Wholesome Sex Education skit For Kids//MY BODY IS PRIVATE(Lesson 1)

Sex education should start by laying a very solid foundation about a child's body, the different parts and their functions. For ages, children were taught that their body is divided into private part and public parts. This innocent, but misleading teaching could be part of the reason why many kids are usually not quick enough to say NO at the beginning of sexual abuse. This is so because sexual touch does not usually start from the genitals. It could start from any where. The child could sense that something is wrong,but wouldn't know how to react since the 'private' part is not being touched. So suddenly the touch goes the wrong way and the child is trapped.
SO WHAT SHOULD I TEACH MY KID? Simple! Just teach your child that his/her body is private. Once the touch doesn't feel okay he/she should stop the offender and report the matter.
Watch our skit to learn more and do not forget to subscribe to our channel for more lessons.
