周震南 Vin Zhou《F.F.F》Official Music Video


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I need the faith to fight,so I get freedom.
F.F.F, 三個F開頭的單詞
不只是 Freedom Fight Faith
還可以是 Forgiven Future Forever ……
F.F.F Just《F.F.F》
歌名 Song:F.F.F
歌手 Singer:#周震南 Vin Zhou
作詞 Lyricist:周震南
作曲 Composer:周震南
編曲 Arrangement:大邁MizarMin/陳建平
編曲Music Arranger:大邁MizarMin/陳建平
音效設計Sound Designer:大邁MizarMin
鍵盤手Keyboard Player:陳建平
交響樂團Symphony Orchestra:布達佩斯交響樂團
交響樂助理Orchestra Assitant:Rhett Dahl@Audio-Axis
混音師Mixing Engineer:張平@Audio-Axis
錄音師Recording Engineer:大邁MizarMin @Audio-Axis 匠維音界/周震南
和聲Back Vocalist:周震南
母帶Mastering Engineer:張平@Audio-Axis
企劃Creative Planning:皕卅廿/小蟲
監製Executive Producer:辛志宇
音樂製作 Produced by: 哇唧唧哇娛樂(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
出品/母帶版權公司 Pruduction Company/OP:哇唧唧哇娛樂(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
【未經著作權人許可 不得翻唱翻錄或使用】
🎈 FB / yoyorock
🎈 IG / yoyorocktw
🎈 LINE line.me/ti/p/@dfm2772u
🎈 合作官網(數位音樂發行) yoyorock.com/

