耶穌出生的真正年月日 | 伯利恆之星的奧秘 (57分鐘足本版) | 顛覆基督徒所想 | 從聖經找線索 | 我與開普勒的推算對比 | 猶太節期 | 平安夜 | 聖誕節【上帝的信徒】

Patreon會員 / angelchrist
KZread會員 / @brian_archaeoastronom...
上帝的信徒2 (副頻道) / @brian_archaeoastronom...
上帝的信徒Ig專頁 skyobserver2023...
12月25日真的是主耶穌降生的日子嗎? 當年羅馬天主教為何要選取12月25日作為聖誕節? 背後有什麼原因? 其實聖經經文多處留有線索, 讓我們重構主耶穌降生當日的星空, 從中我們能確定伯利恆之星的身份, 更能因此而推算主耶穌降生的真正年月日。今集, 我會把自己的推算跟天文學家開普勒的推算作對比, 從而帶大家破解這二千年來的考古謎團。
《上帝的叛徒III : 迷失的帝國 》電子書play.google.com/store/books/d...
《上帝的叛徒 : 墮落守望者》彩色電子書 play.google.com/store/books/d...
《上帝的叛徒II : 亞特蘭提斯 》電子書play.google.com/store/books/d...
《上帝的叛徒 : 守望者》電子書 play.google.com/store/books/d...
上帝的信徒KZread頻道: / @brian_archaeoastronom...
上帝的信徒Facebook專頁: / %e4%b8%8a%e5%b8%9d%e7%...
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  • @user-ss1jz2io9t
    @user-ss1jz2io9t7 ай бұрын


  • @kahingalanyip3806
    @kahingalanyip38067 ай бұрын

    ✝️ 😇 🌏 上帝是信實的 父神上帝, 主耶穌基督沒有教導與教訓世人要慶祝主耶穌基督的生日最好不選擇去行這事,免得中咗世俗詭詐人的 “陷阱”.

  • @tzeyicheng1563
    @tzeyicheng15637 ай бұрын

    已故名傳道王明道曾說主耶穌基督釘死十架應該是星期四,才能滿足主耶穌所說約拿在魚腹中三日三夜. 約拿三日三夜在大魚肚腹中,人子也要這樣三日三夜在地裏頭。 (聖經.和合本, 馬太福音 12:40) 之要求.

  • @Archangel777Michael
    @Archangel777Michael7 ай бұрын

    據了解,選擇同一日目的,來覆蓋太陽神殿節的偶像崇拜,要讓羅馬舊有的信仰被基督信仰遮蓋,有助忘記舊有多神信仰,另外,將icon 造成和某些偶像相似,是要讓信仰地方化,令當地人較容易接受基督信仰,例如:中國有聖母抱子像有類似觀音抱童子模樣的型像,這型態出現於中國教難,屠殺基督徒的時期,用來掩人耳目,逃避追查

