Philosophy Tube

Philosophy Tube

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Logic | Philosophy Tube

Logic | Philosophy Tube


  • @jarabaa
    @jarabaa7 минут бұрын

    You're a genius. As we all grasp quickly. But quite a few of us do not possess your gifts. I know that I am not the only interested, hardworking reader who finds Judith Butler's works impenetrable. I'm not a crazed rightwing zealot. I know nothing of Brazilian "backlash". I've tried for 30 years. And I still find her writing opaque and frustrating: it's contrived in its obscurity and complexity.

  • @LaryTheLibtard
    @LaryTheLibtard29 минут бұрын

    I know it's cathartic but I appreciate that the younger self has internalized transphobia. Ps unrelated femboy is an asytic girls bolth cis and trans can be a femboy.

  • @primesonic4459
    @primesonic445937 минут бұрын

    13:10 Peak Ratkoen

  • @Thawah
    @Thawah44 минут бұрын


  • @MusingsFromTheJohn00
    @MusingsFromTheJohn0051 минут бұрын

    About AI being a physical thing, while you are completely correct, I am not sure you understand where things are going, which if you understand could be scarier, depending on how things are done. Of course, all tech is like that, all knowledge is like that, all power is like that... because how these things are used can range from being good to bad, often being some of both. The thing is, our tech is going to evolve into nanotech cybernetic virus and cellular level living technology. A good potential to this is that this is the technology which will allow human individuals to evolve in order to compete with Artificial General Super Intelligence with Personality (AGSIP) individuals. A bad potential to this is that this technology could be unfairly shared and make the levels of imbalance of wealth and power hundreds or thousands or more times worse than they already are. Another good aspect to this tech is that it will allow us to terraform Earth, returning it to a well balance thriving living ecology stronger than ever before. It will also allow for ecoforming every planet and moon, turning them into planets with flourishing life custom designed for the environments of each planet and moon. In general, the only path forward for humanity, which is to perfect AGSIP technology and merge with it. All other paths lead to the extinction of the human race, which is not the same as the human species. The means eventually, far enough in the future, an enhanced human and an AGSIP individual will be basically indistinguishable and thus the same race... at which point the leading edge AI, AGSIP individuals, will be actual physical living beings with living cellular structures like we humans today have, only their cells will be nanotech cybernetic cells giving them super human abilities. Eventually our civilization will likely develop socially into a more advanced society, but in the process of going through this evolutionary leap, there are many variants of in-between paths we can go down that vary greatly in how good or bad they are for the majority of humans.

  • @secretsofthedeep20k
    @secretsofthedeep20k57 минут бұрын

    You're an inspiration.

  • @andrewevans4724
    @andrewevans4724Сағат бұрын

    Hey, not ALL white supremacist gang members are cops. That stereotype is really insulting to white supremacist gang members. 😂

  • @chripaulzi
    @chripaulziСағат бұрын

    I think that some women struggle to accept things as social constructs because they cannot bare the thought that something made up has been held over their heads and used to oppress them. It has to be real otherwise every fear they have loved with and moment of pain they endured was for nothing.

  • @Hamokk
    @HamokkСағат бұрын

    Abi you look gorgeous as always. Sister I can't wait to see you in Star Wars and House of the Dragon. Stay safe girl and happy Pride Month. 💕🏳‍⚧

  • @cblakely
    @cblakelyСағат бұрын

    Damn, this aged INCREDIBLY well.

  • @Justine-vs6qy
    @Justine-vs6qy2 сағат бұрын

    Late to the party but I love the They Live reference ;)

  • @Taurmin
    @Taurmin2 сағат бұрын

    A yes, Sharako Lohar well known to fans as a character so badass that he is only ever mentioned but never appears in any of the books and whose most significant achievement was to get all of his allies killed in battle to gain a political advantage at home... Hope they atleast gave you a suitably outrageous Lyseni admiral costume.

  • @JeanieD
    @JeanieD2 сағат бұрын

    Well, NOW I’ll watch for certain! 👏🏻❤️❤️

    @KINGSTUNAX3 сағат бұрын

    I wish for your safety and no problems may fall upon you.