Пікірлер: 86

    @YOYOROCK10 ай бұрын

    Part I: I think I’m confused (我很疑惑) My deepest soul is fading and disappearing (我最深處的靈魂逐漸消散) Two people talking (有兩個聲音) One showed me how to love (一個教我表達愛) Another one told me‘You gotta kill them’ (另一個讓我毀掉一切) That’s why people called them (可能這就是爲什麽人們說) Angel and demon (天使与魔鬼) Good versus evil (善與惡) I’m afraid to face them (我害怕面對這些) B**** I’m suffering! (我很痛苦) That’s what happened (這就是我的遭遇) Every night I have been tortured by pain (每晚我都被痛苦折磨) ‘We should try to give people more love’ (“我們應該對他人給予給多的愛”) ‘Not my business, F*** off’ (“與我無關就別來沾邊”) ‘We don’t have any right to judge’ (“我們沒有任何權利去評判別人”) ‘He’s definitely trying to make up a lie for us’ (“他肯定是在故意編造一個謊言給我們”) ‘I’m good with the quit and strove with none’ (“我要退出然後與世無爭”) ‘I’ll be the greatest as f***’ (“我要成爲最最最最偉大的那個”) ‘I don’t care the money and the fame’ (“不在乎名與利”) ‘I’m gonna buy the fancy clothes drive the fastest cars’ (“只要華衣與豪車”) More than 700 days I’ve been taking a long rest but I feel more tired (700多天的沉寂 却讓我感覺更無力) Tryna calm but sometimes art’s come from my anger (我試圖讓自己冷靜下來 但藝術來源于憤怒) I believe in Buddha (我很虔誠) Always showing love but I know I’m a liar (帶著愛 却撒了謊) Tryna control violence in my head (試圖控制心中的猛獸) but still wanna kill that motherf***** (但牢籠已經搖搖欲墜) Have you ever doubted your faith? (你有質疑過你的信仰) And tryna raise a few questions? (然後試圖提問嗎?) God hath leaden feet, but iron hands (人們常說善惡到頭終有報) That’s why I’m confused (所以我很疑惑) All I see is a lot of people their own life has been taken (我看到的都是好多人的生命被奪走了) I’m not a Christian but for somehow I’m praying (我雖不是信徒 此刻却在真實地祈禱) I’m praying (我在祈禱) For everybody (爲每一個) For you (爲你) For me (爲我) For someone who’s pure and has loyalty (爲了那些擁有純潔靈魂和忠誠的人) I’m praying cuz I know it (我在祈禱 因爲我知道) People gotta show their true love forever (人們需要表達自己真實的愛) Ok I’m done I feel calm (好的 我冷靜下來了) Just wanna ask you something (我只是想問你一些問題) Things you’ve told me, I found it (你告訴我的那些事情 我找到了) But why is that all wrong? (但爲什麽最後我發現它是錯的) I’m confused (我真的很疑惑) I wonder why the truth is gone (我想知道爲什麽真相離我遠去) When I need someone to save me (當我需要救贖的時候) Why don’t you respond? (你又在哪裏) Now you blame me for I’m losing soul and faith (你現在責怪我丟失了靈魂和信仰) Tell me what’s the price for being a human I gotta pay (告訴我 作爲一個人我需要付出怎樣的代價) I’m not done yet (我還沒結束) I know there’s something beautiful I gotta find it (我知道還有些美好的事物等著我去找到) I don’t believe in destiny (我不相信命運) There’s only judge and punish (只有審判和懲罰) Part II : 如果要殺死一個人 (If you want to kill a person) 只能選擇用一種凶器 (You can only choose one murder weapon) 讓他帶著愧疚活著會比利刃更加鋒利 (Let him live with guilt will be sharper than a sharp blade) 選擇逃離將我自己封閉 (Chose to run away and close myself in) 僅存的善意正審視著我幷發出抗議 (The little goodwill I have left is looking at me and protesting) 蜷縮在那沙發邊的縫隙 (Curled up in that crack by couch) 等待著倒計時 (Waiting for the countdown) 等待著最後被迫放弃 (Waiting to give up) 面對這突如其來的痛擊 (Facing the sudden shock) 我無法接受現實 (I can't accept the reality of this moment) 此刻顯得無比抗拒 (And I'm resisting it) 盯著破碎不堪的屏幕 (Staring at the broken screen) 投影出我做錯的臉 (Projecting the face of my mistake) 深呼吸以後 (After taking a deep breath) 習慣性地閉上我沒落的眼 (I habitually close my eyes) 安慰自己 (I console myself with the fact) 人性有錯落的面 (That there is a wrong side to humanity) 戒不掉的懦弱 (I can't quit the cowardice) 我一次又一次墮落地撿 (I've picked up over and over again) 默默地演 (Acting in silence) 演一條落魄的犬 (Like a downtrodden dog) 種種行爲都幼稚得像是個未破的繭 (Acting childishly like an unbroken cocoon) 沒兌現過的言 (And unfulfilled promises) 沒能趕上最後一面 (I didn't make it to the last meeting) 算來算去後悔是否來得太過多了點 (Realizing that regrets come too often) 所以 我試著去彌補這些事呢 (So, I'm trying to make up for it) 去習慣被人怒吼 (Get used to being yelled at) 去習慣被人弃舍 (Get used to being abandoned) 去習慣被人遺忘 (Get used to being forgotten) 去習慣無能爲力 (Get used to not being able to do anything) 想要保護她 (Trying to protect her) 奈何我只是個可悲的戲子 (But I'm just a pathetic playwright) 是的 (Yes, I am) 我全部通通記得 (I remember everything) 曾經選擇忘記的 (What I once chose to forget) 我現在選擇記得 (I now choose to remember) 我現在把我自己剖開 (I'm going to cut myself open) 希望你感到赤誠而不是感到赤裸 (I want you to feel honest, not naked) Part III: 我曾經講出謊言 (I used to tell lies) 試圖躲入那些個假話 (Trying to hide behind them) 我曾經想要得到同情 (I've wanted sympathy) 把多處的痛苦誇大 (To exaggerate the pain of the many) 我曾經眼睜睜的看著多數的人被打壓 (I've watched the majority get crushed) 我曾經目睹這一切後做多數人做的啞巴 (I've seen it all and been the same mute as the majority) 我曾經面對珍視的事說不 (I've said no to things I've held cherish) 說無傷大雅 (Said that it wouldn't hurt) 後來也會想方設法去拖住某一個刹那 (Then I've tried to hold back that single moment) 我曾經爲了讓她開心說出編出的大話 (I used to say big words to make her happy) 最後沒能兌現她告訴我說 沒事的 傻瓜 (In the end I couldn't keep what she told me that it's okay) 曾經逃避那些挫折 (I used to run away from my frustrations) 把錯誤怪罪給爸爸 (And blame my dad for the mistakes) 曾經把憤怒的情緒過度地帶給了媽媽 (I used to bring my anger to my mom too much) 曾經看著她痛哭後 (I've watched her crying) 被錯付的情緒夾雜 (And been caught up in the wrong emotions) 他們看我的眼神 (The way they looked at me) 從充滿愛意到充滿了害怕 (Changed from love to fear) 講到這些犯過的錯 (As I talked about the mistakes I'd made) 泪流得不止 (Tears streamed down my face) 我無法挽回這一篇篇 (I can't undo this story) 無法回頭的故事 (That I can't go back from) 每一次叫醒自己告誡自己 (Every time I wake up and tell myself) 最後也如此 (I'll end up doing the same) 講出些僞善的藉口 (I make some hypocritical excuses) 隨後又感到很無耻 (And then I feel ashamed) 我的神啊 (God) 我無法分清我的善僞 (I can't tell my good from my bad) 但是你能否聽到我的這一句句懺悔 (But can you hear the confession of mine) 每一次失去後來的反悔 (Of every loss that I've suffered) 這馬後炮的嘴臉現在讓我感到反胃 (This face now turns my stomach) 很慚愧 (I'm ashamed) 我真心感到慚愧 (I'm truly ashamed) 躲在角落不敢面對的我像個殘廢 (I'm a cripple hiding in the corner, afraid to face it) Wake up wake up wake up and fight (醒來 醒來 醒來 重新起航) 我不想他們再次爲了我悲傷而含泪 (I don't want them to cry over me again)