  • @kcchan2715
    @kcchan27157 ай бұрын


  • @bok2288
    @bok22887 ай бұрын


  • @genevievemok925
    @genevievemok9257 ай бұрын

    耶穌在甚麼時候出生?歷來世界上大部分的人都普遍以為,12月25日是耶穌降生的日子,但是人們慶祝聖誕節,原來並不是因為耶穌在那天降世,而是追隨古代拜偶像的「異端風俗」慶祝太陽神生日。 到底耶穌的真正生日,應該是在甚麼時候?從聖經中,我們又能否找到耶穌誕生日期的答案?仔細研究聖經的內容,我們不難找到答案,就是耶穌基督絕對不是在12月25日誕生的! 以下我們簡略地,列出5個最主要的原因: 1). 首先,從 (路加福音 2:7-8) 我們知道,牧羊人聽到天使的邀請,前來敬拜剛誕生的耶穌。如果當時是12月25日的話,天氣應該會十分寒冷,雪地上沒有草吃,牧羊人都不會在戶外放牧了。既然從路加福音的描述得知,當時牧羊人正在放羊,那麼我們就可以知道,那時應該是在夏天或初秋的時分。因為伯利恆12月的夜晚,通常是十分寒冷和多雨的,牧羊人很自然地會找個溫暖的地方牧養群羊,又怎會在戶外放牧呢? 2). 根據(路2:1-4)當約瑟和馬利亞來到伯利恆參加戶籍登記,根據歷史記載,當時的戶籍登記是不會在冬天舉行的。因為冬天氣候嚴寒,甚至降雨降雪,道路結冰危險,當時的政府又怎會選擇在這種惡劣天氣下進行人口普查呢? 3). 如果耶穌不是在12月25日降生的話,那麼,耶穌基督是在什麼時候出生的呢?聖經中給了我們明顯的答案! 根據聖經故事的情節,我們推算出耶穌誕生的日子,應該是在秋天,大有可能就是「住棚節」:「道 (神的話語) 成了肉身(耶穌)、 住(原文是 住棚 的意思)在我們中間、充充滿滿的有恩典有真理。」約翰福音1:14,道成了肉身,住在我們中間。這「住」字,其實是帳棚之意,即神的帳棚(作動詞用)在我們每一個人的中間。在舊約中,以色列人以會幕為中心,並圍繞其向四方建帳幕而居。這不單是神與他們同住,亦在舊約中啟示基督降生也是與他們同住的,預表將來耶穌基督的救贖;神的救恩將會臨到,並且神要住在他們中間。 4). 根據耶穌的表兄施洗約翰出生的日子,我們也推算出,耶穌在秋天出生的證據: 施洗約翰的母親伊利莎伯,是耶穌的生母馬利亞的表姐,路加福音1:24:36說到,當馬利亞被聖靈成孕的時候,伊利莎伯已經懷孕六個月了,那麼,只要我們知道施洗約翰是什麼時候出生,我們就知道耶穌是什麼時候出生了。再看下去,我們發現施洗約翰的父親撒迦利亞是在耶路撒冷殿中服事的祭師 (路加福音1:5) ,從當時的歷史證據得知,經文中描述撒迦利亞的獻祭儀式,是在當年的六月十三至十九日舉行。(查考:The Companion Bible, 1974, Appendix 179, p.200),就在年中獻祭的日子,年老無子的撒迦利亞得知他的妻子伊利莎伯將會懷孕,(路1:8-13),果然,撒迦利亞在完成獻祭儀式後回家途中,伊利莎伯真的懷孕了 (路1:23-24) 。我們推算出施洗約翰應該是在六月底受孕,在這日期上再加上九個多月,等到次年的三月底,很可能就是施洗約翰出生的日子。 天使對馬利亞說 :「(你)所 要 生 的 聖 者 、 必 稱 為  神 的 兒 子 。 況 且 你 的 親 戚 伊 利 莎 伯 、 在 年 老 的 時 候 、 也 懷 了 男 胎 . 就 是 那 素 來 稱 為 不 生 育 的 、 現 在 有 孕 六 個 月 了 。」路加福音1:35-36,既然我們已推算出施洗約翰出生的日子是三月底,又知道馬利亞被聖靈成孕的那時,施洗約翰的母親伊利莎伯「已懷孕六個月」(路加福音1:36),只要在三月底加上六個月(即是施洗約翰和耶穌的年齡差距),就能夠計算出耶穌出生的時候,應該就是當年的九月底了。 5). 基督在世為人三十三年半,祂出生的記載不多,但祂的死卻是明明可知。耶穌在逾越節那天的中午被釘十字架,下午三時死去;據經上記載,耶穌是逾越節(每年三、四月之間)的羔羊,往前推33年半,則耶穌應在九、十月之間出生,即住棚節期間。當然,猶太人用的是猶太曆法,要慶祝耶穌生日的話,也應該根據猶太曆法來定。 雖然我們難以確定第一個在12月25日慶祝聖誕節的人是誰,有人說是大概在公元4世紀,也有人說是在耶穌升天後的三百年,羅馬王因為脫離不了拜偶像的異教傳統,硬要把原本是異端邪說的拜太陽神日子,古人放浪形骸、荒淫無度的日子,強行更改為慶祝救世主、大君王耶穌降生的聖誕日。無論如何,你和我作為一個普通人,喜不喜歡在錯誤的日子慶祝生日? 當然不喜歡吧,更何況把古人崇拜太陽邪神的日子(12月25日),強行更改為敬拜永生神-上帝獨生子耶穌的生日呢? 你認為這樣會討神喜悅嗎? 「在 至 高 之 處 榮 耀 歸 與  神 、 在 地 上 平 安 歸 與 他 所 喜 悅 的 人 。」路 2:14 願神的兒女們,都能討神「喜悅」,滿享豐盛、富足與喜樂。主內必得「平安」!願一切榮耀頌讚全歸予上帝!阿們!

