

A channel with Doom playthroughs and speedruns.

I'm particularly fond of Stroller and no-damage (reality) runs from my favourite maps in Doom. I'm trying to improve at the Pacifist category.

Commentary provided on runs where it adds to the video.

An Analysis of Hot-starts - Doom 2

An Analysis of Hot-starts - Doom 2


  • @TokyoNightGirl-fk4cn
    @TokyoNightGirl-fk4cn5 сағат бұрын


  • @Mosz
    @Mosz20 сағат бұрын

    Most interesting part of this is it raises the question what would a non deathless run look like?

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha19 сағат бұрын

    Lol this mapset does make the titles sound odd! Although one can exit in several ways whilst dead: - Dying but momentum goes over the exit line. (Sometimes an intentional gimmick.) - Icon of Sin is defeated and the map exits even if you die - Death exits occur in some Doom maps - Maybe more that I haven't though of off the top of my head

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere3082 күн бұрын

    Nice ! About the lack of ammo, I would use the chainsaw instead of the berserk against cacos. The chainsaw stuns them very well, I'd say it's 90~95% efficient. I hate punching them because I can't predict when they fire.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha2 күн бұрын

    @@megasphere308 thanks. Yeah the Chainsaw could have worked better I guess. Thanks for the tip. I think I have a mindset of once you have the Berserk, that the Chainsaw is no use but I need to get out of that habit. I hate melee for Cacos as I'm worried about their bite.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere3085 күн бұрын

    Nice ! I think that the remakes they did for the secret levels are a really nice touch in this wad. Well played, and thanks for the commentary !

  • @JasonMitchellofcompsci
    @JasonMitchellofcompsci6 күн бұрын

    I think it is an interesting metric and worth measuring. But is it really a fair metric of difficulty especially if have to measure time to death in tens of seconds. There is a lot of opportunity for player action in that time. I guess I've been playing a lot of chess lately where the subject of difficulty comes up. There difficulty is also quite subjective, but it always considers sequences going forward. How easy are they to spot. How careful do you need to be to thread the needle. That does make it difficult to look at real numbers though. But some simple metrics that would consider the player's ability to act would be 1) total HP of enemies with hot sight on the player (basically how long in time it would take to shoot them down) 2) Time to safety. How much time does it take to get somewhere where safe. 3) DPS on the player multiplied by HP. Basically how much HP loss you would take if you attempted to shoot them down. 4) Time to 1 on 1 opportunity. Basically if you can get yourself safe by going into a closet but you can't get out to attack without exposing yourself to more than one enemy then the closet hide would satisfy metric 1 but not represent an easy situation. If you wanted to look at it really chess like what you would do is get a lot of players with different skill levels. You would give every player and every map an ELO score. And then by looking at the success rate of different players on different maps you could refine those scores. The more refined your player ELO scores are the more accurate you can make your map ELO scores and visa versa. If you want to organize something I'd play.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha6 күн бұрын

    Thanks for the thorough comment! This is not in any way a fair way to measure difficulty of a map, or even a hot-start in general. This is more of a casual look at the maps we've played many times but with the oddity of taking no action(s) that would affect the game. So that means staying still and seeing how long it takes to take damage and also die. (Doom has RNG for most actions but a fixed RNG table so it replays the same every time.) It's all a bit silly but it was born out of my challenge of trying to complete levels without taking any damage and then thinking about doing what no player does - stand still at the start. Player actions would change the outcome totally by advancing through the RNG table, thus affecting enemy actions. It would be like asking you opponent in chess to checkmate you as quickly as possible without you having your turns. And then when you do the same again but this time take your turns the opponent's actions are affected. But analysing the start of every level has brought out some funny RNG moments like in E1M2 in the previous video and Map01 in this video. Anyway back to your main point - it's not fair, as in a real game the player would be taking actions and affecting the play. If we're talking measuring the difficulty of hot-starts (and potentially maps in general) then you bring up some great measurements. I'd also add: - Enemy types (along with positions, damage output and likelihood to fire) - Health, armour and other pickups available (along with distances from the start and their value) - Weapons and ammo (along with distances from the start and their value) - RNG table sequence at start of play - Player skill and style (and how cautious they allow themselves to be before it gets silly) - Geometry of the level - I'm sure there are plenty more variables that come into it Overall though in my view it would only give a vague, general view of the difficulty as a lot of difficulty in Doom comes from organic situations like how enemies path, damage taken by particular shots (every shot is RNG damage) and many more things. Playing differently for just a second or so will change everything beyond that second. There are so many RNG checks in a second of play that it is hard to replay a level section exactly the same way. Firing your pistol just once can alter whether an enemy will hit you with their shot and also what damage it does. Doom difficulty is an interesting idea but hard to quantify. Edit: Added comparison to chess.

