Youth and Democracy |Technology Effects |Challenges |Recommendations


What are some of the challenges youth face in African Democratic spaces?
How has Technology and social media impacted Democratic Participation in Africa?
What steps can societies take to create an inclusive and equitable environment that amplifies the voices of all Young people in shaping the future of Democracy?
Watch Victoria Zillah~MCA Kakamega County and Hussein Khalid - Executive Director Haki Africa, as they share their Experiences, Learning and observations.
To Share your thoughts on the Summit for Democracy, The Menu of Possible Commitments, and the empowerment of African youth within the democracy, Participate in the following Perception Survey:
Stay tuned for inspiring stories, advocacy actions, and exciting updates as we work towards a more inclusive and participatory democracy. Youth Democracy Cohort #TheIgniteAfricanYouthProject #SupportedByYDC #YouthDemocracyCohort #ydc #democracy #africa #democracy #africa #idd2023 #internationaldemocracyday #youth
💪Supported by the Youth Democracy Cohort ⚡Powered by the European Union