  • @user-mn1bs7cj2u
    @user-mn1bs7cj2u7 ай бұрын

    Peace+ Repent+ Return+ Repents+Peace+ Pray + Prays+ Praise Jesus Christ alone.Peace Today 2023?

  • @user-cb9es3sj3u
    @user-cb9es3sj3u7 ай бұрын

    謝謝Brian詳細分析🙏 有很多有趣的內容,非常吸引~

  • @Mischa57
    @Mischa577 ай бұрын


  • @tangivy4836
    @tangivy48367 ай бұрын


  • @qwunyeechan9827
    @qwunyeechan98277 ай бұрын

    感謝你! 👏👏👏🪐🌟⭐️💫

  • @Wayneo2023
    @Wayneo20237 ай бұрын

    麥穗 (音睡)

  • @peterhuo1849
    @peterhuo18497 ай бұрын

    圓月光主照! 生死逢時日。

  • @whatevawhateva8720
    @whatevawhateva87202 ай бұрын

    It's called Halo that indicates the figure's holiness!

  • @gracezhang3865
    @gracezhang38657 ай бұрын

    之前有听主耶稣是吹角节出生,后来又听是住棚节第一天出生,我也听进去了。 但以理书 12:4 但以理啊,你要隐藏这话,封闭这书,直到末时。必有多人来往奔跑(或作“切心研究”),知识就必增长。” 佩服切心研究的人

  • @shengming888.
    @shengming888.7 ай бұрын


  • @johnhuang4819
    @johnhuang48197 ай бұрын


  • @louis13venus
    @louis13venus7 ай бұрын


  • @zapcheng3611
    @zapcheng36117 ай бұрын

    25:55 如果用以色列地理位置星圖,室女座會扭返正,好似正常人頭向天腳踩地企晌度

  • @wingsumng2420
    @wingsumng24207 ай бұрын

    年份 仍然化解不到幻覺

  • @hanoitowerpriest7457
    @hanoitowerpriest74573 ай бұрын


  • @gloria8113
    @gloria81137 ай бұрын


  • @TPHui
    @TPHui7 ай бұрын


  • @gloria8113
    @gloria81137 ай бұрын


  • @user-gz1jy8et4p
    @user-gz1jy8et4p7 ай бұрын

    原來佛經有講 同海奧華預言差唔多 兩個耶穌 12歲後空白歷史同之後既故事 《佛說觀彌勒菩薩上生兜率天經》 佛告優波離:「彌勒先於波羅捺國劫波利村波婆利大婆羅門家生,却後十二年,二月十五日還本生處,結加趺坐如入滅定。身紫金色,光明豔赫如百千日,上至兜率陀天。」

  • @gloria8113


    7 ай бұрын


  • @wesleytse6966
    @wesleytse69667 ай бұрын

    先謝謝分享😊更正不是bb是(小孩子)比bb大啲 (bb等於嬰孩)

