Who's to BLAME For Ferrix? ANDOR THEORY


#StarWars #Andor #Ferrix #andorshow #dedrameero #dedra #andorseason2 #andortheory
The Andor Finale was nothing short of a disaster, at least from an imperial perspective. You can be sure that after the riot that went down on Ferrix, someone’s head is going to be placed on a chopping block but the question is who will it be? And is that person really to blame for what went down.
The easiest person to blame for the absolute mess that went down on Rix Road would probably be Dedra. Afterall, she was the leader of the operation and the commanding officer. So if anyone would be held directly responsible it would probably be her. And if you take a look at how she conducted the entire operation, she did make some really questionable decisions. For the most part she got it right. She chose to keep the imperial presence light during the funeral, and specifically instructed for there to be no snipers on the roof in order to make sure that they wouldn’t spook Cassian. To lure him into a false sense of security and then spring the trap on him. All of which makes quite a bit of sense. What she also got right was to try to and keep the Imperial search for Cassian quiet, not wanting to alert the locals that the imperials were after someone. Possibly even trying to avoid provoking them to aid or help Cassian. So a covert operation as the funeral was being carried out was definitely the right choice.
However, she also made a lot of questionable decisions. By issuing orders for a light imperial presence at the funeral to not spook Cassian, she also potentially sacrificed the security of the HQ, and also lower the chances of someone spotting Cassian. Sure you don’t want to spook the local people with a massive rollout, but at the very least she could have at least placed a few soldiers in plain clothing, and scatter them throughout the crowd. Using only scouts on the roof and a few guards at the Imperial HQ isn’t a very effective strategy to catch someone in hiding. Had she decided to place more operatives throughout the crowd, they might have had a better chance of spotting Cassian. Now granted they probably wouldn’t have found anything since Cassian spent most of his time hiding in the door, but Dedra and the imperials didn’t really know that. At least not at first. So it was quite questionable as to why this wasn’t done, especially if you work for the ISB which is effectively the Empire’s secret police. You would think that they would have the knowledge and technical know-how to execute this sort of operation properly.
The second and possibly the biggest mistake I think Dedra made was deciding to go and find Cassian herself. While she is an ISB officer, it's pretty clear that as the riot erupted that she had very little combat experience. She is more of a desk officer than a field officer. So really it's kinda questionable as to why she wanted to find Cassian personally. Not only did she lack the necessary skills, and experience, I would argue that her decision to do so actually might have slowed down the efficiency of the operation. Instead, what she should have done is pick out a few highly trained soldiers to infiltrate the building Cassian was in, or even go door to door to flush him out. If I was her, I would probably have picked out a squad of death troopers or even use Attendant Corv as the mission leader, step back and let them do their job. Her walking around with her white coat really just sticks out like a sore thumb. Not to mention Dedra is the person that oversees the entire operation, she’s the person who makes all the decisions and needs to react accordingly. Executing an extraction mission should have been handed over to well trained and well equipped units like the Death Troopers or Stormtroopers. Afterall, that’s what they are trained to do...

Пікірлер: 86

  • @frappes_
    @frappes_ Жыл бұрын

    Dedra wanted Cassian alive so bad, more so because the rest of the ISB just massacred Kreegyr and his men without anyone to interrogate to gain more information.

  • @frappes_


    Жыл бұрын

    That news Dedra learned only exacerbated Dedra's desire to excel and get information.

  • @TheRumblewagon
    @TheRumblewagon Жыл бұрын

    You didn't mention that Partagaz himself proclaimed that the ISB doesn't handle security, that's for the military to do. The military was supposed to limit the crowd and limit the time the funeral was to take place. That went out of control when the large crowd showed up at an earlier time. Dedra cannot do her job as well as the military's.

  • @wordlesslfiddling


    5 ай бұрын

    That's what I was going to say you can't blame dedra for having a small force and not having people in the crowd when they expecting 400 not the whole city It's kind of the whole point of the show the empires overconfidence and thinking they can do whatever they want and people will listen but when you press hard enough eventually people will have had enough and stop listening

  • @miragewizard
    @miragewizard Жыл бұрын

    Dedra will surely blame Teego, but you are absolutely right; they should have known that Andor would try to free Bix. If Dedra were smart, she would have been sitting next to Bix the whole time with a few Death Troopers at a moment's signal.