  • @mikaomiable


    10 ай бұрын

    ❤ TY for adding the lyrics.

  • @freiesblatt_pinsmymindma3865


    Ай бұрын

    Wow , es realmente hermoso y profundo 😔

  • @sol_seonjae
    @sol_seonjae10 ай бұрын

    真的很難想像他才23歲 他的才能真的比同齡的高太多了

  • @shengchai6650
    @shengchai665010 ай бұрын


  • @alexyu442
    @alexyu44210 ай бұрын

    我的母亲是你忠实的粉丝 在许多年的追星路上作为儿子也陪伴她看过许多 这些年来也在你的身上学到了很多东西 这是很棒的作品 希望你在未来的路上越来越好 共勉!

  • @yitingyu7116
    @yitingyu711610 ай бұрын


  • @kirbylover79
    @kirbylover796 ай бұрын

    I haven’t heard from Vin in awhile and I decided to look him up again since I enjoyed his past songs. I came across this beautiful masterpiece and I have no words on how to describe this! Zhennan you surprised me again with such an amazing video and deep lyrics! I am still speechless after watching this and I will keep watching this video again because I am amazed! I can’t wait what else you will be bringing and I will always be your fan! 🔥❤️

  • @ciaolyre
    @ciaolyre10 ай бұрын

    I was kind of expecting f.f.f. to be related to freedom fight and faith. but I wasn't expecting it to go as deep into his feelings 😢 my tears literally fell down at part 2

  • @RoxanneJY1412
    @RoxanneJY141210 ай бұрын

    不只是歌 是故事 是艺术

  • @peiyifan-bw6eb
    @peiyifan-bw6eb10 ай бұрын

    I need a faith to fight , so I get freedom . 周震南的这首歌让我好惊喜啊 现在满脑子都是他的那句“你就是我的神” 很值得反复去听!

  • @yuan.0817
    @yuan.081710 ай бұрын


  • @raincheong-fp8xf
    @raincheong-fp8xf10 ай бұрын

    他的作品从来都不会令失望 只有无限的期待❤

  • @scrdy_cat
    @scrdy_catАй бұрын

    I didn't hear zhennan for about 2 years but wow, I'm speechless and so glad that I decided to take a look again, this is just art

  • @dianainitaia
    @dianainitaia4 ай бұрын


  • @graceho7346
    @graceho734610 ай бұрын


  • @Wooofour


    6 ай бұрын


  • @Josephchen-vj7tp


    5 ай бұрын

    所以他到底经历了什么 说的屁话一样

  • @FrmDSecULeftDWldHasNoMeanin2Me
    @FrmDSecULeftDWldHasNoMeanin2Me10 ай бұрын

    “I need a faith to fight,so I get freedom” 💙 4:33 配上刘子玥老师的芭蕾 绝美 暴风哭泣😿 🈚消音版 yyds

  • @eirabenitez6089
    @eirabenitez608910 ай бұрын

    I love it! Zhennan always giving us ART! 😍😭

  • @tlxyo_
    @tlxyo_2 ай бұрын

    看得入迷 情绪被拉进去了 很真实的把自己的内心深处 通过歌词、旋律、舞蹈、表演 表达出来 是一首可以感染到人的内心的一首歌 歌词很值得细品 特别震撼的一部作品 赞!