  • @richardkoon8146
    @richardkoon81467 ай бұрын


  • @user-gz1jy8et4p
    @user-gz1jy8et4p7 ай бұрын

    聖誕節發展史應該係 阿努納奇👉🏻塔木茲 👉🏻 巴力 👉🏻歐西里斯 👉🏻奧丁👉🏻聖尼拉古斯👉🏻密特拉👉🏻彌勒👉🏻基督

  • @zapcheng3611


    7 ай бұрын


  • @user-gz1jy8et4p


    7 ай бұрын


  • @user-xn6jb9nd3n
    @user-xn6jb9nd3n7 ай бұрын


  • @kingsunwoo-fr7gm


    7 ай бұрын


  • @kokchun7753
    @kokchun77537 ай бұрын


  • @BBCHongkong
    @BBCHongkong7 ай бұрын

    感謝Brian 的天文知識及聖經分析😊但想知道點解現在人們都說耶蘇出生是公元元年?因此這年我們這年才是2023 AC🤔請問這是由誰人訂立?

  • @gloria8113


    7 ай бұрын


  • @gloria8113
    @gloria81137 ай бұрын


  • @davidmendes1389
    @davidmendes13897 ай бұрын


  • @evelyntsui3005


    7 ай бұрын


  • @user-xl1wt7hv7i
    @user-xl1wt7hv7i7 ай бұрын

    是的 合什

  • @edwineth4740
    @edwineth47407 ай бұрын


  • @chuenteo2177


    7 ай бұрын

    Jubilee Year maybe is a key. If the year Yeshua started his ministry was a Jubilee Year? Luke 4:18-19. Yeshua was quoting from Isaiah 61:1-2. But He stopped after 61:2a. Some believe that the acceptable year for the Lord also mean Jubilee Year. Meanwhile Isaiah 61:2b will happen when He returns, also a Jubilee Year. Leviticus 25:8-10 (God's definition of Jubilee Year, every 50th year, not 49th.) Hosea 6:2 2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. Isaiah 46:10 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: God created the world in 6 days, 7th day rested. What if from creation to Yeshua return is only 6000 years? Christ returns on the end of 6000 years? Sabbath 1000 year is the last one thousand when Yeshua reigns with His saints on earth in Jerusalem. After the Sabbath 1000 years is the new heaven and new earth. Number 8 represents new beginning while 7 means perfect or complete. 7 repeats many times in the bible. Rainbow has 7 colours, 7 lampstands, 7 seals and so on. Theyb are not random. All numbers in the bible have meaning. Messiah 2030: kzread.info/dash/bejne/ZnV7wdCDfsa6mrA.html Not necessary 2030. Just a reference. Can be later or earlier as our current calendar has been changed and corrupted, From Julian to Gregorian, God knows what the enemy has done to deceive the world. Been asking the same question for the last 3 years and researching. No one knows the day or the hour but we should know the season, keep watch and be sober. So that day will not come like a thief for Yeshua's disciples. Jeremiah 33:3 你求告我,我就應允你,並將你所不知道、又大又難的事指示你。Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Things only God knows. This was what I got when I prayed 3 years ago. God wants us to seek out His mysteries. That's how our trust and faith in Him grows. Genesis 6:3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. (6000/50=120) May means our current will have to go thru 120 Jubilee cycles. Jonathan Cahn did mentioned that 2017 was a Jubilee but I doubted that, as he can be a freemason. If 2017 were a Jubilee, it means we have to wait till 2067 for Yeshua to return. isaiahsixtyoneseven.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-counterfeit-jubilee-years-of.html isaiahsixtyoneseven.blogspot.com/2020/09/when-was-messiah-of-israel-born.html Keep praying, searching and asking. Study God's words. The bible is our History book form God. The only truth. Amen. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

  • @anitachauanita3552
    @anitachauanita35527 ай бұрын


  • @user-ww9un1mo8k
    @user-ww9un1mo8k7 ай бұрын


  • @davew3939
    @davew39397 ай бұрын

    Bible says Jesus lives 33 years.