  • @Fafnerluver922
    @Fafnerluver922 Жыл бұрын

    They panicked. Power doesn't panic.

  • @Lobsterwithinternet


    Жыл бұрын

    Memento Mori.

  • @Lobsterwithinternet


    Жыл бұрын

    Power always panics. The successful ones can hide their panic while dealing with the cause of their panic.

  • @juancabardo21


    8 ай бұрын

    Great callback to the line in ep10. That’s why they lost ultimately. They panicked and opened fire on the civilians. Word is going to spread of this. The galaxy will awake, just like Ferrix did.

  • @richardlahan7068
    @richardlahan7068 Жыл бұрын

    Agreed. Dedra going after Cassian on her own was a mistake. This is the same mistake that Admiral Yamamoto made at Midway by deciding to go to sea with the Midway invasion force. Once on board his flagship, he was just along for the ride and couldn't command because of the communications blackout.

  • @satnite325
    @satnite325 Жыл бұрын

    Dedra's biggest failing is forgetting the ultimate goal for finding Cassian. She wanted to uncover the rebel network, when in fact the rebellion was happening right there and the actions of the Stormtroopers on Ferric only made the rebellion stronger. She's in a forest looking for a specific tree.

  • @idy3176


    4 ай бұрын

    "Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause. Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere."

  • @taste_is_sweet
    @taste_is_sweet Жыл бұрын

    I was honestly amazed it didn't occur to Dedra that Cassian might try to rescue Bix. Considering Bix had already revealed he'd specifically gone to see her when he snuck back onto Ferrix after Aldani, Bix must have made it clear they were at least friends, if not former lovers. It seemed obvious to put troops near to where they were keeping Bix even on the off chance he'd try to see her.

  • @TheLostAcolyte


    Жыл бұрын

    I think it plays into the whole the empire are too fat and satisified thing that cassian mentions where you can just walk in. They were probably too arrogant to realise that one man could break in.

  • @taste_is_sweet


    Жыл бұрын

    @@TheLostAcolyte That's a good point, which I can certainly buy in general. Dedra seemed smarter than that, though. And with her ability to piece together apparently disparate pieces of information, it's odd she wouldn't have put together what she knew about Cassian's abilities (pulling off a major raid), his relationship with Bix, the fact he would most likely be there for his mom's funeral and probably find out about Bix, and come to the conclusion they needed more than one dude wandering around the hallway. Then again, it's possible the guards she did put in the hotel were outside trying to control the much larger than authorized crowd...

  • @sophieamandaleitontoomey9343


    Жыл бұрын

    I think the whole mistake of the empire in general is that they’re always too close minded. They pick a goal, focus all their attention on said goal, and as a result, never see the other possibilities that might interrupt it. And that’s why they always fail.

  • @taste_is_sweet


    Жыл бұрын

    @@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 Fair. I can buy that.

  • @mikicoal


    Жыл бұрын

    She's not thinking like a person. She's thinking that everybody thinks like she does, and making decisions based on that. In Inglorius Basterds, Hans Lander makes a similar comment about not thinking like the enemy,

  • @uptownkittydc
    @uptownkittydc Жыл бұрын

    Dedra is a bad guy now but I have so much respect for the actor playing her. She's great 🙂🙂

  • @uptownkittydc


    Жыл бұрын


  • @DarthPlaya
    @DarthPlaya Жыл бұрын

    Nice theories, thumbs up given. It stands to reason that we won't know Dedra's immediate repercussions (unless there are flashbacks) to the riot on Ferrix since season two has been reported to start with a one year time jump from the end of season one. Depending on how that goes, we could find Dedra either promoted or demoted or even vacationing on the beach on Niamos with her new Boo Cyril. 🤷🏽‍♂🤣

  • @blaknyte1


    Жыл бұрын

    Supervisor Blevin blocked off all the corpos had to say blaming all for the disaster at Ferrix. The mob, the riots, the dead plus Andor and Bix escaping, ISB (maybe Partagaz) will initiate the investigation. Meero, probably suspended

  • @Fistfullofpizza
    @Fistfullofpizza Жыл бұрын

    There WAS a show of force, they even said that in the show. The snipers were removed only because she understood the importance of capturing Andor alive. There were undercover operatives in the crowd. The number of troopers deployed were initially small because they were trying to capture someone in what was supposed to be a crowd of 40 max but there were probably 400 in attendance. Deedra went there to ensure that her orders were followed. She was given information about crowd size and public compliance that weren't correct and calamity ensued as a result. So, will she be lambasted for the blunder? Probably. At least we agree on one thing.