  • @user-zd1wd3rw4c
    @user-zd1wd3rw4c10 ай бұрын


  • @Ava-rs5mt
    @Ava-rs5mt10 ай бұрын


  • @speciallove6417
    @speciallove641710 ай бұрын

    The music video is so good, cool, and beautiful the dancers are really amazing, and these lyrics hit so hard! I cried reading the lyrics of F.F.F T__T He never fails to release good music. you’ll never see me miss any of him releases like TRUST ME best believe imma be seated for every album he release haha, anyway but these releases are so freaking good literally my king😭❤️ he’s so amazing and deserves the world, thank you for this masterpiece nannan 🫂⭐️

  • @kaylahuynh8585
    @kaylahuynh858510 ай бұрын

    Zhou Zhennan musician 💙💙💙.i really love Nannan deep voice especially when he speak in English

  • @catherineliu7668
    @catherineliu766810 ай бұрын

    Freedom. Fight. Faith. Forever. Future. Forgiven.

  • @silvialu2030
    @silvialu20303 ай бұрын


  • @Pa-amPalm
    @Pa-amPalm10 ай бұрын


  • @user-nu1db9ek9y
    @user-nu1db9ek9y10 ай бұрын


  • @joannafan3879
    @joannafan387910 ай бұрын


  • @Fer_105
    @Fer_1053 ай бұрын

    Lo extrañaba mucho, despues de tanto tiempo lo vuelvo a buscar y me encuentro con esta joyita, una curita al corazon, me identifique en michas partes de la letra😭🤍

  • @treme-rz7pi
    @treme-rz7pi10 ай бұрын

    Omg This is a piece of art!!

  • @xxxvii3817
    @xxxvii3817Ай бұрын


  • @user-um1rh8rs2i
    @user-um1rh8rs2i10 ай бұрын


  • @aanyzz
    @aanyzz10 ай бұрын

    Touching narrative. Beautifully depicted. Thank you!

  • @yinyunfu9687
    @yinyunfu968710 ай бұрын


  • @limhuiqian7570
    @limhuiqian757010 ай бұрын

    It really touched me❤❤

  • @feimingxia7736
    @feimingxia773610 ай бұрын

    Artistic genius! ❤

  • @pohkengvin-yc7pl
    @pohkengvin-yc7pl10 ай бұрын

    新乐章开启,南南great job!

  • @bbwong9873
    @bbwong987310 ай бұрын


  • @user-ij3zj6iq6g
    @user-ij3zj6iq6g10 ай бұрын


  • @AngemRsvksbsk-ye5vj
    @AngemRsvksbsk-ye5vj3 ай бұрын

    i like this song.

  • @santiatia3770
    @santiatia37709 ай бұрын

    Congras Vin Zhou 🥰🥰🎉❤ best song

  • @vivenfen
    @vivenfen10 ай бұрын

    Artistic workout🎉❤ faith fight freedom how amazing Vin

  • @ruihu5943
    @ruihu594310 ай бұрын


  • @user-kf5cw9yp5c
    @user-kf5cw9yp5c7 ай бұрын


  • @za1na00
    @za1na0010 ай бұрын

    Amazing ❤❤❤

  • @vivianlan3598
    @vivianlan359810 ай бұрын

    感動 好棒的MV

  • @vena1549
    @vena154910 ай бұрын


  • @fuserattana316
    @fuserattana31610 ай бұрын


  • @feimingxia7736
    @feimingxia773610 ай бұрын


  • @milmilkati
    @milmilkati10 ай бұрын


  • @shengchai6650
    @shengchai665010 ай бұрын


  • @xix-gh6kd
    @xix-gh6kd10 ай бұрын


  • @c.z3954
    @c.z395410 ай бұрын


  • @peiyifan-bw6eb
    @peiyifan-bw6eb10 ай бұрын

    Give my heart to you

  • @Roey2121
    @Roey21218 ай бұрын


  • @Millian-xd4ci
    @Millian-xd4ci10 ай бұрын

    I luv that!!!!

