Why we foster with Dorset Council

We hear from Dorset Council's foster carers on why they foster, what support is available and why others should consider fostering a Dorset child or young person.
Dorset children and young people need more foster carers. When you foster with Dorset Council, you are helping to keep local children close to their family and friends and the places that are important to them.
We support our foster carers with 24/7 wrap-around support and extensive training. Depending on your skill level and the age of the children you are fostering, you could earn up to £708 per week.
Dorset Council operates the global award-winning Mockingbird family model, to build a supportive family network, that nurtures relationships between children, young people, and foster families.
Whether you’re looking for a new challenge or simply want to use your skills and experience to make a difference, we’d love to hear from you. Head to www.fosterwithdorsetcouncil.com to find out more.
