Winner of the ESA 2023 Rojan Balzer receiving Jury-Feedback

Rojan Balzer receives a special appreciation by the jury.
In this Video, you see Manuel Stöbel giving professional feedback to participant Rojan Balzer, who did not only win the hearts of the audience in Stuttgart in 2023 with his interactive speech on "Emotional Intelligence". Rojan Balzer also won 1st price!! With a unanimous decicion by the jury.
Coming up next... the event is going to be in Brussels, Belgium on June 1st, 2024.
If you want to be attending the next ESA in Brussels as a guest or as a speaker up on stage, please send your request to
If you want to be up on stage as a speaker, please apply with the potential title of your speech and a short CV.
Speeches can be in German or English.
More info under