  • @user-nu2yj6bx8d
    @user-nu2yj6bx8d10 ай бұрын

    Work of art

  • @user-ei9sh6fu4f
    @user-ei9sh6fu4f6 ай бұрын

    NO.1 in my heart

  • @suryatjia
    @suryatjia8 ай бұрын

    Damn, so beautiful. . .

  • @joylee3472
    @joylee34728 ай бұрын


  • @polcaVvV
    @polcaVvV10 ай бұрын


  • @user-vp9rb8my5i
    @user-vp9rb8my5i10 ай бұрын


  • @lllllllllllin6V
    @lllllllllllin6V10 ай бұрын


  • @diamond4691
    @diamond46916 ай бұрын


  • @kim.dancetributetaemin
    @kim.dancetributetaemin7 ай бұрын

    This is art

  • @chris4683
    @chris46839 ай бұрын


  • @user-qb7jb4wv8z
    @user-qb7jb4wv8z5 ай бұрын

    目前剛聽第一次 說其實聽不太懂他的風格 歌詞是真的很棒 聽個幾次真的覺得是藝術品 自己常常聽AT覺得一些風格聽得很超前 但是發現自己聽歌還是更新的遠遠不是很夠 他的風格跟gali應該是很和的 亞特蘭提斯那種寶石系列藝術品的品味 其實很棒 震南哥加油 支持!! 但是希望Flow變化稍微律動趕在多一點 就完美了!

