Who's Killing all the Lawyers? - A.G. Hayes 1 (AudioBook)

The likelihood of Native Americans actually exercising their rights as Sovereign Nations is a distinct possibility. Who’s Killing All the Lawyers offers a glimpse into how this could become a reality and the nationwide reaction to such an event
One by one laser-driven arrows are murdering lawyers in the Southwest. The victims are in litigation for lobbyist wishing to block the further development of Native American casinos in California and Nevada.
Assigned to unravel a web of murder, intrigue and conspiracy against the Indian Nations, FBI Agent Joseph Falk and his partner Susan Koski head a team of low-profile professionals from the Bureau of Land Management in searching for the killers.
The investigation goes into high gear when members of Falk’s team become victims. Convinced the bizarre deaths of the Lawyers were designed to mislead the public into blaming the Native American Nations, he and Koski are determined to bring the culprits to justice