  • @gracezhang3865


    7 ай бұрын

    Which Bible verse?

  • @chuenteo2177


    7 ай бұрын

    ​@@gracezhang3865 He started his ministry at 30. Luke 3:23. Daniel 9:24-27,I believe it is about Yeshua not antichrist. If you read the verses carefully in KJV, it says, Messiah the Prince in verse 25, then in verse 26, it says the prince, not a prince. In Hebrew, the word prince is nagid (H5057 in Strong's), this word 'nagid' is used in both verses. The word nagid means prince, ruler, leader , shepherd, God anointed one. Did a study in this nagid. It is from the primitive root as nagad which means To be conspicuous, to manifest. I did a study in this word. Besides the context of those verses is about the Messiah the Prince. Cannot be the antichrist. (I know many famous scholars, seminaries and pastors believe it is about the antichrist, but many of them were wrong about some of the interpretations.) In these verses, clearly said 3 and 1/2 year ministry. Hence don't think his ministry lasted more than that, not to mention more than 10 years, though it didn't mention. Feel free to do search and study on the word. Don't just take my word. Traditionally to be high priest, at least 30 yo. Hence He started His ministry at 30yo (in Luke 3:23). Assumed that He was baptised about 40 days before Feast of Trumpet. 40 days and 40 nights temptation. Ministry started at Feast of Atonement, 8 days after Feast of Trumpet, in Luke 4:18-19, when He declared the acceptable year of the Lord in the synagogues. (Quoting from Isaiah 61:1-2) He is the Passover lamb, hence he was crucified on the Passover as the lamb, to fulfill all the Spring feasts: Unleavened Bread, Passover, First Fruit and Pentacost when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples. Born on Feast of Trumpet and crucified on Passover, mid of the week, Wednesday, rose on Sabbath, when Daniel 9:27 is about Yeshua, not antichrist. With Him crucified, no more sacrifice or offering is needed. Further sacrifice means one rejects Yeshua. Any sacrifice after Yeshua's crucifixion is abomination of desolation. God makes desolate the overspreading of abomination. He also fulfilled all the fall feasts. Born on Feast of Trumpet, circumcised on the Feast of Atonement. Presented at the Feast of Tabernacle, dwelt among His people, Luke 3:21-22. Yeshua's first coming fulfilled all the 7 feasts. Some believe that the acceptable year of the Lord can possible be a Jubilee Year (Luke 3:23, 4:18-19), which is every 50th year, immediately after 49th year sabbath year (Lev 25:8-10) I believe that our Father's timing is very precise and nothing is random is the bible. Hence won't be surprising that our Father chose the Jubilee Year to start His ministry. Let's say Yeshua started His ministry on the 80th Jubilee, it means from then till now only 40 Jubilee left till the fullness of gentiles, before He comes back. We are at the end of 2000 years. Hosea 6:2. Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning... Our Heavenly Father has declared the end from the day He created heavens and earth. One day is like a thousand year. 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4. Weeks in bible can mean literally weeks, or years. Anyway just my understanding of the Scripture. I can be wrong. Study the bible and compare different translations to find more evidence. Pray and do a search online, compare and make your own conclusions. But the devil is very subtle, he is full of deceptions. Test every spirit. Bible interprets bible. Amen.

  • @hanoitowerpriest7457
    @hanoitowerpriest74573 ай бұрын


  • @irisnov11
    @irisnov117 ай бұрын


  • @waitingfong6546
    @waitingfong65467 ай бұрын

    希律王在公元4年死姐,咁公元1、2年都生存緊ga ma.....

