrinsh , if you give me the measurements D outer of bolts thread, I can help you with giving the allaw torque in Nm😂, As 12mm*pitch 1,75 or 1,5 14mm*pitch 2 or 1,5,,, etc Thanks

  • @cosmicislamicmiracles7803
    @cosmicislamicmiracles7803Ай бұрын

    1] I'm glad you don't belong to any religion, otherwise they brainwashed you, Muhammad is illiterate and does not know how to read or write، Quran 29:48 {"And you did not recite before it any scripture, nor did you inscribe one with your right hand. Otherwise the falsifiers would have had [cause for] doubt."} 1) Since Allah is one God, therefore his religion must be one. He called it the religion of Islam ، It means, “Worship Allah , you have no god other than Him.”, every Prophet called on his people with it. Allah gave every prophet a miracle so that people would believe him. Since the Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet and messenger, So Allah made the Qur’an itself a miracle that tells us what will happen, and what man will discover until the Day of Resurrection, the Qur’an contains all the heavenly books The precedent before it was distorted. So Allah Himself preserves the Qur’an.

  • @cosmicislamicmiracles7803
    @cosmicislamicmiracles780326 күн бұрын

    The problem is not who wins, me or you. I consider you the winner, but the problem is that the maximum life for us in this world is 100 years, while life in the afterlife is either eternal paradise or eternal hell (with no end). You consider that there is no life or reckoning after death, are you 100% sure? Why do you put all your eggs in one basket? Why don't you make it 50% temporarily and be patient to learn something about the Qur'an? Because Satan misleads you and does not want you to believe in God, so he makes you rush to respond with nonsense to make me disgusted and turn away from you .,, I believed in God and the Qur’an through science, and I am 100% certain. I find in the Qur’an the answer to any question, whatever it may be, especially in cosmology. If God exists, He will hold us accountable. I will enter Paradise by His grace, but you will enter Hell by His justice. If God does not exist, I will be like you. I speak with evidence, proofs, names, specific dates, and a confirmed reference, while you do not do that. You take films as a reference, also based on the Pharaohs , the Greek,,, etc., without giving evidence with names, dates, and a real reference. I ask you, do you believe in morality? Which do you prefer: honesty or lying? If I lie, especially about religion, then God will put me in Hell. The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad said, “The believer does not lie. Lying leads to immorality and then to Hell, while honesty leads to Paradise.,, Thanks brother Glory be to Allah Almighty, Lord of the world,

  • @ppmusic7429
    @ppmusic7429 Жыл бұрын

    Very cool video!!!!👍👍👍👍👍

  • @BarryBelcher-mm4de
    @BarryBelcher-mm4de Жыл бұрын

    Mate you know klf300 I got one changed everything why spark Is happening every 3 seconds to the spark plug cheers

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    You only get a spark every 3 seconds? Could be a pickup issue, possibly the stator but not as likely. Then there’s the CDi which takes the feed from the pickup and sets up the timing, which could be failing, then the coil, coil lead or spark plug. If you can, always use “known” good parts from a working bike to help fault find.

  • @cosettezosel9716
    @cosettezosel9716 Жыл бұрын

    "Promo sm" 🙄

  • @jonsandow654
    @jonsandow654 Жыл бұрын

    I have the exact same problem with the noice and have been wondering and looking on the internet for info about tilting the cabin without luck. And finaly i found your video and you made it all verry easy to me. Thanks Man 👌

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    I’ve been busy with mine recently so haven’t had much time to look at it. Yesterday, I parked it up in my barn and my intention is to investigate ‘yet another leak’ and to have a real go at replacing the knackered engine mounts which are still noisy. I did do a bit of a bodge with a rubber washer/shim but this only lasted a few months. I’ll video it, to explain. I’m glad it helped you. Makes it all worthwhile. 👍

  • @bigpouse
    @bigpouse Жыл бұрын

    Hi thanks for the video. I'm curious as to whether you have actually purchased any spares for the machine and if so who from? I have the same machine and recently it's started over heating. So some things need to be done but I can't find any suppliers locally for spares. Regarding the stuff you are unsure about, I'm guessing it is the hydraulic manifold. It will be made up of a series of directional control valves, which send fluid to the correct end of the cylinder and hence make it extend and retract but I'll find out more when I tackle my machine! Thanks.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    Hi Big Pouse. When I blew hoses, they came from the parts team locally at When I needed the idlers wheels and bearings: who are in Poland I think. Since Brexit they don’t appear to have the UK as a country they can deliver to, but they still delivered within days and the prices were 50% less than local prices. Too good to ignore. :/ Hose adaptors (which I needed) I had made up locally. The snapped door hinge I stripped myself, got it welded locally, then I reassembled. Next on my list is the two rear engine mounts which came from eBay somewhere, inserting some washers into the arm pins….and I am toying with the idea of welding the slew ring to the cab as I have a lot of play. New slew rings are extortionate prices.

  • @bigpouse
    @bigpouse Жыл бұрын

    @Dee Tee thanks for the reply. I'll look it all up. I bought my machine 5 or 6 years ago. It has come of an age when it requires all cylinders re-sealing. All pins are sloppy but I can live with that for now. And this over heating issue. So I'll strip it down when I get a chance and work my way through it. Have you any experience of overheating? Thinking outside the box, the oil cooler is integral in the rad. If i have an internal hydraulic leak this could generate heat and pass it to the radiator heating the coolant. If you have any other ideas I'd love to hear them!!! Thanks for the reply. I'll let you know how I get on!

