Why we must get rid of Ofsted

Headteacher Ruth Perry took her life as a result of an Ofsted inspection of her school in Caversham. It's since been revealed that ten deaths have been a result of such inspections.
Here Louise Regan (NEU), Siobhan Collingwood (former headteacher) and Bonnie Ash (former teacher) discuss the damage done by Ofsted and its detrimental impact on education.

Пікірлер: 48

  • @Hide_and_silk
    @Hide_and_silk Жыл бұрын

    My niece, an outstanding and dedicated senior teacher, quit last year due to the stress. She said, and I quote, she would rather be an unpaid carer for her dad, cleaning her father's mess every day (doubly incontinent with dementia) than spend another day in school.

  • @martinsmith9947
    @martinsmith9947 Жыл бұрын

    I retired at 60, after 36 good years, rather than go through any more Ofsteds and rather than watching my lovely school taken over by the clueless Academy vultures. I tried to defend children from the awful culture Ofsted and the govt imposed on us all, but in the end you get burned out. Even now I feel a sense of guilt at abandoning them.

  • @gerrijacobs8426
    @gerrijacobs8426 Жыл бұрын

    So grateful to have heard these women’s testimonies. Let’s hope something gets done to create the education system we deserve.

  • @chinphantom
    @chinphantom Жыл бұрын

    Someone should secretly film these inspectors

  • @kimmnguni


    Жыл бұрын

    I think you’re right!!!

  • @dave07drummer
    @dave07drummer Жыл бұрын

    As a father of 2 children in primary school, this has made me genuinely scared for them and their teachers. Bearing in mind new laws to make it harder to home school have been implemented, we need to take action now.

  • @pushyc5722
    @pushyc5722 Жыл бұрын

    The anxiety and stress that OFTED that has caused the children, young people, staff and organisations that I have worked for has made me leave the profession after 24 years working with LAC. It’s sad 😢 please share this vid

  • @martinsmith9947
    @martinsmith9947 Жыл бұрын

    Great point about cognitive dissonance. A recipe for acute depression

  • @jamesboswell9324
    @jamesboswell9324 Жыл бұрын

    In a word: micromanagement. Look up micromanagement on the current Wikipedia entry and it reads: Micromanagement is generally considered to have a negative connotation, mainly because it shows a lack of freedom and trust in the workplace. Yep. And yet in spite of the known negative connotations micromanagement is symptomatic right thoroughout our society and this results in a complete lack of freedom and trust for us all.

  • @OrwellsHousecat
    @OrwellsHousecat Жыл бұрын

    Sooner or later someone will suggest ubiquitous surveillance for discreet assessment as a solution to site-visits.

  • @clifforddowler5765
    @clifforddowler5765 Жыл бұрын

    Ofsted and national curriculum were introduced at the same time as the teachers contracts of employment were imposed by act of parliament. Respected educationalists at the time warned of the dangers of this government control over the education system. The emasculated of local government at the same time meant that local control of education was destroyed

  • @annenunney9907
    @annenunney9907 Жыл бұрын

    Well done for this crispin this dear lady has had to die to put this stuff out their these tories for the last 13 years have done everything they can to undermind our teachers this is a total disgrace

  • @lizparker8431
    @lizparker8431 Жыл бұрын

    Ofsted has always been an unnecessary cudgel & has had no impact on school standards.

  • @Nine-Signs


    Жыл бұрын

    in general it seems it is often used to downgrade a school to make it easier for the case to be made for it being privatised by turning it into an "academy" which often results in the head staff being junked and new people brought in to manage on behalf of the academy "board" that has a CEO and that all get paid dividend payments from the academy effectively acting as a mass transfere of the budgets of education into the pockets of the capitalist minority. Which is the only reason you've ever heard of Toby Young and the only reason he is as rich as he is. He is an economic capitalist vampire suckling off of the education budgets for children.

  • @adrianplatt6328


    Жыл бұрын

    Unnecessary, expensive, ineffective, politically driven, sometimes egotistical and completely unfit for purpose. I have been bewildered over the years about our total lack of challenge to this system. Our politicians seem not to know best.

  • @bobcosmic
    @bobcosmic Жыл бұрын

    Ofsted needs to Fox off and Trot on !

  • @teresasteele5327
    @teresasteele5327 Жыл бұрын

    Love these teachers, and by gum Siobhan Collingwood looks to have been a fantastic head teacher. I was support staff, cleaning and maintenance, at my local high school, and I watched how things changed in school over the last 14 years. I left in the Summer of 2021, as Ms Collingwood said the government have made it impossible for teachers to teach with all these regulations and the curriculum that quite rightly she said wasn't fit for purpose, and the mishandling of covid by the government just made it even more impossible. It's sad that we lose staff like this, people who really care about our children. Listen to the late Sir Ken Robinson and how he said that creative learning is essential, and here the government creates this system to strip these from the curriculum.