  • @fungws5867
    @fungws58677 ай бұрын


  • @chuenteo2177


    7 ай бұрын

    因為他們覺得主是以君王的身份出現。但主第一次來時,是以Servant Messiah的身份來。但第二次回來時,才是以King Messiah 的身份回來。加上猶太人和法利賽人先入為主,心硬,驕傲以及瞎眼。猶太人不承認主和主張要把主釘上十架。也是天父的旨意 - 主定要為我們的罪而死。第三日復活。再吩咐門徒把福音傳給我們外幫人。二千年的Fullness of Gentiles. 而舊約裡面的彌賽亞的確是以King Messiah回來。 Book of Zechariah最後幾章,全都是主再來時的預言。而主真的快回來了。很近啦。

  • @fungws5867


    7 ай бұрын


  • @davidmendes1389
    @davidmendes13897 ай бұрын


  • @zapcheng3611


    7 ай бұрын


  • @mingleung2651


    7 ай бұрын


  • @menghooihng6889


    7 ай бұрын


  • @winghimliu5278
    @winghimliu52787 ай бұрын


  • @catsit3970
    @catsit39707 ай бұрын


  • @chuenteo2177


    7 ай бұрын

    对。是没有0AD. 1BC直跳i到1AD。 耶稣应该是30岁开始ministrer,33.5被挂十字架。七年的三年半。Daniel 9:27指的是耶稣。并非敌基督。 耶稣应该是生于Feast of Trumpet or Sukkot. 这十五日内。 Haggai 2:18-19,如果那日子玛丽亚怀上耶稣的日子?往前计算,277日。预产大概就是Feast of Trumpet or Sukkot。当然都只是估计和猜测。产妇一般三十六周到四十周。277到281日。不可能是十二月二十五。 耶稣是犹太人。犹太人的七大节日是预表主耶稣自己。耶稣是天父所预备最完美无暇的Passover Lamb。所有都在旧约,申命记的献祭,里面预表了。每一个细节都不是偶然。

  • @catsit3970


    7 ай бұрын

    @user-cu6qi2nt8e 其實你係咪唔知我問咩?

  • @GgfgHhk
    @GgfgHhk7 ай бұрын

    聖經那一段經文說 不可佔星?

  • @kuenkwonglau9565


    7 ай бұрын


  • @christychaiml
    @christychaiml7 ай бұрын

    有没有可能主耶稣会比13/9 提早或延迟一个星期出生呢? 就如一般孕妇一样会提早或延迟。。。😅

  • @chuenteo2177


    7 ай бұрын


  • @evelyntsui3005
    @evelyntsui30057 ай бұрын


  • @p7306


    7 ай бұрын


  • @p7306
    @p73067 ай бұрын


  • @tamaster9940
    @tamaster99407 ай бұрын


  • @p7306
    @p73067 ай бұрын

    1.耶穌是神不是人 2.為什麼當時使徒、門徒、馬利亞、約瑟沒有慶祝生日? 3.若當祂是人,死後才慶祝/記念叫死忌。根本是在拜祭死人! 4.片中內容難道聖經學者、神學院院長、解經家不知道真相嗎?明知錯還要繼續錯,悔改吧! 5.熟讀舊約中的節期,反跟羅馬天主教的路走?神會喜悅人所訂的日子嗎?聽命於獻祭,祂根本沒有吩咐我們這樣行!

  • @kt-qh8mj
    @kt-qh8mj7 ай бұрын

    基督徒不應該慶祝 '''代罪羔羊"的生日吧🤭

  • @wingsumng2420
    @wingsumng24207 ай бұрын

    希伯來曆法 3994 尼散月 21日 除酵節的第七天 公元前7年 甲寅年 儒略曆三月二十五 四月七日 星期二 耶穌基督出生 牧羊座 希伯來曆法 3993 提斯利月 21日 儒略曆月日 公元前7年十月二十二日 星期四 施洗約翰出生 天秤座

  • @henrykum
    @henrykum7 ай бұрын

    12月25日是耶穌出生日,简直無稽之談。 只要信不要問。

  • @user-ii2ps5qo8r


    7 ай бұрын


  • @gloria8113


    7 ай бұрын