  • @IonIsFalling7217


    Жыл бұрын

    Right? Peak Tarkin Doctrine. Absolutely in line with Imperial rule in general, and the reason the Rebellion exists.

  • @smilingwolf7259
    @smilingwolf7259 Жыл бұрын

    The other mistake Dedra Meero made ... and it's a big one ... is AFTER noting that overreaction is what the rebels wanted, she decided NOT to learn about the people in Ferrix. Had she learned about her enemy, she'd have learned that torturing a local TO DEATH (or close to death and then signing off on the hanging of the local) was only going to incite the populous: essentially, she tortured TWO well-known, respected and loved members of a close-knit COMMUNITY. The Empire acts like crabs in a bucket, at times ... clawing over each other to reach the top. They also are very much like what Andor described: too big to care. So, they (as a whole) don't understand "community" or loyalty to members/colleagues/peers: the idea that torturing "a single person" would have an impact on hundreds of people doesn't enter their minds ... or they simply don't care. And that's where they INSPIRED others to rebel rather than marginalize or quash the thought of rebellion. She, like her colleagues, feel no need to research: despite their collective fantasy, they are not a "scalpel" that professionally cuts out disease, they are a "MALLET" that just squashes what looks diseased and, as a result, just frees what had been contained

  • @IsaacKuo
    @IsaacKuo Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, I agree that Blevin's going to use Tigo to get the Morlana sector back from Dedra. The thing is, the Empire doesn't really care whether or not Dedra is truly to blame, just like they didn't care whether the Chief Inspector was to blame. What really matters is the bad timing - Dedra's Ferrix fiasco ruined Partagaz's Kreegyr victory lap. So yeah, Partagaz will be hopping mad and Dedra's going to bear the brunt of it. He's not going to really care whether or not Blevin's dirt on her is entirely valid. Of course, Dedra will notice Bix was rescued, and she'll quickly connect the dots that Cassian Andor conducted an Aldani style raid to distract the garrison and rescue Bix. She'll use this to defend herself, but Partagaz will demand verifiable evidence of her claims - which she can't provide. She'll be left with the impression that Cassian Andor is far more dangerous than anyone realized (except for Syril). The interesting thing is ISB Supervisor Lonni Jung. Luthen has ordered him to encourage Dedra's investigation of Cassian Andor and Axis. Luthen was gaslighting Lonni, lying to him that Dedra was wasting time investigating Cassian and Axis. So, Dedra will find Lonni an unexpected lone ally, and this will make her trust Lonni more than the others.

  • @robhughes8198


    Жыл бұрын

    Great insight! I love that you can do all this when the writing is proper.

  • @TheLostAcolyte


    Жыл бұрын

    Great points!

  • @artboymoy
    @artboymoy Жыл бұрын

    It's just the Empire and the draconian rules and laws they passed. Stepping on people will just make more people step up.

  • @caesarg.9270


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, I feel like saying any individual is most responsible kind of misses the point. The empire tortured and murdered members of this community. The Empire begrudgingly allowed them to have the ceremony in order to capture Cassian, but ordered it to be delayed by 2 hours and only permitted a small audience. We saw how dismissive they were with local customs and organizations. When finally the locals had enough, they disregarded the Empire's orders anyway, catching the Imperials unprepared. Sure, Imperial officers and soldier could've done things differently, but the riot on Ferrix is ultimately the culmination of a long series of Imperial oppression, not merely the consequence of any one person's actions.