  • @tubian323
    @tubian3233 сағат бұрын

    Or maybe plagiarizing a story about a little British boy who's a wizard? 🪄

  • @katjarozantseva8069
    @katjarozantseva80694 сағат бұрын

    No I need to ask, if The Forbidden Stream still can be found

  • @octoberharvest5661
    @octoberharvest56614 сағат бұрын

    Some people cannot exist in a world that doesn't support their ideas of what is right or wrong. They feel challenged by the possibilities. See, with women is more common, but also many men have experienced, at some point while they were growing up some sort of doubt about their sexuality but they dismissed it. Thus, admitting or accepting that reality challenge their core senses of being. Sort of cognitive dissonance... more or less. Here is a story: 12 step groups for alcoholism recovery started as a very non-intrusive project. It was called the Oxford Clinics but it didn't work well until they realized having rules or meeting requirements was depriving the alcoholic from the full experience. They started with God. Their rules changed to "higher power" so that nobody that doesn't practice a particular religion will not be ostracized by the rest of his peers in recovery. Almost at the same time, accepting different ethics and cultures as members was changed. Later on (years later) when already called 12steps A.A. women came into the groups. Here we started seeing some disparity: typical alcoholics seek help after a huge loss, when nobody else can stand them,when they feel defeated and vulnerable. This is true for women, and despite becoming a rule not to date inside the program, and that the members recovery should be the priority, many men, if not the whole group would try to engage in a romantic relationship with newcomers, new members of the opposite sex, leading many back to alcohol. So a limited segregation took place but ultimately information was spread about this topic (sentimental relationship) to help groups focusing on helping others, men or women to recover. Then the drug users came into the picture. Believe it or not, there was a stupid belief that "pure alcoholic" (like if it was a royal title of some sort) members felt superior to those who also used drugs. Narcotics Anonymous was born. Now rheir core guidelines switched little by little into any drug or alcohol recovery member can be in any type of groups, NA or AA as long as they feel more comfortable in that particular group than in his/her other available options. There is still some internal debate about mixing drugs with alcohol members. Well, this was a big advancement in this little society. I always tell members (I'm a facilitator) that groups of AA are like a small test lab where they can learn to interact with others, if you do not change your behaviors and thoughts inside the group structure, it is likely you won't change outside either. That's a path to relapse because you just quit drinking, but are not looking for the reason of your drinking and making adjustments to your life. Anyways, now AA literature has been modified to be inclusive, so that instead of "men and woman can be members " now reads "all people" or "a person" can be a member as our only requirement is that they have a sincere desire to stop whatever they are doing (alcohol or drugs). Well, now the focus is in homophobia. Some mebers will willing engage in negative behavior against those who are openly gay and want to quit. I wonder what will be next and if we will ever learn something from history.

  • @RenQuark
    @RenQuark4 сағат бұрын

    1:04:50 I can't put into words how the cosmonaut series moves me, Abby, but it's one of my favorite pieces of media. Thanks for putting it out there ❤

  • @TomiThemself
    @TomiThemself4 сағат бұрын

    An agender, asexual-aromantic and neurodivergent person: _"Social construct?_ *I barely know her!"*

  • @bryanbalment7993
    @bryanbalment79934 сағат бұрын

    Abi, your videos have consistently made me think about things in a different way. (Also, since the old presenter was mysteriously crushed by that piano, the channel has gotten notably happier and glowy.)

  • @proxdxdmusic
    @proxdxdmusic4 сағат бұрын

    just watched this whole video and its really good but holy shit that song in the end is absolutely awesome!!!

  • @ingridtmmermo659
    @ingridtmmermo6594 сағат бұрын

    This is off topic, but i have to say: your understanding of your experience in life as a mean to help others better, is personally revolutionary. I currently work in a quite rigid system, where ones experience is used to establish dominance over others "lack of experience". I really needed this take, thank you! Best regards, your nr. 1 Norwegian fan

  • @HighDeafRadio
    @HighDeafRadio4 сағат бұрын

    I hate being trans and I want to KMS everyday. I don't pass, so everyone just treats me like a shitty 3rd gender no one wants to think about. The government won't help me with insurance, so I don't get HRT. I drink everyday and I promise I'll be dead in a year. This is my experience with being trans. It sucks.