  • @joylee3472
    @joylee34728 ай бұрын


  • @foreverriver4989
    @foreverriver49896 ай бұрын

    He must in international producers to lunch his album

  • @kittyhiew1878
    @kittyhiew187810 ай бұрын


  • @MrLiuliupapamama
    @MrLiuliupapamama10 ай бұрын


  • @minhocalee
    @minhocalee10 ай бұрын


  • @maymchen
    @maymchen10 ай бұрын


  • @jiyu698
    @jiyu69810 ай бұрын

  • @user-nu1db9ek9y
    @user-nu1db9ek9y10 ай бұрын


  • @WanWan-2000
    @WanWan-20003 ай бұрын

    💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💚💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 喜欢❤ (下面评论有点长,不想看的可跳过哦!) (就是没事做,又突然想要发一下个人想法。没兴趣的人真的真的可以跳过!!!!) !!路人,勿喷!! 先说明一些事: 1.我不是中国人(所以如果打错字,请谅解) 2.我不是十二 (R1SE粉) 3.我不是南极星 (周震南粉) 关于(十二)和 (南极星)的说明一下。 本人呢是去年(2023)年底才知道周震南这个人,最近才听了比较多他的歌。不是(十二)是因为我认识R1SE他们的时候R1SE已解散,也只听了一两首他们的歌。不是(南极星)是因为认识周震南的时间很少,不觉得配说是一个(南极星)。而且本人也比较少粉人,不管是乐队,偶像,演员。。。所以觉得没资格说是(南极星)毕竟真真的(南极星)是陪伴了和支持周震南走过他事业的粉丝,就不假假来冒充了😆 好了说明结束,回到正题! 对于(F.F.F)这首歌我听了几遍了。第一次听的时候,没有想到会是这样的一首歌也没什么感受。过了两天我又回来仔细听,连续的听了两遍。第一次,我开始懂了也犯了鸡皮疙他。第二次,我看了歌词后再听的,我哭了。再看(F.F.F)之前我有听过(Die now, or love forever)也特别的喜欢,这所以会回来听(F.F.F)也是因为最后的那一段。 我每一次看都会有不同的感受,有时是心痛,是悲哀,是心累也有时是释怀。 我觉得我想对这首歌说的是他是一首歌的同时,也是一个属于艺术的作品。每个人听了会有不一样的想法可是又会让人有连接点。我可能解释的没那么好,不过希望看的人还是能get到我想说的。 还有就是,舞蹈者们太厉害了。辛苦辛苦,看着他们好专业啊~ ❤❤❤❤ 另外呢,想要写一些关于我对周震南的个人想法: 首先因为最近才认识的,有可能不是很了解他或他经历的事也有可能听到或看到错误的信息。如果有不对的,请谅解! 在认识周震南的时候呢,经过一些视频和评论中看到了对他的好和坏的评论。两者都对我没什么影响毕竟我不认识周震南本人,我不会因为评论而被带动。我下面写的是我自己看到而觉得对周震南这个人的想法。 (我虽然不喜爱追粉但是我喜欢在短时间内重复看东西,通常看腻了才会换个别的看。明日之子1,2,3,4,创造2019 我都重复看了很多遍,并不是为周震南一个人可是我看了很多遍。中间还有别的,可是因为周震南没有在里面就不提了) 第一,我觉得他是一个很努力的人。他对他事业的态度是我觉得很让人敬佩的其中一个。他不断的学习,不断的练和从来不放弃的态度相信大家是看的出来的。从明日1的咬字不清需要看歌词的rap到现在我闭着眼睛都能听懂他的rap是一个很好的对比。也可以从他的作品看到比以前好很多,慢慢的建立了他现在的风格和作品的态度。 第二,我觉得他是一个很有自己的风格(style)的一个人。不止是在作品能看到艺术品般的他,还有他穿着搭配。帽子,墨镜,首饰品 都搭配的好好呀,更别说他的衣服搭配。男女装都被他穿的自己的风格,只能说不亏是保持了一整季(创2019)C位的周震南。我看到有时候他不只是穿出了他自己的style而是完完全全的把衣服本身换成了他自己的一种状态。我之前看到了一个视频有人说周震南会穿女装是因为不想和别人撞衫,我只能说周震南,你不必担心别人跟你撞衫因为该担心的是他们,和你撞衫了。🤣(这是玩笑,请敏感的人退避!!!!) 其次,我觉的他很有这一方面的sense。如果哪一天他突然间想,我觉得他可以很成功的出一些他自己的style. 第三,我觉得他是一个思想成熟的一个人。可以从他的作品当中看到他对这个世界的看法,他很认清现实也明白很多的大道理。从几个我看到他的视频,他说的话和对这个世界的态度是我个人喜欢的一种看法。还有就是他是一个很有礼貌的一个人。 第四,我觉得他是一个很细密敏感的人。(这里的用词没那么确定,对不起啦!)我可以从他的作品当中感受到很多的感觉,不知是不是他本人的情感或是他描述中的一个人,一个故事。可是我觉得如果一个人可以做出让人(听者)感同身受,或是这么情绪复杂却让人同心的作品的话, 他因该也是一个对感情很敏感或能过度了解这种感受的人。 第五,我觉得他是一个很可爱又很酷的一个人。是真的很可爱,也很酷。台上台下两个人格🤣一个是老虎,一个是小猫。 好了,就写到这。。。太唠叨了。对不起,明明是路人还这么多话。 最后呢,虽然真人因该不会看到我还是要对周震南说一下: 周震南, 因为看到了你对自己事业的态度和坚持,我又有了想要多努力下去的勇气。认识和看到了你,一个我自己同年龄的人,在这么的努力完成自己的梦想让我觉得,就算迟开始我也可以努力的试着往自己的梦想跑。 我想让你知道,你帮助了一个路人。给了我鼓励和勇气。 拜拉~ 粉丝/非粉丝 :勿喷(不知对不对🤣)

  • @Hashi.marc2003
    @Hashi.marc200310 ай бұрын


  • @user-sn5si4sr1m
    @user-sn5si4sr1m9 ай бұрын

    Tìm đâu ra người thứ 2.

  • @user-ct1mt1np6r
    @user-ct1mt1np6r10 ай бұрын


  • @user-ct1mt1np6r


    10 ай бұрын


  • @user-ct1mt1np6r


    10 ай бұрын

    聽到完整獨舞的內容,太好聽了。die now,or love forever.

  • @phatcharinj.4545
    @phatcharinj.454510 ай бұрын


  • @benjaminphilips3737
    @benjaminphilips37372 ай бұрын

    MV是抄袭sia很多年前的the greatest?真的是好难看啊

  • @smile820406
    @smile82040610 ай бұрын

