主日講道 | 新銳611靈糧堂|講題:凡事富足 講員:Lawrence 傳道&Anne 傳道 2023 09 03

凡事富足 Abundant Life
一、富足貧窮 要懂選擇 abundant and poor, knowing how to choose
1.真神賜福 富足無憂 blessings from true God abundant with no worry
2.求助別神 愁苦加增 seek help from other gods worries arise
3. 偶像帶來 貧窮咒詛 idols bring curse and poor
二、多多蒙福 屬靈定律 blessings upon blessings, spiritual principles
1. 多種多收多回報 more one sows more to be reaped
2.捐得樂意神喜悅 happy giver God’s pleasure
3.施比受更為有福 blessed be the givers than to the takers
三、十一奉獻 蒙福關鍵 tithing is the key to blessing
1. 領受傾福 神必供應 receive blessings God will provide
A. 奉獻到神的家 tithe to the family of God
B.獻上初熟果子 offer up the first fruit
2.神必斷開 貧窮咒詛 God cuts off the curse of poor
3.神必賜福 喜樂滿足 God bless with joy and peace
總結 conclusion : 投資永恆 回報最高 investing into the future, the highest return

