Why you don’t want an OBM who does everything

Leanne Woff challenges the popular belief that Online Business Managers (OBMs) should be able to do everything. She explains that this mindset is rooted in the fear of having to do more work if multiple team members are involved. However, the role of an OBM is to manage and coordinate operations, not to carry them out single-handedly.
The host addresses common reasons for wanting an OBM who can do it all, such as having to find and communicate with only one person, feeling that the business isn't big enough for a team, and concerns about quality control. The host counters these arguments by pointing out that OBMs can help find and manage additional team members, that team size doesn't necessarily correlate with business size, and that quality control can be effectively maintained through a skilled OBM.
Leanne encourages to delve deeper into their reasons for wanting an OBM who can do everything and to consider the value of empowering OBMs to manage and strategise, thereby freeing up the business owner for innovation and growth. The episode is a part of a series on the topic, with the next one focusing on the potential negative consequences of having an OBM who does everything.
