Women's Suffrage in Black and White

Join LSC-CyFair Library and National Park Service Ranger Susan Philpott of the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument for an engaging presentation on the women's suffrage movement. Alice Paul famously said that to her, “there is nothing complicated about ordinary equality.” However, the history of the woman suffrage movement shows that time and again issues such as race did complicate efforts to win women the vote. From the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 to the streets of Washington D.C. in 1913 to Southern statehouses in 1920, many women of color found themselves excluded from the front lines of the movement and pushed to the background, sometimes quite literally. National Parks Service Ranger Susan Philpott of the Belmont Paul Women’s Equality Monument will tell this story through the words of the women who were there, struggling against the sexism of the society as well as the racism of many in their own ranks. #womenshistorymonth #womenshistory #womenssuffrage #votingrights