  • @octoberharvest5661
    @octoberharvest56615 сағат бұрын

    Hi, interesting discussion. You will have to excuse my possible grammatical errors as I am not wearing my reading glasses at the moment. Pleasure is to make life, well, pleasant. But jt needs and requires opposition in order to be effective, or as you mention -make life good. Can we have too much pleasure? What about drugs? Drugs, particularly stimulants can give you a pleasant feeling that is why we have addiction. After years of hedonistic behavior, regarding drug use, most if not all addicts currently on recovery agree that at one point, more pleasure was simply impossible, regardless if they had the drug or not. So, pleasure, or at least our capacity for experience it for continuous long periods is finite. The pleasure becomes, unpleasant. So how does it work? Is pleasure a circular system like the yin and yang? Two sides of the same coin. If pleasure makes life good, then pain should make it not good, right? With complete agency comes complete consequences depending in how we use it. Is pleasure good if having it means taking it away from others? Or reducing their access to it? Ahh opposition. Similar to never experiencing heat or cold, always the perfect temperature. How would the right, even perfect temperature make us happy? You need both values of the scale to make the other have real value or to make sense. If this is true, giving pain is part of taking pleasure, how does that work? I'm not preaching I just typed my thoughts. Great discussion!!!

  • @Skull-Butterfly
    @Skull-Butterfly5 сағат бұрын

    It feels a little bit weird watching this video after the creator’s transition. I’m so used to her higher pitched passing voice that this is a little jarring ngl

  • @livingangrycheese2668
    @livingangrycheese26685 сағат бұрын

    Wait what? She lived in Epping? I grew up in Theydon Bois it is weird seeing a famous person mentioning it :O

  • @oldgregg23
    @oldgregg235 сағат бұрын

    Holy shit. The fat bird who used to be Harvey Winstiens PA has truly popped another nail in the Star Wars coffin. Get on boys.❤

  • @ForlornFea
    @ForlornFea5 сағат бұрын

    Happy for you

  • @lucasenaux5887
    @lucasenaux58875 сағат бұрын

    Stanley tucci hiding among the pics of michel foucault killed me

  • @RenQuark
    @RenQuark6 сағат бұрын

    0:48 Hey, you're one of the ones who raised the bar

  • @MusingsFromTheJohn00
    @MusingsFromTheJohn006 сағат бұрын

    Hmm, taxing land only is stating that all wealth and power exist within land only. That does not sound true to me. In my opinion, when we think of capitalism and communism, we should think of them as always existing at the same time in some type of balance, like 80% capitalism and 20% communism, where: > Capitalism is private ownership and regulation of what is owned of the property, the means of production, production, distribution, and exchange of property and services. 100% capitalism means everything is privately owned and controlled. An extreme dictatorship where one person basically owns and controls everything in a country is close to a 100% capitalism, though in practice such dictatorships are never quite 100%. Note that winning in a capitalistic system does not require winning by any rules and thus does not require winning economically, because the winners get to write the rules. Thus, a more pure capitalistic system where a few have won private ownership over the majority of everything within a country could be won economically, politically, militarily, etc. > Communism is public ownership and regulation of what is owned of the property, the means of production, production, distribution, and exchange of property and services. 100% communism means everything is publicly owned and controlled. In a 100% communism, there is no private property. A family unit where authority within the family is fairly shared comes closest to a true 100% communism, and even that is not really 100%. For large groups 100% communism is not feasible, especially because part of getting to that 100% publicly owned and publicly regulated is that there is no structured government. Countries like the USSR which claimed to be and were called "Communist" and "Socialist" were neither. Using the idealism of communism and socialism a group of people used a combination of politics and military power to create a more pure "capitalism" where the owners were the party members and depending upon their position within the party they had a greater amount of private property and control over their own property and the property of others, with the leader of the party being like a king. That is so clearly the opposite of what either a communist or socialist system is supposed to be like, yet they and others called then communist and socialist. > Socialism is where the public gets to decide how public ownership and regulation of what is owned of the property, the means of production, production, distribution, and exchange of property and services". In other words, by definition a socialist country is a democracy where the people democratically vote on the balance between capitalism and communism. In every single democratic socialist country they have a balance of capitalism and socialism. In every democratic country they have a balance of capitalism and socialism. The USA, which calls itself a capitalistic country, is really a blended system of capitalism and socialism. Now, to the AI related point. As the USA has been shifting towards an increasingly pure capitalism since the 1980s, which of course becomes increasingly less democratic as the balance of power and wealth shift more and more to the few, we are very quickly coming up on a point where AI driven robotics will be able to perform any mental and/or physical task a human can do, only quite likely do a better job, be more efficient, produce better quality products, and cost less overall money that a human worker. When we are an increasingly capitalistic society where the underlying economic idea is "If You Don't Earn Money To Live You Do Not Deserve Money To Live... Except When Far Lest Liberals Force Giving Free Money To The Poor", this is likely to result in a massive increase in the imbalance of wealth and power, which is already massively imbalanced. This is likely to happen by 2030, maybe sooner. If we go through another massive shift increasing the imbalance of wealth and power, that will be too much for a democracy to support and thus we will clearly have to stop being a democracy. Instead we will have to shift to a one party authoritarian rule, which is exactly what the Republican Party is trying to do using Trump as their wanna-be dictator. The thing is, how our economy, society, and government works now simply cannot survive as it is when AI driven robots can replace virtually all workers, and I mean for everything, including creative jobs, imaginative jobs, the jobs of scientists, the jobs of drivers, the jobs of programmers, etc. So, we probably have to become a dictatorship, or provide a decent universal income, or pretend to keep things as they are by legally requiring human workers performing jobs they are not needed to perform.

