香港青年獎勵計劃(AYP) Stay Sanitized Challenge🧼 你挑戰咗未啊?

雖然新冠肺炎既疫情係本地有所緩和,但我地「抗疫派」高手都要繼續集氣,為世界其他地方加油🌎💪🏻!唔係好熟悉個challenge點玩?機會黎喇😉,即刻禁入(KZread link),係我地KZread channel睇下兩位「飛雲」點樣完成挑戰🧠,一齊繼續同心抗疫啦!
The Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP) Stay Sanitized Challenge 🧼Have you accepted it?]
Although the COVID-19 situation is getting better in Hong Kong, we should keep on showing support and encouragement🌟 to the rest of the world by staying sanitized and positive🙌🏻. Not being familiar with the challenge👀? Just click into (KZread link) on our KZread channel to watch how the young people take the challenge🤛🏻. Let’s get through this challenging time together!
For more information, please check out:
