Wisconsin Dells, Kalahari Resort Spring Break getaway! Fun Vlog, tons of info! (Part one)

Wisconsin Dells, Kalahari Resort and Conventions lobby tour, Kalahari Resort Waterpark tour, Ticos Watering Hole, Leopard's Lair, Wave Runner, Wave pool, Lazy River, Kalahari Resort suite room tour, Mac's, Marconi and Cheese Shop

Пікірлер: 16

  • @CM6G.

    me and my family are going there soon (for the like 8 times) and it literally feels like paradise on earth. and it reminds me of happier times. glad you had fun!

  • @tiffanyross5109

    I been there a lot and it is fun

  • @Brandblox526
    @Brandblox526 Жыл бұрын

    Hello! Thanks for this video! Me, my brother, mom, dad, cousin, aunt, and hopefully my best friend are all going. This video make me really want to go. Also on the same week you recorded this vid I went to the great wolf lodge in Wisconsin on my spring break but on Friday - Sunday. The Wisconsin great wolf lodge was so fun for my 2021 and 2022 trip! Now it's time for Kalahari :-)

  • @elizabethandbriceida
    @elizabethandbriceida Жыл бұрын

    I love the place thanks for share the video !😃😃

  • @kingseymore3197
    @kingseymore3197 Жыл бұрын

    would u recommend the wilderness or kalahari

  • @kingseymore3197
    @kingseymore3197 Жыл бұрын

    and how many water parks are at kalahari?

  • @ssoolee4369


  • @ssoolee4369


  • @alexkoehler7982
    @alexkoehler7982 Жыл бұрын


  • @ssoolee4369
