Into The Wind Kites

Into The Wind Kites

Great kites from Into The Wind - the world's best-flying kites since 1980. Our videos give you a great opportunity to "see before you buy."

ITW Double Color Hata Kite

ITW Double Color Hata Kite

ITW Spider Kite Line Laundry

ITW Spider Kite Line Laundry

ITW Pinnacle Box Kite

ITW Pinnacle Box Kite

ITW Tropical Parrot Kite

ITW Tropical Parrot Kite

ITW George Peters Eel Banner

ITW George Peters Eel Banner

ITW Tumbling Star Box Kite

ITW Tumbling Star Box Kite

ITW Boulder Sled Kite

ITW Boulder Sled Kite

ITW Sharkzilla Kite

ITW Sharkzilla Kite

ITW Jet Plane Kite

ITW Jet Plane Kite

ITW Rocket Ship Kite

ITW Rocket Ship Kite

ITW Classic Hata Kite

ITW Classic Hata Kite

ITW Elevation Box Kite

ITW Elevation Box Kite
