Why Are Planes So MISERABLE?

Today we're talking about planes being miserable.
What makes planes so miserable?
Long flights are one of my least favorite things in the world. I have been on many international flights, some upwards of 12 hours long. It never gets easier, it never gets better. But I have learned a lot on how to make those long flights not so bad.
Being in a cramped metal tube flying hundreds of miles per hour at 30,000 feet in the air is not a recipe for a good time. At least not for me.
One of the factors I talk about is dehydration. That bloated, dizzy, tired feeling you feel while flying is often linked to dehydration. The reason you get so dehydrated is simple: the cabins of planes have very low humidity levels. The average plane has 20% humidity, that’s less than the Sahara Desert! That dry air is looking for moisture, and where do you think it gets it from? That’s right, us! Humans contain 70% water, nice and ripe for the air to suck dry.
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I provide the latest travel tips to help you effectively travel without spending a ton of money. Having the opportunity to see 18 countries over the last four years has instilled a passion for traveling, and even more so for doing it on a budget.