  • @badideabearcub2747
    @badideabearcub2747 Жыл бұрын

    Well, although Ferrix was a fiasco, the Kreegyr raid was Dedra's idea, so her boss knows that although inexperienced, she is a good asset. I think that she would be demoted or publicly scolded to appease her colleges, but kept in an area where she could be useful. Wouldn't be interesting if she is assigned to work under Lonni Jung?

  • @ericepperson8409
    @ericepperson8409 Жыл бұрын

    Dedra made a mistake being at the street level, rather than being able to direct it from a high vantage point. Captain Tigo is absolutely to blame for escalating the situation which endangered the mission and allowed Cassian to rescue Bix and escape. I'd bet Dedra is able to cast enough of the failure on Tigo to stay in the ISB, but at a lower standing.

  • @mikicoal
    @mikicoal Жыл бұрын

    Dedra will have Tigo arrested on suspicion of sabotaging the mission in coordination with a local Rebellion cell. She outranks him, and the charge will be taken seriously enough that he will be interrogated by the full force of the Empire, and anything he says in his own defence will be used as evidence of his guilt. Dedra will get off scott free, because if she's punished for Tigo's mistakes, her boss will be punished for hers. Eventually, it will transpire that by some amazing stroke of good fortune, she's actually right, and that Tigo was in fact in league with Axis the whole time, and the riot was designed to stop the Empire from finding Cassian, and spark rebellion.

  • @melanienolley


    Жыл бұрын

    Thoughtful ideas.

  • @FJStudios-hu4tf


    10 ай бұрын

    Tigo ordered the stormtroopers to open fire though not a very helpful ally for the rebellion he also wanted Paat to be hung

  • @mikicoal


    10 ай бұрын

    @@FJStudios-hu4tf I would disagree about it not being helpful for the rebellion. To spark a rebellion, you often have to sacrifice some of your own pawns in furtherance of the larger cause. Ordering Tigo to open fire on the crowds at this key moment to incite a riot and hatred of the empire, is exactly the sort of thing Luthen would do.

  • @FJStudios-hu4tf


    10 ай бұрын

    @@mikicoal oh good point I didn’t think about Luthen really definitely something he’d do to get a rebellion started

  • @river718
    @river718 Жыл бұрын

    Spoiled rich boy playing toy soldier is at fault, he disobeyed Dedra Meero…

  • @kingbooomer9231
    @kingbooomer9231 Жыл бұрын

    Teego (The Imperial Army/Garrison Force) and Dedra (The Imperial Security Bureau) are both equally to blame, and ultimately the criticism would most likely fall onto Teego because the Emperor cant afford to embarrass the ISB. Dedra should've overrode command with PORD and Teego should've had soldiers use stun on their weapons, preventing a martyrdom of Ferrix.

  • @shanent5793
    @shanent5793 Жыл бұрын

    Dedra had to be there to execute the first storm trooper that took a shot at Cassian

  • @ikediamond
    @ikediamond Жыл бұрын

    There was nothing light about the imperial presence during the funeral

  • @sophieamandaleitontoomey9343
    @sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 Жыл бұрын

    It’s why the Empire has always failed. They’re really not as smart as they think they are. Yes they’re vicious and resourceful when it comes to accomplishing a goal like capturing Cassian in this case. But because they always get so focused on said goal, they never see the possibilities of failure in said plans and how to prepare for them. In this case, they were not prepared to attack Ferrix when they fought back or that Cassian would try to rescue Bix or that Cassian is a lot smarter than they expected he would be. Dedra also made another mistake when she allowed a civilian to be hanged and expect that the citizens wouldn’t fight back. She and her team were so focused on Cassian that they didn’t see the real problem right in front of them by coming into Ferrix and trying to disrespect them and their culture. Ultimately it’s why the Empire always fails. They have always been too narrow minded to see a full picture.

  • @blaknyte1
    @blaknyte1 Жыл бұрын

    Ferrix is bad luck to the empire

  • @Lobsterwithinternet


    Жыл бұрын

    Makes me hope the Empire doesn't ‘restore order’ there.

