Wide Grip Neutral Pulldown


What is it?
This back exercise that will work your upper and lower lats giving you a wider and stronger frame. A different exercise pertaining to the pulldown family, the Wide Grip Neutral Pulldown is excellent for beginner and advanced athletes.
How to do it:
(1) Sit down on a pull-down machine with a wide grip neutral bar attached to the top pulley. Make sure that you adjust the knee pad of the machine to fit your height. (2) Grab the bar with the palms facing forward using the prescribed grip. (3) As you have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar at the chosen grip width, bring your torso back around 30 degrees or so while creating a curvature on your lower back and sticking your chest out. This is your starting position. (4) Pull down the bar and on the bottom pause for 2 seconds. (5) Finally, extend your arms back to the original position and repeat.