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    @@bigpouse Fan belt ok? Radiator clean’ish? My fan has just started slipping (squealing) so had to crank up the adjuster a little, which was a bit fiddly. That’s the first thing I’d check.

  • @bigpouse
    @bigpouse Жыл бұрын

    @Dee Tee I changed that. The old one was out of adjustment. So I changed that. No water in oil. No oil in the water. Fan spins. So radiator gets hot so I'm guessing thermostat is open and water pump is working. I'll have the check the water pump. No external water leaks either. It's a strange one.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    @@bigpouse So what’s next? Pull the thermostat and test it with the kettle?

  • @joehokanson6395
    @joehokanson6395 Жыл бұрын

    Mine always did that till it was warmed up good. Did have a problem at one point with the ignition coil. Somehow got a small amount of water in it. Could hear it slosh around when i took it off and had it close to my ear. Would idle fine but vibration at any higher rpm would mess it up.

  • @davidgibbons-wood9488
    @davidgibbons-wood9488 Жыл бұрын

    Brilliant. Thanks so much for this. I really wish more people would give dimensions on their builds. The ability to adjust the height is very impressive. It looks very well built and gives a superb space. Nice to keep the rain off the cars. I think I would use it as an outdoor work /leisure area. Thanks for braving the cold.

  • @jennybowden8477
    @jennybowden8477 Жыл бұрын

    Dave, where are the half barrels going?

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    No idea. Yet. It has been difficult to get outside and make plans. Possibly in the new courtyard.

  • @matthewcarter180
    @matthewcarter180 Жыл бұрын

    The penis made me laugh, Because i would do the same 😂

  • @austinraber9403
    @austinraber9403 Жыл бұрын

    I replaced my stator cdi coil fuses carb air filter timing is spot on I still have no spark can anyone help

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    Are the replaced parts “known working” spare parts or are they just ‘new’. Your stator isn’t required for it to run. The three yellow wires coming from the stator just go into the rectifier and supply a smoother voltage to the battery. Unplug the rectifier in case it is causing an issue. You could put a meter on the pickup to make sure it is detecting the crank rotation. I’d also check for a voltage at the input to the coil. You can get a problem if the starter is pulling too much current (bad battery) which doesn’t allow the igniter to charge/spark. And make sure your terminals are good in terms of decent earths or connectors to the battery, coil, starter, etc.

  • @austinraber9403
    @austinraber9403 Жыл бұрын

    @@deetee6621 all are oem and working fine

  • @joehokanson6395
    @joehokanson6395 Жыл бұрын

    Sounds like a bad ground/dirty connection or a short/broken wire somewhere. Im no mechanic or expert but thats my thought. Also, don't count on new parts to work these days. Have them tested if you can't do it yourself.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    @@joehokanson6395 Thanks for your thoughts. I do intend to revisit the spark plug, coil and cable today as I haven’t looked at it for quite some time. I will share any progress.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    As you suggested. I think coil or spark plug cable were the issue. Have to seal exhaust and then test again, tomorrow. (I hope).

  • @davidgibbons-wood9488
    @davidgibbons-wood9488 Жыл бұрын

    Hi I like your videos. Nice carport. Any advice on the size of the beams etc. Is there a video on its construction? Sorry if I missed it

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    Hi. My brain was flip flopping between getting the trusses made on site or ordering from a local specialist. To save money, I ordered them, with the added bonus that they essentially ask you for the ring beam dimensions (length, width(span)) and they do the calculations on load, dead/snow/wind load. Then, they also quoted me for tiles and felt options. Those options came with equivalent weights which were fed back into the load requirements to again produce the snow, wind, etc loads. It was very expensive to get 8” legs/posts so I had to go for 6” posts x 3m. The ring beam itself is cut into the 6” posts so all the load is directly ‘on’ the posts, not attached to them. So the only real issue now is the load bearing capacity of the ring beam. They are C24 graded timbers so the capacity is easy to look up. I think they were 6”x2” (maybe 8”x2”) and I know the span which is the length (length of the beam across the width of the car port). I knew the weight of a tiled roof, weight of the trusses (from their design doc) and the capability of the C24. That, was my thinking. Hopefully that made some sense. The design service provided by my local truss maker, was free. Just part of their service. I could’ve gone for 3 narrower car ports with multiple posts but then I’d just hit them. This car port is approx 8m x 4m plus overhang, plus guttering. Neither of our cars are small and they stick out a little. Increasing the span makes thing a little tricky, especially in terms of load and I didn’t want to push it. Forgive my mixing imperial and metric. It happens a lot. :/

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    Just for you….

  • @davidgibbons-wood9488
    @davidgibbons-wood9488 Жыл бұрын

    @Dee Tee the idea of getting the hard sums done by the truss company is a good one. I recently spanned a 5 metre gap and ended up needing 8 by 3s. This was expensive. There are a few videos, from North America, showing pavilion construction. The timbers are huge. Your approach gives a similar look and seems much more doable. Thanks for the details.

  • @deetee6621
    @deetee6621 Жыл бұрын

    @@davidgibbons-wood9488 I wanted 8” X 8” posts but last year they were £90 each - but not available, or £190 each and available. :/ Same with the chunky 8x3 beams. Chunky is always my preference but funds aren’t infinite and for some reason I’m not winning the lottery like I thought I might. :)