Why babies cry on the planes?

Ear pressure is described as a feeling of fullness in the ears. sometimes with pain and hearing difficulties. it can be caused by changes in altitude during flying. This is the main reason why babies cry on the plane.
Another cause for it is nasal allergies and upper respiratory infections like the common cold or the flu, due to inflammation and fluid buildup in the middle ear. Another simple cause is blocked ear from the presence of earwax.
Simple ways to prevent and treat ear pressure are by chewing gum, yawning and repeated swallowing. For babies you can give a bottle to drink during taking off or landing. Also, by removing the wax from ear canal in case of buildup. We can also give antihistamine and decongestant either spray or pills and refer the patient to Ear specialist if not improving.
Video shot by Galia Helbaoui and edited by Amer Helbaoui
