Women in engineering with amazing STEM careers

At Careers with STEM, we're proud to have profiled lots of women in engineering combining STEM with their 'X' - their passion, interest or another field. To celebrate International Women in Engineering Day on June 23, here are five women in engineering doing amazing things!
1. Veronica Corinaldi, pavement engineer:careerswithstem.com.au/profil...
2. Dr Anastasia Volkova, aerospace engineer: careerswithstem.com.au/profil...
3. Hope Sneddon, graduate engineer: careerswithstem.com.au/profil...
4. Danika Smith, water engineer: careerswithstem.com.au/profil...
5. Amelia Luu, robotics field engineer: careerswithstem.com.au/profil...
Find more STEM role models on our website: careerswithstem.com.au/

