Friends of the Earth campaigner Muna Suleiman speaks to CARE International ahead of #March4Women this International Women's Day about how the climate emergency is also a crisis of gender equality.
If you want to see urgenct action on the climate emergency then join us on Sunday 8th March to #March4Women: www.careinternational.org.uk/...
So why is climate change a feminist issue?
The climate crisis has created a humanitarian crisis: an environmental and ecological crisis which is also a crisis of poverty and inequality.
People’s lives and livelihoods are at increasing risk because of climate-related emergencies. That literally means the lives and livelihoods of poor and vulnerable people. They are the ones who experience the impacts of climate change the most keenly and immediately. Rich people and rich nations - the ones most responsible for the carbon emissions that caused the climate crisis - are insulated from the same level of risk.
More and more poor and vulnerable people need humanitarian assistance to cope with the impacts of climate change.
Women and girls are hardest hit.
The burden of dealing with the impacts of the climate catastrophe falls harder on women and girls. They are the ones who pick up the pieces after extreme weather, droughts, floods, storms. They are the ones on the frontline when crops fail, when food is short, when water is scarce. They are the ones who provide for their families and support their communities.
We're delighted to partner with Friends of the Earth ( / friendsoftheearth ) for this year's #March4Women where we'll be taking to the streets to call on all governments, including the UK government, to ensure that urgent action on the climate emergency has gender justice at its core. Our four key demands are:
1. A rapid shift to net zero emissions
2. Women and youth front and centre of national climate plans
3. More funding for climate responses around the world
4. Specific funding for women’s groups, feminist organisations and local women leaders
