Winterreise, D. 911: No. 5, Der Lindenbaum 슈베르트 겨울나그네 5번 보리수


Franz Schubert: Der Lindenbaum (from Winterreise), Op. 89 N. 5.
D Major transposition (original: E Major), for low voice.
Recorded by Jordi Castellà []
Jordi Castellà (Piano) / Kook In, Han (Baritone)
5. 보리수 (Der Lindenbaum)
가장 유명한 민요풍의 노래이다. 폭풍의 효과 나뭇잎의 움직임을 묘사한 피아노 반주가 돋보인다. 청년은 한밤중에 불어닥친 돌풍 속을 뚫고 거리를 떠나지만 마음은 그곳에서 맴돈다. “성문 앞 우물가에 서 있는 한 그루 보리수, 나는 그 그늘에서 꿈을 꾸었다, 갖가지 달콤한 꿈을. 나는 그 나무 밑동에 숱한 사랑의 말을 새겼다, 기쁠 때나 슬플 때나 내 마음은 거기에 이끌렸다. 나는 지금도 깊은 한밤의 고요 속에 그 곁을 지나야 했다, 캄캄한 어둠 속이었으나 두 눈을 감았다…… .”
[네이버 지식백과] 슈베르트, 겨울 나그네 [Franz Peter Schubert, Die Winterreise D. 911] (클래식 명곡 명연주, 네이버)
Der Lindenbaum
German source: Müller, Wilhelm
Am Brunnen vor dem Tore,
Da steht ein Lindenbaum;
Ich träumt’ in seinem Schatten
So manchen süssen Traum.
Ich schnitt in seine Rinde
So manches liebe Wort;
Es zog in Freud’ und Leide
Zu ihm mich immer fort.
Ich musst’ auch heute wandern
Vorbei in tiefer Nacht,
Da hab’ ich noch im Dunkel
Die Augen zugemacht.
Und seine Zweige rauschten,
Als riefen sie mir zu:
Komm her zu mir, Geselle,
Hier findst du deine Ruh’!
Die kalten Winde bliesen
Mir grad’ in’s Angesicht,
Der Hut flog mir vom Kopfe,
Ich wendete mich nicht.
Nun bin ich manche Stunde
Enfernt von jenem Ort,
Und immer hör’ ich’s rauschen:
Du fändest Ruhe dort!
The Linden Tree
English translation © Richard Wigmore
By the well, before the gate,
stands a linden tree;
in its shade I dreamt
many a sweet dream.
In its bark I carved
many a word of love;
in joy and sorrow
I was ever drawn to it.
Today, too, I had to walk
past it at dead of night;
even in the darkness
I closed my eyes.
And its branches rustled
as if they were calling to me:
‘Come to me, friend,
here you will find rest.’
The cold wind blew
straight into my face,
my hat flew from my head;
I did not turn back.
Now I am many hours’ journey
from that place;
yet I still hear the rustling:
‘There you would find rest.’
#schubert #winterreise #baritone #Wilhelm #mueller #der #lindenbaum #deutsch #score #classic #musicscore
#슈베르트 #겨울나그네 #바리톤 #독일가곡 #보리수 #성악가 #스코어 #악보동영상

