You know the Police have had enough when they accuse Theresa May of outright lies.

"This crying wolf must stop"
PLEASE SHARE !! 20th May, 2015 - "This crying wolf must stop. This weekend the Federation warned that 'spending reductions mean that we'll be forced to adopt a paramilitary style of policing in Britain', today you have said that 'community police officers are an endangered species.'
I have to tell you that this kind of scaremongering does nobody any good - it doesn't serve you, it doesn't serve the officers you represent, and it doesn't serve the public."
She was told and warned this would happen, and her response was to attack the people warning her, and cut their budgets some more. The traditional newsplatforms congratulated her for this speech. Yesterday, the British Public felt the cost of such arrogance.
This clip might lose May the General Election.