  • @cye58
    @cye58 Жыл бұрын

    It was his fault if would have kept on mission. Which was to catch Cassian and kept his cool and not excite the crowd he would have caught him. She told him repeatedly. That was the mission. 👁️

  • @fleuryjean-francois8704
    @fleuryjean-francois87045 ай бұрын

    There is an alternative. The people at the head of the Empire are bloodthirsty with the people opposing them. Tarkin is one example of this. I bet that, in this world, in first she will fear blame for this and will tell to the major partagaz that she takes full responsability of the events on Ferrix but in a second time, she will be informed of her promotion to something because the bloody-repression-thing is so much what imperial officials like. As she has already negatively reacted to the decision to increase criminal penalties for offenses and crimes against the empire, seeing that it will push the people toward rebellion, I imagine she will be informed of her promotion to her great dismay, seeing the grotesque absurdities of the Galactic Empire laid out before her.Perhaps, Perhaps, it could incite her to begin thinking that some replacements at the head of the Empire could be a necessity.

  • @84Actionjack
    @84Actionjack Жыл бұрын

    Who emptied the HQ leaving only one guard for the prisoner? Who gave a permit then interfered with the funeral causing a riot which also gave cover for the escaped prisoner? If he was actually working with the rebellion, he couldn't have been more help. My question is was he picked for that assignment specifically for his incompetence or were all the personnel assigned in that sector incompetent? Think they got a ready fall guy; maybe his previous boss too.

  • @Fistfullofpizza


    Жыл бұрын

    I agree. Worst case, this might alleviate some of the fallout back at ISB.

  • @84Actionjack


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Fistfullofpizza Note also, the ISB doesn't have any real evidence either Andor or 'Axis' was even there. It should appear entirely a local event motivated by the local commander. That's two inside jobs.

  • @acriticwithoutacause8983
    @acriticwithoutacause8983Ай бұрын

    in defense of Dedra, she had to be reminding her army to not shoot Cassian. She couldn't fully rely on them. It seemed like they didn't want to risk anything & kill him & "get the job done". & so Dedra couldn't help but see things herself.

  • @elftax
    @elftax9 ай бұрын

    Hope the blame falls on Major Partagaz, he is a competent leader & bureaucrat but also the kind of person that’s purged in a dictatorship when it’s under threat.

  • @michaelhopkins2965
    @michaelhopkins2965 Жыл бұрын

    How are you going to conduct counter surveillance with plainclothes personnel in the crowd? Ferrix is a very close society. They put the ashes of the dead in bricks and build with them. They will know strangers.

  • @michaellalli7693
    @michaellalli7693 Жыл бұрын

    Over zealous ISB

  • @leslie3937
    @leslie3937 Жыл бұрын

    I wished this could all get sussed out. But with only one season left, I don’t think it can.

  • @bugs7253
    @bugs7253 Жыл бұрын

    This is the Boston Massacre

  • @cye58
    @cye58 Жыл бұрын

    Sir I digress as the captain of the ship she is going to go down how hard we'll see next season. 😭

  • @Iden_Elihio_1999
    @Iden_Elihio_1999 Жыл бұрын

    7:58 Yeah I didnt get that ....

  • @JohanHerrenberg
    @JohanHerrenberg Жыл бұрын

    Dedra already gave Tigo free rein with Paak. Good analysis!

  • @blaknyte1


    Жыл бұрын

    Only in disposing of Paak

  • @JohanHerrenberg


    Жыл бұрын

    @@blaknyte1 Yes. But in that way she indulged his shortsighted use of public violence.

  • @blaknyte1


    Жыл бұрын

    Meero should have known Tigo has to be on a short leash

  • @Fistfullofpizza


    Жыл бұрын

    Did she though? He was placed by her predecessor who understood his twisted power hungry nature.

  • @JohanHerrenberg


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Fistfullofpizza Blevin installed him, that's correct. But she was unthinking when she allowed him to hang Paak. And a bit inconsistent, too. When the Empire lashes out after Aldhani, she is critical, because it'll strengthen resistance. And here she makes the same mistake...

