【蕭邦的十大榜單】(第一名曲,1/10)Chopin's top 10 list(No 1),鋼琴詩人蕭邦首榜名曲《夜曲-9號》Nocturnes, Op. 9【古典音樂榜】

【古典音樂榜】精選從巴洛克時期巴赫開始至當代,古典音樂界舉世公認的入榜名曲、名家,呈現形式:TOP 5、10、20…100;十大榜單,等等--由JDHo何導編輯整理。
From the list of nonprofit organizations musopen
【Chopin's top 10 list】
01Nocturnes, Op. 9
02Ballade no. 1, Op. 23
03Etudes, Op. 25
04Fantaisie - Impromptu, Op. 66
05Etudes, Op. 10
06Waltz in A Minor, B. 150
07Nocturnes, Op. 48
08Polonaise in A-flat major 'Heroique', Op.53
09Ballade no. 4, Op. 52
10Waltzes, Op. 69
02叙事曲编号 1,Op.23
04 幻想即興曲,作品.66
06A小調圓舞曲,B. 150
08降A大調波蘭舞曲'Heroique' Op.53
09叙事曲4號,作品 52
10 圆舞曲华尔兹Waltzes,作品.69
【Frédéric Chopin 】
Born: 1st March 1810
Died: 17th October 1849
Birthplace: Zelazowa Wola, Poland
Frederic Francois Chopin was a Polish composer, virtuoso pianist, and music teacher of French-Polish parentage. He was one of the great masters of Romantic piano music. Chopin was born in Zelazowa Wola, a village in the Duchy of Warsaw. He was considered a child prodigy and, after completing his musical education and following the Russian suppression of the Polish 1830 Uprising, he settled in Paris. He supported himself as a composer and piano teacher, giving few public performances. From 1837 to 1847 he carried on a relationship with the French woman writer George Sand. For most of his life, Chopin suffered from poor health; he died in Paris in 1849 at the age of 39. The vast majority of Chopin's works are for solo piano, the most notable exceptions being his two concertos. His compositions, though technically demanding, emphasize nuance and expressive depth. Chopin invented the musical form known as 'instrumental ballade' and made major innovations to the piano sonata, mazurka, waltz, nocturne, polonaise, etude, impromptu, scherzo, and prelude.
出生于1810年3月1日卒于:1849年10月17日出生地:波兰Zelazowa Wola
弗雷德里克·弗朗索瓦·肖邦(Frederic Francois Chopin)是波兰作曲家,演奏家钢琴家和法国-波兰血统的音乐老师。他是浪漫钢琴音乐的伟大大师之一。肖邦出生于华沙公国的一个村庄Zelazowa Wola。他被认为是神童,在完成音乐教育后,在俄国镇压1830年波兰起义后,他定居巴黎。他自立为作曲家和钢琴老师,很少公开演出。从1837年到1847年,他与法国女作家乔治·桑(George Sand)保持着联系。肖邦一生的大部分时间都身体不好。他于1849年在巴黎去世,享年39岁。肖邦的作品绝大多数是为独奏钢琴创作的,最著名的例外是他的两首协奏曲。他的作品虽然在技术上要求很高,强调细微差别和表达深度。肖邦发明了被称为“乐器舞曲”的音乐形式,并对钢琴奏鸣曲,马祖卡,华尔兹,夜曲,波兰舞曲,练习曲,即兴演奏,谢尔佐和前奏曲进行了重大创新。

