🚀Why Accountability is Key to Real Estate Success…🔓

🚀Why Accountability is Key to Real Estate Success…
🔓 Unlock Your Potential…
As a leader, a huge part of my job is to provide accountability for the agents who look to me to lead them. I don't mean micro-manager-type accountability, but instead, encouragement to step out of their comfort zones each day to do the tasks necessary to build a self-sustaining business. Let's be honest, that's where most agents fall flat. It's easy to do a day of prospecting, but to truly create a daily time block and stick to it is a totally different story.
At Home and Key Real Estate, we make this as easy as possible while still placing the responsibility in the hands of our agents. With consistent accountability, actions become habits. We all know that talking to people on cold calls gets much easier with repetition. The easiest way to get repetition is to pick up the phone every day and call. If shooting videos is the best vehicle for driving business for a particular agent, we help them create custom scripts and practice their scripting. No matter what the activity is, we meet our agents where they are to help them build the skills necessary to create a long-lasting business.
If you're interested in learning about how our accountability works or how it could amplify your business, just shoot me a text or give me a call at 508-789-8529.