  • @augustomuchogusto
    @augustomuchogusto7 сағат бұрын

    So happy for you!! thank you for taking us with you on this wonderful journey! Congratulations!!!

  • @nachoijp
    @nachoijp7 сағат бұрын

    That dress is stunning!!!!

  • @Evilanious
    @Evilanious7 сағат бұрын

    That's very impressive. Congratulations.

  • @mavrospanayiotis
    @mavrospanayiotis7 сағат бұрын

    🤩 happy for such great result for your carreer!! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥳

  • @akashamouginot8355
    @akashamouginot83557 сағат бұрын

    WHAAAAAAAAT OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGMMGOMG YAAAAAAAAASS - i'm almost even more excited for new people to discover Philosophy Tube because of that :')

  • @nuxxy_
    @nuxxy_7 сағат бұрын

    9 days til the big event 😮

  • @SherlocksLeftNipple
    @SherlocksLeftNipple7 сағат бұрын

    Now THIS is how you "go legit" as a KZreadr! Go, honey, go! Take Hollywood by storm!!!

  • @SilverTheLover
    @SilverTheLover7 сағат бұрын

    better marketing for house of the dragon than any commercial

  • @FabbrizioPlays
    @FabbrizioPlays7 сағат бұрын

    "Unexpected item in shagging area" thanks, I will now refer to it as nothing else

  • @xiiir838
    @xiiir8387 сағат бұрын

    "Tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are." Couldn't be more accurate than this. It's obvious which kind of people run things and which groups are the new elite

  • @beefyboy49
    @beefyboy497 сағат бұрын

    I had to start testosterone diy because it was becoming a matter of life or death, my referral to the gender program was only accepted after 🙃 (btw, it’s a lot easier to find safer options online for body builders looking to bulk up, than just looking for medicine)

  • @pandorakaze4038
    @pandorakaze40388 сағат бұрын

    Gorgeuos dress! And gorgeus Abby as always <3.

  • @leana8959
    @leana89598 сағат бұрын

    Thank you for your videos :)

  • @mariamhalfhide539
    @mariamhalfhide5398 сағат бұрын

    Do you happen to have the link to the 2019 study on Laundry ML?

  • @sembercarlson5999
    @sembercarlson59998 сағат бұрын

    Omg congrats! You're going to single handedly get me back into GOT, aren't you?

  • @threebirdsinatrenchcoat
    @threebirdsinatrenchcoat9 сағат бұрын

    the queen on the wall MUST go off!!!!!!!!

  • @ManUtdfanshavetinypenises
    @ManUtdfanshavetinypenises9 сағат бұрын

    Let me guess you're playing a man hating lesbian

  • @dumpdumbdummy9942
    @dumpdumbdummy99429 сағат бұрын

    Now I have to find the forbidden stream, link please?

  • @DJDocsVideos
    @DJDocsVideos9 сағат бұрын

    You asked how long well it must have been the second or 3ed video on the channel, so a while 🙂 Lol, 4chan hasn't been of any relevance in a decade.These days it's the sad habitat of the dumbest of trolls.