Why Football Fans Should Speak About Mental Health | ‘Talk More Than Football’ with Three


Chelsea FC, Three UK and VERSUS are coming together to inspire more football fans to speak about their mental health.
A love for football can be the shared interest that sparks some of the most significant friendships, relationships and communities in daily life - but new data suggests fans still don’t feel secure in talking about their mental health issues.
New research from Three shows over two-thirds of fans have struggled with their mental health, but one in three have never spoken to anyone about it. Only six percent admit talking about their mental wellbeing with people they watch or play sport with.
To illustrate the impact of speaking out and how football can be a supportive environment, we brought two Chelsea fans together to meet for the first time and ‘#TalkMoreThanFootball’.
Snake Denton is a journalist who’s suffered with mental health in relation to his own sexual identity, while Esther Elias is a community leader who’s faced anxiety throughout her life.
As lifelong Chelsea fans, we see them bond over a shared love of Stamford Bridge, talk about the support their football family gives them, and offer advice to any other fan who feels the need to open up for the first time.

