Writing a new solver with extended functions (Minghao Li, Chalmers University of Technology)

Tutorial at The 3rd UCL OpenFOAM Workshop
#programming #solver #function #paraview #openfoam #ucl #workshop
In 2017, Minghao Li graduated with a Master degree from the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology at Chalmers University of Technology. Since then, he has been working in providing CFD consultancy for various industrial problems. In OpenFOAM, Minghao has particular contributions to the development of novel fluid-structural interaction solvers. His research has been published in prestigious journals such as Marine Structures, Ocean Engineering and Ships and Offshore Structures. He has also given guest lectures at the 2nd UCL OpenFOAM Workshop, and remains a close collaborative relationship with the Marine Research Group of UCL.
The link for this session's material is:
