Withered Times


As a country that exports mainly agricultural products, Morocco has been severely affected by the recent drought. Every citizen has seen the affects both financially and environmentally. But those who have witnessed it harsher than any other, are farmers. My intent of choosing this topic, is to highlight a small sample of the suffering, that small farmers and their livestock have been enduring for the last 5 years. Not only the farmers, but the land and animals inhabiting the area of Sale-Sehhoul, have been greatly affected by the drought. “Ghrib” being one of those farmers who has last all hope in regard to having a better chance this coming year, as he struggles to even have enough food to provide the remaining cows he has. Even the few trees he has planted have began to wither due to the strong and abnormal heat that has struck these past few weeks. Although he does hold strongly to his optimism about the future, it is obvious that this cannot be sustainable for future months. I hope that this project will serve as a reminder that although the drought has affected everyone to a certain extent, we must keep in mind that farmers such as Ghrib are contemplating on whether they will be able to survive the next month or not…