  • @OrwellsHousecat
    @OrwellsHousecat Жыл бұрын

    What's a better way to maintain & assess schools?

  • @sososoprano1


    Жыл бұрын

    The old school inspection system was much better. Inspectors observed and advised, sharing expertise in a respectful, kindly way.

  • @casteretpollux
    @casteretpollux Жыл бұрын

    How much of this started under Blair?

  • @sgbh8874
    @sgbh8874 Жыл бұрын

    When I was attending college, about 20 years ago, we had a heads up that OFSTED where coming in to inspect us. On the day of the inspection, the college pulled out all the stops to give a good impression. They got a decent review, but in truth the college and teaching were really of a poor standard, which was totally missed.

  • @mikeharvey9811
    @mikeharvey9811 Жыл бұрын

    Why not fund all schools properly and take away the huge subsidies that schools like Eton get. Our children deserve the best, watch novara media Ash Sarkar interview on Sunday. Barb

  • @davidragnoli5162
    @davidragnoli5162 Жыл бұрын

    Its sad but people are far to delicate.

  • @raoulmontefiore4803


    5 ай бұрын

    People are delicate!

  • @mikeharvey9811
    @mikeharvey9811 Жыл бұрын

    My daughters a teacher……barb

  • @matthewboddum7723
    @matthewboddum7723 Жыл бұрын

    Ofsted is not a neutral arbiter. The head of Ofsted is appointed by the DfE, which is Tory. Many of them don't want state schools at all so what sort of outcome do you expect to arise if not the destruction of the current system?

  • @michaelarloff1396
    @michaelarloff1396 Жыл бұрын

    Baby and bathwater come to mind. Why get rid of it, not make it better?

  • @mossychops
    @mossychops Жыл бұрын


  • @Starshine2007
    @Starshine2007 Жыл бұрын

    16:39 Sorry Hippy, but you better be rich because you are not preparing you children for the REAL W:ORLD. If they can pass exams they still might find the world of work a shock because they have not experienced the 'pushy'. What about sports day? What about the social-skills of negaotiation? If school makes you hard enough to survive in the world of politics what is wrong with that? Use After-school, build the best of friendships shared around common interests. Make friends that last a lifetime. Your wrong missus! If they are getting bullied teach martial arts: start with boxing. Then,... Hang around the Arts block; or the music rooms. For Gods sake secondary is a society.! Be part of it. Even if your a Policeperson

  • @OrwellsHousecat
    @OrwellsHousecat Жыл бұрын

    Wmn complaining about scrutiny, accountability and responsibilities. 🙄

  • @sososoprano1


    Жыл бұрын

    That a hugely ill-informed comment.

  • @jamescooke6032
    @jamescooke6032 Жыл бұрын

    So are you saying schools shouldn't be inspected or rated? It's easy to say you don't like something, it's so much harder to recommend an alternative. What are you saying should replace ofsted?

  • @grantedwards648


    Жыл бұрын

    Invest the money spent on OFSTED into a supportive, on-going, training and development service for teachers, better salaries to attract the best talent, develop co-working between schools to share best practice/ deliver the best for young people rather than forcing them to compete with each other.

  • @jamescooke6032


    Жыл бұрын

    @@grantedwards648 so how do you evaluate if someone is doing a good job or not, or if a school is safe or not? How do parents know which schools are best suited to their children?

  • @MrDirkles


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@jamescooke6032 could you please keep your common sense to your self;). I'm writing to my MP and asking for all checks of nuclear power stations to be dropped in case it upsets someone.

  • @sirparnassusmang8947


    Жыл бұрын

    , @@MrDirkles Ha, ha, ha. Seriously, this is about more than 'upsetting' someone. However you know that and you're just being a twat.

  • @sirparnassusmang8947


    Жыл бұрын

    @@jamescooke6032 A school is a large community of people, they collaborate on best practice. There are internal means of observing lessons and looking at books. An LEA can send in consultants to observe good practice, to identify targets and then to offer support. I imagine you know all that. I suspect you delight in authoritarian crushing of the human spirit.

  • @ashleyKennedy5
    @ashleyKennedy5 Жыл бұрын

    Too many women in education, feminisation of education has thrown the boy out with the bathwater.

  • @casteretpollux


    Жыл бұрын

    Is that related to wages being too low do you think? Nothing wrong with women teachers. Gender balance is desirable but "feminisation' (whatever that is) is not the problem, it's the whole downgrading of the teaching role.

  • @sososoprano1


    Жыл бұрын

    You mean you don’t want boys to be well rounded human beings?