  • @louisinjoliet8546
    @louisinjoliet8546 Жыл бұрын

    Dedra's fault. The goal for the ISB is not Cassian, but Axis. The operation was designed to capture Cassian. That required too many people exposed out in the open which, as we saw, drove Cassian into the shadows. They never laid eyes on Cassian. What should have happened was a smaller clandestine operation to acquire a visual on Cassian and then follow him. Let him lead the ISB to Axis. But no. The disaster on Ferrix caused: 1) Failure to obtain the main goal of nabbing Cassian; 2) Lost of an important asset in Bix; 3) Assassination of an ISB operative by knifing; and 4) A flashpoint riot that will easily spread. The knifing was worse than the loss of personnel and equipment during the riot because it means their cover was blown and they will not know why or how.

  • @Wedgekree
    @Wedgekree Жыл бұрын

    If Dedra was staying back to coordinate the operation she would likely be in the command center, which blew up. So she would likely have been incapacitated regardless. Her willingness to go to the field itself likely saved her life! ... But probably not her reputation. Given her lack of political acumen she probably won't be able to play teh game of 'CYOA' effectively.

  • @IonIsFalling7217
    @IonIsFalling7217 Жыл бұрын

    I just don’t understand why anyone questions Prefect Tigo’s covering up the funeral speech. He literally could not stand by and let treason happen. I would have had to do the same thing (although I like to think I would have pre-approved the speech before the funeral, but even then they could have switched it). I don’t think he’s incompetent; I think he’s using Imperial policy and is perfectly in line with the (flawed) Tarkin Doctrine. I’d also like to point out that if the sniper team had remained, they could have shot the droid when the treasonous speech started, and Prefect Tigo would not have had to endanger himself as the only person willing to do the dirty work necessary to stop it.

  • @bramijdema759


    4 ай бұрын

    Tigo’s decision to stop the speech was reasonable, but he screwed up in every other aspect of the situation. Of particular note are his complete cowardice when the situation begins to escalate (he only shouts one order and spends the entire riot he started hiding in a small street guarded by soldiers, safely away from the battle) and his order to open fire on the unarmed crowd. Every step he took made things go from bad to worse, that’s not even talking about his actions before the funeral, which were also incompetent.

  • @lokinakor1
    @lokinakor1 Жыл бұрын

    She will undoubtedly throw duder under the bus. He was in charge of the place. She shows up to do her thing, and all hell breaks loose because the guy in charge wasn't doing his job. Easy.

  • @thesharpercoder
    @thesharpercoder Жыл бұрын

    Planting Imperial troops in plain clothes among the crowd never would have worked. They would have been spotted immediately as strangers and aroused suspicions.

  • @Giddywiddy
    @Giddywiddy Жыл бұрын

    Dedra is to blame because they deemed "cultural activity" rebel activity after Aldhani but she permitted it

  • @MercenaryPen


    Жыл бұрын

    not quite the case- they merely said that where cultural activity was used as cover for rebel activity they would revoke tolerance

  • @jk802
    @jk802 Жыл бұрын

    Why was LT. Diedra in charge over CAPT, Tigo



    Жыл бұрын

    Different branches and Operational Command Authority, even in the real world sometimes a higher rank answers to a lower one because of operational authority.

  • @tedarcher9120
    @tedarcher9120 Жыл бұрын

    Def Didra because she refuse to post sniper overwatch

  • @Iden_Elihio_1999
    @Iden_Elihio_1999 Жыл бұрын

    Vanis Tigo is so hot ....

  • @gregwalters6226
    @gregwalters6226 Жыл бұрын

    boston massacre

  • @abraham2172
    @abraham21729 ай бұрын

    Lets be real, the Andor writers messed up the finale. After a few episodes of Imperials acting somewhat competent, they fell back into old bad habits by making the Empire acting stupid and nonsencial again. Of course they couldnt catch Andor since he appears in rogue one as a free rebel soldier, but they couldve at least let Dedra fail without destroying her carefully built aura of competence. What a shame, I thought there was finally a chance of seeing a bit more threatening Empire.

  • @omarbaba9892


    5 ай бұрын

    How? It was set up that Tigo was an idiot for throughout the season, if he didn’t anger the crowd by kicking the droid then the situation probably could’ve been calmed. Plus these are realistic mistakes for a military to make, just look at how many god awful plans and mistakes real militaries have made Plus leading from an office is much different then leading on the field

  • @lokinakor1
    @lokinakor1 Жыл бұрын