  • @JasonMitchellofcompsci
    @JasonMitchellofcompsci6 күн бұрын

    @@ChaingunChaCha Very interesting. I code social forums, and the idea of measuring doom difficulty almost has me tempted to code in some hidden utilities to allow users to submit their successes and failures and calculate those scores. Then you could measure. Of course you would have to find people interested in submitting that. The advantage might be for them that they could use it to find maps that hit their skill level exactly, 50% odds of success on a blind run. It really has me thinking about that if only to code it for fun. In fact to make the data valid, or at least consistent, you would have to only accept blind runs. But who knows. Maybe blind runs are fun if you are guaranteed a map that exactly hits your difficulty level. So you could also use it to get a random suggested map, make an attempt, and then report. You could then play random maps without getting instantly destroyed and also without having a map that is a snooze fest.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha5 күн бұрын

    That seems like a better measure of difficulty compared to analysing the level properties. If you are focusing on the offical levels in Doom and Doom 2 then I think that the challenge would be to find people who have not yet played them. This idea would likely work better for all of the community made maps. The Doomworld forum also runs something interesting - a monthly "Ironman" competition where users play a community wad (set of maps) and see how far they can go without dying. And then they submit their score. It's all just for fun but that does in some way assess how difficult a set of maps is.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere3087 күн бұрын

    Well done ! I liked how they revisited the Waste Tunnels. The cyber was well placed, and it looked cool to see this room transformed into an open courtyard. E3M7 looked pretty tough as well.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha7 күн бұрын

    Yeah the Waste Tunnels remake was really good. It felt all geometrically identical but in a new style. Probably the best Doom 2 tribute map of the set, imo better looking than the original. I'm still unsure how that secret near the start is supposed to work. I went and checked the original and my memory was right so the secret must have a different trigger, but I can't find it! Oh well.

  • @TheLegendaryEevee
    @TheLegendaryEevee8 күн бұрын

    Excellent job on this map my friend always glad to support out community and fellow DoomTuber's in our journey through all of the amazing WADs this community comes up with.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha8 күн бұрын

    Thanks for dropping by. E3M5 was a tough one and I was happy to get the Rocket Jump 1st time on M6. I'll be checking out your playthroughs.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30810 күн бұрын

    Well done ! Why does this wad have so many narrow paths and ledges full of imps ? 😅The dance around the cyber was cool. The last baron was a bit obnoxious though. The supercharge and blue armor are very nice to have.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha10 күн бұрын

    Yeah lots of cramped, awkward bits for Pacifist in general. I think it's more of a call back to the original iwad. Yeah the last Baron was just not wanting to come out of the exit room. That ended a few attempts. I thought I was done for in the end area but somehow managed to get an exit after shuffling around.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30810 күн бұрын

    Cool ! I wouldn't have guessed that the spiders would die so easily. It's true they don't have so much HP. Maybe the barons are a bit far away, so they don't get destroyed as much as the baron does in the original E3M8.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha10 күн бұрын

    I think in this run the Spiders did quite a lot of damage to each other so the Barons could pick off the winner. I did have some failed runs where the Spider won so you need some RNG on your side to exit the map. And yes I think the Barons are far enough away so that they can survive for a while.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30811 күн бұрын

    Great ! I enjoy this kind of puzzle maps, which force you to find strategies to get an exit. The ending was a bit scary but it did the job !

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha11 күн бұрын

    Yeah it's a real puzzle indeed. Each puzzle alone is doable, but the toughest part is certainly getting a run where you succeed at all four puzzles in one go. The hardest puzzle is removing the 3 Imps guarding the switch as only the Cacos can help. I was hoping to telefrag the Cyberdemon but considering he killed me twice in other attempts I was ready to dodge around. Still, pretty lucky that he didn't shoot as I teleported to him. I was so glad I got this exit.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30811 күн бұрын

    You didn't even need the last stimpack :)

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha11 күн бұрын

    Lol yeah I should have flexed and gone for the 1 percent exit! I was quite surprised how much health I lost between lowering the lift and opening the exit door tbh. That lift is bizarrely the most common run-ender.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30812 күн бұрын

    Looks cool, I like the exit room :) So many imps to block and scratch you !

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha12 күн бұрын

    Yeah from the Red Door onwards you need the monsters to allow you a narrow path through, which they often don't.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30812 күн бұрын

    I can tell this one must have been painful :) congrats on the exit !

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha12 күн бұрын

    Yeah pressing each switch and getting out of each teleporter section is so much tougher than it looks. It could have easily gone better but I was happy just to actually complete a run!

