ទិវាបរិស្ថានពិភពលោក | World Environment Day

🌿🌏 Video Recap: Celebrating #WorldEnvironmentDay with VSO, Save the Children, and iDE Cambodia! 🌏🌿
With funding support from the European Union (European Union in Cambodia) and #UKAid, we came together to highlight the incredible work being done to promote sustainable practices and reverse the alarming decline of biodiversity. From educational workshops to interactive activities, our community gathered to learn, engage, and act.
With the theme "#OurLand. #OurFuture. We are #GenerationalRestoration," we are committed to preserving our environment for future generations. Let’s continue to work towards a greener, healthier future for Cambodia and our planet. Every small action counts! 🌱💧🌿
#WorldEnvironmentDay2024 #ProtectOurPlanet #SustainableCambodia