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30812 күн бұрын

    Wow, hot start with no armor ! And when you finally get the armor, no health ! Well done. It must have been stressful to wait for the exit to be clear with this shotgunner around.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha12 күн бұрын

    Yeah it's a compact map full of enemies. A real pain tbh. I though I was done for in the exit room but the Shotgunner didn't fire which was lucky.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30815 күн бұрын

    The last caco was ready to fire :)

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha15 күн бұрын

    Too slow Caco! That one did end the run a few times as it is a very small room and by then your health is usually low.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30815 күн бұрын

    Wow, what a complicated run ! I'm happy you got this exit. It looks so easy to get blocked.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha15 күн бұрын

    Thanks. It is possible to YOLO the Yellow Key section, but it is so inconsistent and you get blocked a lot. I just ended up going down the tactical route. The elevator near the end is surprisingly annoying with the Hitscan and Pinkies blocking it from rising if not careful.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30818 күн бұрын

    Well done ! Reducing lost souls health is a good idea. They're probably the most annoying enemies in the game, as well as the pain elementals of course. In M3, you did have the berserk actually 🤣 But no worries, it would probably happen to me too if I did blind runs !

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha18 күн бұрын

    Yeah wads with lower Lost Soul health seem like a nice quality of life change. They are probably the enemy that annoys me the most. Also the annoying falling asleep thing they do and forgetting who they are targeting. Totally forgot about the Berserk pickup! Doh! Probably due to it being at the start when I was running around working out what to do. I do forget stuff on blind runs sometimes, especially when doing a few maps in one go.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30819 күн бұрын

    Congrats ! I like how you time the lift in the yellow key room. Indeed, so many enemies and only a few stimpacks here and there. And the armor arrives rather late. Still, you did it ! And even exited with a lot of health.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha18 күн бұрын

    Yeah I'm pretty proud of the first section of this run, sticking on 100% for so long. And yeah the Yellow Key room felt cool. That really set me up for the rest of the run, but there are so many non-obvious ways this one can go suddenly wrong. Luckily this went well in the final third.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30819 күн бұрын

    Well done ! M7 gave you a hard time. It's understandable, as barons are quite scary without armor. If you knew about when to use the plasma, BFG and invuln, the level would have been much easier. It's the joy of playing levels blind :)

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha19 күн бұрын

    Yeah M7 was painful, partly as I was silly and partly due to not knowing the map. But it's fun to have some deaths.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30823 күн бұрын

    Nice ! Yes, same puzzle as in the Factory, as well as in Ultimate Doom's Containment Area. You don't need the automap as the path is visible on the ceiling :) Nice replica of Circle of Death ! I have to say that I'm impatient to see which levels you'll going to play Pacifist or Stroller !

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha23 күн бұрын

    "You don't need the automap as the path is visible on the ceiling" Oh wow I totally did not see that clue!🤦‍♂Well spotted!

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30826 күн бұрын

    Well done ! I can imagine M8 being rather hectic with fast monsters. I didn't expect so many barons :)

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha25 күн бұрын

    Thanks. I nearly face-rocketed myself to death! Yeah it's a fun twist with expecting two Barons and then a pile of them turn up. Despite how the room looks, if feels way more cramped when playing.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere30829 күн бұрын

    Well done ! I like the Gotcha reference.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha29 күн бұрын

    Thanks. I was not expecting a Doom 2 classic encounter to be the secret level, but it's a welcome surprise.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    Well done ! They like to starve you of ammo. As I said, not a big fan of the design, but the layout seems clear and well thought.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Yeah the ammo is low but doable on the maps I've played. I wonder if that was changed in v1.1 or if it's a design choice to keep you pushing forward for ammo. For continuous players it would not be an issue as the low ammo is usually near the start of each level.

  • @billabobyt
    @billabobytАй бұрын

    nice run, but there doesn't seem to be any commentary?

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Oops that's my fault for re-using the thumbnail template and description from the others in the series! How careless. Sorry about that one Billa - there was no commentary on this one. Not much to say on this one aside from it's a race to get the Invuln before the hitscan get you. 4 shots with the BFG kinda made it longer but likely a skill thing on my part. And this was recorded before I learnt to SR50 so I could probably beat this time if I tried again someday.

  • @billabobyt
    @billabobytАй бұрын

    @@ChaingunChaCha yeah fair! just thought you'd want to know, in case you forgot to add the track or something :P

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    @@billabobyt Thanks for the heads up - appreciated!

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    Gotcha! vibes

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    Stupid blue key caco 🤣Also, the final imps look annoying. Well done

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Yeah the end is a bit of a puzzle. What was supposed to happen was after pressing the switch I'd walk quickly onto the raising platform, but I got blocked so had to go the long way.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    Nice table-filler ! M1 was rather straightforward but this one requires more patience.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thanks. All the strollers from E1 are now published. For this one, I tried many times to just go for the switch, then the key then the exit but the hitscan just wear you down. I think this run was very conservative - maybe a little more aggression would result in a quicker time. It's hard to gauge how many hitscan are dead from the exit area though. The hardest is either this map or E1M6 out of the ones I've completed.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    57:58 MEIN LEBEN !!! 😂 What a ride ! Great map, I love the hugeness of it. It must take some time to memorize the route and secrets. I'm sure someone will Max it one day :) Congrats for the playthrough ; and nice commentary as usual 👍

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thanks! It was a super fun map! Very tense and cramped at times but fun all the way through with some unexpected nasty encounters. I think a UV Max is possible for someone who is highly skilled but yeah the time taken to practice would be high effort.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    @@ChaingunChaCha True, there were nasty archvile traps in narrow sections. And this huge secret filled with enemies was crazy :)

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    Wow, the red key section seems horrible ! Nice job

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thanks. Yeah it's the hardest of the 3 keys. I cannot find a consistent way to get it but the method here does work from time to time. I'm sure it can be done quicker. A painful map to Pacifist.

  • @Cocobdoom
    @CocobdoomАй бұрын

    Nice run brother

  • @doomspeedruns
    @doomspeedrunsАй бұрын

    map33 waiting room 😌

  • @doomspeedruns
    @doomspeedrunsАй бұрын

    thank you for playing!

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thanks so much for putting this wad out there! It was great to play through and I also had fun with doing some demos.

  • @doomspeedruns
    @doomspeedrunsАй бұрын

    nicely done on the archvile trap on 28!

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thanks. All those Archies in the closet were totally unexpected! Great twist!

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    Hey, well done ! You got a good intuition and managed to survive the nasty traps of map 32 :) I've never played Wolfenstein but I really want to. We didn't have a PC when I was a kid, so my first FPS was Doom on Super Nintendo... oops ! 😁

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thanks. I got a little lucky I think with the Rocket Launcher trap and the final showdown. Both of those could easily have been deaths. I was panicking internally but it ended up ok. Glad I found the BFG or the end would be brutal.

  • @jellywillreturn
    @jellywillreturnАй бұрын

    Doomguy wins by doing absolutely nothing

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    "The only winning move is not to play."

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    That's kind of cool ! The zombieman explosion was hilarious 🤣 We thought Stroller was slow, but this is even slower 😄

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Nerdy but cool! Yeah I feel E1M2 needs some old school comedy music to accompany it. Stroller is too much effort - winning no effort hotstarts is where it's at now!

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    Nice dodging in the corridor ;)

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thx. That's where almost all my attempts failed. But I learnt where most enemies tend to move.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    Nice :)

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thanks for the push on doing it without the armour!

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere308Ай бұрын

    Well done ! Map 27, easy and fun. In map 28 you can grab the rocket launcher from the other side, with enough speed and the correct angle. Ghost enemies haha, always cool to see.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thanks. Good to know of the RL. Thanks for the tip. I'm glad I had enough rockets to finish the ghost Pinkies. They added to the craziness of the last fight for sure!

  • @doomspeedruns
    @doomspeedrunsАй бұрын

    nice spiderpunchin

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaChaАй бұрын

    Thx. I think this episode is my favourite so far. The theme really works and the traps are getting meaner. Looking forward to the final stretch!

  • @doomspeedruns
    @doomspeedrunsАй бұрын

    very nicely done

  • @doomspeedruns
    @doomspeedruns2 ай бұрын

    nicely done! ep3 is my favorite

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha2 ай бұрын

    Thanks. I love the aesthetic so far in this episode. The skybox is so well used. Looking forward to the upcoming maps.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere3082 ай бұрын

    Nice ! Have you tried to lure the AV on the other side, by getting past the chaingunners ? I don't know if it's doable on Stroller because they can inflict a lot of damage.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha2 ай бұрын

    Tbh I did not think of that. I forgot that the switch dropped the walll into the starting area! You may be onto something assuming one can survive long enough with the hitscan.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere3082 ай бұрын

    Congrats on the tablefiller !

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha2 ай бұрын

    Thanks! It was painful but rewarding.

  • @doomspeedruns
    @doomspeedruns2 ай бұрын

    intense action!! the music probably breaks when you use the pause on a specific tic, I think.

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha2 ай бұрын

    Yeah the difficulty has risen in the last few maps! Thanks for the explanation on the music. Maybe I could just bring the menu up instead, assuming that doesn't also have the same issue.

  • @ScrupyPup
    @ScrupyPup2 ай бұрын


  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha2 ай бұрын

    Thanks Scrupy. Pretty happy with the time given the challenge. I need to work on the exit though! Not sure what happened there.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere3082 ай бұрын

    There is a competition going on :) well done !

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere3082 ай бұрын

    Nice tablefillers !

  • @ChaingunChaCha
    @ChaingunChaCha2 ай бұрын

    Thanks megasphere! I'm trying out some pacifist table-fillers as practice for doing faster runs.

  • @megasphere308
    @megasphere3082 ай бұрын

    Nice ! GL with E1M3 :)